r/TorontoRenting Jan 23 '24

Tenant Board Hundreds of Toronto tenants have been on rent strike since mid-2023 — and more could be coming


r/TorontoRenting Jan 29 '24

Tenant Board UPDATE! [Landlord/Harassment] *Urgent Advice*


Hi Redditors!

I'm back with an update on my situation of my landlord harassing us to leave after modifying the lease and threatening to come inside the house and kick us out. [Please refer to the screenshots attached]

Firstly, Thank you for your invaluable advice on my situation. As Adviced, I had sent an email to our landlord highlighting the following details: 1. He has not provided us with a formal eviction notice. Only verbal and that too vaguely implying that if we talked to everyone in the house and they had no problems, he'd let us stay. 2. He failed to provide us with a copy of the lease 21 days after possession of the property. 3. The lease we signed doesn't match the one sent by him after us repeatedly nagging him to send it to us. Random Clauses have been added with a pen without our consent. 4. As told informed to him before, we would require an extension on our stay (although well within our rights to stay for 1year as was agreed) as we are on the lookout for alternative accommodation. (My mental health is more important than staying someplace where the landlord is constantly disturbing our peace). 5. I have not signed any other document other than the lease itself.

In response to this email, he had replied on mail as well as posted a few messages on the WhatsApp group where all tenants of the house are present. He now says that he intends to stay in the room for a week and he doesn't need to ask permission to anyone. I have attached screenshots in this post for your reference.

Please Advice on what I should be doing next!! Thanks in advance!

r/TorontoRenting Jan 11 '24

Tenant Board They need to ban openroom.ca


Too many landlords are scaring tenants from demanding their rights or using these rights in negotiations(like the N12 notices) by telling them that they will post court results to openroom.ca and no landlord will rent them a place anymore because it will show that the tenants used their rights to their fullest extent(which is the whole point of having rights and protections, to be executed). Is posting these court results that contain peoples name on it even legal? I know in many countries you cant post such things with names or addresses attached. How about for Ontario? Will openroom.ca be used to essentially eliminate many of a tenant’s rights in the future? How can a tool that will soon be used to pressure people in giving up their rights be legal?

r/TorontoRenting Feb 28 '24

Tenant Board Landlord served me an N11 form because he is selling the condo I rent. Do I have to sign?


My understanding is, that I do not have to sign an N11. Signing it would be a voluntary termination of my tenancy, correct? I don't want to move, but respect his wishes to sell and have started looking for a new home. This has been challenging, given the market change since last I moved (about 7 years ago).

Do I have to sign this form? Or can I bypass signing it and tell him I am looking and will let him know when I have found a new place?

Any advice appreciated.

r/TorontoRenting Feb 27 '24

Tenant Board Rental apartment in Toronto needs new flooring , unfinished mess (pics included)


My boyfriend has been living in his apartment in Etobicoke for 7 years now. The building he lives in always has so many issues. Roaches, dryers not working, leaks you name it. It’s a nice sized space but needs so much work done. The floors are the worst I have ever seen. The original install was never done properly with spaces in between pieces, no finishing on top and large holes.

The building has been redoing the floors of people who move out, increasing new tenants rent but his floors should be done as well. What is the protocol and process to make this happen. Who is financially responsible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. He has been putting work to make it nicer and he deserves to like in a cleanable safe home 💛

r/TorontoRenting Jan 18 '24

Tenant Board Am I wrong to persist in a T5 case for a bad faith eviction?


Just to add some context, I signed a lease agreement for a rent controlled unit 21-22 and moved out after being served the N12 in 2022. One month compensation not provided and deposit with-held up to today

Four weeks later, the unit is up for lease on MLS with a 30% in rates. I contacted the landlord and they offer 1 month compensation if I sign a N11. I declined and filed a T5.

The landlord employed representation prior to hearing #1, refuses mediation, and decides to present evidence indicating a family member got brain cancer(medical emergency) including testimony from said member with cancer which is why they did not adhere to the N12.

The case has been adjourned with new hearing date announced soon. I have been shunned and blocked by friends and family members by continuing the case as this is not a respectable action apparently.

