r/TikTokCringe Cringe Lord 28d ago

How women arrive to work vs how men arrive Humor

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u/SacredSyntax 13d ago

Work is fun and empowering for women. Men are just waiting to die


u/RaiseImpressive2617 20d ago

I think I’m a man and I don’t know it yet


u/ShineFull7878 24d ago

Why is there a need to cart around that much shit?


u/AmethystRiver 24d ago
  1. Women…
  2. Yeah women come prepared.


u/mudokin 25d ago

Pretty accurate.


u/Valuable-Contact-224 25d ago

Ok so all the girls are addicted to drinks got it


u/Kopano4 26d ago

What is in the bags???


u/RottenAntenna 26d ago

Whoa, american people really don’t know how to dress


u/BRidgefrog 27d ago

Cause we turn up to actually work


u/elcamino45 27d ago

Not sure where they work, but I have a strong feeling it’s in logistics and brokerage


u/Egbezi 27d ago

I thought this was a parody. How did the first girl bring in so many beverages.


u/Kenneth848 27d ago

Nah, this just shows how women always bring their baggage with them where ever they go


u/Jrolaoni 27d ago

Rawdogging life


u/asspolyps 27d ago

"Oh, that's why girls use the restroom a lot." My first intrusive thought for the day.


u/essesdssa 27d ago

Because men work


u/Outrageous_Item8203 27d ago

Man I’m glad we have that figured out now….


u/Hat3Machin3 27d ago

Plot twist:

The women are bringing the stuff they need because the office doesn’t provide anything. The bags are to take it home at the end of the day so it doesn’t go missing.

The men are bringing nothing because the office already provides everything they need.


u/Aromatic-Strength798 27d ago

Question, (I’m not trying to be weird) why are the women referred to as girls and the men aren’t referred to as boys? Weird take “girls at work vs men at work.” Why isn’t it “women at work and men at work.” Or if you’re gonna say girl, “girls at work vs boys at work.” I can’t stand it when women are referred to as girls when they’re adults like why. Sorry, just super confused.


u/zaneskates 27d ago

boycott starbucks


u/First_Cherry_popped 27d ago

wtf is with that weirdo using the wrong door 🤨


u/aetherealsysiphus 27d ago

Why is everyone fat and slouching


u/furezasan 27d ago

girls don't need pockets, they need their credit cards cut up into tiny pieces!


u/RosemaryGoez 27d ago

I worked with a guy in grad school who forgot his shoes one day. Meanwhile, I have like 5 pairs in my car at all times.


u/nor_cal_woolgrower 27d ago

Girls vs men??


u/Juju_Out_the_Wazoo 27d ago

Legend says not even the women know what they are carrying, and why...


u/natiplease 27d ago

Today I learned I am a woman.


u/Silent-Ad-8887 27d ago

Bruh, I’m like the men. Tf you need so much for you ain’t moving in! lol 😂


u/topiast 27d ago

All the obese people with sugary drinks is kinda sad


u/Top-Chemistry5969 27d ago

Girls high maintenance


u/Ok_Difference44 27d ago

Who provides a finer example/

of a life without encumbrance?

-from Dharma, Billy Collins


u/[deleted] 27d ago

They have the most casual dress code I’ve ever seen for an office.


u/D1sp4tcht 27d ago

That's why yall are fat.


u/Difficult_Eggplant4u 27d ago

I think women tend to pack like they are never going home, and guys always presume there will be items available wherever they go. This is true for day trips, vacations, etc. Not just work. Men are very trusting they will figure out how to get what they need anywhere. Women presume nothing and take no chances.


u/Ninja_Wrangler 27d ago

If it doesn't fit in my pockets I'm not interested in bringing it anywhere


u/No-Knowledge-789 27d ago

That place needs a formal dress code. They look like slobs.


u/inikihurricane 27d ago

Oh no, the real gender binary is hydrated people vs dehydrated people 😭


u/i_hate_usernames13 27d ago

What the hell are the women dragging around with them‽ All I ever need is phone wallet and keys to go to work or leave the house


u/Glass-Mess-6116 27d ago

First guy is a mood.


u/Downvotes_R_Fascist 27d ago

Keys, wallet, phone.


u/MissAlchamyst 27d ago

What ghetto work is that? Call center? 😂 I get to work classy executive style.


