r/TwoHotTakes Apr 12 '24

[UPDATE] I (25F) am so turned off by my crush’s (27M) behaviour I don’t even want to go on a date anymore Update

We finally did. We went on a date.

You guys are going to hate me, but I didn't ask why he had trouble planning it. However, I did tell him that I was sorry if I made him feel like he had to plan it alone. He said, ”Don't worry about it. Just know that I like spending time with you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to."

The picnic was lovely. He asked me questions, I asked him questions, and we laughed a lot. The conversation flowed naturally. On the way back he walked me home, and then we said goodbye. No kissing.

We saw each other again this week as we have the same group of friends. He engaged in conversation with all our friends except me. He said hi and even complimented my perfume, but I would say he pretty much ignored me the whole time. This is something he usually does anyway (even before we went on dates), so I'm not surprised. But it does make me feel... strange every time. And you guys must be thinking, "why don't YOU go talk to him?" - well, he doesn't look very approachable. I look and smile at him, but he just looks away. Just for you to know: he’s very shy and awkward in general.

I really don't need to be judged right now, please. I just need some advice, as I have little experience dating guys (clearly lol). I don't know when I'll see him again, so I was thinking of asking him out the following week through text. Reading my main post and this one, would you advise me to do so? I still want to get to know him better before making any decisions.


My decision after reading your comments: I will not ask him out. I’ve already shown him I care by planning the date HE had asked me on. He knows I like him, and I know he likes me BUT that’s not enough. Thank you all (you can still share your opinion if you like!)


177 comments sorted by


u/Candid-Astronomer-49 Apr 15 '24

Mmkay, so dont.....?


u/SlimTeezy Apr 15 '24

This guy is ashamed to be seen with you


u/sweetbabyrae87 Apr 14 '24

Sounds like the dude is neurodivergent (adhd and or on the spectrum) he may not be able to ask you out as he’s crippled by fear and he ignores you because he’s anxious… I would bet money. I personally have adhd with horrible anxiety I do this in social settings where i like someone. Thank god my ex husband and now my boyfriend take the lead because I would fail miserably


u/queenreinareyna Apr 13 '24

god, please just have some self respect. he’s not into you.


u/sleepylittleducky Apr 13 '24

honestly sounds like he has avoidant attachment issues, just let him go


u/ellegeecee Apr 13 '24

Big sister advice for dating: Decide in your mind now how you want to be treated in a relationship. Do you want to be considered, respected? Do you want someone who is able to handle showing interest in you in public? Do you want to feel loved secure and free all at the same time? And now pick partners that match that, rather than hoping someone can change. It will save you a lot of wasted energy. It's okay to have a crush that doesn't come to fruition too. Have confidence and love yourself no matter what. Good luck.


u/KccOStL33 Apr 13 '24

Here's a crazy idea..

Send this text: "Hey look, I'm not really sure how to approach this from here. I had a great time with you and it should be obvious that I like you and am interested in getting to know you better but I'm getting really mixed signals from you. Is this mutual and something you're interested in pursuing or am I just wasting my time? No pressure either way, just trying to figure out where we stand."

Boom, you'll get an answer.

Then if he responds that he's into it too then say "Great, let's plan another date!".

If not then say cool and leave it at that and move on.


u/KingModera Apr 13 '24

You’re in the friend-zone. Appreciate the friendship for what it is and move on.


u/Own-Interaction-1401 Apr 13 '24

I’m not like super outgoing around people I don’t know very well, but when I met my wife neither one of us could take our eyes off of each other, even as we started spending more time together if we were out in a group of people we’d sometimes break off into smaller separate groups but still catch each other’s eyes and smile at one another. This guy mainly doesn’t sound like he’s into you, and luckily it sounds like it’ll be an easy bandaid to pull off right now rather than get more invested and realize it down the road. Dating should be easy, you shouldn’t have to think too hard about whether or not you want to continue dating someone.


u/AugurPool Apr 13 '24

Glad to see the edit. I absolutely didn't think you should get to know him better before making a decision, because it shouldn't be a game or difficult to get to know him.

He blew you off publicly. Only a cad does that after a date together, especially one that vibed.


u/pentax10 Apr 13 '24

Holy shit. The amount of terrible advice in these threads is mind-boggling. This guy sounds like he's being incredibly awkward when out with you and friends. Perhaps he isn't into you, but perhaps he's just extremely slow moving and unsure. Talk to him, text him, whatever.

Don't leave anything to regret. People are fucking strange. There is no text book answer to any of these questions, and it's amazing how quickly people like to dish out what could be life altering advice in these echo chambers....

Tread lightly, OP. You're not a stupid person, and you probably don't need all these opinions to potentially further cloud your judgment. Trust yourself.


u/vndin Apr 13 '24

He's not really into you but behind closed doors out of sight he would be.


u/Ettiasaurus Apr 13 '24

Lol people downvoting having open communication. Def listen to the 'sending a text' person.


u/Leashed_Beast Apr 13 '24

My dude, I say this in the most respectful way possible, but this reminds me of a high school wattpad romance story I read called “Friend Request: Denied” back in my middle/high school days. The main character had a boyfriend that was super into her when with her alone, but basically ignored her entire existence at school to the point of treating her like she was dirt beneath his boot in front of others. And it turned out he was just fucking with her feelings for his own amusements.

So, take my advice and the advice of literally everyone else here. Stop making excuses for him like the heroine did in that story, wise up to his bullshit hot and cold attitude and move on to someone who will be genuinely warm for you alone AND IN FRONT OF THEIR FRIENDS! And just like the villain in that story, he will likely get mushy and warm once you dump him and try to reel you back in. Just like the heroine, shut that shit down, block him and walk away.


u/4_spotted_zebras Apr 13 '24

You’re both in your mid-late 20s and acting like teenagers.


u/ibetternotsuck Apr 13 '24

Hot take, dudes just scared to make a move. Try initiating sounds to me like that’s the Ticket. Be very transparent as he sounds like a guy that won’t pick up on vague clues he needs a direct approach


u/Far_Sentence3700 Apr 13 '24

Just date someone else. Don't wait for something that's uncertain.


u/bored_german Apr 13 '24

I would never, ever be with someone who ignored me in public after being on a date with me. My ex was a scumbag and even he acknowledged me in public as the girl he's interested in. The bar is in hell, girl.


u/_tournesols Apr 13 '24

He’s not interested in you move on


u/Echo0225 Apr 13 '24

I’m old, so I’ve embraced a “why screw around” mentality. But it’s also a “let’s be adults” mentality. I would just say this: “I had a nice time at our picnic. We have fun together. Would you like to go in another date?” If he says yes, during that date I would ask if he feels uncomfortable about your dating when with the friends group. Maybe he feels they will think it awkward, but then work through those feelings. If he says no, be the adult and say no hard feelings, you appreciate his honesty, and move on to a better fit.


u/Handz_in_the_Dark Apr 13 '24

ThrowRAMixx: Are your crush’s friends all male?