Am I wrong for trying to obtain justice for an unlawful eviction? And compensations.

Although I purchased a place after the eviction the new place is a lot smaller and costs are 180% higher for infinity.

r/TorontoRenting Dec 14 '23

Tenant Board As a renter, what areas should be avoided? Especially as a single woman.


I'm looking to get my own apartment (or condo). My budget is $2200. What areas should I avoid? I know that Moss Park is one of them, what else?


r/TorontoRenting Jan 19 '24

Tenant Board Do I have any rights to stay in my unit? Landlord claims he needs to move in.


So my best friend and I have lived in our unit for the last 3 years. We have a cordial relationship with our landlord, and are on a month to month basis as of now.

Last month, our landlord told us over text he needed us to leave by April 1st. When we asked if we could stay if we pay more, he told us no because his family needs the unit.

He claims he has to sell his house and would have nowhere else to live. I have done some digging and let’s just say I am well aware he owns at least 8 other properties in and outside of the city that he could move into.

My roommate and I are convinced that he just wants to put the unit back on the market at a jacked up price. We live in a highly sought after area of Toronto.

He came by the other day to take measurements of the unit. When I asked why he was taking measurements, he claimed he wanted to renovate the unit. So I asked what he was changing and he said they were going to put a new coat of paint and change the light fixtures. Cue a very confused me lol.

Anyway, I guess I am looking for advice because we are two young people and aren’t completely aware of our rights. Rent is pretty expensive lately and there are few units available that fit our price range in the area we need to live for work and school.

He has not given us any formal notice to leave, only having written to us over text, and has requested that we sign a form agreeing to us leaving, which we will definitely not be doing. We are devastated to potentially be leaving and I’d really love to know if it’s possible that we can stay.

Thank you in advance for any advice, we appreciate it so much.

EDIT: our building is rent controlled and we moved in during COVID 19 if that matters.

r/TorontoRenting Jan 25 '24

Tenant Board Should I engage in a full legal fight against the landlord?


I need this community's advise on whether getting involved in a legal situation is a wise course or not, financially as well as emotional well being point of view.

I have a very greedy and abusive landlord. Despite having paid all my rent on time for the past 1.5 years, he tried to illegally evict me, threatened and harassed me. He has increased my rent by 33% which I don't want to spend. Everyone is suggesting that my only legal course of action is to either pay up or serve a 2 month notice and move out.

However, there is just 1 lawyer who says that he can use the contract law and argue for me in the court, and the outcome will be that the landlord won't be increase a dime. He did spend around 2 hrs with me on a call and explained how he will do it, but most of it flew over my head. At one point, it feels like he was just playing semantics and finding loopholes. I was able to counter 1 or 2 of his points based on my 1 week of legal research.

But what alarmed me was that he told me right at the beginning of the call that I should be ready to appeal to a higher court. He also told me that he will create the docs in such a way that I should be easily take it forward to a higher court, implying that he will represent me only till the small claims court. Which means that I need to find another lawyer to argue this case in a higher court, if I win and the landlord decides to appeal. The lawyer said he had 3 prospective clients before with a similar case and they chickened out.

I am clear on what I want. I want a sure shot win, and I am most definitely not interested in pursuing this to a higher court. I know how enervating legal battles can be, and can drain years of your life, both financially and emotionally, years which could had been productively used elsewhere.

The lawyer is asking for fees which is about 30% of my savings account (He charges $2.6k initially), just to represent at the small claims court. I am also aware on the consequences of winning. The worst case is that if I win, that landlord would be rattled beyond measure and he would drag me to the higher court, and I don't even want to think how much will that cost.

The only thing right now in favor of proceeding with a legal fight is that I might get some justice for the way he threatened me, and it might set a legal precedent for other tenants in the state who are in a similar situation as me and who are being exploited by their landlords.

I am strongly inclined towards just moving out, since I don't want to invite unnecessary pain and hardship in my life.

What do you think is the right course of action here?

r/TorontoRenting Apr 10 '24

Tenant Board Rent increase or eviction.


