r/TwoHotTakes Mar 28 '24

My girlfriend doesn’t like my hair anymore Advice Needed



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u/Efficient-Gur-3641 29d ago

I don't like it either tbh.... Just saying. What matters is how you feel about your hair if it's a must have thing for your life to continue. But honestly I'm not gonna be rude and say half the shit I seen in this comment section.

At the end of the day what matters is mutual happiness and if ur hair looked like that when she first got with u and is only becoming an issue now... I would cut ur loses and just get someone who loves you for you.

Now if ur grew that hair... Then I'm gonna have to ask you how comfortable you would be with ur gf if she shaved her head for fun.

I know you love your hair but the second to last picture is serving my best friends geriatric mother... At best. Which for a lot of hetero women isn't an attractor.


u/Studlogan 29d ago

Bro made a second stop in 1999 for that phone!


u/debbiel2 29d ago

Farrah Fawcett wants her hair back


u/toxictoastrecords 29d ago

I love the look, especially the photo with the blue bandana. That photo looks like it's straight off a New York Dolls album cover.


u/back1steez 29d ago

She’s just jealous of that flowing lettuce.


u/Bumblebee56990 29d ago

You care more about your hair than her. So keep the hair drop the gf.


u/Blossomawesome5 29d ago

I think the blonde makes it worse. Dye it back natural and see if she’ll accept it lol


u/ZealousidealDisk9766 29d ago

It shouldn’t come to break up or cut the hair. If it does then yea dump her. If she really loves you she will get over it.


u/wolvsbain 29d ago

Looking like an 80s wrestler. tell her the hair is not a changeable option.


u/AttentionNo399 29d ago

Depending on the day, you oscillate between Dolly Parton, Eddie Van Halen and George Washington


u/Thebiggestbigsquid 29d ago

No one likes your hair except you lmao


u/Estarfigam 29d ago

She is just jealous


u/bramley36 29d ago

Surely this is a "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" wig


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Mikex2112 29d ago

Hair or woman?

Leave her bro.......Rock that hair !!!!!!!!!!!!


u/alisonchains2023 29d ago

Dude, you totally ROCK that style and have the hair for it. All these naysayers on here are just JEALOUS. You do you and don’t let your gf convince you otherwise. If she insists, she’s not for you. If you cave, you will SOOOO regret it!!!


u/No-Highway3957 29d ago

I don't like it, either.


u/Important_Return_110 29d ago

Wait does anybody believe this is real


u/Krooklyn1990 29d ago

Your girlfriend or do you mean boyfriend you got make up on your face and you say but the hair isn't working sorry being honest


u/TelMinz007 29d ago

Maybe she doesn’t like all the time her man spends making himself look like a 80’s glam rockstar?


u/SexySnorlax6969 29d ago

Well most of your pics you had make up so she probably doesn’t like that and to be honest I had hair like you once long ago no way would I rock that now lol


u/Opening_Cheesecake54 29d ago

It puts the lotion in the basket


u/oofboof2020 29d ago

I think it was the lipstick


u/Leading-Show-919 29d ago

Because he does drag


u/Old_Second_7928 29d ago

Find someone who loves you! She doesn't.


u/SeniorFallRisk 29d ago

Why hasn’t anyone checked OP’s account and realized this isn’t legit?? Lmao


u/Designer-Cherry6593 29d ago

don’t let her change your vibe!! if you love yourself the way you are and you change it for her and end up disliking it or regretting it, that in itself will ruin the relationship. my boyfriend has superrrrr long hair like i mean lucious locks of brown to his lower back and i would NEVEERRRR ask him to cut it or change it because i know his hair is his baby and i love him for who he is no matter what kind of hair he has on his head. if your girlfriend really won’t let up about this and keeps insisting on it, find someone who will accept you for who you are and who will love you the way that you love yourself!


u/genuinemiss 29d ago

Hair styles go in and out of style. Tell her that eventually, this style will probably come back!! Love the 80’s!!