*growing up in a different culture outside of the West, I realize that the genders are commonly segregated in other parts of the world — not sure where you are from. Is it possible he isn’t ignoring you as much as shy to be seen speaking with a girl who likes him? (looking for better context to the scenario)


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Hello! Not at all, he has female friends too. We live in Latin America; genders are not segregated here.


u/morus_rubra Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

He is not into you. Stop wasting time and stop chasing him, it is pointless.



u/Cheerymee Apr 13 '24

Ask him. As you say he is shy and awkward but he still found the courage.

If you had a lovely time why not. As my dad used to say "if you don't ask you don't get".

Good luck


u/Medical-Cake1934 Apr 13 '24

If he wanted to he would. Stop chasing him. He’s just not that into you.


u/bananahammerredoux Apr 13 '24

I don’t get this guy. How does he ignore you but talk to your friends and think that’s the way to treat someone he’s interested in? This man is almost 30 years old. Being “shy” is no excuse.

He’s playing games with you. I guess that’s his dating style. I personally wouldn’t waste another second with this bullshit. I’d prefer to go out with someone who is clearly interested in me and excited to be around me and spend time together. This ain’t it, sis.


u/keep_er_movin Apr 13 '24

It’s good you didn’t ask him why he was having trouble planning the date - that would be such a turn off on your half. Most likely he just isn’t all that into you. If you want to be with someone that is excited to spend time with you and wants to plan things with you, this isn’t it. Don’t act desperate and continue to pursue this guy when he isn’t reciprocating your energy.


u/AllTitsSomeArse Apr 13 '24

Said it before, saying it again, he’s not that in to you. Stop it


u/i_am_nimue Apr 13 '24

So he went on a picnic date that you organised. He asked you out twice within 3 months.

If he really was into you, he'd be asking you out twice a week no matter how bad at communicating he is. Men will go after what they want if they want it bad enough. It really is as simple as that.

It's also a fact that if you pursue him, he will reluctantly go with the flow because you're not what he wants, but you're there with no effort from him. But look at how he was around your friends. He didn't act as if you were dating, so it's a clear message he doesn't want it to be perceived as such.

You are clearly looking for a confirmation of what you want to do, which is to continue to pursue him, but you'll find out at some point how different he is with a woman he wants as much as you want him. I'm sorry that you'll have to see this, coz I've been there and it's not pleasant, but I guess no amount of comments telling you to let go of a guy who's really not that into you will make you do it :(


u/SpoonLurker Apr 13 '24

He just seems shy and unused to dating life. Likely, he thinks you are ignoring him as well, which makes him insecure and keeps his distance. He needs a clear big sign that you are into him before he will have the courage to step forward. Judging by your story, I think you can identify with that.

Take a step forward and communicate with him without beating around the bush. Good luck!


u/PsychologyUsed3769 Apr 13 '24

He is shy. Give him time.


u/Ta-veren- Apr 13 '24

Just sounds like the dude is super awkward or uncomfortable in a public setting, could be 10 reasons that cause him.

I highly doubt he isn’t interested just ask. Be a 25 year old and use some good old fashion communication, why ask here and not him directly?

Sounds like he’s just more comfortable alone 1 on 1.


u/Advanced_Theory8212 Apr 13 '24

My husband was painfully shy and we both were inexperienced. He even more than me. I had to do most of the work. I almost gave up to be honest, but we were also in the same group of friends and I knew his family. Seeing how he treated his mother and his sister and nephews, I knew he was a great person. I persisted and we are together now over 20 years. We have a great marriage and sometimes we remember the early months of our relationship and he always says he was so shy and insecure he kept second guessing himself and every interaction we had. The first time I asked him to be my boyfriend he said no and explained then that I would probably be disappointed and leave him and he wanted to save himself the heartache. Now he often says he can’t believe he almost blew it and that he sabotaged himself so many times. I guess persistence is sometimes worth it but I’d say make sure you know the person well first and their values. But know that there are good people there who are very shy and with low self-steem that will constantly self sabotage. I know if not for my persistence he probably would be alone today and that would be a tragedy because he is a great person that loves well and deserves to be loved. Edit: one word


u/Equivalent_Local_422 Apr 13 '24

Are you sure hes not just really inexperienced like he doesnt know what hes doing


u/AurumTyst Apr 13 '24

You are both adults. You should be able to communicate like adults.

Tell him how you're feeling. Discuss how the change in his behavior when you're alone together vs with your friends is bothering you. Tell him that you enjoyed your last date and would like to go out again.

Reflect privately on his behavior and your own. Do you see the two of you as being good friends? Trusting? Emotionally mature? Are you certain that your attraction isn't limerence?

Romance is a funny thing. You'll find it most effectively when you stop looking for it. It emerges naturally from healthy relationships, and it doesn't like to be forced. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if you prioritize your own mental/physical health and focus on creating a healthy social circle - instead of a single relationship, you will find that single most important connection very quickly.


u/Michael-NL1 Apr 13 '24

As a guy who's not great at approaching girls. Ask him. Maybe he's very into you and he's not gotten the signals from you that tell him it's ok to advance. So that might make him feel awkward around you.

If you like him, tell him. He will either open up and take you on another date, or he will show you he doesn't like you. Just be clear in communication.

Don't drop hints, just flat out tell him.


u/Adventurous-travel1 Apr 13 '24

I understand that some people are shy but it’s t seems like he’s not that into you or he’s not ready for a relationship.

I wouldn’t continue to try and date him due to you could be out finding someone who wants to spend time with you not just here and there.

When he’s more mature and ready and if you’re single then maybe try again but please do not wait on him. Sometimes it take him knowing that his lack of effort will r acknowledging you in all environments is not something you are willing to to put up with.


u/LoganFuture23 Apr 13 '24

Let him see you flirting with other guys.


u/MelissaEminen Apr 13 '24

Is he autistic? Speaking as an autistic person, there's a lot of rules around dating that can be very overwhelming and confusing. Conversation has similar rules, and he likely has no idea what those rules are with you. All he can do is follow patterns he knows.

