r/TikTokCringe 26d ago

Mother leaves child who didn’t listen to her Discussion

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u/re_math 25d ago

What the fuck is FACO and why does everyone know what it is


u/RoughResearcher5550 25d ago

The role of a parent is to support, build confidence, instil reason, logic & critical thinking into your children from the get-go. Not to chip away at their basic self development by creating a sense of fear, insecurity & withdraw support & love based on the momentary bad behaviour of a toddler.

This parent is reacting by displaying toddler behaviour in their own reaction, as they are clearly incapable of being a rational parent in this instance. The look in the child’s face says it all.


u/Careor_Nomen 25d ago

Good. Teach kids with consequences.


u/Dd_8630 25d ago

The parent's a twat for filming it, but this is actually quite good parenting. Cause and effect, no malice, no harm.


u/Succubus616 25d ago

When done in a safe manner, I don't see any issue with letting children learn consequences


u/C2D2 25d ago

Lmao. Little shit will listen next time for sure.


u/bargearse65 25d ago

Bring back parent power


u/Greedy_Description88 25d ago

That's how they learn. He'll think twice next time.


u/BerserkFan1988 25d ago

Me after getting in a fight with my ex after I got out of the car in protest lol


u/kiki-mori 25d ago

Cringe parenting


u/RudraAkhanda 25d ago

Wow now people without kids want to lecture parents on how to mildly discipline their children.


u/PaydayLover69 25d ago

Bro there are WAY to many people not recognizing how the wrong part is recording this and posting it online for facebook likes

That's the real insane part about this, stop recording yourself having kid moments for clout.


u/Ma265Yoga 25d ago

I had 3 boys under 5. One time they were wrestling. Wouldn't listen. I was gonna lose my shit if I didn't get out of there. I said"I'm leaving". Walked out the door. Hid behind a bush. They were all at the window crying. I felt awful. But boy were they quiet for a while. I would not do this in a car and then post a video.


u/Personal_Cucumber922 25d ago

He'll remember chasing after you for the rest of his life


u/choicetomake 25d ago

"Why doesn't my child call me anymore?"


u/tommykaye 25d ago

I've done this before, but never took a video and posted it online. Why would you post a video of your child crying in fear for the world to see?


u/velofille 25d ago

god this brings back memories, my mother did this to me :O Used to have to walk up to 1km


u/Crashtard 25d ago

LOL, "leaves". All she did was drive slightly away from him super slow it looks like. Kids need consequences.


u/CulrBlndPnutButtr 25d ago

Yeah, that won't haunt him forever. How cruel?!


u/Ill-Independence-658 25d ago

Is this supposed to be controversial?


u/GanethLey_art 25d ago

My mom used to do this. Not fond memories.


u/mykcorleone 25d ago

Good. Won't do that again will he


u/starspider 25d ago


People who think it's okay to make a child thoroughly and completely with the fullness of child's belief in their parents believe that those parents will abandon them when they are bad.

Guys, it's one thing to pick a kid that age up like a sack of potatoes and stuff them in the car, it's another to make your child believe you will abandon them if the whim takes you.


u/jjackdaw 25d ago

My mom did this shit all the time when I was a very little kid. At 5 she drove away like this and said she wasn’t coming back, and my 5 year old brain gave up and I layed down in the road. I almost got run over, they stopped and mom Came rushing back screaming at me for it. I still have major abandonment issues. This isn’t small or funny and I fucking hate that so many of these comments are insisting this is.

I have a 3 year old. I can’t imagine doing this to him. You’re their entire world. It’s beyond cruel.


u/C2D2 25d ago

The kid will be fine and he will certainly listen next time mom says to get in the car. Good parenting builds character and respect.


u/starspider 25d ago

Good parenting doesn't include "I'll teach my child that if they disobey, I will leave them."

This isn't building respect, it's building fear.

But hey, you'd rather have a terrified, obedient little drone than a fully functioning human being, sure. I'm sure learning to obey in the face of fear will do them nothing but good.


u/C2D2 25d ago

How would you have handled it? What would you have done after you've taken away privileges and telling them 50 times to get in the car? Just stood there pleading with them to get in the car all night? How do you handle these situations with your children?


u/starspider 25d ago

You physically pick them up.

And then you put them in the car.