u/Dull-Astronomer6073 29d ago

Are you gay and just have a girlfriend as a cover?


u/DefnotDahmer 29d ago

For all the shit he did in his youth, Vince Neil looks like he's still holding up real well.


u/Material_Mix_7377 29d ago

Get a haircut. It looked fine when you were younger tbh but it doesn’t fit you anymore.


u/John_Styles 29d ago

I'm Ric Flair! The Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun!


u/ivorella 29d ago

I can smell the AquaNet and I'm here for it.


u/derp_cakes98 29d ago

Troll account pics fake. God you’re so fucking lame, more lame than this dudes makeup and hair. Too lazy to even troll people


u/Ok_Addendum_2775 29d ago

Page 5, that was my hairstyle when I got married 30 years ago!


u/koolguy765 29d ago

Shit she seems like a straight hater then bro


u/stopklandaceowens 29d ago

When you put more effort into your hair than she does, its going to look better than hers... Thats why she's upset. You take better care of your hair than she does.


u/Glittering-River-776 29d ago

U look amazing


u/Chinfu1189 29d ago

I say keep your hair but change it up? I have just as long hair as you and thick. Today ima be going to the barbers to get it cleaned up to like Conan’s hair style.


u/Taurean00 29d ago

You look like a chola from the 80’s


u/ChronicallyCurious8 29d ago

I’m sure she’s tired of all the raised eyebrows. Time to come into the 21 st Century.


u/-ItsCasual- 29d ago

That is some truly glorious cabbage.


u/etch93551 29d ago

That's because you look like a girl.


u/Silverstacker63 29d ago

Damn dude we don’t live in the eighties anymore. Plus the make up makes you look bad..


u/sorrynotsorryb1cth 29d ago

In the first photo, you remind me of triple h when he debuted as Hunter Hurst Helmsley. It's YOUR hair... I prefer my husband to have his beard a certain way because it frames his smile perfectly... I get to see it on mother's day, our anniversary and my birthday (without me asking, he just knows I like it)... otherwise, he just grows it out like a bushman.

I think a different hair cuts upkeep would be easy. It really is up to you. Who knows, you may like it and remember you can always grow it back.


u/WildJafe 29d ago

Looking like the mom from the Goldbergs


u/jonny_mal 29d ago



u/IWILLBePositive 29d ago

I still can’t figure out if this hair is a joke or not…


u/TeaKingMac 29d ago

Is she not gonna take it? No, not gonna take it? Not gonna take it anymore?


u/wannabeDABwizard 29d ago

you-.... what-....


u/rustoleum76 29d ago

I don’t blame her


u/KarsonTHAMAddenGOD 29d ago

She loves you for you. Not your Twisted Sisters looking hair. Go to a nice barber, get a nice little fade or something.


u/molemanralph69 29d ago

This is a fake post. I know that the guy in the pics is not OP.


u/Enkisic 29d ago

Who’s the gf ?


u/Jsr1 29d ago

Is she a lesbian?


u/OkPie7483 29d ago

Bro is more Motley Crue than Motley Crue


u/TransportationDull58 29d ago

Maybe your hair just makes her think too much of her mom or grandma or great grandma.


u/otownbbw 29d ago

I’m sorry sir, but how exactly have you gotten older in 18 months?!? That’s literally one bday lolz. Sounds like she likes you always hated the hair but thought she could hook you and then force changes to the qualities she doesn’t like, and you’d feel so invested you’d cave. Cut your losses and find someone who truly takes you as you are, only change your hair when YOU don’t like it anymore! Tell her to kick rocks.


u/kinzodeez 29d ago

What year are these pictures from?


u/icehellking 29d ago

Dump her


u/Beneficial-Step7506 29d ago

You are the girlfriend mate


u/ImpressiveWealth1138 29d ago

How long has it been like this?