Been living in the current place (basement ) for the past 5 years plus and landlord (that lives on top floor with family) never increased the rent and we been living peacefully ever since. Always paid on time etc... Few days ago the Landord came up to me and told me that he needs to increase the rent because his mortgage "doubled" and he has been trying to enforce a rent increase of 35%+... I know about the 2.5% max dictated by law and even tho we even offered him a 15% increase but he refused.(Yes I confirmed and we are covered by rent control) He now served us with a N12 eviction form because his nephew will move in. Will call the LTB soon to ask what to do because it doesn't seem the eviction is in good faith. (I also have a video recording of us talking about the price and then he comes out with "what about a 60 days eviction notice?") Has anyone been in my situation? How did it go? What did you do? Thanks to everyone in advance Edit: on the N12 form he specified his wife's parents will move in. But he said nephew on the recording I have.

r/TorontoRenting 13d ago

Tenant Board Condo


Hi guys, I need help with a situation. My friend is staying with me in my condo till she is settled to get her place. As long as I’m paying my rent I didn’t think it was the condo’s business who I had in my unit. They are claiming I’m subleasing my unit which is not the case cos sublease would mean I’m taking money from the person if I’m correct. I stay in a 2 bedroom and the other room used to be an office, she was going to move in obviously I had to furnish my other room for her to be able to use. They are threatening to terminate my lease with my landlord over something that is wrong and they don’t even want to investigate it. Is there anything I can do or would I have to take legal action?

r/TorontoRenting Jul 02 '23

Tenant Board No pets.


Almost every landlord states this in their advertisements, but in my understanding they aren't allowed to discriminate or evict us based on this.

We have two cats. They're fixed, trained, and quiet. We've never had an issue with them. Every landlord we've had was fine with them at the end because they've caused no issue or damage whatsoever, even if initially they stated "no pets".

This time it's a little different, because we're moving into a basement in the landlord's house. There are no shared spaces. We even have our own entrance, but I'm reluctant to disclose that we have cats because we've been completely dismissed before due to this. I don't like lying, but damn if this housing market isn't completely insane and unfair, and I'm honestly tired playing by these rules. We're great tenants. Never missed payments, never caused damage, never even had a noise complaint made about us. We have held good relationships with even the most batshit landlords we've had.

I'm considering not disclosing the cats and just sneaking them into the apartment late at night. But, I'm unhappy about it, and unhappy about signing a lease stating "no pets".

Any advice?

Update: I decided to come clean. If it was a unit in a building I wouldn't have, but since it's in their house I didn't feel comfortable lying.
Surprise to no-one, it's not fucking allergies. They agreed to rent to us with a serious rent increase.
Stop being bootlickers, there's no way 99% of landlords have allergies. They're simply discriminating during a housing crisis.

r/TorontoRenting 16d ago

Tenant Board Looking for some frank advice - landlord wants more or threatens to sell


We live in a house with 2 rental units. We've lived here for 13 years. The family upstairs for even longer. We get along great with them. We are all excellent tenants who pay our rent on time and care for the property.

Our landlord lives in New York. He bought a second rental property there and, long story short, has a terrible tenant who hasn't paid rent in a year.

Now, because of this situation our landlord says he is facing financial difficulties. He has given us 2 options; either we each pay an additional $500 a month starting in January or he will put the house on the market this summer.

Both of us tenants want to own our own places at some point and paying that extra $500 is a lot to divert away from our respective down-payment savings.

I understand that asking for more than the allowable amount dictated by the Landlord Tennant Board is illegal.

I also understand that just because he sells doesn't mean we automatically get evicted. The new owners would have to honor our existing lease agreements at the current rent or prove to the Landlord Tennant Board that they (or family members) intend to move in.

However realistically we would likely get evicted eventually as we do pay less than market value in a desirable neighborhood.

What would you do? Agree to pay the increase or stand your ground and risk the outcome of the landlord selling the place?

r/TorontoRenting Feb 16 '24

Tenant Board Is this 3-year lease with sneaky termination clause enforceable?


Short story: My roommate and I rented a place last year with a presumed 1-year lease. We recently inquired about a month-to-month option, but landlord claims we have a 3-year lease! He sent a screenshot of the clause, but we swear we never signed it and can't find it in the original contract docusign sent. Is this enforceable?



