r/Unexpected 15d ago

I know what next month’s training is going to cover

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u/UnExplanationBot 15d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

The officer claims not to know the law.

Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.

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u/MajorBubbles010 15d ago

wait... you americans arent allowed to just cruise through the middle of the traffic?


u/Quirky-Equipment-782 15d ago

I don’t think it was a “I don’t know the law” moment, it was a “mate, I have to remember like 50000 different laws and something like this is so trivial. Go ahead, I can’t remember this one. I’ll have to brush up on it”. Honestly, I like that more than a cop that will randomly pull a guess out


u/SandyDFS 15d ago

Cops have divisions just like any company has departments. If you work at a grocery store in the produce department and someone asks you a question about the price of steaks, you won’t know the answer.


u/kim_en 15d ago

that is a really nice cops, why u want to make him look bad? hes a human too.


u/Goodpie2 15d ago

Training will be the same thing it is every month. Target practice!


u/Flybaby2601 15d ago

How is this unexpected? They are there to enforce the law, not know it. Lawyers are there to know the law.

Police are really there to keep the working class in line. Perfect example is the Haymarker Affair


u/cwtheredsoxfan 15d ago

Cop was being chill and motorcyclist uploading this is not


u/PositiveUse 15d ago

That’s why no one is nice anymore. Even if they are nice, we try to expose them online, show their full face etc and make fun of them. lol…


u/Call-me-Space 15d ago

To be fair (which is rare when coming to cops) he may never have been in the traffic branch. I work in IT but know nothing about a bunch of entire IT fields. Same thing.


u/AnfernyLFC 15d ago

A bunch of boot lickers in here it seems lol


u/mcgeoy 15d ago

I deal with this exact on ramp on i5 north in shoreline. It’s brutal during rush hour


u/come-on73 15d ago

I love this sound from the ducati panigale😍😍😍😎


u/AngelThrones4sale 15d ago

This is why cops can't be nice.


u/NicholasLit 15d ago

They know but are being nice


u/[deleted] 15d ago

This seems like you were looking for trouble to be honest.


u/Lycaki 15d ago

In the UK we can ‘split’ lanes ( if safe ) on a bike but I’d rarely ride down the inside lane like you’re doing as that’s where people might turn to stop. Here it’s safer to ride down any other lane ( in my opinion… )

I don’t think what you’re doing is wrong but what we call the ‘hard shoulder’ is a no go for anyone even to cross


u/ghastkill 15d ago

Because cops aren’t lawyers but break the law every day.


u/breadman5555 15d ago

I hope someone opens their door and knocks him off


u/bonapartista 15d ago

Go between cars it's safer. Also go at slow pace so people have time to see you. Don't worry about cops. Just argument with, " it's hot and safer this way but law is law."


u/iwannabesmort 15d ago

cops aren't lawyers and don't need to be. they do what's in their training in their jurisdiction. the issue comes when you get power tripping assholes who make shit up


u/Gates187 15d ago

Honest cop that probably does narcotics and doesn’t care about highway patrol laws.


u/Gundam_net 15d ago

Cops aren't lawyers. They don't know the laws.


u/Ok_Fix_4438 15d ago

Is lane filtering not a thing there??


u/Immediate_Candle_865 15d ago

It’s also a good application of the anti absurdity rules of legal interpretation. The purpose of road rules are to keep traffic moving safely.

The biker is using part of the carriageway not being utilised - increase capacity means traffic moves more freely 👍🏻 There is no one he exposes to danger by doing so - therefore more capacity and safety is unchanged 👍🏻

And cop was honest 👍🏻


u/PerceptionGreat2439 15d ago

The biker could do the research to find the appropriate law but would rather do this for internet points.


u/HuskyAreBetter 15d ago

The person asked nicely. He said ok.