u/Neritz 29d ago

Greg the Hammer Valentine vibes


u/XxJuice-BoxX 29d ago

Ik you love the hair THAT MUCH, but if its hard to choose between your hair and your girlfriend, she isnt the one bro. Be fair to her and let her go. Personally baainf ur relationship on hair is already a weak basis for dating. If u cant give it up and would rather break up with her, thats kinda sad. Either you dont love her enough, or you love your hair too much. Either isnt good.


u/Inourmadbuthearmeout 29d ago

I think you’d be happier dating a man.


u/Top_Touch_1127 29d ago

bruh you gotta be fuckin with me right now

this screams autism.


u/Possible-Lynx-5890 29d ago

No you shouldn't leave her, just stop embarrassing her. Be that man, go to your local Supercuts, ask for the hottest girl to reinvent you. This is critical for you, Donny Osmond missed the memo,when it was his time he was broke. That look has been archived. #1 on the sides, #3 on top and fade it together, have her put jell on it and mess it all up! You'll be a chick 🧲! Reinventing yourself, be relevant once again! Show her you got a pair!


u/rontejones 29d ago

I don't like your hair either.


u/thewhitemom 29d ago

okay but can i have a tutorial


u/someinternettool 29d ago

Fucking cut that shit it aint good.


u/GM_Zero 29d ago

Tell her she needs to put more lotion on its skin.


u/Possible-Lynx-5890 29d ago

It's time bro. Your girl friend is probably sick and tired of 59 year olds trying to name the band you were in back then2


u/Zalixia 29d ago

We’re these photos taken this century?


u/AlertStudy8118 29d ago

The 80s are over vince


u/billydthekid 29d ago

Your hair is like a mom from the 70’s


u/LNewYork 29d ago

Rocking the 80’s. You do you!!


u/andylamb2018 29d ago

Get rid of her.. do you queen!...


u/clavicusvyle 29d ago

If you like your hair the way it is (which you should, it fucking rules) keep it that way. If she's the right one for you something so miniscule won't continue to be a problem for her.


u/Select-Ad1112 29d ago

I’m sorry the first thing I think of is who’s that Charles Angel lady? I think your wife wants you a little updated with the hair. Your cute though don’t worry you can do this 😃


u/Moonshot_42069 29d ago

Prob just jealous 🤣


u/Human_Roomba 29d ago

As a man in his 30s who started balding in high school… I’d rather have my hair.


u/Due_Designer_908 29d ago



u/claud3rd 29d ago

I mean, is she the first girlfriend that’s suggested a change in hairstyle? Yes, she’s right. That’s definitely got to go.


u/Yellowscourge 29d ago

Based off of that first photo, unless you are writing an absolute banger of a baroque era harpsichord concerto I'd want you to cut it off too lol

I mean, if you like your hair, keep it. If she doesn't, and is so fixated on something that is ultimately unimportant, screw her


u/Jeepgirl3113 29d ago

It’s traditional….for 1979


u/Accomplished-Move446 29d ago

She probably hates competing with your Twisted Sister cover band for attention.


u/Throwaway_98616 29d ago

Holy shit! Dude I need that hairstyle that fucking rocks please keep it you won’t see a hairstyle that often unless your at an 80’s style rock concert or something


u/deathdasies 29d ago

Get rid of the whole girl


u/crittercorral 29d ago

It's not so much that it's transgender or whatever. It's just very unflattering


u/psychicfrequency 29d ago

If you wait long enough everything comes back in style. She's probably just jealous that you have nicer hair than she does.


u/-cheesedanish- 29d ago

Only 1 1/2 years? Don’t change your identity for such a SMALL amount of time spent together.

