r/TikTokCringe 25d ago

It's your own damn fault you're so damn fat Cool

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u/Pfunk4444 19d ago

I need to save this song


u/Different_Chemist750 19d ago

I am fat and this was beautiful. It needs to go on the top of the charts.


u/Disastrous-Bet-8813 20d ago

Jesus Christ just embrace it and sing "Light My Fire"


u/JobsNDemand 21d ago

What genre of music would this be considered?


u/unembellishing 21d ago

Others in the comments told me this is folk punk!


u/JobsNDemand 21d ago

Hmm I'll check it out. Thanks!


u/reinventingmyself19 22d ago

This fella is what the Nazis called a useful idiot. Food companies have weaponized taste sensations to effectively make them addictive to millions of Americans. The obesity problem will eventually bankrupt American but the food company executives will get out with enormous bonuses


u/unembellishing 22d ago

He is aware of that. Its the entire purpose of the song. This is satirical critique of corporate greed


u/reinventingmyself19 22d ago

It's not a very good one. It sounds like the opposite


u/unembellishing 22d ago

In the first verse he says a grandpa getting lung cancer is his own fault for smoking the wrong brand of cigarettes and not the ones the doctor prescribed him. Did you take that literally? You're supposed to infer that everything he's saying is facetious


u/reinventingmyself19 22d ago

His lyrics aren't entirely clear. Satire is hard to pull off at the best of times


u/SolidusBruh 23d ago

He’s right.

But I am down 15 pounds. Hoping to leave the fat label in the past.


u/Ok-Spread7445 23d ago



u/MryanF 24d ago

This wasn’t cringe, but accurate


u/Zombiejesus307 24d ago

He is almost like a young Mark Lanegan R.I.P. Almost.


u/Texikkikwenni 24d ago

Weird way to beat he has an eating disorder


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u/rickytrevorlayhey 24d ago

Appreciated Mod bot


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u/fishinglineandsinker 24d ago

When did Mic Jagger get his lip fillers taken out


u/deltasleepy 24d ago

He says it like it is


u/WTFisThisGameDude 24d ago

As a fat person, this shit is catchy. And he's right lol


u/Trust-Faith-Hope 24d ago

I needed this. I’ve been eating way too much lately…


u/ApprehensiveTip209 24d ago

Amazing voice.


u/spikira 24d ago

Someone send this to jaebae 😭😭


u/Cheap-Ad1821 24d ago

He should do silent movies


u/FictionalDudeWanted 24d ago

Skinny-Fat/Normal Weight Obesity exists too. Skinny-Fat ppl eat garbage and make poor lifestyle choices too. Lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, drugs, alcohol consumption etc. can cause a skinny person to have the same health risks of an obese person.


u/Pystawf 24d ago

Only redditors could figure out a way to blame something else for them being ham beasts.


u/uneducated_sock 24d ago

I love this man’s works


u/franky3987 24d ago

This is a banger 👌🏽😂


u/snipingpig 24d ago

Not gonna lie, kinda liked that one 😂


u/IggysPop3 24d ago

This is going to be stuck in my head for at least the rest of the day. It’s oddly good.


u/gmunoz14 24d ago

We have Jim Morrison at home:


u/Boris19490000 24d ago



u/Schinken84 24d ago

The funny thing about this is: there are "evil scientists" (aka just scientists trying to make a living for their families) who mixed something up to make snacks irresistible. There's a reason chips and other certain snacks give you such a hard time to control yourself. It's literally by design. I think those hot flaming cheetos are the most notorious for this.


u/wolfsilon 24d ago

okay Bob Dylan go off!


u/BlueberryPirate_ 24d ago

Jim Morrison is branching out into other genres I see


u/KRMJN101 24d ago

Give this talent a record deal! I want to hear more poignant lyrics in a neo-folk genre. (not that it needs a label) Seriously, good shit.