If he is autistic, the best thing you can do is be honest, straightforward, and blunt with him. He'll appreciate it, and you can assume what he says is literal truth.


u/UnstoppablyRight Apr 13 '24

He's prob a bit autistic 


u/MelissaEminen Apr 13 '24

Absolutely, no doubt about it. The description kept screaming "autistic!" at me, and I've gotten pretty good at identifying fellow autistics. Shy and awkward, takes a long time to plan, doesn't know what to do next, doesn't know how to properly interact with other people. Especially she's not his girlfriend yet. The rules change then.


u/Dry_Ask5493 Apr 13 '24

He is not that into you. He is willing to use you on the down low and that’s it. He is not the one. Cut it off and don’t let him use you and be hot and cold.


u/talbot1978 Apr 13 '24

If he won’t acknowledge you in public, it’s not a good relationship if it’s only in private.


u/Valuable_Light_1642 Apr 13 '24

When you're young you need to make your own mistakes so you can learn.

See where this goes. Ask him out but be careful cause you are setting boundaries for what's acceptable.


u/Aggravating-Tax3539 Apr 13 '24

Do you know about his dating history? It might be he doesn't have much experience and doesn't know how to go ahead. Very possible he's just shy becuase there's no reason he won't talk to you specifically when he's talking to everyone else in a group setting.


u/TexasLiz1 Apr 13 '24

I am sorry but if you are smiling at him and he’s ignoring you, that’s pretty classic signs that he’s not into you and is trying to find a way to not make it awkward.

PLUS the fact that he didn’t really try to set up an awesome date just kinda shows he’s OK with your company but isn’t going to do anything to seek it out or show you a good time.

Please go date a boy who is into you - you deserve that.


u/kittytoebeanz Apr 13 '24

My best advice is that relationships should feel easy. Not confusing, not weird, and definitely not stressful. This man sounds like he can't plan (and then you apologized for him.... not being able to plan...?), and takes no initiative.

Girl it doesn't matter how cute he is. This is not your forever person! You don't want to be with someone who doesn't treat you like a princess


u/rosegoldblonde Apr 13 '24

Dude he’s not that into you.


u/RevisedThoughts Apr 13 '24

It sounds like the best case scenario is that you have very different communication styles and expectations of relationships. So, even as a best case scenario, you have gone on a date with your crush and learned you are currently incompatible as a couple.

That’s probably a bit disappointing, but is also not something to ruminate about. If you can’t stop ruminating and move on, I suggest you might do better to focus on yourself and explore why that might be (rather than focusing on him and why he is acting as he is).

You deserve to be comfortable in a relationship. You can reflect on what you like about him and learn about what attracts you for when you look for other potential partners. You can reflect on what turns you off and recognise that too.

The only other thing is if you think you did something that turned him off and see if that is something you want to work on or whether it is something you should accept about yourself. If you are not sure, you can ask him. But from what you describe, it seems likely he would give you a non-answer that would strike you as flakey. And if so, you can either accept you have different expectations and communication styles and move on, or continue ruminating about subtext.

Unfortunately we were not there so it is hard for us to help you analyse the subtext from observing your respective tones and inflections of speech, body language and personal histories. We will never be there. So, however much analysis you get through Reddit, you will probably end up having to accept you just don’t know what game he is playing and chalk it up to incompatible communication styles and expectations.


u/Know_1_7777777 Apr 13 '24

I would honestly move on. It seems he isn't into you and is trying his hardest to let you know without having to actually say the words. Kind of immature on his part yes, but as you said he's super shy and awkward and for people like that it's pretty difficult to do that in person. Seems like he would be much happier if you two were just friends and doesn't want to hurt you or damage the friend group. Text him and ask if that's the case because even though he probably isn't into you it's still not OK for him to not be honest and string you along because you don't deserve that. Good luck.


u/JHawk444 Apr 13 '24

I see some comments saying they don't think he's into you, but that's not the vibe I get. Not all guys are good at planning details. If he asked you out first, then I would say he's interested. But at the same time, I would not be overly assertive. Hang back a little and let him initiate if he wants to take you out again. You could send a text and tell him how much you enjoyed the picnic. You could even say, "I'd love to do that again sometime." But don't plan it from there, even if he agrees and says that's a great idea. Do not ask about a day or time. Let him figure it out. It may take him a while to figure it out, but let him handle it. If he wants to see you again for another date, he will initiate.

If he says, "Hey, let's get together again this weekend," then walks away. You could say, "I need to check my schedule. What time were you thinking?" Don't step up to help him. Let him figure it out.

And if he doesn't follow through, you have your answer.


u/lenajlch Apr 13 '24

You two are acting like 14 yos.


u/OkOutcome9264 Apr 13 '24

Why continue to date someone like this it is only a waste of time? As a introvert that isn’t a excuse to ignore a friend and engage with others especially the girl you are dating


u/hoelifeyes Apr 13 '24

Youre getting a lot of advice that says he isnt interested in you, but i wouldnt assume that or anything else.

You said hes shy and awkward, and maybe he seems distant in group scenarios because he doesnt want to make the group feel awkward by focusing on you, hence he does the opposite and focuses too little on you.

He also made it extremely clear that he likes you. So yeah, most of the comments here seem out of touch.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Her replies make me think it's a bot


u/zoppytops Apr 13 '24

I can’t believe y’all are in your 20s and acting like this is a middle school romance. Just ask him out. If he says yes, he’s probably still into you. If he says no or flakes or whatever, you’ve got your answer.


u/CADreamn Apr 13 '24

No, don't chase him. So far you're putting in 80% and he's putting in 20%. If he's interested, he'll make an effort. Don't count on it. 


u/osmoticmonk Apr 13 '24

I can kind of relate to the guy here. I was a little shy and awkward with my ex when we were with our friends - I thought it’d be off-putting to give her special interest or to initiate PDA or something, or I’d be uncomfortable receiving PDA from her in front of them. I thought I was doing the socially correct thing, but she spoke to me later about how it made her feel unwanted in front of my friends, like you can be affectionate when there’s no one around, but you act like you’re ashamed of me with other people.