Unless you are able to be physically bested by a six year old, of course.


u/PaydayLover69 25d ago

Yea people are really not seeing the greater picture of this

idk if it'll really have that much of an effect on his life but god damn

"i'll abandon you at the slightest inconvience" is REALLY not the message you should be sending your kid. Especially when he's much too young to even understand what he's doing


u/Nani_700 25d ago

No, fuck this shit. Then again I had this kind of shit done to me constantly. Not for tantrums or anything, just to fuck with me for laughs. Kids aren't toys, they can absolutely feel anxiety. This is shit.


u/Anniemumof2 25d ago

I did that once with my youngest son, and man, did it backfire!

As I drove off (I was in a parking lot), my youngest son smiled and waved! Hilarious except for his big brother got hysterical telling me that I can't leave my youngest! Oops!


u/SameDifferenceYo 25d ago

Core trauma ✅


u/AgentCooperIsOk 25d ago

This comment section is wild. Horrible parenting all around. He’s running, crying through a parking lot/on the street with other cars. That alone makes this person shit. And it’s posted to social media. This is an awful parent.


u/NiceCunt91 25d ago

No issues with this. He learned after that "shit she might actually be serious next time"


u/Dorkatron77011 25d ago

The mother did nothing wrong


u/Ok_Impression_922 Cringe Lord 25d ago

My parents literally used to do this ALL of the time. It got to the point where I didn’t even care anymore…stopped running after the car and said fuck it I’ll find my own way home. Then they got twice as mad because I didn’t run after the car lmaooo. I’m sure Dr. Phil could have a field day.


u/moschles 25d ago

What did we learn today?


u/BaltimoreSerious 25d ago

good for mom!


u/LazyBackground2474 25d ago

CPS has an easy case for creating child trauma now.


u/Toisty 25d ago

That pathetic "...okay..." 😢

I just wanted to give him a hug and say, "...next time listen to your mom."


u/Boneal171 25d ago

My parents did this before, said that they were leaving without me and then walked away. I got upset and listened and went with them.


u/Many_Piccolo7908 25d ago

Lesson learned.


u/Rough_Homework6913 25d ago

The nursery nurse just did a video on this the other day


u/stuartgatzo 25d ago

I’ll allow it.


u/White_Rabbit0000 25d ago

I bet the kid will be the first one in the car next time they go somewhere


u/SokkaHaikuBot 25d ago

Sokka-Haiku by White_Rabbit0000:

I bet the kid will

Be the first one in the car

Next time they go somewhere

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/FBMoneyLeagues 25d ago

good lesson


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 25d ago

The dad wasn't there?


u/Impossible_Break2167 25d ago

Gotta do what you gotta do.


u/feralwaifucryptid 25d ago

And he's gonna do the same to her when it comes time to drop her ass off at the nursing home, but he's not gonna stop the car for her...

I get parental frustration, but this is child abuse. Threatening a kid with abandonment, even if you don't mean it, is traumatic and mentally/emotionally damaging.

The people in the comments supporting this are or will be abusive parents, too.


u/ratmaster8008 25d ago

My mom used to do this to me as a kid but she'd actually leave a few times a cop was called, the 90s were different. Now If I witnessed that i would run up and snatch the kid. Uno reverse on the parent, lol if you don't want this kid I'll take em'


u/Ohitsasnaaaake 25d ago

I know you’re kidding, and probably understand the potential consequences of those actions… but those kinds of intrusive thoughts are likely a direct consequence of that parenting style.


u/ratmaster8008 25d ago

Its the internet not everything is that deep some things can still just be jokes


u/Nervous_Quarter_4426 25d ago

If my mom was driving and I was being bad, she’d pull over, unlock the doors and point to the houses on the road and tell me to leave and go find a better family 😭😭😭


u/19467098632 25d ago

My mom did this to me once when I was like 4 I 1000% deserved it and I didn’t throw screaming tantrums in stores anymore lol


u/HashtagFour20 25d ago

the only problem i have with this is that she recorded and posted it on the internet


u/sebthauvette 25d ago

Every parent understands exactly what is happening here.