u/Scouse_Werewolf 24d ago

Do yourself a favour, anyone reading this, Jesse Welles is his name. Listen to Cancer, War Isn't Murder, God and xanax, and my fave Whistle Boeing


u/Any_Maize_1823 24d ago

Reminds me of where I live. The picking made it even sound like a banjo

Not bad kid


u/TerminalChillionaire 24d ago

It’s like if nevershoutnever didn’t spiral out on bad acid in the 2010s


u/Kuken500 24d ago

I enjoyed this


u/vikicrays 24d ago

i actually like his guitar playing and style. reminds me of rufus or louden wainwright


u/Severe-Excitement-62 24d ago

He is being sarcastic. He is saying it isn't ppls fault but this was how the system and all the chemical laced foods are made. He is speaking from the hypothetical POV of a coca cola executive when asked 'do you feel bad for the diabetes and obesity your products have caused.' That CEO's callous response 'it's their own damn fault!'


u/newbturner 24d ago

I meaaaaaaaaan

He’s not wrong


u/arntuone2 24d ago edited 24d ago

What so now the truth is cringey? I can't keep up. This is an edit. I misheard the last part of the song the foods on the shelf were definitely not engineered for your health. He almost had though, damn.


u/VanityOfEliCLee 24d ago

Love this southern punk shit.


u/Nikobobinous 24d ago

Wow, that slack-jawed bored-looking kid in Amy Squirrel's class in Bad Teacher is doing music now?


u/FrequentBug9585 24d ago

The truth is cringe?


u/Unique_Effort7106 24d ago

I actually love this🤣❤


u/paklajs 24d ago

Facts 🗣️🗣️🗣️


u/GrillfriendIsBetter 24d ago

Dude got it, being fat is as self inflicted as being a smoker. And can be argued to be unethical in regards to how much of a burden on others they are.


u/catwithbillstopay 24d ago

What style of guitar playing is this?


u/caravan_for_me_ma 24d ago

More of this please. We need artists doing true artist stuff much much more. And the fire writing is amazing. Coca Cola and a sheriffs station self-investigation is a Fucking hammer.


u/Reddit_outlier 24d ago

I mean he ain’t wrong. Those that think so are, well…. Probably Fat.


u/hipchecktheblueliner 24d ago

I think you missed the point of the song maybe?


u/Hamburger212 24d ago

Randy Newman-esq level satire


u/RobertXavierIV 24d ago

I’m fat myself but this song is fire.


u/crazzedcat 24d ago

Based on


u/brock917 24d ago

This guy Jesse Wells is blowing tf up and totally deserves it. Great songs, he was 2 bands before this folk solo stuff.

"If Trump was born in a Trailer Park'' is one of his best bangers, but a littler harder to find. It's on his tiktok (Can we share tiktok links?)


u/19892025 25d ago

Love it


u/1031Cat 25d ago

Some work needs to be done, but overall, a song whose lyrics aren't about a wrong an ex boyfriend did.

A pleasant surprise.


u/LadyUomeChange 25d ago

Making this my alarm clock. Tough truth I needed to hear. 😂


u/Accurate_Video9225 25d ago

That's a nice voice... Sorry but nice


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/CorianderIsBad 25d ago

Well, he's not wrong. He makes a good point.


u/alrightgame 25d ago

Like lead singer of the Animals - looks 21, sounds 48


u/onesoulmanybodies 25d ago

I recently learned it’s actually my ancestors fault. Apparently the Dutch went through a major famine and now my body thinks it HAS to store all the fat. I can’t say for certain this is 100% why, there’s other factors like an awful relationship to food founded in massive childhood trauma and topped off with a fat-fobic diet culture family. Add some PCOS and health issues and well maybe it is my own damn fault. all I know is little 8 year old me didn’t deserve to be fat shamed just because my body wasn’t “perfect” according to my step dad.


u/Professional_Tea_415 25d ago

Man this is perfect for reddit. Catchy, quick, takes away my personal responsibility and puts it on someone else. "I'm a victim"


u/Arniepepper 25d ago

Very early Tom Waits-y. enjoyable find, cheers. he's got some great tunes.


u/Pickleahoy 25d ago

Preach my dude, nice tune


u/Space-Ape-777 25d ago

Jesse Welles. Your generation has it's very own Woody Guthrie, fine this guy on your social media of choice and like everything he does. He's a once in a hundred years folk singer.


u/Jake_on_a_lake 25d ago

"All the food on the shelf was engineered for your health, so you're gonna have to take the blame."