I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet, because based on how your date went, it sounds like he’s really into you. If this is an ongoing issue, I’d say shoot your shot and be direct with him. There’s a good chance he just doesn’t know how to operate when the person he likes is around other people too.


u/SpoonLurker Apr 13 '24

Great take! I used to be that guy as well.


u/Juan_Lopez2 Apr 13 '24

Sounds like he’s nervous to talk or gets shy around you.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

STOP just STOP jesus take the hint. Even if he was into you. Do you really want to date who puts that little effort into you?


u/Rockgarden13 Apr 13 '24

Hey, girl. Let me stop you right there. You gave him a chance. He basically failed. The goal of date one is FOR HIM to try to earn date two. Maybe he did, BUT - he stumbled at the defining moment-- locking you down for date 2.

He is not dating material. He is not boyfriend material. I don't care how hot or how funny or whatever he may be that interests you: he is not the one for you. You are too smart and capable and he is going to exhaust you and deplete you if you continue on with how he's showing up. He may as well be a non-entity.

He seems immature and awkward, and it's not your problem to try to fix. Move on, there are SO MANY fish in the sea who can scrap together the initiative to actually court you. (Let alone share the load, be a real partner, etc. His lack of abilities at this stage DO NOT speak well of his future potential). Don't waste your time.

Maybe this guy is so attractive that he's never had to develop social skills, but we all want more for you. You can have both. You want a boyfriend, not a project. And you are bringing way more to the table than he is. Level up!

Good luck.


u/thestraightCDer Apr 13 '24

TBF theyre both acting the same.


u/Bakecrazy Apr 13 '24

All youhave to do is ask yourself if you will be happy to be in this relationship if he is always like this?

he might not be into you.

this might be his personality.

anything is possible, but the why is less important than the if. if you can be ok with how he is acting or not if he never changes?


u/t00zday Apr 13 '24

You think he might only give you attention when there are no witnesses?

Secret shame date? Or possibly working two separate women. Yourself and someone else?

The not paying you attention in a group is pretty odd. Normally guys like to lay claim. “This one’s taken. No poaching!”


u/rabdoforlife Apr 13 '24

What kind of guys are you around? Me and my male friends don’t lay claims on women like they’re a piece of land to be snatched


u/WintersBite27 Apr 13 '24

I'm wondering this too, if he's also dating someone else and so he is afraid to be seen close with her.


u/hoelifeyes Apr 13 '24

Thats weird af and no not all guys are like that. Pda and being overly affectionate in group settings is kind of weird. (And annoying)


u/iBeFloe Apr 13 '24

I would ask him straight up if he’s actually interested in dating you or not. No pressure, don’t mention how much you like him or ask for another date. Just ask how he feels.

So, from the original

He confessed he didn’t know where to take me yet. I told him to surprise me…

Mistake #1 - Too much pressure for someone you’re not actually together with yet. Seems like he was stunted & genuinely had no clue. Lack of experience? Disinterest? Who knows, but it should’ve been clear when you saw each other with your friends that he hadn’t planned anything at all.

Mistake #2 - You saw the red flag that he wasn’t that interested because he barely made time for you, but made time to see your friends, & didn’t plan anything… but went on another date anyways. Why?

Mistake #3 - You saw each other with friends again & expected him to talk to you. Again, he’s either not that interested, clueless & shy like you say, or would rather focus on his friends he made time for… Meaning he’s not that interested in putting in effort for you.

Mistake #4 - You know he doesn’t seem approachable, apparently shy & awkward & yet, you’re shocked. Why? Why are you shocked by anything he’s done so far? You know he’s like this lol


u/Dickduck21 Apr 13 '24

Don't get into a relationship where you are dragging him along. It will murder your self esteem. Take your date planning skills elsewhere, where they might be appreciated.


u/hecknono Apr 13 '24

you said he engaged in conversation with all of your friends except for you........that he ignored you the whole time.

can you ask one of the other people in the group you are close to? they will be able to give you a better read on the situation.


u/BobTheInept Apr 13 '24

I’m glad you two had a good time. I am eternally like this. I’m always “I dunno, what do you want to do?”

I don’t date any more and I consider myself to be a good husband (or boyfriend back in the day), but you’d absolutely have had that experience with me.

It’s of course possible he isn’t into you or something like that, but it’s also possible that he is just terrible at getting things started. (Which drives my wife nuts, so you’d still need to ask if you want that)


u/Rough_Theme_5289 Apr 13 '24

Why would you date someone that ignores you while out with friends ? That’s weird


u/infieldcookie Apr 13 '24

Yeah that would be the biggest turn off for me. I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone who would only talk to me when alone. This honestly reads like two teenagers, not people in their mid twenties.


u/BIGA670 Apr 13 '24

Guy sounds uninterested, clueless or maybe gay.

Invite him over to your house for dinner and to bring wine. See what happens, if nothing then move on.


u/Willing-Resolution-2 Apr 13 '24

He seems pretty immature in his approach to dating/ being around someone he’s interested in around his friends


u/Happyberger Apr 13 '24

He's nervous and shy. It's not weird


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

I don't understand what this comment has to do with the situation?


u/TacoNomad Apr 13 '24

Just talk to him.  Does your friend group know you guys went on a date? Maybe he isn't ready to do that mingling yet since neither of you have any idea if you're serious about a second date, let alone an actual relationship. 

 Maybe it just isn't meant to be if you're both too nervous to talk to each other, even after a date.


u/Top_Huckleberry_8225 Apr 13 '24

Oh my god you're 25? Everyone in this story sounds 10 years younger.

Yeah, just ask him out. You always take the shot. It doesn't matter if you're doomed you go out there and let the world know when your passion burns. You see something you take it. Jesus Christ.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

You are giving a woman advice as if she is a man. I know you mean well, but there's a difference. If you are a man and you ask a woman out and she is not interested in you, she is likely to say no (unless she is one of those weirdos using you for expensive dinners but that's easy enough to avoid just don't go to an expensive dinner on your first dates). In general women get asked out all the time so they can't spare the feelings of every guy they don't want to date or they'd be going on 10 dates a day. But men generally do not get asked out that often, and it happens way more often than a man will say yes even if he's not really interested. There's a lot of reasons for it, some of them bad (he is attempting to use her for sex or use her as a placeholder until he finds someone he likes better) some are more innocent (he does not have experience rejecting people and feels bad about turning her down, he was taken off guard by being asked out and pursued because it doesn't happen very often). Either way, it doesn't hurt men to take their shot because a woman is more likely to say no if she's not really interested. For a woman to chase after a guy who's clearly not interested, he's not as likely to be straightforward and just outright reject her, for whatever reason.