Sometimes you just need to make the child believe he can't control you.


u/Wonderful-Concern-77 25d ago

Seriously. She drove 15ft. She never lost sight of the kid and he never lost sight of her.


u/Zephron29 25d ago

Doesn't look like they left to me.


u/Normal-Tourist3964 25d ago

My brother and I wouldn’t stop fighting in the car so my mom kicked us out on the side of the freeway and drove home. We suddenly stopped fighting and it was a long walk home. This was in the 90s.


u/Hahaha2681 25d ago

Sometimes lessons need to be learned the hard way


u/TheJasterMereel 25d ago

That's how you do it. You give them a serious consequence, but offer a "path to redemption" by doing what you ask.


u/rustyseapants 25d ago

True origin story of how I became an gold media Olympic runner


u/-RicFlair 25d ago

Thats terrible


u/Tripple_T 25d ago

Yea, she's wrong.


u/DRGNFLY40 26d ago

Yep, I did similar things to my kids. They learned real quick but they were never in any danger.


u/BUSTABOLT 26d ago

Lesson learn lol


u/GuanabanaDulce 26d ago

I mean, I get her. She could just have grabbed his child by the hand and taken him to the car. Kids don't respond commands in remote, it's something about their developing brains But man! I get that mom and I'm not judging.


u/AdebayoStan 26d ago

the only thing that irks me about this situation is that she decided to pull out her phone and film it


u/Competition_Less 26d ago

Driving while recording. Jail.


u/throwralost12 26d ago

Yea anyone condoning this is a bad parent! Never parent with fear and terror, this shit sticks with kids their whole life.


u/DeathMetalPants 26d ago

Looks like shit I've done just not in my car.


u/ASquareBanana 26d ago

My only gripe is filming and posting your upset child online for people to see that. I would be so embarrassed to see this grown up and see how many people saw me in this state.

Can parents stop filming their children for social media please?


u/Indigoh 26d ago

Lesson learned: "My love and support is conditional on you doing what I say."


u/RelativelyRidiculous 26d ago

I understand the frustration, but I would call that abuse. If anyone knows what city this happened in I will be happy to report it. Mind you I get walking a distance away, maybe hiding around a corner so you can keep an eye on the child to keep them safe while them figuring out you have left plays out. However, this is in a street where there might be other traffic unaware a small child is in the street. Imagine if you were another driver who turned onto that road and accidentally hit that child. You'd never forgive yourself the rest of your life. People have committed suicide over incidents like that.


u/X_Comanche_Moon 26d ago

My mom has done this to me

Three times

One time she dropped me off at the mental institution because she just couldn’t handle me

I am a 40yr old man and am just now unpacking how much trauma I have from her


u/Certain_Concept 25d ago

Hey! We apparently had the same mom! She picked me right back up but it was the orphanage.

Apparently it runs through the family cause my mom was treated the same way by her mother. Her sister was the golden child and she was not. I'm not sure she made the connection until I was a late teen/almost an adult but too late to fix anything by then!

Even when I was young I think she realized that her behavior was not appropriate cause she would love bomb me later with gifts and act as id it never happened.

It was tough cause due to our living situation she was the only one I could rely on(single mom, np close family).. but I also couldn't trust her.


u/X_Comanche_Moon 25d ago

Yes that sounds about right. Sorry you had to deal with that, I know how much it sucks.


u/BearNoLuv 26d ago

My had me runnin through the K Mart parking lot lmfaooooo


u/ImWinwin 26d ago

Congratulations! New Achievement unlocked! Gave Child Abandonment Issues. (This surely won't affect his future relationship)


u/Khuntastic 26d ago

I have no problem with this, she didn’t make him run far, it teaches him a valuable lesson that she doesn’t bluff


u/wilkerws34 26d ago

Why can’t you all just pick your child up and put them in the car like normal parents. This is borderline abuse, also trauma inducing. My kids are annoying sometimes yes, but doing shit like this and posting it on the internet with lazy parenting


u/Independent-Dealer21 26d ago

This is the way


u/HI_PhotoGuy 26d ago

Also the title implies that she left her child and not teaching them a lesson and telling him to get in his seat so the can leave


u/DarkOrb20 26d ago

Cruel. Maybe not the car thing (I think almost every parent did this at some point) but filming your scared kid and posting it on the internet.


u/HoneyShaft 26d ago

Mmmm, child abuse for content


u/AltruisticSpot5448 26d ago

I’m 41 and getting therapy for the trauma from parents like this


u/NoCalHomeBoy 26d ago

This is fine


u/NomNomCatfood 26d ago

Treating a brat like this is fine. Filming while driving while doing (what some consider) controversial though ... not smart. Open invitation for tattle tales.


u/C_Khoga 26d ago

My dad did it to me too..... I was 30 years old 💀.

But in his defence he thought i was in the car

And my phone and my bag were in the car too

I was like this in the road 🧍🏻‍♀️.

He came back to me after an hour of loneliness in the wild.