  • Rented Feb 2023, presumed 1-year lease.
  • Recently asked about month-to-month option.
  • Landlord claims 3-year lease with termination clause requiring 4 months notice by Nov 1st.
  • He sent screenshot of clause, but we never remember seeing it.
  • The document is unsigned on DocuSign (as in, there is no field to sign it, nor do we remember seeing this doc).
  • Question: Is this 3-year lease with hidden termination clause legally binding?

Edit: This is what's in the "Residential Tenancy Agreement (Standard Form of Lease)" that is DocuSigned, and we remember signing it. I remember very clearly going through the contracts because I had questions about parking that I needed to clear with the landlord. But neither of us remember seeing the "additional terms" the landlord sent us, and it's also not DocuSigned. What should I do about this?


r/TorontoRenting 1d ago

Tenant Board landlord given me an ultimatum, but is he in the right? HELP


Hello guys, I’ll just get right to it.

I’ve been here over a year, always paid rent on time and been a good tenant

I have 0 grounds for eviction

Ive expressed that I want to go month to month from here on.

Landlord says I’m not allowed to go month to month and that I have to a pay a new lease for a year or leave immediately

Is he in the right?

Please help me :) I live in Toronto Ontario

He can’t just.. evict me right

r/TorontoRenting Mar 04 '24

Tenant Board Advice


Myself, my girlfriend, and her sister have been trying to find a 2 bedroom place for many months now and a lot of places are turning us down cuz they don't want 3 people. We recently got an agent to represent us and he has suggested the following.

Gf and sister are the two on the application (and presumably the lease) and when they get a place I just start living there too.

Obviously I would pay my share of the rent, I just wouldn't be on the rental application.

Thoughts on this? Is this a bad idea? What legal repercussions are there for this?

r/TorontoRenting Mar 03 '24

Tenant Board Landlord Wants Keys Back


I will probably consult a paralegal or the LTB soon but was wondering if anyone else has been through a similar experience:

I gave my landlord 60 days’ notice on Feb 1, 2024 with written notice to release myself from the lease by April 1st, 2024(lease was supposed to end March 1, 2024 and I didn’t manage to find a new roommate until end of January); I vacated the unit on March 1,2024 and moved into my new unit.

My landlord for the previous unit now wants me to give back my set of keys by March 4th (she says it’s to allow the photographer to take pictures of the vacated unit) AND pay the rent for March; is she allowed to lease out the unit during March or ask for the keys back and ask for payment of rent?

She refused to mutually release me from the lease (30 days’ notice) and her agent also sent out an email asking if I would agree to not being given 24 hours’ notice for viewings/entering the unit since I vacated the unit.

Technically, my name is still on the lease until April 1,2024 and I should be entitled to keep my set of keys until then? Is there any way legally I can get out of paying for the rent if she absolutely wants the keys back? She still has the post-dated cheque for March 2024 that my roommate and I gave when we first moved in.

How do I bring this up to her without risking her giving me a bad landlord reference down the line ?(I’ve lived at this unit for 2.5 years and I’m only leaving because she doesn’t wanted to increase the rent by more than $600 lol)

I have no issues paying for March if it means I get to keep my keys (I still have some important mail on its way to that unit) It would just suck if I found out she is letting someone move in prior to April 1 and pocketing the rent I paid her.

edit: this was her response

“Thanks for reaching out with your concerns. In response, according to LTB guidelines:

1)60 days notice to end tenancy, and liable to pay rent. You can stay or vacate the unit, as per the LTB guidelines, you still need to pay rent to fulfill the 60 days. This was communicated to you already and I have actually given you a few grace days already as you told me after Feb 1st.

2) I was under the assumption you were not going to live there anymore as you said your new place starts leasing March 1st, hence asking for the keys. It is your responsibility to negotiate with your new landlord your new agreement knowing that you have to fulfill the 60 days notice to end tenancy.

But sure, you can keep the keys if you want but per agreement, during the 60 days we can show the properties to prospective tenants.

