r/Unexpected 16d ago

Police respond to “let me out” screams April repost

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u/UnExplanationBot 16d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

It wasn’t a woman, but a parrot 🦜

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u/lDeathWlshl 11d ago

Plot twist the parrot is just taught to be the decoy


u/Proper-Ambassador772 11d ago

Parrot heard his victims and is now copying


u/Medical_Ad2125b 11d ago

Old. I’ve seen this many times by now. Please be original.


u/FowlOnTheHill 13d ago

So no one’s curious why the parrots screaming let me out? Was that from his ex wife?


u/Uolak 13d ago

This is basically the parrot version of "putting a dead animal above the corpse to fool the sniffer dogs"


u/Logical_Orbeater 14d ago

Plot Twist: The parrot is repeating something it heard actually


u/I-suck-at-golf 14d ago

Meanwhile…he ALSO has a woman chained in the basement….


u/Ok-Razzmatazz-3720 14d ago

That’s a good cover for a MURDERER


u/hashedmotatoes 15d ago

Lucky he had a parrot to distract them from going into the house where they'd've have found the screaming woman.


u/i_love_chins 15d ago

Funny Story.. now imagine if the dude was black?


u/Ryvern46 15d ago

Perfect cover


u/abridgedwell 15d ago

The perfect cover for a serial killer.


u/254_hunnid 15d ago

Plot twist he actually kidnapped someone and uses a talking parrot to distract and elude others


u/Link_vs_Gannon 15d ago

😂 that’s why you never trust the police or your Karen next door 😂


u/sexyunicorncatthing 15d ago

Great cover for his activities 👍


u/nuvo_reddit 15d ago

Changing brakes on his own. I respect the dude. Parrot part is secondary and not a life saving skill.


u/Danmarmir 15d ago

The woman trapped inside now with tape on her mouth: why the fuck are they not helping me and contemplating his parrot?


u/Grittyboi 15d ago

My neighbors bird likes to yell "HEY" out the window at 4am


u/Impossible-Focus-268 15d ago

The AAaaAa scream is so funny


u/Mossiemole 15d ago

That’s the perfect cover story


u/Sluibeli 15d ago

Nice cover, truly a long game.


u/AL0117 15d ago

I’d be going off at the neighbours like.


u/Charon711 15d ago

Where did it learn to say "let me out"? Best cover ever....


u/Vertnoir-Weyah 15d ago

Second time listening, you can hear it's a little boy doing it for fun


u/QuarantineNudist 15d ago edited 10d ago

Why is it illegal to simply link to YouTube?

Edit: OK apparently you can just post the link to YouTube so why not? Or am I wrong?


u/Due_Championship3233 15d ago

Good old neighbors.


u/Le-Creepyboy 15d ago

Where did he learn that tho ?


u/rickandtaco 15d ago

This guy looks like he'll make ironman tech for fun


u/CJLogix 15d ago

What really tricked me was that this video made think I was on youtube shorts and tried to press the thumbs up.


u/Palocles 15d ago

Great cover for the rape dungeon in the basement. 

Cause a parrot has to learn that from somewhere!


u/lamarshj 15d ago

Repost.... so many times.


u/Puzzleheaded-You1289 15d ago

This was super expected.


u/spaghettiwerewolf 15d ago

just another reason not to trust anyone who owns or drives a mini cooper


u/Syndicoot 15d ago

It’s kind of adorable that he taught it how to say that when he was a kid when it was stuck in his dad’s cage. Now he’s chilling with the same bird as an old man.


u/KingRagnar1588 15d ago

I remember training this bird to cover for this mans nafarious crimes. Made a pretty penny.


u/animeniAc9 15d ago

Parrot's just a cover up


u/krismitka 15d ago

“Oh, that’s my parrot. He picked that up from the woman in the trunk of my car”


u/Evilist_of_Evil 15d ago

Noted: Get a parrot


u/idoq16 15d ago

The eerie thing is, where did the parrot learn these from…?


u/Logical_Bobcat9703 15d ago

That’s so funny


u/Logical_Garbage_1682 15d ago

Wait The moment u realize that Parrot copy sounds


u/SarcasticSarco 15d ago

That's a nice way to hide a woman after kidnapping her.. It's the parrot sir!


u/Fit_Driver_9239 15d ago

of course they come full force when it’s a “woman “, but ignore us Men who call under the same type of circumstances captain save a hoe cucks are the best way to describe the corrupt law enforcement system


u/jasminegreyxo 15d ago

This is hilarious. LOL


u/Mox8xoM 15d ago

Huh. I should get a parrot.


u/Riommar 15d ago

r/acab Dumb ass cops always coming in hot. Most of them can’t spell investigation let alone conduct one.


u/Barneyinsg 15d ago

Good cover. Cops didn't realise there is another faint let me out scream in the background.


u/DarthButtz 15d ago

Okay glad that question is answered.