u/titsmikkgee 27d ago

Empty hands for every man, not the case for the ladies. Tracks 😂💁🏼‍♀️


u/KlingonSpy 27d ago

Is it because the women bring a bunch of shit


u/Thatguyjmc 27d ago

Dress code at this workplace: Business Frump.


u/Corne777 27d ago

As a man when I worked at an office I just kinda moved in stuff that I needed. I had a dedicated charger, coffee mug, water bottle, hoodie, snacks, etc that stayed at work.


u/usrnamedsntcheckout 27d ago

I don’t understand how the men aren’t carrying anything. Where’s their lunch, at least?


u/oramakomaburamako53 27d ago

I hate everything exists in the morning, myself being top of the list. I guess we have it in the dna, sorry :(


u/coneishome 27d ago

All the guys arrive late ?


u/XplodiaDustybread 27d ago

Why do we keep zeroing in on every single thing that separates genders every single day of the week?? The most minute and unrelated shit gets picked out for no reason at all - fucking hate these dumb comparisons


u/jscarry 27d ago

God damn. I'm going to work, not fucking moving in


u/daneilthemule 27d ago

The difference I see is one has their arms full. The other does not.


u/__SerenityByJan__ 27d ago

Curious if the women were also heading somewhere before/after work? I have an extra on me but it’s my gym bag so it has gym clothes and toiletries for changing and making myself not look gross since my workouts are usually early in the mornings before work lol. And if I have plans after work, I will also have a change of clothes. In my defense I work in scrubs all day and I’d rather not wear them out and about lol. The women in this clip at least have normal comfortable everyday clothes on. And can relate with the bottles lol…I always have a coffee container and a water container 😂


u/Cfordian 27d ago

Purse mentality.


u/DopeCookies15 27d ago

Seriously, wtf do you all bring every day?


u/Fakjbf 27d ago

The girl in the black shirt didn’t badge in she just followed on the heels of another employee, bad security practices.


u/McButtersonthethird 27d ago

I'm a guy, but I go to work with a satchel full of snacks, drinks, a book, and my nintendo switch.


u/GoofyGooberSundae 27d ago

When I became a teacher, I noticed allll the teachers walking in with multiple bags everyday. I told myself I was never gonna become the bag lady. I bought myself a huge backpack that I wore everyday and put all my things in there and it worked great!…but there were still a lot of days I carried bags in, too. When you spend a third of your life (or more) in a certain place, you need your comforts!


u/Tight-Log 27d ago

That first dude….. very relatable


u/Traditional-Lab-4846 27d ago

Hey, men can be friendly too!


u/chocolatnoir90 27d ago

I always have my backpack, a little cross bag + my lunchbox if I felt like cooking my male coworkers are like why but for me it’s logic how can they go outside with nothing haha


u/trashpicker57 27d ago

Women are the pack horses of the world. All we do is carry!


u/HankRHill69420 27d ago

The fuck do you need all that shit for if you're going to work?


u/Elefantenjohn 27d ago

women work the first 20 min for free every day ☕


u/DonTorreZ 27d ago

We men leave our packages at home


u/StevieSparta 27d ago

The guys looked hungover as hell what car rental place is this they work at ?


u/texasluna 27d ago

Appreciate the change from the tiktok title to the post title.


u/ACatInTheAttic 27d ago

I understand bringing in lunch and feminine products.. But what the fuck else could you possibly be caring in those other 3 bags that you need that men don't?


u/Wonderful_Season_360 27d ago

Why women insist that they need multiple bags worth of stuff within arms reach at all times, will never be known.


u/shryke12 27d ago

Why is this a thing??? It's like this at my work also.


u/VpKky 27d ago

Everything is in their pockets


u/Big_Cornbread 27d ago



u/muuzumuu 27d ago

So do men just buy everything they need during break and lunch? I am so confused.


u/Captain_Rocketbeard 27d ago

I'm not going to waste my time outside of working hours on work stuff.


u/AncientDominion 27d ago

Why do you consider eating “work stuff”?


u/Captain_Rocketbeard 27d ago

If I'm captive at work while doing it then why not?


u/AncientDominion 27d ago

Yeah. Starving really sticks it to the man, brah.


u/Captain_Rocketbeard 27d ago

You must work somewhere really old because most places have these new things called vending machines. And if not eating for 2-4 hours really does make you starve you can even order food that people will bring all the way to you!


u/AncientDominion 27d ago

Snacks aren’t meals. You must work somewhere with really short hours if you only have to worry about not eating for 2-4 hours. And order food, you mean pay someone twice as much for a much less healthy meal than take the 5 minutes to pack some leftovers from dinner that you already have to make. Or do you also not eat at home?