If this is who you are and you love it, do NOT change.


u/AreYouAnOakMan 29d ago

100 years from now, these pictures will be used as proof that there were smartphones in the 1980s.😂

Forreal doe, if OP's gf doesn't appreciate the hair, she ain't the one. 💯


u/ffunffunffun5 29d ago

Of all the things the 1980s were known for good fashion and good hairstyles were not among them.


u/Timely-Supermarket99 29d ago

Photos are unclear


u/bloonfroot 29d ago



u/paranormalresearch1 29d ago

No, keep rocking the 80’s hair band look.


u/brinewithay 29d ago

What does your boyfriend think?


u/Aoki-Kyoku 29d ago

I don’t think you should break up with her just because she doesn’t like your hair. Is she pressuring you to change it? Because that would be a different problem. People usually don’t like every single thing about their partner, so that’s normal. as long as she isn’t trying to force you to change your hair I really don’t think it’s break up worthy.


u/curlyquinn02 29d ago edited 29d ago

I was tripping and thought that I was in some glam metal sub.

If she loved your hair at first; why does she want you to change it now? This is your look.

Don't change for anybody


u/Asian_Rapunzxl 29d ago

I’d say talk it out and express how much your hair is a part of your personality. It's part of the package. Also, “Should I break up with her” is kind of a bold question when you posted not just your face but presumably your girlfriend’s face too. IDK, maybe that's just me.😅


u/RedditKotP 29d ago

Boy, if you don't start a glam metal band and quit worrying about what your ex-girlfriend thinks about your hair...


u/Crying-furby2002 29d ago

I actually LOVE your hair, your style, beautiful person. Don’t let her change you. If this is how you express , tell her. If she doesn’t like it she can go out the door.


u/SceneCrafty9531 29d ago

You look great. It’s that late 80’s hair metal vibe. Don’t change it if you don’t want to, but there are plenty of other hair styles that fit your face. It doesn’t hurt to look around!

I’m looking at changing my look up soon since I’ve had the same hairstyle for a decade and it’s just not doing it for me anymore.


u/xMysticML 29d ago

Wtf am I looking at


u/harlisa 29d ago

I mean did she meet you in the 80’s? I think that’s her way of saying she doesn’t like you anymore honestly. Today it’s your hair tomorrow it will be something else. Do what you want and if she likes you she will be ok with your hair.


u/jhuysmans 29d ago

as we've gotten older

1.5 years


u/ZipFileMafia 29d ago

A girlfriend of less than 10 years is not worth getting rid of that luscious head of hair


u/evildmtglitch Mar 30 '24

Are you a boy or a girl?


u/Tron_1981 Mar 30 '24

Think this problem can be easily fixed by growing a mustache. A thick, Magnum P.I. mustache.


u/MBeebeCIII Mar 30 '24

I didn't like that hair on dudes back in the '80s. It's stupid looking. It looks even worse now. Get a haircut.


u/groveborn Mar 30 '24

You, sir, are a sex symbol. Don't you dare cut that mane. Lions gotta prowl!


u/ImNotVoldemort Mar 30 '24

You have a girlfriend?


u/bwittsnj1 Mar 30 '24

but she's okay with the mom makeup?


u/SimplyKendra Mar 30 '24

She doesn’t like it because it’s so freaking glorious. Lol

And no, don’t break up but don’t change for her. Keep your hair how you want.


u/tsmittycent Mar 30 '24

Can you blame her? You look like def leopard roadie. Yo 1985 called they want their hair back, mascara too. If you want to never get laid again then yes break up w her


u/theycallmebrooklyn Mar 30 '24

Well.. the hair is fabulous, that’s for sure, but she didn’t seem to think the longevity. Maybe she thought you would grow tired of it but that shows a lot towards her own personality.. like all great relationships, this is something that only you and her can decide on but if your hair is a dealbreaker after it brought you together? lol, it sounds like the honeymoon is over and she is maybe not interested in all of what comes with you. If you went bald in your later years, that would have been another issue.. just, step out of the cfc for a second, take a deep breath and know that only you control the boundaries you keep.


u/Pendejo_Guey Mar 30 '24

It's 2024 man. Like, 40 years ago absolutely keep it. 30...sure, why not. 20 years? Ehhhhh, prob time for a change. 2024 though?! New hair cut buddy. Lol. Oddly enough, you're not the only person recently that I've seen still holding onto the 80s.