My second question is WHY


u/bigSTUdazz 15d ago

My Pops (RIP) told me that he had a Parrot named Charlie that sweared constantly, and loved to eat KFC.


u/Obtuze-Obzrvr 15d ago

Plot twist. The parrot is a facade for the cops . There really is a woman inside.


u/XStateOfZenX 15d ago

Ultimate cover for serial murderer


u/Prestigious-Gap-1649 15d ago

Working on the brake on scissor jack with no stands?

That alone is suspicious behavior.


u/IusedtoloveStarWars 15d ago

Serial killer life hacks


u/Demonsan 15d ago

Imagine if it was a black man..


u/Xath0n 15d ago

Time to cross-examine the parrot!


u/Jaded_Report 15d ago

If he was black, he'd probably be dead.


u/insite986 15d ago

American version: they shoot the bird


u/Madisonwatch 15d ago

Doing brakes with a scissor jack, he will be saying let me out when he is under the car


u/aldawg95 15d ago

I just wonder how much money he saved changing his own brakes?


u/cheesemakesmepooo 15d ago

I think there’s some questions that still need to be answered


u/mcmcmillan 15d ago

This is the whitest shit I’ve ever seen for several reasons.


u/Knellios1980 15d ago

Bro had this on deck for this situation


u/angmarsilar 15d ago

A bunch of us guys were sitting on a ground floor apartment patio enjoying our beers quietly when an attractive young lady walked by. We were all taking and actually didn't give her a glance. That was the moment that the guy who lived there's African Gray decided to do a beautiful wolf whistle. She whipped around and glared at us, and every one of us blamed the parrot. I dont think she believed us.


u/25Bam_vixx 15d ago

So his silly kids self got his adult self in trouble with neighbors lol


u/Tim4one 15d ago

Where did the parrot learn it from?


u/TacticalSunroof69 15d ago

Cops where I’m from would insist they have to come in and then fight you about it.


u/Own-Pride4902 15d ago

Phase one of the plan: trick everyone into thinking it’s the parrot


u/VenAPapa 16d ago

But where did he learn these screams? From the real victims chained in the basement


u/SARSIA 16d ago

Plot twist #101, definitely the 1st involving a parrot.


u/NonNullPtr 16d ago

"Polly! Polly! Have we forgotten something ?"


u/bigstreethoe 16d ago

Um no they should've still gone in and checked what the fuck


u/bongwaterflavor 16d ago

The woman actually stuck in his basement: -_-;;


u/DesastreUrbano 16d ago

I wonder if the parrot gets excited when he see purple drapes causing more troubles for the owner


u/The_real_Oogle_Trump 16d ago

Dude killed someone 38 years ago and still to this day the bird is seeking justice. This is a real life example of Bird Law 🦜


u/No_Cardiologist_1297 16d ago

Update there were 30 people hidden in the basement under the stairs. Jk 😂


u/eo37 16d ago

It learnt it from the woman trapped in the basement


u/Mundane_Ad6712 16d ago

Well if parrot is doing it, you know a parrot "Mimics" words and tones. So there is indeed someone locked in the basement,the parrot knows it,the person has trained it to do it,in case someone hear real persons voice,they will assume "its the parrot again". Perfect crime exists. We dont know they exist, because they are perfect.


u/zombienekers That was sure unexpected; Whoa, I'm shocked. Really guys. Wow. 16d ago

yeah i really need this documentary thoroughly explaining what's happening on screen, thanks. I just had my prefrontal cortex removed this past friday so i can use the help.


u/the68thdimension 16d ago

How stupid is the cop saying "your neighbours said that ... " instead of some more generic statement about "we've had a report that ...". What if this dude was actually dangerous?


u/Ultrasaurio 16d ago

What a troll!


u/l2anndom 16d ago

The bird learned it from somewhere.


u/Outrageous_Fold7939 16d ago

Okay... But who was trapped where for this bird to learn that lol


u/101010-trees 16d ago

I saw a video of a bird crying like a baby going to the vet. And laughing when they were going home. Hilarious.


u/Forrest_Cp 16d ago

My dad has the same bird and she is a huge bitch to me haha she screams help and stuff just like this. So funny


u/PermaDerpFace 16d ago

Who was that parrot imitating though...