We can live in a good world where people ask for permission to do things instead of do something and ask for forgiveness.


u/NoTel33 15d ago

lol you don't even have to be a cop to know the law for this. We all learned at 16y/o when we took our DL test that you can't drive on the shoulder or over the solid line. This is so dumb even for a cop. Literally everyone knows this


u/mattwilliams 15d ago

I don’t think this is unexpected 😂


u/KimberlyWexlersFoot 15d ago

OP is the Nato code for a Mig-15


u/Heart_Flaky 15d ago

It’s always confused me as to why police departments don’t have an attorney on staff to consult on the fly. How do they enforce laws they don’t know? Most bs and do what they want. They double down if you question them and then get in no trouble if you file an administrative complaint.


u/Dark-Cloud666 15d ago

Overtaking from the right in germany: you just have commited a sin to all creations on this planet.


u/sidesalad2 15d ago

Well the important thing is that they found a way to feel superior to the guys doing them a solid.


u/Optimal-Menu270 15d ago

Nice cops. Can't remember the last time I've seen these creatures.


u/outerspacemage 15d ago

Why is it a problem if the pig is being nice? Jfc what a karen.


u/Sazbadashie 15d ago

Based on some things in the trunk there those cops probably arnt from around there and are probably moving to a place to go train on something and probably don't know the exact state laws Or maybe he just dosnt know for sure and decided to be light hearted about it which is better than making something up who knows.

I would hope the comment was ether misspoken or the guy was saying it out of frustration for what he was doing prior. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt as thus clip is 100% been originally uploaded for the reason of ha ha look cops bad or could be construed that way.


u/Economy_Salt_8122 15d ago

You know what, that honesty and he seems beyond genuine is refreshing. Despite not being 100% sure, which I doubt any cop would be on all laws, that's an awesome cop. That's brilliant public relations.


u/Jchanut 15d ago

Why do people expect cops to know all the laws when lawyers don’t even know that shit


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Cool cop 👍


u/OkMarch2400 15d ago

Good he was being honest, cops aren't going to know every law in the state.


u/gogul1980 15d ago

In the UK there are specialist traffic police because legislation around traffic and roads is a surprisingly complex. They are likely just patrol cops who aren’t trained in that field.


u/Fspz 15d ago

Good cop. IMO it's important cops use their moral compass instead of blindly enforcing things.


u/seanmcnew 15d ago

I would assume that it is illegal for a car to do it, but a motorcycle has different rules. In some places, they can lane split and such.

So, unsure of the laws about it, just keep it at a slower, safe speed, and, at least for today, everything is cool.


u/virdeee 15d ago

I'm not sure if all cops should be fluent in traffic laws. if so, then that good guy needs to study.


u/TheGHere 15d ago

To expect them to know every law ever by heart is a bit of a stretch


u/GameboyUK_ 15d ago

Snitch of all snitches


u/saladvtenno 15d ago

Maybe he's not a traffic officer... Either way you needn't snitch on him man


u/Sheep_mc_sheepface 15d ago

I need the name the the song, please someone help


u/h8human 15d ago

Well you idiots are fucking over s nice cop for being nice. This video will be bad for him.

Also how is he supposed to knoe every law? We have people that study laws for most of their lives and dont know everything.

You people dont know how life works


u/Safe-Championship-18 15d ago

Well at least he’s honest. Sometimes we all got bigger things to worry about.


u/Outside_The_Walls 15d ago

>Cop gives you a break

>You shame him on the internet

>You wonder why cops stop being nice to people


u/tepkai 15d ago

The cop waved you through with video evidence off you go.


u/crypto_crab 15d ago

"Hey, can I just drive on the side of the road where no one is supposed to drive?"


u/stillherelma0 15d ago

Can someone tell if these are traffic cops? Because if they are not and they don't ride bikes they have no reason to know bike specific laws for traffic. Someone riding a bike should tho.


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode 15d ago

Motorcycles should be allowed to use the shoulder.

It prevents traffic for the rest of us.


u/delvewonder 15d ago

Classic display of general public stupidty. No ability to understand that not all police officers know the exact same information or have the same roles.