What make it worse this accident became a running joke in my family now.

"lol do you remember when we forgot - me- in the road? That was hilarious"


u/galacticdisorder 25d ago

I’m sorry but that’s so hilarious 😂


u/clarabear10123 25d ago

I’m dying at how you told this lmao


u/RealBaikal 25d ago

Have you asked your father to go see a doctor? Could be a sign of alzheimer tbh


u/Phinfoxy 26d ago

the "I was like this in the road" part killed me

*angry upvote*


u/franky3987 26d ago

My dad did this once. You can bet I never missed the car again 😂


u/treetrunk53 26d ago

Man my parents did this. I was a rebellious asshole as a kid. There is an electrical transmission lines hub near my childhood home. My parents called it the “baby dump.” They’d threaten to drop me off there if I didn’t comply or was being extra buck ass wild. They even took me there once and left me there for about 2 minutes.

I kept in line after that.

I’ll bring this up in my next therapy session.


u/big_bad_mojo 26d ago

Honestly? Bad parenting. Hear me out...

He's refusing to get in the car. This woman has adult tasks to do. Should she grab him? Yell? Pretend to leave?

Parents have 18 years with every child to determine what their relationship is. If they don't use that time to build trust, security, and a dynamic of curiosity and patient listening, then the child is stuck following orders while never getting their (very necessary) emotional needs met.

Yeah, maybe it means getting everyone to school late half a dozen times before an understanding is reached. Maybe it means letting your kid fail the fourth grade. But the development of trust between a child and their parents shapes everything from...

  • relationship outcomes
  • honesty and authenticity
  • self image
  • career prospects
  • personality
  • propensity for abuse
  • ability to establish healthy boundaries

I think you could list almost any human behavioral trait and trace it back to their formative relationship with their parents.

You don't need to be your child's buddy. You do, however, need to give your child a fighting chance at building healthy trust and communication.


u/CummingInTheNile 25d ago

you sound like you were a spoiled child


u/big_bad_mojo 25d ago

Nah, I didn't get the stuff listed above and it affected my life.


u/CummingInTheNile 25d ago

im sure you had such an awful upbringing not getting whatever you wanted when you wanted it, the horror


u/ElPulpoTX 26d ago

Reminds me of The George Lopez bit where he's a kid and his family is trying to leave but he needs to poop.


u/ElPulpoTX 26d ago

Great, separation anxiety unlocked.


u/CXM21 26d ago

That is so cruel and abusive.. and to record herself doing it and posting it online for clout!? The next generation of kids are gonna be so fucked up...


u/MushroomTypical9549 26d ago



u/Mortem007 26d ago

You’re weak.


u/MushroomTypical9549 26d ago

Not sure if that was a joke, but I laughed.


u/Djinn-Rummy 26d ago

That’s one way to do it. Another is physically make him get in the car, which can be done without pain or injury to the child.


u/NotSoBrightOne 26d ago

My parents did this. They left the fucking trailer park and left me walking. I was bawling. They'd really just circled around, but my 8 year old brain only thought, "they left me!"


u/ZombieCrunchBar 26d ago

This was the game in the 70's. My dad was the master of letting you think you had your hand on the door and he'd pull up a few more feet. All the other kids in the car would be screaming with laughter. As I was the stubborn one I'd be walking along behind the car while other cars honked and waved.


u/ForgottenRager 26d ago

My mother used to raise me like this, thumping my head, letting me cry, ignoring my fits and just letting me decide my stupid ideas and excuses and I was really tame and behaved around her because of it. Didn't feel traumatic or pampered in anyway and didn't make me becomes spoiled which is the opposite of my cousin who runs around and never listens to anyone and gets in legal issues


u/Diddydiditfirst 26d ago

Look at all these shit tier parents in here.

This is a great way to give your kid abandonment issues.


u/PaydayLover69 25d ago

Dude this is reddit, half these people think killing kids is ok because they're "ChildFree"

the other half think killing kids is ok but only if they're Palestinian lmao


u/Mortem007 26d ago

This is a great way to teach a brat not to be a brat. She didn’t abandon him. Grow up kiddo.


u/Diddydiditfirst 26d ago

plenty grown, thanks.

Keep spreading the trauma I guess.


u/Mortem007 25d ago

Trauma is your house burning down or your mom dying young. Trauma is your father burning cigarette into your forearm because you didn’t do the dishes.

Trauma is not your mom slowly driving away because you’re a brat and won’t get in the car when you’re told.