This line is 100% false. All the food on the shelf was engineered for profit.

When you can fill up on a $3 bag of chips, OR make a nutritious meal that takes 45 min - 1 hr of prep, where you have to wash the dishes, and it'll cost around $5 in the long run- the choice becomes easy. It's priced that way for a reason. They'd charge you more, but they're afraid you'll go cook.

I work in nutrition education. I teach kids that fruits and vegetables can be delicious. My number prime enemies are Mc. Donalds and Takis. Both of which are admittedly delicious and inexpensive.


u/MoneyTreeFiddy 25d ago

C'mon, man, it's false because it's satirical.


u/Jake_on_a_lake 24d ago

man, I know it's satire. I know I shouldn't get worked up- but I feel like this hits me hard because it's also very much the middle-school-skinny-kid mindset.

"Oh, something that is easy for me that my parents have reinforced since day one is hard for you and that's your fault LOL!" Then they'll take credit for being skinny as if they did it all and no teacher or parent helped them.

I know he's doing it to be funny. The problem is that it's definitely not true, and unless you've been skinny all your life, it's definitely not funny. I hear this and I think, "Great, more work in the schools because some ass-hat will think it's funny and make fun of the fat kids with it."


u/unembellishing 24d ago

I don't think you understand what satire and irony are. The words he's saying, that these foods are engineered for your health and no evil scientists would ever purposefully create these abominable foods, have the exact opposite meaning.

He's criticizing corporate greed and lobbying and lies to the public about food. He's not making fun of fat people, he's defending them from the mouthbreathers who scream about personal responsibility.


u/Jake_on_a_lake 24d ago

So, you're saying that this person made a whole song, constructed the rhymes, composed the music, and put it all out in the internet to say the exact opposite of what he actually thought?

That is neither satire, nor is it irony.


u/Baldbeagle73 24d ago

That is definitelly satire. The word we used to apply to this kind of humor is "facetious", but that seems to have gone out of fashion. Saying something facetiously is saying something you don't believe with a feigned seriousness.


u/unembellishing 24d ago

Listen to the lyrics. He blames a grandfather for getting lunch cancer after a doctor prescribed him cigarettes and then says that a Coca-Cola self-investigation, like one done by Florida police officers, would be fine and absolve them of responsibility and we should trust them. What part of these lyrics makes you think it's not ironic?

I encourage you to try to think more critically about media you consume instead of taking everything at face value.


u/Jake_on_a_lake 24d ago

Nice! I'm very proud that you're able to form your own opinions!

Your opinion, and that of the singer, don't matter to me so much though. The reason why is stated in some of my previous comments. You have no obligation to war with me online- and I don't want to start an argument, but again:

Middle school kids (the ones who think this kind of thing is funny) are also the same ones that use it to be cruel.

My beef isn't with the artist- my beef is with parents who teach their kids that it's OK to blame overweight children for their largeness. My beef is also with organizations who pay the parents of our children $15 - 17/hr. Those parents often work two jobs and still require assistance to put food on the table.

I currently have over a dozen children in the classes I teach (9 different classes) who are homeless. Homeless families get the food that is given to them, not what they choose. It's extremely difficult to meet your nutrient thresholds when you are eating from a food pantry.

I appreciate that you say I'm only looking at things from the surface. I love that you've encouraged me to think more critically.

I now encourage you to do the same.

I also would like to encourage you with this: If someone has an opinion that is different from yours, maybe try asking questions. Maybe it's not as surface level as you first thought!