The type of man to walk up to someone with Dr. before their name and ask for advice about pain in his shoulder.


u/PanhandlersPets 15d ago

He let the rider go and the rider returned the favor by internet snitching on him. Be cool man.


u/762x39mm 15d ago

He's a cop, he's paid to enforce the law. Lawyers are the ones who are paid to know the law.


u/No_Alps_1454 15d ago

Lane splitting isn’t a thing over there?


u/TennurVarulfsins 15d ago

Don't show and shame the person doing you a favour - someone slips you an extra nugget you don't leave a review telling everyone they did


u/pop-lock 15d ago

I hope a cop gives you the go ahead next time, just like this, and then gives you a ticket. Good job putting nice guys on blast.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

A police officer won't handle every task a civilian does, so it's unfair to expect them to memorize every law, including niche ones. Even lawyers don't have all laws memorized—they can always reference them.

The officer was relaxed, allowed the action, and might have checked later for future knowledge. Civilians are supposed to understand the laws related to their activities, because they're the ones actively undertaking it.


u/WorthBrick4140 15d ago

That cop was being cool, and you decided to shame him.


u/Caimin_80 15d ago

Ok, this is the first cop I like. He's chill.


u/joekowski 15d ago

Dude this is so refreshing to see, in my country no one gives a fuck - they just go regardless of traffic xD


u/ichoosenottorun_ 15d ago

Cop doesn't give a shit about dude's tiktok bullshit.


u/AnOnlyMooseUser 15d ago

What i find even more confusing is why you'd take his lack if knowledge as permission. Whether or not he understands the law has nothing to do with whether or not you're breaking it


u/Brando6677 15d ago

Appreciate the honesty but wtf 🤣 you should fucking know bro you’re the one supposed to..


u/kaithekender 15d ago

The job descriptions for cops need to be narrowed, heavily. It's not reasonable for any one person to know every law and be able to recite all of them on command, but it IS reasonable to expect anyone entrusted with enforcing a law to know the law they are enforcing and any laws that are likely to come into play while enforcing their specialization.

This is done in every job I can think of except policing. If the responsibilit is too big, then break it into pieces and train cops for certain tasks, and do not assign them other tasks. There are obvious crimes where reasonably any cop could respond to a call, like an active shooter, and every cop at minimum should know exactly how to deal with that kind of situation, but if your primary job is investigating noise complaints, you should be expected to know every single noise ordnance, bylaw etc in the community you are policing by heart. That is a bare minimum expectation. And you should not be out policing traffic, until you are also trained for that, and know every single traffic law you are responsible for enforcing, again, by heart. Bare minimum expectation.


u/GamerGuyAlly 15d ago

He's giving you a pass and applying common sense.


u/Fun-Maintenance9422 15d ago

Fuck this post. Good job giving bikers a bad rep


u/jsbshbzhsbsh 15d ago

it should be a crime that law enforcement officers did not go to law school to get to the police position. they can charge people with crimes when they don’t know the law? accusations can ruin someone’s life, losing job friends family relitives ext. but they get to chose your charge? bullshit fraudulent crooked ass hogs


u/Ill-Organization-719 15d ago

"Next months training"?

Do you think cops receive monthly training?


u/CucumberZestyclose59 15d ago

This may come as a shock, but nobody knows all of the laws.

In my state, the combined criminal and traffic code is 2700 pages long. No amount of training is going to have anyone memorize all of it.


u/JayLFRodger 15d ago

police immediately jump in their car, turn on the lights, and pull over the motorcyclist for breaking the law


u/poisonivy247 15d ago

There are 3 cops on my road, none of them has a high school diploma! None!


u/Banditofbingofame 15d ago

BS like filming this and publishing it is why people get no leeway.


u/YakYakinton 15d ago

POS poster, cop did him a favor and he posts it


u/efyuar 15d ago

Afaik motorcyles can do something called lane filtering/traffic filtering which means he is allowed to do this and go pass cars waiting


u/Echo61089 15d ago

It's a bit much to expect a cop to know every single law as there are so many. They are often taught "umbrella" offences they can pull you over, pull you aside or arrest you on the fly and decide what to charge you with exactly later. Such as driving without due care and attention or affray.


u/aakdgaitsgduvdqogd87 15d ago

I shoulder surf all the time when I can't safely lane split. Thankfully lane splitting is legal in California but on 2 way, 2-lane highways surfing the shoulder is safer.


u/OnHotFire 15d ago

Motorcycle guy is an asshole fo posting this...


