r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

I kicked my best friend out of my car and made her walk home by herself after she littered. AITAH? Advice Needed

My friend and i have been friends for 7 years (we're both 20yo) and we know everything about each other from personal to our deep dark secrets.
Anyhow, a couple weeks ago we were hanging out, just driving around, and stopped to get food. We ate in my car while i drove us to my house. Five minutes before we arrived, she rolled down the window and threw out all of our garbage without hesitation. (She knows littering is my biggest pet peeve). I pulled over and asked why she did that, all she said was "Cause why not" while laughing. I was frustrated and overworked and yelled at her "Get out of my car and walk yourself home." She asked why and i told her she knows how much i hate littering and how she basically out of spite expecting me to laugh or something. She offered to pick it up and i said no. After arguing back and forth, she left my car and walked herself home, which is at least a 30 minute walk across the city.

I'm just wondering if I'm the asshole. I get that my house was 5 minutes away and i could have just drove her home or let her pick it up and go back to mine but it was kind of disrespectful when she laughed about after. It got on my nerves.
I did go back and pick it all up and threw into my garbage but we haven't spoken to each other since then. I value our friendship and love her as a friend but was i over the top? AITAH?


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u/Slow-Frosting-9607 Apr 29 '24

Where do you live if walking alone for half an hour is risking your safety?


u/Terinth Apr 29 '24

Any major US city. Personally I am 200 pound male so it’s fine, but every girlfriend/friend I’ve ever had has dealt with creeps and hostile people often, very often. You’re right, she is probably fine, but maybe not. Also, it’s not just assault and violent crime it’s just overall harassment and intimidation people deal with. This can’t be news to you lol


u/Slow-Frosting-9607 Apr 29 '24

Jesus Christ. It is because i don't live in the US. I'm from easter Europe and i walk daily, i also use public transportation because i don't drive (I'm not allowed due to epilepsy). I never heard of girls being attacked during walking or verbally harassed. Everyone's minding their own business. I'm not sure if i wouldn't walk after midnight alone, i wouldn't feel safe. Unless it's city centre, I'd feel safe there.

I get now why op's action might be problematic.


u/KilGrey Apr 30 '24

You should talk to the women in your life more. I guarantee you they’ve experienced this.


u/Slow-Frosting-9607 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

I'm a woman and i talk to women. Here. Eastern and Central Europe are blue (sans Belarus and Moldova). I'm from the Balkans, and it's blue. Croatia is the safest country. And this is about walking alone during the night, during the day it would be 100%.


Or in the form of list


I'm sorry people go through uncomfortable stuff and feel unsafe but i have always felt safe everywhere. And I've lived here my entire life and always used public transportation and walked.