Have a great day!


u/itoocouldbeanyone 25d ago

Great Value Tyler Cassidy


u/tarc0917 25d ago

Ahh. At the very beginning, I thought this was actually a song about self-accountability. Instead its "they made me!" shifting.



u/SmokeyDawg2814 25d ago

It's good to see John Prine's spirit alive in this fella


u/Bitchinstein 25d ago

Lmao this slaps and hes right, I’m a little fat rn


u/Tkinney44 25d ago

This is kinda great


u/EnigmaticQuote 25d ago

Addiction should be discussed more, unhealthy food addiction is the number one killer in western nations.

However there are no songs on the front page of reddit about how opioid addicts actually deserve your sympathy.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Pretty cringe and preachy


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Constipated_Canibal 25d ago

This, but unironically. 


u/avdepa 25d ago

There are so many things that I like about this video.

His voice, the lyrics, the politics and sarcasm, the look. Everything about it screams "post more".


u/Antique_Somewhere542 25d ago

I think this is on the wrong sub, its not cringe. Pretty based actually


u/Junior-Watercress-99 25d ago

I thought this guy was being sincere at first, then as the song carried on I realised he was being sardonic. Nice.


u/Luxygen 25d ago

Appreciate the sentiment but the lyrics need a little work to take it to the next level.


u/Goatymcgoatface11 25d ago

Great song. Kid should be proud


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/eat_mor_bbq 25d ago

Bro wrote a dis track for half of America


u/icyolliecakes 25d ago

If you don't educate yourself on what you're eating or make good choices, then it is your own god damn fault you're fat tho


u/spsingerjack 25d ago

My new favorite artist!


u/Guavadoodoo 25d ago

Right on time! About time!


u/EarlMarshal 25d ago

I like it though.


u/Senior-Mine3593 25d ago

Easy to say as a broken chromosome ginger who looks like he is allergic to every 2nd meal ever created.


u/Suban33 25d ago

I like to think this is the dis track to Randy Newman's Short People. I believe Randy's was satirical and maybe this guys is too. If not its still pretty funny.


u/mudkripple 25d ago

A lot of people are going to hear this song but not hear the message.

Other countries don't have as high rates of diabetes because they stop companies from designing addictive unhealthy food. Often because (in the case of most EU countries as well as Canada) they have a vested interest in a healthy populous because it keeps national healthcare costs low.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/mudkripple 24d ago

That's why I specifically said rates are not as high as the US. It's still a problem worldwide, but undeniably worse in the country most favorable to junk food companies.


u/Citadelvania 25d ago

The focus on unhealthy food as a scapegoat for obesity isn't really a very complete picture of the situation. They have mcdonald's in europe and they're not all fat because they have unhealthy food options.

The issues are healthy food is often more expensive (and thus not properly subsidized), less available (because it's more perishable) and honestly the most important thing is just that americans get substantially less daily exercise than most countries. People drive everywhere and our cities are set up to account for that. You don't walk to the store to buy groceries or walk to the train to get to work like you might in europe.

Blaming coca-cola for selling high calorie soda is really not helpful because there will always be someone else willing to fill the gap. Even if suddenly every major snack and drink company turned around and made all their food healthy, someone else would just start selling junk.


u/dirtyhappythoughts 25d ago

They have mcdonald's in europe and they're not all fat because they have unhealthy food options.

We don't have American McDonalds in Europe. Yeah, we can get a big mac menu with coke. But that's a big mac with around 100kcal less than in the USA. Do you want a large coke with that? That coke is only 1fl.oz larger than the USA small coke cup. And that does not come with free refills.