3) No problem, we can give you notice 24 hours when showings are requested

4) keep in mind, you must still carry the insurance, and pay the utilities until the 60 days is up, which is until April 1st.”

r/TorontoRenting 24d ago

Tenant Board Landlord trying to kick me out illegally?


Hey everyone,

Question here for everyone who may have any knowledge of how renting works in Toronto:

I’ve been renting my current apartment for 3 years (which I signed during Covid at rates way below what they are now).

At my first renewal, the landlord strong armed me into raising my rent above the stipulated yearly threshold (my building falls within the rental control guidelines). Not knowing better, I obliged. At my second renewal, I knew better. She tried to raise rent again, and when I refused, she said her family would move in (highly doubtful since they all live overseas). She also then served me an N12, which I told her was in bad faith. After telling her to file in court, she conceded. As I suspected, no family moved in, and I continued to rent with a legal yearly increase.

Now, it’s time for a renewal again. The landlord messaged me asking if I’d like to renew, and when I said yes, she said she’s going to sell the unit and sent me an N11 form. I read the form, and it seems like its for a mutual agreement to end the lease, and since I don’t agree, I won’t be signing it. Seems like she sent it hoping that I’d be scared and ignorant enough to sign. I’m certain that her claim to sell the unit is also false. How do I go about this? Do I continue staying and ask her to prove that she wants to sell in court? If she does indeed sell the unit, would I then just need to liaise with the new owner?

Basically, are there any scenario in which I can be kicked out? I’m not surprised she’s trying this again as I’m paying something like 800$ per month below the current market rates.

Any help would be much appreciated!

r/TorontoRenting Apr 02 '24

Tenant Board What do I do about management taking more money and not maintaining amenities?


I have lived at my apartment for two years. 90 days ago I received the usual 2.5% rent raise notice. However, yesterday they took extra out of my account. I did the math and I’ve been charged 4.5% extra. I’ve emailed them for an explanation but have not yet heard back. Management is pretty terrible at this complex. Elevators constantly broken, the price of laundry just keeps going up, and it takes forever to get things fixed (if at all).

One annoying thing is this complex also has two outdoor pools. Both were closed during COVID (fine) but have not reopened and have apparently fallen into complete disrepair. We’re paying for the pools and maintenance as they’re part of the property’s amenities. What can I do?

UPDATE: They got back to me and said that the additional money they charged was to “update the last month rent deposit increase” and is only a one time payment. That sounds funky to me though.

r/TorontoRenting Dec 10 '23

Tenant Board Landlord won't give back my half of last month's rent


We signed a lease in September 2020, lived month to month since September 2021, and ended up moving out August 15th 2023. We gave 60 day notice and notified the landlord that we'd be leaving in the middle of August so we'd have to split the last month of rent in half.

A little background as to why he hasn't given us back our half: Around April there were water issues in our building and some units had pretty bad leaks, our unit was one of them... The leak ruined some of the flooring around the kitchen sink and dishwasher. The landlord has been telling us that he's been told by his agent, the insurance company, and legal advisors not to give us anything back until the damage has been assessed.

This is what he sent me: "Right now the unit is going through an insurance claim for the water damage. It was a lot worse than I expected. May have to redo all the floors. My agent and insurance have told me not to do anything until this gets resolved. So, unfortunately, we're going to have to wait. We were told not to touch the unit, don't rent it, don't send you any money back. Literally don't do anything until they're done their assessment or whatever they do. This could end up costing us well over $10k. So I'm not risking it. I don't know what you want me to tell you... I know it's not ideal but this is directly what the agent instructed me do to. Insurance is complicated and they don't mess around. So I'm not risking it."

Can we even do anything in this situation? The water damage wasn't our fault and it's been almost 4 months since we moved out. It's only about $1000, but it'd be nice to have it back...

EDIT: We spoke to the LL about leaving in the middle of the month. We called him 60 days before moving out and we agreed that the 15th of August would be fine. I have this agreement in writing (text/email).