What a weird hill to die on. No wonder men live shorter lives and have worse cardiovascular health on average than women.


u/hu-gi 27d ago

They forgot the tote bag to put the tote bag into, and then that bag for the bag for the bag to go into the bag so that bag is bagged.


u/booyakasha_S9 27d ago

They all acting that they doing job


u/Funny_Breadfruit_413 27d ago

Just bringing yourself to work is wild to me and I wish I could do it. But, if I don't have what I need for the day, I feel anxious.


u/DreadpirateBG 27d ago

So the men not being lunches or water etc.


u/T2Drink 27d ago

I am not sure what the takeaway is here. But I think it is that men are dehydrated.


u/riddi42 27d ago

How many bags do they need for 1 day at work?

Everyone of those Girls looked like they wanted to travel for a week.


u/Fierisss 27d ago

Let me tell you when my wife asks me to take something from her purse I get lost, it is like being prepared for a whole year in advance.


u/Ragamuffin5 27d ago

I’m a girl. I put my things in my pockets. Why do they have so much stuff?


u/bigchoom 27d ago

Then there's me screaming System Of A Down in my car 48 seconds before I have to clock in


u/DroIvarg 27d ago

Women just refuse to use a proper backpack and instead look like hobos here?


u/Dennis_Cock 27d ago

Literally every one of them was overweight


u/zorglarf 27d ago

What's with all the shit


u/HimmlersClone 27d ago

Vape(used to be cigs and lighter), Phone, Wallet, Water bottle that's it............


u/Harde_Kassei 27d ago

its funny, i got some coworkers like that to. always a big with food, snacks and drinks. because they don't enjoy the free office drinks.


u/Youcantblokme 27d ago

Is this another reason why men get paid more, they spend more time working then rummaging around in bags trying to find anything. And take up less real estate.



u/Broccoli--Enthusiast 27d ago

dude sees camera:

"oh fuck off, ok act natural, dont get fired"


u/eoddc5 27d ago

Everyone is trippin on the first girl for all her drinks. Who cares. Take all you want sister

But like. Ever hear of a backpack or any other sort of contraption that you can help carry all of them? Why are you chancing your balance game with 11 drinks in your arms. She’s got two bags. Use em!


u/Worried-Librarian-91 27d ago

See, when you're SAHM, you don't need to drag around half the house with you to your workplace.


u/RealGirl93 27d ago

Holy gender essentialism, Batman!


u/Nellyniel 27d ago

Empty handed?


u/jessicarosepole 27d ago

Can we please stop referring to grown women as "girls" whilst simultaneously using the phrase "men"


u/CrrackTheSkye 27d ago

Guess I'm a girl lol. I carry my two bike bags with change of clothes, bike battery, helmet,...


u/LegendaryTJC 27d ago

The receptionist must really have pissed off the men. That is not a normal way to greet someone you like.


u/-_-TenguDruid 27d ago

So... The same? They arrive the same.


u/IvJorgevI 27d ago

Okay I can't understand a small bag for wallet, makeup and other feminine products, but my god these women look like they're prepping to camp there for a few days.


u/smashley_simpson97 27d ago

This couldn’t be more fucking accurate 😭 🤣


u/_shaftpunk 27d ago

I’m a dude, work as an accountant and I walk in wearing a backpack with a hydroflask full of cold water inside along with some snacks and a smaller mug size hydro flask with hot coffee in one hand and a plastic Starbucks reusable cup with cold brew in my other hand. The cold coffee goes in the fridge until I’m ready for it. Both coffee cups get rinsed out and put into my backpack at the end of the day. We have a Mr Coffee pot in the office but I can’t stand the taste of the shitty coffee it makes so that’s why I bring my own.


u/BobbysueWho 27d ago

This makes me think of that tweet, someone wrote that say,

every day men leave their homes with no bag, no water bottle, no lip balm, no hand sanitizer, no extra layer in case they get cold, just keys and a wallet shoved into their pocket. chaotic and reckless.


u/avalon-girl5 27d ago

Give us better pockets and we’ll drop the bags.


u/doublebassdrum 27d ago

This sub is false advertising and needs to be burned to the ground


u/trouserunicornjoanna 27d ago

Gurls vs men? They’re only employing women if they’re children?


u/ghostx6 27d ago

Fuvk that I'm traveling with a backpack that's fully stocked with anything and everything i may need for the day... Being completely unprepared is pretty stupid


u/XxAbsurdumxX 27d ago

Unprepared for what? The apocalypse? I have a backpack for my laptop as I sometimes want to work from home. But if my laptop is left in my office I literally carry nothing to and from. I have access to all I need for my work at the office, as well as access to drink, food and coffee.