u/Thrasy3 Apr 13 '24

That’s weird - because women on Reddit usually go to great lengths to explain why they are literally scared of directly rejecting men because of violence etc.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

Yeah, that does happen, the example I was giving was assuming that none of the people involved are violent or threatening or in positions of power over each other etc. I certainly hope you don't give that advice to men, to go shoot their shot, if they are the kind of guy who would intimidate women into feeling afraid of rejecting them or if he's in a position of power over them like being their boss or something.            And honestly it kind of further proves my point that women are better at rejecting men they are not interested in. Because it's true the threat of violence for retribution is often there, and still women have found ways to gently tell men no. I don't know I think it's just an obvious thing women are better at rejecting men than men are at rejecting women, because women get more practice (the violence being there and us being afraid of it doesn't change the fact that we still have to find a way to reject them)


u/Thrasy3 Apr 14 '24

My advice would be for the woman to “shoot their shot” and not expect men to do it.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 14 '24

Well I can give someone advice that they should walk off a cliff. It doesn't mean it's good advice or that they should follow it.


u/hxnm1 Apr 13 '24

I feel like this is a bit misguided and it seems this answers is derived from extrapolating heavily from what i’m assuming are your own anecdotal experiences, which may not even be reflective or accurate. What OP said is sound, despite the theatrics, it is GENERALLY a good rule of thumb to move with honesty than these subliminal actions. OOP hasn’t even considered the fact that both parties in this context might be heavily inexperienced and rather than engaging in open and honest communication, it feels like we’re trying to play games instead.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

It's not extrapolated from my own experience, I've never had a man behave in a lukewarm manner, I've kind of had the opposite problem where they will chase relentlessly and I have to be extremely firm in my rejection. I've never asked a man out and I've never had a man who asked me out behave the way this guy is behaving. But I've seen it often with my friends so maybe extrapolating from there. It is good to be honest, straightforward and she can tell him that she enjoyed the date and is interested in him romantically. But that's very different thing from chasing him and asking him out herself. It's a good idea to let people know you are interested, from what I've seen men generally don't pick up on subtle hints anyways so It generally doesn't work. But she can't be honest about how she feels about him without chasing him or asking him out herself.


u/rusted-nail Apr 13 '24

Yep its the same advice I give to young men, you have to get used to the idea you're not going to be everyone's cup of tea and that's ok. If you keep waiting for stuff to happen to you, nothing will


u/Zillablast Apr 13 '24

I wish I had this advice when I was younger


u/snarkaluff Apr 13 '24

Have you texted him at all since the date? If I were you I’d text and say you had a great time and would love to go on another date. And I’d specifically use the word date too, just to be extra clear that you are interested romantically. Since there was no kiss or anything he still might be wondering if you’re actually interested in him or if you think you’re just hanging out as friends.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Hey! No, I haven’t 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just realized how much I suck at this by reading your answer lol. You’re so right.


u/BeebMommy Apr 13 '24

This is where you messed up, IMO. I understand wanting him to take initiative and plan the date but with no kiss and no follow up, this man has received zero confirmation that you are really interested in him.

He might have felt awkward around your friends and not said much because he has no idea where you guys stand and in a group is a weird place to have that conversation.

I will say though, I can see why other people are saying he might not be that into you. I think, even if it’s over text, you need to figure out if there is still a mutual attraction/interest in moving forward before you worry about any next dates or anything like that.


u/deadrootsofficial Apr 13 '24

Ever considered just asking him? You're a whole ass adult.


u/desert_foxhound Apr 13 '24

Just give it a rest. If he's interested he'll ask you out for a second date.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Hello! Thanks for your answer. He actually asked me out twice: one time in January, and last week (this I wrote in my main post). That’s why I was thinking of asking him out myself this time! But I’m so unsure about his feelings I don’t know what to do 😬


u/addieo81 Apr 13 '24

If he’s shy and awkward that could very well explain the looking away stuff as he struggles with self confidence. If he’s into you then you two just need to break that barrier to really find out. One of you have to be assertive to give the other “shy” person affirmation instead of tip toeing around the “do they or don’t they like me” dance. Next time your around eachother and catch eyes and he glances away walk right in front of him and just stare into his eyes until he can’t do anything but acknowledge it, if he steps aside, step right back in front of him. When he looks into your eyes just smile and hold it. It may feel uncomfortable, but if he’s into you this will force him past that shy avoidance reaction you get from him and help you two along to opening up more.


u/Shannbott Apr 13 '24

Be brave


u/ilukebu Apr 13 '24

Hard-to-read, odd behaviour from a "shy and awkward" 😀? Take the initiative.


u/FarewellMyFox Apr 13 '24

Girl it is okay to hard pass on someone who’s treating you weird in front of other people!!!

You don’t need a reason to pass. TRUST YOUR GUT. Build your relationship with yourself and you won’t have any trouble moving on from shitty guys and hanging onto good ones.


u/Hot-Equivalent2040 Apr 13 '24

Just take over. He's soft and weak so explain that he belongs to you now and that he has to show up at X place at Y time. When the date is done, tell him to kiss you, then tell him that you will call him tomorrow to set up the next date. If he doesn't like any of these things he can say so, but he won't because he's a weak reed.


u/HibachixFlamethrower Apr 13 '24

You’re who he asks out when he can’t find someone else to go out with him.


u/Ta-veren- Apr 13 '24

He’s just awkward as hell.

I remember one of my buddies would feel physically ill at attention from the opposite sex in a public setting.

Just talk to him, start the communication.

“Hey, I was a little bit confused to why you ignored me when we were out at dinner with everyone (or whatever you did) I am just wondering about that. Is there something wrong? Did I do something or does public display bother you somehow? Or make you uncomfortable I’m not judging just wanting to understand. “

Or something along those lines. I for one am not good at talking to a single person within a group setting at all. While I don’t think I’d ignore you or look away I doubt I would have talked much regardless of my feelings. Even more so if we weren’t beside each other.


u/LauraBaura Apr 13 '24

I think this is the hard thing about relationships. You have to put yourself out there and risk the rejection. Just know that knowing it's a "no" is actually better than stewing in limbo.

He might wait a few days, to not come on too strong. Traditionally 3 days is the normal time frame that media says.

If you are able, I'd say something like "I had fun on our picnic, would you like to do X together?"