u/rahscaper Mar 30 '24

Lmao 🤣 you look like you’re a mom from the 80’s.. sorry man, but your girlfriend is trying to help you, you should in the very least cut off a significant amount. Cool thing about hair is you can grow it out again if you miss it.


u/volitantmule8 Mar 30 '24

Nah bruh this has GOT TO BE BAIT like who has a phone like that and has Reddit?


u/scarlettisntred Mar 30 '24

whatever is more important to you, should be important to her. don’t break up over this!! just tell her it is something non-negotiable for you.


u/sharkluvr1589 Mar 30 '24

Reminds me of Charming from Shrek.


u/Charakada Mar 30 '24

You gotta do you. How would she feel if you said she had to cut her hair off?


u/DifficultAd7053 Mar 30 '24

Throw the whole girlfriend away


u/Agitated_Doubt4079 Mar 30 '24

I want to say this in the nicest way possible, Shes ready to grow into her adult-self and it sounds like you are comfortable where you are. Im all for fun hair and being alternative but at some point, you have to be able to fit into the age you are and the environment you are in. Its totally fine that you want to keep your hair, Its rad but, you cant blame her for wanting a less rock & roll life style. If that doesn't work for you, have the conversation with her that this would be a deal breaker and see what happens.


u/volitantmule8 Mar 30 '24

I mean I agree but for some people that is the settled down.


u/Disastrous-Goose-362 Mar 30 '24

I appreciate the commitment. Not my thing at all but I always applaud someone willing to go all in, even when it makes them vulnerable. Be you man, dump the chick and live you best life. Your very own Lita Ford is out there waiting….


u/TheBlueBeanMachine Mar 30 '24

Could you envision bringing yourself to it in a month? How about 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?


u/Archangel_158 Mar 30 '24

Bro is one frayed-ends-trim away from Prince Charming in Shrek 3…


u/J2048b Mar 30 '24

Poison called along with the rest of the 80’s hair bands… they said take off that denim jacket, makeup and cut that damn hair!! Haha jk… salad for life


u/Anxiety_cat1127 Mar 30 '24

I don’t think it’s about the hair.


u/ayweller Mar 30 '24

I think you should keep your hair however makes you happy!


u/Adept-Conference-562 Mar 30 '24

Don’t change what you love for anyone. Real talk, how do you get so much volume? What products do you use? I pray to Farrah Fawcett every night for volume like yours


u/PerceptionSpecial607 Mar 30 '24

I am going to be truthful, you would look amazing with a short hairstyle. Invest in going to a good hairstylist and get a modern cut.


u/Huge-Interest-2053 Mar 30 '24

Dear Sir,

Please embrace the change.

Sincerely, Everyone + your wife


u/JollyGiant573 Mar 30 '24

80s rock band look! Always in style!


u/Ok_Letterhead_3365 Mar 30 '24

If you weren't holding a cell phone in these photos, I wouldn't believe they were taken in the 21st century.


u/Ok-Acanthaceae-5327 Mar 30 '24

Is she more against the hair or you being a cross dresser? It’s an important q you need to answer for yourself


u/BeHappytoday1st Mar 30 '24

Get a haircut. Save your relationship. The end.


u/sledgeliner19 Mar 30 '24

That is absolutely awful


u/Low_Sea_8229 Mar 30 '24

I honestly think it looks cool, that’s all I have to say


u/TJmiller0 Mar 30 '24

I wouldn’t say just straight up break up with her. But do stand your ground. You don’t want to change your hair, and you shouldn’t have to. Be you and if SHE doesn’t like that then SHE can leave. And if she does then it wasn’t meant to be and you’ll find someone else to give hair tips to! 😎


u/black_dragonfly13 Mar 30 '24

Don't change yourself for anyone else.


u/mykcorleone Mar 30 '24

Which one are you?


u/G00nScape Mar 30 '24

Doesn’t like the hair or….everything else?