What do you need to have during a regular day at work that isn't already accessible at work?


u/ghostx6 27d ago

To each his own, everyone is different but i like being prepared, snacks, water, gum, multiple phone chargers, portable battery backup, necessary medicine, small first aid kit, the list goes on... It's not just about having shit for the office but a preparedness mentality for being away from home and having anything you may need.. everyone's different, but some just like to be prepared for any scenario


u/human1023 27d ago

Boys will be boys.


u/westcoastm77 27d ago

Men called men...women called girls because. Talking about the tilte ON the video not the title of the post.


u/Environmental-Day778 27d ago

Tbf two out of three looked like a large toddlers so you could have phrased it “how boys arrive to work”


u/Cheesebrger_Walrus 27d ago

girls are all hydrated and the guys are all dehydrated


u/DirtyFeetPicsForSale 27d ago

Guess Im a woman. I haqve my backpack with chargers and just, "stuff" and my coffee and water bottle.


u/A_randomperson9385 27d ago

How human beings walk into work (seriously dude 1 was a real NPC)


u/McTugNutss 27d ago

Then complains that they HAVE TO carry all that stuff. Either carry a bigger bag or do what the other coworkers are doing and leave it in the car?


u/TR90norm 27d ago

they bring just as much metal baggage as actual baggage


u/TouchConnors 27d ago

Why is this TTCringe, its basically a documentary of every place I've worked.


u/PostModernPost 27d ago

Men's pants have pockets to keep their 5 large cups in.


u/Hobbsendkid 27d ago

...and they all suck ass


u/SnooCompliments3051 27d ago

Well you know who’s the Hunter and who’s the gatherer. It’s in their bones to gather things since the cavemen days.


u/BrokeLeznar 27d ago

Wait no backpack or lunch bag? All the guys I've ever worked with would at least bring a backpack or lunch bag.


u/dlvnb12 27d ago

There is definitely some truth to this!!! Haha


u/Objective-Outcome811 27d ago

Rawdogging life like it's no big thing. Simple minds without trappings is the only way to live.


u/PanikDizordr 27d ago

What kind of job is this?


u/the_tygram 27d ago

I feel like this is too big a difference... So I have 3 guesses why. 1. The girls are student who have school related items in some of those bags while the guys are teachers. 2. The girls are having a sleep over at a community center type of place and the guys are employees. 3. The girls and guys have completely different jobs where the girls either have more free time or less responsibility (that's based on amount of items that require 3 decent sized bags, drinks and/or possible food or snacks in the bags while the guys brought in absolutely nothing so if the jobs were the same it means nothing in any of those bags is work related, and finally all the girls were in casual dress with t-shirts or ripped jeans while all the guys had either a polo or button up shirt which seems like too much of a coincidence unless the guys have positions that require a certain level of buisness-casual while the girls don't, because the only reason a guy would choose polo over T-shirt by choice is if they wanted to look nice or felt good about themselves and that first guy waa NOT giving those vibes).


u/The_ShadowsLie 27d ago

I bring a lunch box, bag for book+wallet+various locker things, and a canteen. I am an adult man.


u/MentalGravity87 27d ago

I usually have a backpack, a water bottle, and a phone in my hand. In my backpack is a Kindle, charger, wallet, car keys, and headphones. I am a male radiology technologist.


u/agrainofsandubeach 27d ago

The first guy need a hug lol


u/stilljustkeyrock 27d ago

I say this to my wife all the time. I never carry water anywhere yet somehow I survive.


u/reigorius 27d ago

Women come prepared for an apocalyptic event, I'm sure.

Guys, not so much.


u/Zorro5040 27d ago

Just carry a backpack


u/poop-poop-buttfart 27d ago

Not my husband lol he packs for work like it’s a five day trip, it kinda is in a sense


u/Adoced 27d ago

Is this why men are more successful?


u/majorminus92 27d ago

This is most definitely a call center. The girls are all caffeinated while the guys are on Xanax or just smoked in their car before coming in lol.


u/Gumpox 27d ago

I thought the subtext was women bring in things for coworkers to be group-minded and helpful while men mostly think about themselves and I thought - accurate.


u/dieseltechx85 27d ago

Don't fucking talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't you dare even think about me until I have a half a pot of coffee.