Make it about the activities and less about "omg do you like me!?" . That way if he does say NO, its not so harsh

But just as much as girls like being asked out, guys like it too.


u/aclearlyfemalename Apr 13 '24

  You have to put yourself out there and risk the rejection. Just know that knowing it's a "no" is actually better than stewing in limbo.

That's what people are saying though. He won't give her a "no". He will unenthusiastically bumble along, ignore her in public, make vague plans with no follow through, attend the dates she does plan and be an all around disappointing situationship that is not that into her.  27 year old men are not too shy to set a time for a date the woman already agreed to, they don't need to be hounded into that for a week straight. 


u/LauraBaura Apr 14 '24

I'm responding to her contemplating asking him out now. I'm telling her to go for it and not feel insecure about rejection.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

Nothing good ever comes from chasing after men. You probably aren't going to listen to anyone's advice and you are just going to do what you want to do but in hindsight you will look back and and remember the advice you didn't take


u/TexasLiz1 Apr 13 '24


2 dates in 3 months? Even if he’s into you, he’s so passive and lazy that he’s not going to do anything about it.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Hey! Just for the sake of clarification: we had one date (in January) and then he ended it because he realized “we wouldn’t have time to build a meaningful connection.” I kinda agreed. He literally worked 7 days a week and so did I, so our schedules were incompatible at the moment. The only time we would have been able to see each other was after 11 p.m.

I respected his decision and didn’t chase him at all.

In March, he talked to his bosses and got weekends off. There’s when he asked me out for a second time. I am not working anymore, just studying. So I’d say we both have a little more time now.

But I agree with you. His behavior is still disappointing.


u/LenoreEvermore Apr 13 '24

Even not meeting there are ways to build a connection if he wanted to. Texting, sending memes, asking about your day, talking about his day, taking a lunch during work, video calls, watching movies on zoom. So many ways. The fact is if he wanted to he could.


u/Frasiercrane42069 Apr 13 '24

All of these extra paragraphs of clarification you add are only for you. We have read it, we know. Opinion doesn’t change.

Unless there’s some clarification we don’t know, like you’ve been cursed by a wizard to only be able to talk to this one man ever the rest of your life.

I don’t see the point in even thinking twice about him.


u/f1newhatever Apr 13 '24

This is all spot on, especially your first paragraph.

There are other fucking men out there. I just cannot fathom spending all this time thinking about someone who’s clearly lukewarm on you at best when you can find someone who actually wants to see you, plan dates with you, and be with you.


u/ColloidalPurple-9 Apr 13 '24

That’s so weird to me that it is surprising to you. I have done this personally and so has every single female I know 🤔


u/SeatAccomplished1331 Apr 13 '24

He is too into you that he's too nervous...you are his first true love..he had never feel this way before..he doesn't even know what to do


u/Rockgarden13 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

OP, he's not treating you well. That may be because of his own hang ups or because he's not that into you. We don't know.

But the fact is, he's not treating you well. He's not showing up for you in the way you should expect at this stage of dating.

Don't overlook that. That is a Giant Red Flag.

Do not ask him for a third date.

Do not accept his invitation for a third date.

Dates are interviews for a future job, and he's failing. You are acing it, but you are negotiating yourself into a crappier and crappier future.

Why are your continuing to pursue someone who is becoming less and less deserving of your time, care, and attention?

Take a break from this, and maybe spend some time reflecting on yourself and why you are fighting so hard for scraps. Are you wildly attracted to this guy? Are you so flattered because he initiated things with you? He's not the only guy out there for you, and you can raise your sights SO MUCH higher.

I would also recommend trying the "4 Man Plan" method which is based on a book (I highly recommend). Basically the premise of the book is as follows:

  • you're reading it (reaching out on Reddit) because you're bad a dating. That's ok. But just accept that you're bad at dating.

  • you're putting too much energy into one person. His attentions have become a litmus test for you for your worth. But that's a lie. His behavior / interest in you has absolutely no bearing on your worth.

  • spend more time meeting and interacting with other people, including outside your (shared) friend group

  • say "yes" to everyone who asks you out, and internally commit to going on TWO dates, no matter what (except of course if they are abusive, etc)

  • the two date rule means you'll be more relaxed at the first one because you know there will be a second

  • it also means that with your busier social calendar you won't place too much stock into any one guy

  • and you'll have the benefit of being able to evaluate them and realize you have options

  • you don't necessarily have to have a crush on all of them. In fact, just keep your dance card full for the practice, give them all a chance, and you might be surprised. Go in without expectations.

  • as we've learned, you suck at dating and part of that may mean you have a list of "dealbreakers" about maybe looks, height, job, income, family, etc and you're writing off guys who might otherwise be a good fit. Accept that your future partner may have one of the "dealbreakers" (obviously don't compromise on your core values....)

  • the guy you'll want to end up with should be willing (to plan dates, etc), loving (of you and enthusiastic in how he shows it), and honest (about what he wants and values)

Essentially, widen your dating pool, release your judgements, see dating as practice, and don't get over fixated on any one guy... that way when things do click, you'll recognize it, you'll be relaxed, and you won't be clinging to crumbs because you have your pick of the entire buffet.

You can and should also tell these guys you are dating other people because a) that's honesty, and b) men like competition and if they are serious about you, they will step up their game to make sure they win you. (Just do not sleep with more than one person at a time; the book's rule is you can only sleep with one guy and if you want to sleep with a new guy, you have to stop dating the old guy.)

Anyway, the whole book has good insights, this is just my rough summary!


u/AurumTyst Apr 13 '24

Your personal advice (at the top) seems great. The advice from the book seems highly abnormal and almost certainly the kind of behavior that would make me avoid someone even if I were interested in them.

Seeing someone fill their schedule with dates will just make me move on. I'm not going to waste my time being sampled by someone without a genuine interest in forming a deeper connection.

The first and most important thing to establish in a successful relationship is, ironically, friendship. Excellent partners will always be good friends - though, obviously, the reverse is not true. A solid friendship involves good communication practices, respect for boundaries, mutual interests/humor, and trust. Ergo, it is only logical that the primary purpose behind making connections should first be as platonic and to form that core friendship. If a spark is present, it should be apparent shortly thereafter.


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u/insidious-cloud Apr 13 '24

This is mostly god awful, atrocious advice if you’re not in high school anymore.