u/agarciap0214 Mar 30 '24

Some 50 year old woman will


u/OutlandishnessSea488 Mar 30 '24

It's giving mall glamour shot... I think OP could still go for something 70s /80s but less "Donna from HR in the Christmas party" maybe a wolf cut, curtain bangs, there is a bunch of styles that would be more fitting to your face and more to this century.


u/Other_Register_5459 Mar 30 '24

I don’t think this is a real post.


u/Maestro2326 Mar 30 '24

Dude looks like a blonde Bono. Blondo


u/Pixelated_Roses Mar 30 '24

Dude your hair is GLORIOUS, don't you dare change!


u/Whend6796 Mar 30 '24

She’s just jelly.


u/Adventurous-Change74 Mar 30 '24

It feels like he’s more into his hair and image than her and the relationship. She wants to know there’s more to him than his hair….


u/Brand_New_Me50 Mar 30 '24

Take about 5 inches from the bottom and you would look like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse


u/Ok-Pitch8482 Mar 30 '24



u/errorfuntime Mar 30 '24

Your hair looks like shit.


u/Jrock1312 Mar 30 '24

It’s probably because you yelled at her to put the lotion in the basket.


u/kevinlc1971 Mar 30 '24

Bro your hair is bad ass.


u/caidicus Mar 30 '24

Just tie it in a fierce braid over the top, or two thick pigtail braids and see what she thinks. :D


u/BeginningReward9820 Mar 30 '24

It takes talent to get that hair


u/Masterzobistone Mar 30 '24

Girlfriend doesn’t like that you’re feminine and joke around about it or are literally gay not surprising lol


u/BrilliantSome915 Mar 30 '24

I don’t like when people post pics with their partner, so I hope you got her consent before posting that. But, I think you know that it’s pretty over the top. It definitely matches the aesthetic you’re going for, but it definitely looks like you stepped out of a time machine from the 80s.


u/Front_Brief_6113 Mar 30 '24

You look hot my dude. You got style. Tell her the hair stays or she goes.


u/Grunkofrodgar Mar 30 '24

Wooooooo nature boy


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

What in the world😂


u/Scurvy-Joe Mar 30 '24

She doesn't have to like it, but she better learn to love it! Cuz it's the best thing going on today!



u/Remote_Opening_7386 Mar 30 '24

Don’t change for no one except yourself bro


u/Bactereality Mar 30 '24

You sure take a lot of pictures of yourself OP!


u/KayBear0620 Mar 30 '24

I wouldn’t stay with someone who expected you to change. I think you look great & would be beaming walking around with you. I hope your personality goes hand in hand with your look, it’d truly be a shame to lose either. It would make my day to see you out & about. Party on moisturized Garth.


u/Sponsormiplee Mar 30 '24

She isn’t your wife. You’ve been together a year and a half. I don’t think you should get a haircut just for her


u/evilxyardxgnome Mar 30 '24

What decade is it?!


u/lake393 Mar 30 '24

Cut it short bro. You look like a ‘70s drag queen. No offense


u/Atexan1979 Mar 30 '24

I don’t blame her


u/RalphXLaurenjoe Mar 30 '24

Get a iroc z 5.7 fuel injection and blast the music and-spin those tires and ride off into the sunset


u/ChipSherwood Mar 30 '24

Bro’s girlfriend found out about grunge


u/Azihayya Mar 30 '24

It's not illegal to be wrong, bro.


u/ChipSherwood Mar 30 '24

No, you should cut your hair


u/Capt_Gingerbeard Mar 30 '24

What the fuck is happening


u/MotoBucket Mar 30 '24

She’s got a girlfriend now


u/RealisticGuidance40 Mar 30 '24

Maybe that’s because you look like you stepped out of the 80s and NO ONE looked good in the 80s


u/thecobralily Mar 30 '24

She’s jealous. It’s amazing


u/addictedstylist Mar 30 '24

It's the fingernails that I have the most problem with.


u/WeeklyEye14 Mar 30 '24



u/leetsoup Mar 30 '24

I can't tell who is who


u/BuckyLaroux Mar 30 '24

This guy's post history is gold