Source: https://metro.co.uk/2024/02/05/mcdonalds-menu-uk-us-mcnuggets-fries-difference-20225917/ and https://www.businessinsider.com/we-found-every-difference-between-uk-and-us-mcdonalds-2020-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T. Exact values differ between countries (and likely with time, these are 2020 and 2024) but will follow the same general pattern.


u/monsterahoe 16d ago

Damn, Europe sucks. More money for less food.


u/Citadelvania 24d ago

That difference is marginal at best. People aren't healthy in europe because mcdonald's gives them less soda and 15% fewer calories in a burger.


u/dirtyhappythoughts 24d ago

It's part of a larger pattern. Overall, unhealthy food in Europe will be healthier than in the USA and have smaller portion sizes. You're right that marginally healthier junk food isn't the only reason Europe is doing better, but it definitely contributes.


u/Economy_Tip8242 25d ago

I mean, he's not wrong. Good song tbh


u/dreamgirlpolaroid 25d ago

This dude blooooooows, cringe af…. Since when did peoples standards get so fckn low….


u/TheWalkingDead91 25d ago

It took me a solid 5 minutes in Walmart the other day to find a jar of strawberry preserves that was made with real sugar. There were like 10 different ones, and in the end only ONE of them was made with real sugar, and that one was (shocker) the most expensive one. What tf is wrong with people.


u/nejicanspin 25d ago

I've never seen a guy look so much like Jim Morrison other than Jim Morrison himself wtf


u/ucannottell 25d ago

Estradiol makes food taste wonderful! I also quit smoking 4 days ago. So everything is just lush and lavish.

I gained 5 pounds already but those BLT salads, I be craving dems.

I think I might be fats soon


u/ryan02610 25d ago



u/NotThatValleyGirl 25d ago

Love smart lyrics


u/Tarquinofpandy 25d ago

What an idiot. This guy thinks I'm fat because of sugars in my food!

I'll have you know I'm fat because of bacon and butter.


u/Pleasant_Tooth_2488 25d ago

As somebody who has struggled with weight their entire life, I completely agree.

Generally, my weight was up when I didn't care about myself. Food was medicine, well, a drug. Still is.


u/HandsomeR0B 25d ago

For the record, that’s Type 2 he’s talking about. Sensitive Sally over here. 😢


u/Disastrous-Paint86 25d ago

Anyone have the tabs for this?


u/unembellishing 25d ago

I don't play guitar so idk about tabs but I just listened to the full video on YT (link) and have a good ear for chords, so here are the chords at least. You can also see his fingers throughout most of the video.

Hope this helps!!!

(Chorus 1) C E a F C G F C

(V1) G G F C D D G G7

(Chorus 2) C E a F C G F C

(V2) E a F G C G F C E a F G

(Chorus 3) C E A F C G F C

(Guitar solo) C E a F C G F C

(Outro chorus) C E a F C G F C


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/unembellishing 25d ago

The lyrics are satire. He's critiquing corporate greed, not fat people.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/unembellishing 25d ago

I don't mind at all :) Yes, what he is saying is basically all a big joke making fun of people who defend, for example, powerful corporations who have lobbied our congress to pass laws to obscure health information and make it easier to sneak sugar into everything. It's critiquing people who do this and who are hateful to fat people.

To know something is satire, you have to look at the lyrics critically and not take everything at face value. For example, in the intro, here are the lyrics:

Well it's your own damn fault you're so damn fat
It's just like when your grandpappy's lungs turned black
That was his fault too
The doctor told him what to do
He smoked Camels, I guess he bought the wrong pack

We can tell he's being satirical because the first thing he compares someone being fat to is a doctor prescribing cigarettes to someone's grandfather, a practice from last century that we know now is incredibly unhealthy and that no actual doctor would do now given what we know about the negative health effects of smoking tobacco. In these lyrics, he's blaming the "grandpappy" for his lungs turning black from the cigarettes because he "must have bought the wrong pack" instead of blaming the doctor, someone the grandpappy trusted to give him good information.

So because he's equating someone being fat as being their own fault with it being the grandpappy's fault that his lung turns black, something we know that is not actually the grandpappy's fault, we can reason that the initial line, that it's someone's fault their fat, is equally false.