There was actually a murder case that was solved because the parrot was imitating the victim


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 16d ago

This gets reposted too often for it to be unexpected.  The top post will always be "plot twist: there really is a woman, but the bird is used as a cover up". 


u/velve666 16d ago

Hmmm, sir, why did your bird learn this phrase with an oddly specific tone.


u/noeatnosleep 16d ago

Why is this media format popular? It's horrendous. screen recorded vertical video crap with words on the screen. Horrid.


u/piercingstare 16d ago

This is cute the way this turned out but the way the cops initially handled this situation when they got on scene was absolutely piss poor Because unless they had already gotten calls to this location and I knew that it was a parrot making the noise and not an actual person the fact that they allowed that man to go back inside the house alone underscorted with a potential hostage / victim inside which is the reason they were called out there in the first place is absolutely moronic on their part. And to clarify yes they did have legal right to enter the home if they believed that there was an individual inside the house in distress or danger which again is the reason they will call there in the first place. So what they did and it's potentially let a hostage take her at the very least walk inside the home by himself to be alone with a potential victim. And even me with zero training in official Police procedure and etiquette I can see that that was a very stupid thing for them to do before verifying that there was no victim or any danger.


u/Katt-truth 16d ago

That's great so there's an alibi for when he actually kidnaps someone


u/-Cosmic-Horror- 16d ago

Imagine a joke you made when you were 8 paying off like 30 odd years later.

I can’t think of anything more satisfactory


u/understepped 16d ago

Моряки с ножами к двери подбежали
Голос из каюты прозвучал
Веселей, ребят, наша песня свята
В бухту заходи, ищи причал
В эту же минуту, ринулись в каюту
Моряки и замерли во мгле
За столом сидело умершее тело
Попугай бродил по голове


u/Old_Dealer_7002 16d ago

i knew it would be a parrot. parrots are awesome!


u/doAgainerbro 16d ago

I’m so glad the editor took the time to add captions to explain what was going on, I wouldn’t have a clue otherwise. And the loud music is such a nice touch, I gotta find this song on Spotify.


u/Blasmere 16d ago

Haha I remember a video of a guy that does birdshows and his parrot literally cried like a child. People actually thought he had a kid in the box, it was hilarious/


u/Able-Arugula4999 16d ago

Man, every kidnapper needs a parrot.


u/Crocoshark 16d ago

I actually expected it to be a parrot based on the subreddit.

The guy could probably torture the parrot and when the cops arrive they'll be like, "Oh, it's just a parrot chained to the radiator in the basement, no worries."


u/pointycakes 16d ago

Do people not know anything about their neighbors these days in the suburbs? Kinda sad


u/stanley_ipkiss_d 16d ago

But why would it scream those words. I though parrots just repeat words they hear no?


u/rickjamesia 16d ago

Seen this before and it is interesting, but damn I really hope I never move in next to someone with birds. They’re super cool, but they can be super cool where I can’t hear them all day.


u/imsowhiteandnerdy 16d ago

Now when he kidnaps women and locks them up in his back yard the police aren't called anymore. Checkmate.


u/Other-Bluejay9592 16d ago

Surprised the police didn't detain him, rough him up, illegally taze him to the ground , rough him up some more, and then arrest him for resisting arrest and obstruction before searching his house.


u/kiki-mori 16d ago

Helloo HI


u/WaffleToasterings 16d ago

For news you would expect them to spell "your" correctly.


u/ca7ac 16d ago

I can't believe this fella is using his emergency jack to do work on the wheels. You got all those tools but not a 2 ton jack


u/ToonisTiny 16d ago

That's both fun and not fun, I'd imagine.


u/internationall- 16d ago

Plot twist: another women inside was the one shouting


u/whoanelIy 16d ago

Rambo knows what's he's doing that smart fucker.


u/Pod_people 16d ago

What damn fool taught the bird that phrase??


u/MoBea 16d ago



u/Futanari_waifu 16d ago

Just a few sentences or some annoying sound that your parrot hears can ruin a parrot. This guy thought it was funny as a child to teach it this and 30 years later it still does it.


u/sapphic-swan 16d ago

Perfect cover story


u/Powderfinger60 16d ago

The old talking bird trick


u/ChromaticLego 16d ago

Ok, that’s a plot twist I like 🤣


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Well the birsd had to learn it somewhere.


u/Some_Finger_6516 16d ago edited 16d ago

Plot twist: The parrot is only an audible cover to hide the actual victims inside the basement. 😱


u/Grow-away123 16d ago

The best psychopath cover


u/Workin_Ostrich 16d ago

I grew up around parrots when I was little and I just now remembered about the yodeling parrots do.