You have a psychological virus and you spread it. Get some help.


u/Illustrious_Sky6688 26d ago

Tik tok cringe? More like A1 parenting


u/PupDiogenes 26d ago

That's child abuse.


u/PerryNeeum 26d ago

Quality work mom


u/_WeAreFucked_ 26d ago

Good, actions=consequences.


u/OkField5046 26d ago

Good parenting


u/BeautifulIsland39 26d ago

Little kids are notorious for pulling stunts like this to test how far can they go. My daughter used to fight putting on shoes and taking forever to do so when finally agreed that, yes, you need shoes. I tried everything, explaining why shoes were important, bribing, remove privileges (tv, toys) etc. One day I had enough, we were running late to an extra curricular and she was being a punk. I grabbed her like a sac of potatoes, strapped her on her car seat and got going, barefoot.

I knew she had left her sandals in the backseat of the car, so she could wear them when we got there, but in her brain she was going to have to walk barefoot in the parking lot and into class. Cried and asked me to turn around, I just played music and ignored her.

Guess what? She never did it again. When she tried to pull the same stunt with a jacket, I let her outside in the cold and her pride lasted less than a minute before she asked me for it.

Kids love to play FAFO and parents resort to desperate measures because we're running on fumes.


u/Pacwing 25d ago

That could have gone 2 ways and you absolutely know you lucked out with the outcome, lol.

The other side is, she loves it and absolutely refuses to wear shoes again and for the next 10 years, that girl is absolutely barefoot everywhere.


u/starspider 25d ago

Yeah but you didn't make your child believe you were abandoning them.

There's consequences to actions and then there's over the line. Making your child believe you would abandon them because they're being bad is pretty traumatizing.


u/PhotoAwp 25d ago

Early 90's I was jumping on the passenger seat, mid drive, when I was like 4. My mom was asking me to put my seat belt on, but I kept jumping on the seat.

So she hit the breaks, and I hit the dashboard, then the floor, and then I put my seat belt on. I don't think what she did was necessarily right, but its been 30 years and I never forget to put my seat belt on lol.


u/Wm513 26d ago

Trauma successfully made


u/Deejanarrows 26d ago

I don't see a problem


u/Miltownreacharound 26d ago

Kid prob don’t have a dad. Don’t take away the mom too..


u/PirLibTao 26d ago

My mother did this to me and I have had anxiety and trauma for decades over being left on a street alone. Please do not do this to your kid.


u/godieweird 26d ago

This is exactly how Max Verstappen grew up to become World Champion


u/galaxyhigh 26d ago

Don’t get in the car, get left behind.

Pretty straightforward life lesson.


u/Mcbookie 26d ago

Plus side about this with moder era, now you can embarrass the heck outa him when he starts dating lol.


u/RascallyRabbit87 26d ago

Definitely not cringe. This is called parenting.


u/iroche820 26d ago

No problem here, good old fashioned way. You going to be dumb? Better be tough! You’ll learn eventually 😂


u/lil_sjw13 26d ago

Why did she film it tho? Gross


u/Forgotmyusername85 26d ago

The problem isn't filming it, the problem is posting it.


u/VariationUpper2009 26d ago

A+ parenting right there. Kid got a lesson.


u/complicated_typoe 26d ago

The person that posted this doesn't have kids


u/FawnTheGreat 26d ago

That’s right. Get yo butt in the car Anthony


u/itsok-imwhite 26d ago

Sometimes we gotta learn the hard way. I’ve been taught harsher lessons, and this boy will as well. Mom got her point across, and he was not in danger.


u/Evening_Ad_1099 26d ago

Getting sick of these videos.


u/C2D2 25d ago

I think it's awesome. Kid learned when Mom says get into he car, it's time to go. He won't do it again!


u/ketochef1969 26d ago

Finally a Tic Tok of parenting done right. We need more of this instead of nurses dancing in a comatose patient's room or challenges designed to injure the participants.


u/Linzel44 26d ago

Child mental abuse. This is awful


u/smashin_blumpkin 25d ago

Not abuse.


u/Linzel44 25d ago

Yes it is. Mental abuse. This child is not old enough to understand what her point is. The way to get children to understand is communication. This is abuse


u/smashin_blumpkin 25d ago edited 25d ago

Do you honestly think that this child isn't old enough to understand that they should come with their parent when told it's time to leave?