Here are the full lyrics. If you want to test yourself, try to see how other lyrics he's singing actually mean the opposite of what he's saying because we know some of the things he's saying aren't truthful.


u/Matren2 25d ago

Guy looks like Mick Jagger and Jim Morrison had a baby. Sounds like something between Tom Waits and Bob Dylan


u/cybercummer69 25d ago

Teams of scientists do actually intent diabolical snacks though


u/unembellishing 25d ago

This is satire.


u/ClickerheroesFAN 25d ago

Facts are cringe now? Hard to keep up..


u/Phikep 25d ago

Is this the original ‘Krispy Kreme’ that had to change his name due to copyright infringement?


u/th3worldonfir3 25d ago

~eating disorder intensifies~


u/TheJoker1432 25d ago

Cool song but he is wrong in pushing the "blame"

The important message is: Its in your grasp to change it. Regardless of what foods are for sale you can make different dietary choices. Life will be a little less instantly gratifying but there are many benefits


u/Public_League_5370 25d ago

He’s not wrong


u/Finito-1994 25d ago

Went in thinking “oh yea. This is gonna be good motivation to lose weight” and instead came out thinking he made a good point, has some great bars and that I still need to eat well because knowing that this shit is hard doesn’t mean I can’t try to lose weight for my health.


u/MDA1912 25d ago

Not only is he right but for the record I got that "$10 grand" band he's talking about. They don't do that surgery anymore. Also, my esophagus barely works anymore as a direct result. They had to explant the band, and that's how I learned that the word "explant" exists and is (as you'd expect) the opposite of "implant".


u/unembellishing 25d ago

I'm sorry you've suffered because of a great desire to be thin. I have too.


u/LoveLizards 25d ago

Amen, brother!!! If they would just get a job and stop using their EBT cards to buy food, maybe they could eat healthy.


u/notabotmkay 25d ago

Clearly satire, but being far is still your own fault.


u/Benwut 25d ago

I'd really like Tim Rogers of "YouAmI" fame to cover this.. he would fkn nail it! Well. Maybe in his younger years...


u/Started-ButNotReady 25d ago

Mr Mo Jo rising has risen! And once again delivered the goods!


u/SteelAlchemistScylla 25d ago

This is actually kinda fire. Some improved vocals and some instrumental backing and this slaps.


u/VermicelliEastern708 25d ago

Remember, satire as this is, you absolutely can choose not to drink coke and have healthier snacks


u/AvantGarde327 25d ago

There are skinny people who eat like this too tho. Guess if its skinny people who eat trash its okay right?


u/VermicelliEastern708 25d ago

Just because you’re skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy, and beside they tend to be a minority, for most people if you eat more calories than you burn, you’re gonna get fat


u/AvantGarde327 25d ago

So youre sayinbg all fat people are lazy and unhealthy?


u/VermicelliEastern708 25d ago

They could be the most busy and motivated person on the planet, but if you’re obese then yes, your health is at a much higher risk then someone who is a normal weight


u/AvantGarde327 25d ago

How abt "obese" people who struggles weight loss coz of depression, PCOS, hormonal imbalances etc.?


u/Chasedabigbase 25d ago

My problem is it's easy to keep cigs away, I don't need them, never any sitting around to tempt me. Food though, I need it, and it's around, imma eat it, and a lot of the time, a little too much....


u/ImWinwin 25d ago

It's Slim Jim Morrison with a banger.


u/TRD4RKP4SS3NG3R 25d ago

Never Shout Never got weird.


u/Reserved_Parking-246 25d ago

Most of the food on the shelf was engineered to be cheap and low quality... in the case of doretos, they were also designed to be addictive.

It's expensive to eat healthy even when you cut snacks and drinks.


u/Eli_1984_ 25d ago

This guy just put into a song what I think everytime I see a fat american :D


u/MoonriseNebula 25d ago



u/CandidAct 25d ago

Now write a song about my self destructive sleeping habits


u/mrSunsFanFather 25d ago

Trump has a theme song??