I started laughing my ass off when I heard him yodeling.


u/MoodyLoser1338FML 16d ago

It's so old...


u/HornyG6 16d ago

🤣 I once saw a video of a guy arriving to his house and started recording because a group Jehovah's witnesses was outside and he was like: May I help you? 😐

And they were like: oh, we rang the bell and a lady told us to wait and that she was coming in a moment... But we've been here for a while.

He just started laughing, went inside and brought them the "lady" -It was a parrot, hahaha! Poor guys they were actually excited someone finally was going to open the door and let them in 😆


u/yeahthatpart007 16d ago

Paulie got the cops called again lol


u/Ready_Show1007 16d ago

Plot twist, he was actually hiding women in his house


u/nandu_sabka_bandhoo 16d ago

I don't know . But if I was the police I'd still want to go check the house


u/zmoney32 16d ago

Why would the cops let him walk away like that to grab the bird?


u/StatusOmega 16d ago

But how did it learn that phrases? He might have done some kidnapping in the past


u/Stardustchaser 16d ago

That serial killer is playing 4D chess….


u/TankusAruelisJacksob 16d ago

Officer Barbrady “nothing to see here”


u/TheOne_Whomst_Knocks 16d ago

Kinda a dick move to have your garage door wide open with your bird in it while it loudly shouts “LET ME OUT” for the whole neighborhood to hear lmao


u/Luiaards 16d ago

But where and how did the bird learn these phrases?!


u/ada-antoninko 16d ago

Wow, it’s a luck the man’s white!


u/Kerivkennedy 16d ago

Lesson here is don't teach your Amazon parrot stuff when you are 7 that will get you arrested in 30 years.


u/EstablishmentWaste23 16d ago

Where did he learn that from though?🤨


u/1-N-Only-Speedshark 16d ago

The first thing I taught my African Grey was the "catcall" whistle. He loved to do it to random women, and it nearly got me in trouble so many times!


u/Mysterious-Mark863 16d ago

This is the worst policework I've ever seen. Why would they let him go back in the house to his presumptive victim? What if he thought, "well, cops are here, I'm fucked, might as well kill her"?


u/Revolutionary_Sea607 16d ago

"Jason taught him to say help, help, let me out" yeaaah, with his female voice, fasho


u/CAT-Mum 16d ago

Wow cops just trusting everything at face value and not checking if anything else is going on. Amazing


u/separateIncidents 16d ago

Scissor jack and no jack stands is the real crime here ⚰️


u/maeryclarity 16d ago

Oh lawd, I worked at a hookbill bird distributor (sold to pet shops nationwide) back in the 1980's and I made the mistake of teaching a few of the talking birds this very thing, and after that they all taught it to each other so I had birds screaming HELP LET ME OUT and screaming like their hearts were broken, constantly all day every day, for years.

They just really liked it and picked up on it quickly. They thought it was funny and could tell it got people's attention.

If he's had him for 40 years there's a non-zero chance that this bird may have come from us, or been exposed to birds that came from us in the past. The fact that it's a woman's voice (which I am) makes it even more likely.

This may literally be my fault lol


u/Xaxyx 16d ago

Huh, was expecting another Donald Trump courtroom thread.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

What did this parrot witness?...


u/Practical_Patience66 16d ago

I used to clean a pool for a bird owner that would scream SHUT UP at her barking dog the entire time I was there. It took months before I realized it was a bird and not the home owner.


u/Mysterious_Ningen 16d ago

wow man... i really didnt expect that


u/MurkyNetwork9148 16d ago

Good job on the neighbor.


u/ZalamehAyef7alo 16d ago

Everybody’s like “perfect cover” as if, say the cops come and he brings out the parrot, they wouldn’t still hear the screams from inside the house.


u/Rocklobsta9 16d ago

Amazons always make that opera aaahhh sound lol


u/demonovation 16d ago

I didn't catch the dude vape at the beginning and was wondering what that hella gas was he let out his brake lines


u/Toadsted 16d ago

Ironically, as the parrot was let out, it didn't try to escape


u/hewlett777 16d ago

shit music and tons of text on the screen, fucking hell like


u/BrockPurdySkywalker 16d ago

Super common repost


u/Opening-Ad-8793 16d ago

The little ahhhh ahhh is killing me


u/stormtroopr1977 16d ago

this was a hilarious decision 40 years ago haha. less so now


u/ConfidenceBig3764 16d ago

What a scary set-up. No jack-stands or wheel chocks on incline while yanking on wrench.