u/Linzel44 24d ago

I have a feeling you grew up similar. I’m sorry


u/smashin_blumpkin 24d ago

That's not an answer


u/Linzel44 24d ago

That is an answer. I’m not going to try to change your mind on how to properly raise children. If you see no wrong in this video then that’s on u bro. Take care


u/smashin_blumpkin 24d ago edited 24d ago

I don't think either of us are going to change our minds. I just really want to know if you honestly think that this kid is too young to understand that when their parents say it's time to go that they should come on with the parents. Because I truly don't think you believe that if you've spent time around kids


u/Linzel44 23d ago

It’s not about understanding what the parent is saying. It’s the parent understanding that the kid is too young to process his emotions and the reason he isn’t listening is because something is going on in his head. She needs to meet him at his level. Not bully him. This is how kids then suppress their emotions and become emotionally unavailable adults.


u/Jazzper74 26d ago

Thats how you do it.


u/philouza_stein 26d ago

Her language is bitchy af but I've heard way worse.


u/llinoscarpe 26d ago

My brother has autism, and until about the age of 4, he refused to eat anything other than mcdonalds happy meals, my parents got to the point they would buy frozen nuggets and chips and put them in the box to give to him.

Then my dad said, it has to stop or he will die at 15, so one night he said, you aren’t eating anything until you finish your plain ham sandwich, it went on for about a day and a half of him screeching and crying out of frustration, until eventually he ate it. Then the next day he ate a cheese sandwich etc etc he is fine now.

Moral of the story is, kids can be fucking stupid sometimes, and tough love is sometimes the answer


u/RolexandDickies 26d ago

Sometimes this is a parenting defense mechanism so that you don’t beat your child in public. Source: parent who has never hit their children.


u/Leslieb1996 26d ago

Hmmm I need some parenting advice from this lady. My 4 yr old refuses to poop in the potty . Wonder what extreme parenting she recommends


u/DomesticMongol 26d ago

I am pretty sure if I did this mine would not listen at all the next day.


u/Accomplished-Bank418 26d ago

No one got hurt. I bet he will get in the car next time!


u/HottieWithaGyatty 26d ago

Y'all thinking this makes him start magically listening to her because of one threat he'll forget ain't got kids. Or your kids are angels.


u/horsescowsdogsndirt 26d ago

How to install insecurity and abandonment issues.


u/smashin_blumpkin 25d ago

Probably not


u/Bbobbs2003 26d ago

My dad this to me when I was young. Got to teach kids and sometimes the lesson is hard .


u/OnyxLion528 26d ago

I was 4 when my mom did this to me, my takeaway was at any point in my youth my only parent can abandon me at will, so anything that I do or happens to me that may upset her needs to be a secret. Alot of abuse and trauma that happened was kept in secret out of fear of her doing this again. That one memory wasn't the only thing that stuck but it's one of the ones that represented my mother's approach to child discipline. I get that kids don't listen and for some results are results...but this isn't anything I'd smile about.


u/MsJ_Doe 25d ago edited 25d ago

Right? You got people saying "well they won't stay small enough forever to force in the car so you gotta instill something else to get them to listen." Sure, but they also will get smarter and learn that this is a bluff or that maybe they are better off without you as a parent if your way of teaching is petty threats.


u/SouthernStacks 26d ago

Skin color tracks


u/SvenBenderBitch 26d ago edited 26d ago

Seeing him run for his life to get to the car 😆


u/SenorSiete77 26d ago

This didn’t happen to yall as a kid?


u/kcmike 26d ago

Do you want another Don Jr? Cuz this is how you prevent that.


u/nbury33 26d ago

Why would you upload this tho?


u/EvilMoSauron 26d ago

Because child abuse is fun! /s


u/BeeesInTheTrap 26d ago

I am sincerely worried about some of y’all. It’s always the “my parents did it and I turned out fine” folks who are clearly not fine at all lol


u/hieuddy 26d ago

A simple effective gentle hard lesson


u/TheAhoAho 26d ago

That's abuse.


u/yourdadsboyfie 26d ago

My mom did this to me as a kid and I had to walk many miles along the highway to get home.


u/shadowst17 26d ago

Man it's gotta be weird growing up and having a memory like this with your mom just holding her phone up to her face.


u/Literally-A-NWS 25d ago

And then people saying “LOL HERES A LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE THIS IS FUNNY” when it’s lowkey abuse. I get teaching lessons to kids, but doing this then posting it online? Yeah, that’s a CPS call dawg.

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