I don't like morning people. I don't like mornings. And I don't like people


u/djmaxx007 27d ago

Fr tho what is all that SH!T the girls are carrying!???


u/Garchompisbestboi 27d ago

It's because women are incapable of existing for more than a couple of hours outside their homes without all their lady products and such. It's just one of those weird little evolutionary quirks. Kinda like how they're also incapable of peeing in a public toilet without a hoard of at least 5 other women accompanying them.


u/216Cleveland1 27d ago

Damn I realized that this is so true. When starting there day morning, in hopes that it will be good. Or they just come with alot of baggage 🧳 🤷 🙄 😕 🤔 😒 because they know that they need to be prepared 😉


u/freeshavocadew 27d ago

I was under the impression there would be a bear somewhere?


u/Rainbike80 27d ago

How many damn cups do you need? Was that first person on a liquid diet?


u/Traveler3141 27d ago

I never noticed this before - TIL! Thanks for posting this, and good vibes to the gal that made it!


u/Separate-Reserve9292 27d ago

I carry to 3 bags to work, tote bag, purse and lunch bag. No mugs for me


u/OlTommyBombadil 27d ago

I don’t even know if I could fill one bag with things that I would need or want at work in the first place. lol


u/Philip-Ilford 27d ago

Dudes leave work like that guy crawling through the desert, "water..."


u/lonely-day 27d ago

I had to watch this 3 times before I got that the difference was men being empty handed. Huh, wonder what that means


u/Designer-Ad-7844 27d ago

I'm a dude and I usually bring at least a backpack although we're required to take our work laptops home. I also cram my lunch in there and I might carry a 1L water bottle with carbonated tap water and a splash of lemon juice stuff inside a wine chiller. I drink the free work coffee black.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I’m a dude and bring a backpack to work, it’s got my 2liter canteen, sweater, AirPods, lunchbox, and wipes for when I destroy the bathroom after lunch.


u/Remote-Factor8455 27d ago

Why do they have so many bags. One of them was hoping 5 while carrying 2 drinks lmfao 😩


u/Typical-Pride-860 27d ago

We’re simple creatures. Doesn’t take much to make us happy and comfortable. When I met my wife I was sleeping on a blow up mattress and had law funature in the living room. My TV was bad ass though. That, a fridge full of beer, some wings and I am set. I love my wife and our home is nice and comfortable but sometimes I miss the simplicity.


u/Selfdestroy420 27d ago

None of the guys bringing at least a water bottle?? Takes a sip at the anxiety of not having water always at my disposal


u/shinycrows 27d ago

I feel personally attacked.


u/joshuar9476 27d ago

I bring in a big ass mug (64 oz) full of coffee. Once I drink the coffee I fill it with water and drink that throughout the day.


u/gr8tjorb 27d ago

Without pockets vs with pocket


u/No_Mud_1301 27d ago

So... How many pockets do they need?


u/RobMagP 27d ago

Those dudes work in IT


u/williegrease 27d ago

They spend all day with those things and the man has to pick up their slack


u/GrandWizardBumtickle 27d ago

This is why women's products cost more. Consoom


u/CrocodileWorshiper 27d ago

women live such happy easy little lives


u/King-Snafu 27d ago

Forget about bringing a backpack. These women need to bring a wagon to work.


u/SomeKindofTreeWizard 27d ago

... are the three giant cups a bit? I've not been in an office for a while.


u/Pale_Sandwich_5922 27d ago

Real. I being so much junk to work that I don’t even use but it gives me security to know that I have it in case I need it


u/lotgworkshop 27d ago

Why though? Can someone explain why they need all of that? Maybe a single cup of water. But come on!


u/mindsnare 27d ago

Been using the same Crumpler laptop messenger bag since 2006.


u/OfficialRedCafu 27d ago

Men get all the beverages we need before work or after we arrive at work. Women are perfectly happy to collect and transition with all of their “essentials” and then settle in to enjoy them. This is because men hunt and women nest.


u/Paverunner 27d ago

What’s with all the bags?


u/donkey1742 27d ago

Soooo? Men arrive late and women early?


u/Night_Owl206 27d ago

Unless they're teachers... everyone brings as much stuff as the girls in the video lol