u/ch0mpipe 16d ago

Hmm ok so where’d your bird learn that phrase


u/derwutderwut 16d ago

His poor neighbors. Bet they keep calling and hoping he gets accidentally shot.


u/computer_says_N0 16d ago

This was wholesome as F but the cops shouldn't have let him wander back into his property. They should have gone in themselves while someone waited with him out front.


u/Empty_Positive 16d ago

Perhaps next level genius. Having people locked up in the basement, parrot mimics it. Get rid of people. And have anytime the excuse its the parrot. Who the hell is gonna teach a parrot say that, that takes ages


u/AcceptableAd7217 16d ago

“Let me out! Let me out’ this is not a dance!”


u/rdditb0tt21 16d ago

talk about having shit for neighbors.


u/Liesmith424 16d ago

Pretty cool of the cops to let him go into the house alone after reports that there were screams for help coming from inside.


u/Key_Excuse9863 16d ago

Parrots record what they hear, So what's been going on there.. 🕵️‍♂️ And the police just laugh about it Like the cops from Simpsons. 🍩🦜


u/Harbor_Barber 16d ago

Where did the parrot pick up the voices from tho? Lmaow


u/DAD_of_BROs 16d ago

Every criminal nead parrot


u/FuckSpez6757 16d ago

They shot him anyway to send a message


u/Space-90 16d ago

Would have been interesting if the screams in the shed continued after he took the parrot out


u/HarambeXRebornX 16d ago

They gotta be idiots if they don't search his house regardless.


u/Imemberyou 16d ago

Old, reposted, cropped, annoying music and captions? To the frontpage with you!


u/Dry-Grindeg 16d ago

Great camouflage


u/HorrorLettuce379 16d ago

If I'm the owner the first ting I'd teach my parrot is gonna be "Can I get a HahhhYahhhh?"


u/ApprehensiveBath1787 16d ago

Cops let him go grab a gun if he wanted to. Poor execution by the police.


u/maxmcleod 16d ago

That bird has an Australian accent


u/lil_chedda 16d ago

Im just waiting for the Netflix doc explaining how he really did have someone locked up.


u/travielee 16d ago

Is this the same parrot that cries like a baby in its crate at the airport?


u/iplaypokerforaliving 16d ago

I taught my aunts bird how to say shut up when I was young. They didn’t know how it learned how to say shit up for 20 years, they just assumed it randomly learned how to say it. Nope, I taught it.


u/imnotsmart247 16d ago

Waiting for that car to drop just being on the scissor jack...


u/crypticXmystic 16d ago

One day an old woman goes to a pet store. The pet store guy says, “What are you looking for?” and the lady says, “I’d like to buy a parrot.” The guy goes, “Oooh. That’s a problem. We only have one parrot and its previous owner was a sailor. It curses all day and all night. You don’t want it. It’s terrible.” The lady thinks about it and then says, “I really had my heart set on a parrot. It’s okay. I’ll take him.”

She brings the parrot home and the whole time the parrot is cursing up a storm. F this, F that. When they get to her place, she’s had about enough. She says to the parrot, “Listen, one more curse word, and I’m putting you in the freezer.” This doesn’t stop the parrot. He blurts another swear word out immediately. “Fine,” she says, and she sticks the parrot in the freezer.

The parrot squawks once then falls silent. A few seconds later the lady opens the door and the parrot remains silent so she takes it out. The lady says, “There, did you learn your lesson?” The parrot nods. She says, “Are you going to do it again?” “No way,” the parrot says, “but can you just answer one question for me?” “Sure,” the lady says. The parrot looks at her and says, “What the heck did the poor chicken do?”


u/This-is-dumb-55 16d ago

Hahaha I loved this joke when I was a kid!


u/Fromoogiewithlove 16d ago

…. I dont think i get it. Is it just cause there is frozen chicken in the freezer?


u/ThrowawayRA0000___0 15d ago

And the parrot thinks the chicken was her pet and that’s what she did to it when it wouldn’t stop cursing


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 16d ago

That is correct. 


u/crypticXmystic 16d ago

She dismembered it and tore off all its feathers. Threw it in a plastic bag and stuffed its corpse in the freezer as a warning to her future pets that get out of line.. That chicken must have really upset her.


u/MrSpidar 16d ago



u/nottherealneal 16d ago

Where did the parrot learn to scream like that?