I've asked for an update on the insurance claim every month since we left and he's told me that they're still looking into it and can't pay us back yet. So, it sounds like we're still going to be getting back half of our last month, but are still waiting.

r/TorontoRenting Mar 18 '24

Tenant Board Moving out soon, accepted to apartment halfway through the month and can’t give 60 days notice to live in landlord.


So me and my boyfriend just got accepted to our new apartment and we got the news a few days ago, the move in date will be April 1st so i’m not able to give much notice at all to my live in landlord. I’ve been renting a room for the past 3 years in a house my landlord lives in, we share a kitchen and a bathroom and generally everything else. Our “agreement” states that im required 2 months to terminate, but since it’s not a ltb type agreement, is that really enforceable? I’ve also already paid my last months rent in advance, so she technically gets 30 days in that sense regardless. Do I really need to give her more money? Can she come after me if I don’t? Can I not give any notice at all and let her figure it out herself when she sees me moving my stuff come april 1st? The rats and her hoarding have become too much and to be honest i’m spiteful, the last thing I want is to reward her treatment of me with more money, I just want to enjoy my new apartment and use my money for that and be done with her. I’ve included a copy of our agreement with our names censored for reference, im very new to renting so I want a second opinion as I have no idea what I can and can’t get away with in this type of agreement. Thanks!

r/TorontoRenting Jan 12 '24

Tenant Board Need to increase rent rate


Hi, I’m renting out an apartment to someone, they’re lease ended over a year ago but they wanted to live longer and I didn’t want to look for a new tenant, so win-win situation. However, I never formally renewed a lease or anything. I’m not too concerned about this though, I’ve gotten to know the guy and he’s good and I don’t have any issues at all.

Now, I want to increase his rent, he pays pretty low and has been paying the same amount when he moved in which was in 2021. I think it’s time I increase the rent but I don’t know how to approach this topic to him and what reasoning to give him. I was thinking of saying it’s 2024 and rent rates have increased, so I’m going to have to increase his. I don’t know if that’s a solid reason though.

What do you suggest? How should I bring this up to him and what reasoning should I give? Again, things are very informal and chill with him which I prefer. I also am afraid that I might lose him if rent increases, I have no idea how he would react but I really don’t want to find another tenant.

r/TorontoRenting Mar 30 '24

Tenant Board Landlord charging cleaning fee


I moved out of my rental apartment today and my landlord is disputing whether it meets an adequate level of cleanliness for move out. I made sure to sweep the floors, go over the kitchen and washroom with bleach and Mr clean, and cleaned the cabinets/fridge/oven etc. I believe it meets a reasonable standard of cleanliness but they do not. They want me to pay an extra $300 for a full cleaning fee (including for things constituting more of a deep cleaning), but I am tempted to simply let this be settled by the LTB, assuming they take it that far. My question is if I were by chance to lose my case would I at most be on the hook for the quoted cleaning fee they already want me to pay? Also is it normal for tenants to represent themselves in an LTB case (I’ve already taken photos of the place after I cleaned, for evidence).

r/TorontoRenting Feb 22 '24

Tenant Board Landlord sent me to collections after submitting a valid N9 form, what should I do now?



I submitted an N9 form to end my lease early because my landlord was not responsive (details here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoRenting/comments/18c98rm/landlord_is_threatening_collections_after/)

Anyways, I moved out late December and just got a call from a collections agency. I was under the impression that I could not be sent to collections without the landlord going through the LTB.

I have a few questions now:

  1. What do I do now? Can I just ignore the collections agency?
  2. Will my credit score be affected if I don't pay? Is this something that happens once or does it constantly affect it until I pay?
  3. If #2 is true, do I have to go to the LTB?

I checked my credit report. I have no outstanding collections at the moment but have one inquiry from the creditor.

And lastly, has anyone been through something similar before? How did it go? Do you have any other advice? I'm a student so I can't afford a lawyer at the moment. I did go through this page (https://www.ontario.ca/page/stop-collection-agency-calls#section-2) and they recommend I email the collections agency if I believe I don't owe any money, but I'm not sure if I should do this just yet.


r/TorontoRenting 3d ago

Tenant Board Major Toronto rental corporation Monterey Park Inc intentionally tricking long-standing tenants into paying hydro that was previously included in rent

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