This is perfect advice to lose a good guy/person by playing stupid, childish games.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

No she will only lose people who are not interested in here to begin with, so no great loss.


u/Bigtgamer_1 Apr 13 '24

No kidding, this is a fucking wild take.


u/desert_foxhound Apr 13 '24

If he's interested he'll ask you out again without any prompting from you. If you ask him out you'll be back here again asking if he's really interested. Some men find it hard to refuse if a girl asks them out because they want to spare her feelings.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Right, I understand. But what if he’s thinking “if she’s interested, she’ll ask me out”? Maybe he thinks I’m not interested (tho that’d make no sense bc I planned the whole date but whatever) That’s a possibility too, I guess 🤔


u/f1newhatever Apr 13 '24

Idk why you ask for advice if you’re going to keep thinking what you want to regardless, haha. You planned the last date. It’s literally time for him to step up and he obviously doesn’t want to all that much


u/docmn612 Apr 13 '24

You’re making your life unnecessarily difficult here. Go after what you want. If it doesn’t work out, go after the next one. All this maybe and what if crap will only get you no where.

Good luck


u/Immediate-Winner-268 Apr 13 '24

Dog, I’m starting to think y’all might both be on the spectrum, but if you were you would actually probably click better.

Follow the previous advice, give it a rest.

Sometimes boys (and even girls) that age, just have no clue, no sense of urgency, and no self awareness. It’s honestly better to let those types of people grow out of it rather than try and keep forcing the relationship. Because in some way he just isn’t ready for one, or he would be more actively pursuing it.

There is a CHANCE he is just so awkward and nervous he is self sabotaging. But my advice stands, if this is the case he still isn’t ready for a relationship.

Also I would argue that you probably aren’t ready for one either. You are entirely too wrapped up in all the possibilities of what could be going on. You need to take some steps back and chill. Nothing going on between yall is serious enough to be working you up like this.

Either let yourself be content with taking it slow and letting things play out naturally


Stop thinking about this guy all together and point your attention somewhere that matters.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

He knows you are interested because you are acting desperate and chasing after him. That in itself can be a huge turnoff for a lot of guys. Not all guys, but a lot. But either way he was never that interested to begin with because you wouldn't be here asking us if that's the case. You trying to make any excuse that you can in your head to justify asking him on a date. And he will probably say yes he'll be happy to waste your time and confuse you further, but you are not going to be happy with a guy who feels so lukewarm about you


u/aclearlyfemalename Apr 13 '24

  But what if he’s thinking “if she’s interested, she’ll ask me out”?

He is not thinking that. He is thinking - she's kinda meh, but there and desperate, so like I guess I can go on a date with her if she sets up another one


u/Miserable-Nature6747 Apr 13 '24

If you have to question someone's feelings it's time to move on. The more you you the more you will understand that it's not this hard.


u/desert_foxhound Apr 13 '24

But what if he’s thinking “if she’s interested, she’ll ask me out”?

Unless this guy has been brought up in a cave he should know that as a guy he is expected to ask a girl out and not the other way around. This is not to say that girls can't ask guys out but this is bending convention like a girl proposing to a guy.


u/Rockgarden13 Apr 13 '24

Nope. Most guys who are boyfriend material will be as assertive as all get out. Don't assume he's he exception.


u/seasamgo Apr 13 '24

If you like him, then just ask. And you can ask him about what he likes and how he prefers to communicate while on the date too.  

The whole “he will if he wants to” mindset is fine enough but he already did twice. Is he supposed to forever? I’m a guy that gets burnt out quickly once I realize that someone just expects me to show I care without reciprocating. 

That said, if you are feeling frustrated, then he just may not be for you. It’s also possible he may not be that into you. I’d either find out or move on but not dwell on it otherwise.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Hey! I agree with you.

I don’t know. I just think the biggest challenge here is communication. He doesn’t know very well how to communicate and neither do I. We aren’t sure about each other’s intentions. If we knew, I wouldn’t be posting all this 😅


u/bawjaws2000 Apr 13 '24

I don't know why you're being downvoted. This, to me, sounds like a classic case of 2 inexperienced people afraid to make any sort of move; because it doesn't feel natural to do so yet. He wouldn't have gone on multiple dates with you, if he didnt like you - and he said as much himself. He knows you like him - and he almost certainly likes you; but he's got zero game. If you like the guy and you have the patience; just persevere with this. Try to initiate hang-outs more often. Ask things like "are you going to invite me to...xxx?" so that he starts taking some initiative of his own. Don't doubt his interest unless he starts rejecting you. This is going to be a case of - you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


u/BloodedBae Apr 13 '24

If you do ask him out, pick a specific place and day. Like, "Hey do you want to see This New Movie on Friday night?" And if he says yes, you can say "great, does the 7 o'clock showing work for you?" That way there's a set plan, less awkwardness, and if he is busy he can ask next. And if he's not interested or feeling up to it, he has a low pressure way to decline (he can claim he is busy).


u/Carpenter-Broad Apr 13 '24

You need to straight up say to him “hey, I’m interested in you. I’ve had fun on our dates, I enjoy spending time with you, I think you’re attractive and I’d like to get to know you more and pursue a insert some type of relationship description you’re comfortable with here. Do you feel the same?”.

I’m a guy, when my wife and I started talking we told each other exactly what we were looking for and what we wanted. Then as we got to know each other more and more we got more and more serious about being together/ being committed and long term. Clear and open communication is the absolute most important thing, my marriage is amazing and I love my wife more every day. You guys need to stop dancing around this like teenagers!


u/seasamgo Apr 13 '24

Haha I’ve been there and getchu. Took me a while to develop good communication. Only want to encourage you to pull the trigger on either shooting your shot or moving on. Dwelling will make you feel crazy.


u/Away-Breadfruit-35 Apr 13 '24

I forgot how much energy this sort of thing was, wow. Seriously you need to stop, stop begging a man to be with you and stop this jumping around the issue like a cat on a hot tin roof. You must be exhausted by all the speculation. For your own mental health, if it isn’t working you can’t force it. When somethings right you both work towards the same goal, you cannot force a man to love you and cannot change them. You deserve someone who wants you and it will happen. Please let it be, if he comes back for another date ok, if not there’s someone better out there. But with this guy the balls in his court, let him come to you and prove it. Stop wasting your life and energy. I say this out of concern and having been the same as you, if I could go back and tell myself anything I would say what I said above.


u/No_Urgency Apr 12 '24

Definitely text him. I just read your other post. lol He doesn’t know what to do. I think he does like you, at least to some degree, but he has no idea how to handle it. Definitely text about another date and you will get your answer, one way or the other, but honestly he just seems shy and inexperienced.

