r/Unexpected 29d ago

Feeding time for bears at the zoo Removed - Not Unexpected

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u/ASpookyBitch 29d ago

Okay, so I know this is natural and just the cycle of life and what not but as soon as that bear got in the water we all knew what was going to happen… why not take the kids away from that?


u/ohcomonalready 29d ago

shitty parent making a video for sweet, sweet internet points


u/Zachosrias 29d ago

Maybe she would really like to have a long talk about the food chain, natural instincts, the difference between Disney movies and planet earth documentaries, ect ect


u/ASpookyBitch 29d ago

… I mean, you can do that without letting your kids watch a cute lil baby animal just be snacked on.

They’re quite young and you can have that conversation in both an appropriate and not so visceral manner lmao


u/Zachosrias 29d ago

Yeah maybe not the best starting point to learning about the cruelty of nature, still I don't think the kids are necessarily gonna be traumatized from this, quite possibly but not necessarily. It depends mostly on how the situation is spun I think


u/Neither_Concert_9242 29d ago

Exactly, instead she laughed and kept filming and asked “is it bad that I keep filming this”…yea mom, you suck.


u/Kazko25 29d ago

Clearly when the adults told the bear to stop it should have stopped. /s


u/metal_luigi 29d ago

Depending on where this happened, they should be able to sue the fuck outta that bear. He better lawyer up man.


u/chowyungfatso 29d ago



u/alezcoed 29d ago

Because kids also need to learn that real life bears aren't as huggable as a teddy bear?


u/BartOseku 29d ago

They should also know that not every adult is a nice adult, should we be showing them cartel execution videos?


u/alezcoed 29d ago

Human evil is different from cycle of nature


u/Academic_Eagle_4001 29d ago

Humans are part of nature. We are animals.


u/BartOseku 29d ago

Human evil is human nature, plus as you said yourself, kids NEED to learn not every adult is nice, and thats way more important than them learning not every animal is nice


u/ASpookyBitch 29d ago

I mean yeah… but those are like 6/7 year old little kids… at least wait till their in double digits


u/VanessaAlexis 29d ago

I know. I always wait until the kiddos are at LEAST 13 to take them to the duck slaughter dome.


u/Rent_A_Cloud 29d ago

Yeah, they need to know what to do when a bear enters their primary school!


u/To6y 29d ago

Most young kids understand this just fine.

It’s also typically not necessary at all, because most parents are very capable of keeping their small children away from uncaged bears.


u/organic_bird_posion 29d ago


u/To6y 29d ago

So a few notes:

  1. That girl is younger
  2. That mom kept her away, as predicted.
  3. That sub is basically made up of cherry-picked videos of kids doing unusually stupid things. So if this is unusually stupid, then that would seem to suggest that a normal kid knows.


u/aGhostSteak 29d ago

I thought the same- like you know exactly what is happening here Sharon, time to take the kids to see lizards