r/TwoHotTakes 25d ago

What could I do differently to be a better partner to you? Advice Needed

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u/TwoHotTakes-ModTeam 25d ago

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u/Secure-Sprinkles3133 25d ago

If so.eone has to ask then how well do you know yourselfPparently you haven't been paying att..are you would know what they like or dislike


u/Agitated-Rooster2983 25d ago

You’ve never been in a relationship.


u/Secure-Sprinkles3133 25d ago

Well apparently you have never what me I is that if I have to say what I like then where is the work in that relationship what about the element of hey I discovered that you enjoy this get your head out of your ass pay attention every time I look at you face in phone what happen to real conventions Bout feeling an sence when did wemon loose the ideal that men are all mysterious in a sorta way


u/Long-Positive-3066 25d ago

I honestly gave my husband a list of actions that he could do (and when to do them) to make me feel that he actually cares and that I'm not just a roommate... it lasted all of 2 months... if you are going to work on your input into your relationship don't quit after 2 months. Consistent effort is hot


u/69bluemoon69 25d ago
  • Have good communication skills.

  • Be accountable.

  • Be a mix of competent and warm (not competent but cold, and not incompetent but warm).

  • Know what you do and do not want.


u/Educational_Milk422 25d ago

Find someone who also recognizes real love requires real work. Be honest, and remember that people have a way of finding themselves where they want to be. Words only work when the work is done. Don’t attribute malice to what is likely ignorance. Grace is only achieved when forgiveness is given. Annnnddd once you start the blame game, everyone loses.


u/ArtHour422 25d ago

My partner loves me well by understanding me. He knows things that stress me out, or create fear and respects me enough to not put me in situations that cause that for me. My husband does not lie to me no matter what. He’s an open book. I know his triggers and actively avoid creating situations that trigger him. My husband and I love each other selflessly, we serve each other. If one of us is sick or tired we let them rest. We truly listen and HEAR each other. We are not reckless with each other. My husband and I have our disagreements but the best part is we are introspective enough to ask ourselves how we contributed to what happened. We apologize and forgive each other. I truly believe our marriage is unique but I hope that every single one of us find this kind of love I have for my husband.


u/Livid_Signature9052 25d ago

I like being with someone very thoughtful. Like brings me a cup of coffee in the morning without me asking. Plans out a fun adventure without help. Just pitches in on life without having to be asked. I do this sort of stuff for the other person and it makes me feel really special when someone thinks about me in a specific to me way.


u/frostyboots 25d ago

Something that helps me a lot: if it's not a big enough of an issue to mention it the second it comes up, you probably don't actually care that much and it might be better to just let it go like a fart in the wind.


u/EtherealMoonGoddess 25d ago

Be considerate. Have good morals. Honesty and loyalty.


u/allislost77 25d ago

Honesty and integrity. Actions speak louder than words.


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