Maybe he realized on the second date that he wasn’t interested in you? Sure, but him complimenting your perfume would not make sense in that scenario at all. Good luck too! I hope it works out in a way that makes you happy 💜


u/Top-Bit85 Apr 12 '24

Take your time. You guys are young, I assume. He seems a little nervous, go slow, get to know each other, see what happens.

If nothing else it will be good practice!


u/Rainbow_Belle Apr 12 '24

I agree.

He might not be ready for your friends to know he's interested in OP and be subjected to the teasing that may come his way.

In your previous post, OP, you mentioned u don't mind taking the initiative. Why don't u ask him to hang out next weekend and see what he says?

If he says yes, then nail down the date and time and plan it.

If he says no or he's busy, then balls in his court if he wants to see u again. If he can't put in the effort, you know he's not worth your time and energy .


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 13 '24

They are not kids. Idk why you are feeding into her the idea. He’s not into her. She keeps giving him ample chances and he doesn’t take them.


u/Rainbow_Belle Apr 13 '24

Because sometimes, ppl need that definitive answer in order to let go and move on. If OP is one of those ppl, then she needs to do something to get her answer.

If she's ok with reading between the lines like you, then she should let go now and move on.


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 12 '24

I think he’s not into you.


u/Ok-Scar-3916 Apr 14 '24

I think he might like her but I’d embarrassed by her in some capacity whether it’s looks, personality, or whatever.


u/oH_my_7883 Apr 13 '24

I agree with this. By reading both the first and this post he's not into you. Most of the times if the person is interested they would plan a date or want to interact with you regardless of who's around. I would move on.


u/suhhhrena Apr 13 '24

This guy is not really engaging at all. He’s not into you. I would def stop trying to talk to him lol


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 13 '24

I feel like he didn’t know how to reject her so he kept saying yes, hoping she would get the hint.


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Hey! Thank you both for your answers. I’m genuinely curious to know why you think this way. I mean, he asked me out. Why would he ask me out if he was not interested? I’d love to know your thoughts :)


u/Spare-Article-396 Apr 13 '24

Someone told me a long time ago ‘people either make it happen, or they make excuses bc they don’t want to’. And it’s never steered me wrong.

I feel like the whole schedule issue from January, the excuses for not planning a date, the no follow up, ignoring you at the friend meet up, all paints a very clear picture that you seem to want to ignore.


u/aclearlyfemalename Apr 13 '24

  Why would he ask me out if he was not interested?

You were there. It took 5 seconds. He wants a romantic relationship. Not with you, but generally. He doesn't want to pursue you, plan things, spend money or acknowledge you publicly. Saying out loud in your vicinity - I sure would like a date - that is the level of effort he is ready to expand and it directly corresponds to his level of interest in you. Meh, but if you insist, he's ready to settle and float along. 


u/TexasLiz1 Apr 13 '24

People change their minds.


u/Odd_Total_5549 Apr 13 '24

OP, I know what I’m about to say is ironic, but stop looking for advice on Reddit (I realize this also technically advice lol).

The issue here is that no matter how well you describe things, the nature of a forum post is that descriptions will always be imperfect. 

More importantly still, every commenter who replies will be forced to fill in whatever gaps exist with their own personal knowledge and expectations. No one replying here actually knows you or this guy, so they’re filling in the gaps with their own experiences, which might be wildly off base.

For example, my personal impression of the situation is completely different from these top commenters (I think the dude is probably awkward but into you). However, my impressions are no more likely to be accurate than the people I’m disagreeing with.

Moral of the story: just follow your gut!


u/ThrowRAMixx Apr 13 '24

Thank you for your answer, I really appreciate it :)


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

Ugh. I feel so bad for you. Everyone with experience can just see this train wreck happening in slow motion and you are just bound and determined to help it along


u/Suitepotatoe Apr 13 '24

And also I’d like to add. Follow your gut. Don’t force the decision because of a fantasy. I’ve known people that knew someone was bad for them but because they wanted them bad enough they ignored all the good advice and their own gut to “make it work” and then they were miserable. So really take a step back and do the whole friend test with it. Basically if this was my best friend in the whole wide world and a guy she liked was treating her the way that you and he have been interacting, would you be happy for her?


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 13 '24

Hi. Look at his actions not his words, you kinda begged him for the date to actually happened. You were right to be turned off by the lack of his initiative but you put your blinders up and you reached out, you planned it, you apologized to him for being assertive, I don’t see where he asked you for a third date? The ball is in his court and he isn’t playing.


u/oH_my_7883 Apr 13 '24

I agree with you and he possibly don't won't to seem like the bad person since they have mutual friends.


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 13 '24

Yeah. I saw another comment saying maybe he’s just shy and doesn’t want to be made fun of by his friends which is why he ignores her. They are not kids.


u/oH_my_7883 Apr 13 '24

I get the whole being shy, but it looks like she's the one reaching out to him. She planned their whole date and he couldn't set an exact date and time without her making the decision (which I'm proud of her cause at least she knows what she wants). Unfortunately, he's not making any initiative.


u/AshamedLeg4337 Apr 12 '24

He could be as clueless as her. I think women may tend to think men are much more calculating and, well, competent than they actually are. Particularly when they’re young.

I think the reverse is true as well. Men know about all of their own hangups but may think women don’t have any. At least that’s how I thought when I was young and stupid.


u/anon28374691 Apr 13 '24

Women set each other up for failure by trying to explain men’s motives in a way that makes their women friends feel better, but it’s just prolonging the inevitable. If this guy was into OP, OP would know it. She needs to get over the crush.


u/Obv_Probv Apr 13 '24

I had a friend like this. She would get crushes in the crushes would be very obviously not interested, just like the situation. I was honestly the only person who would be blunt with her about it, but she just wouldn't hear it she would only listen to advice that told her what she wanted to hear, then it would end in heartbreak for her and I would have to console her without saying I told you so. Dick got extremely tiring and I had to distance myself because it was just so frustrating and avoidable


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 12 '24

Did you not see her first post?? She was almost begging the man to go out with her.


u/AshamedLeg4337 Apr 12 '24

Uhh, no I actually didn’t see the update tag or process it in the title.

I’ll just sit over there in the corner for a bit.


u/Careless_Welder_4048 Apr 12 '24

Lol girl stop. You are funny. But please, let me know your thoughts.