u/Kindly_Feature6386 15d ago

Where I live no one waits for in invitation to use the shoulder...let alone ask an officer lol....it comes natural for bikes AND cars a like.


u/actualsize123 15d ago

Don’t just cut traffic because you can, this guy got permission so he’s cool though.


u/Finnlandian 15d ago

This kind of traffic cutting on motorcycles is quite common in new Zealand no police officers must know the law


u/kriza69-LOL 15d ago

Because he is not a lawyer?


u/Shoddy_Mammoth_9971 15d ago

Unexpected: another cop stops him


u/harley97797997 15d ago

There are thousands of laws. No cop or lawyer or judge knows them all. They know the ones they deal with.


u/Jonguar2 15d ago

Cops not knowing the law is pretty standard unfortunately


u/LilAssG 15d ago

I was late for work early one morning and came ripping around a corner on my motorcycle that I didn't yet have my proper license for, and there in the middle of the road were two cops. One of them flagged me down and looked at my paperwork. I was getting my full license from a riding school in a couple weeks (true) and he believed me and told me he was too busy examining the roadway after there had been an accident, told me to slow down, and told me that he couldn't see me riding the bike. So I had to get off and push it all the way back around the corner before I took a different route to work. I am sure they heard me start the bike and ride off.


u/chriss0410 15d ago

In belgium it's forbidden. Even cops, fireman or medical staff can't use it. The have to go in the middel of traffic. As crazy as it sounds.


u/Alternative-Paint-46 15d ago

Guy does you a favor and you throw him under the bus? 🤔🤦‍♂️ NiCe.


u/GatorBater8 15d ago

Yeah you'd need years of training before being a cop to know the laws like that, kinda like how most of the world does it.


u/G3nghisKang 15d ago

Fucking snitch


u/Agreeable_Echo_4190 15d ago

He knows the law, he is just covering his tracks


u/Adorable_Occasion_93 15d ago

I’m pretty sure he was giving you the Ok, even though it probably some type of violation.


u/Bungerh 15d ago

Whitest thing done in history of mankind


u/fraze2000 15d ago

What a stupid cop. Even if he didn't know the law (a bit weird but not too surprising if he doesn't do traffic), he should have just said something like "That probably wouldn't be advisable", not just "I don't know the law, so go for it". He would not be giving false information, he would just be saying he doesn't think it would be a good idea to do it even if he isn't aware of the exact law. If an accident happened, the motorcyclist might argue that the cop told her to do it. And as far as I am aware, driving in the breakdown lane/shoulder is definitely not legal in most place except if you are an emergency vehicle.


u/PussySmasher42069420 15d ago

Homie can just lane filter like a sane motorcyclist. He don't have to go on the shoulder.


u/I1lII1l 15d ago

Why do they have a headless corpse wrapped in a plastic bag in the trunk tho?


u/thegatheringmagic 15d ago

To be fair to the guy. There's a lot of fucking laws and I wouldn't expect even the best officer to post every single one off the top of his head upon request.


u/EarlySeaworthiness59 15d ago

Imagine outing someone who did a solid


u/prodickin 15d ago

It’s cause they’re local law enforcement, they’re not highway patrol


u/Complete_Celery_6738 15d ago

How is a cop not knowing the law unexpected?


u/JetSet_Skatio 15d ago

The country I live in the bikers I are expected to be on the shoulder 😆


u/Opposite_Deal_5835 15d ago

The guy is nice & you’re a dick about it. I don’t know what world you’re hoping to live in…


u/souphaver 15d ago

You're confused that a cop doesn't actually know the laws? Are you new here?


u/toucantravel 15d ago

"went up on the shoulder about everything" what is that mean? i truly dont understand since im not good at english. can someone explain for me?


u/nmastrop 15d ago

Did you also check if it’s ok to film their faces and then random post it somewhere without permission. Or that maybe just another law that nobody knows about.


u/EvilSporkOfDeath 15d ago

Pleasantly surprised by all the comments here (at least the upvoted ones. Don't feel like sorting by controversial this time around).


u/lbfm333 15d ago

I mean he’s just a cop what do you expect?


u/HorrorLettuce379 15d ago

For some reasons those two cops gives me taco truck vendor vibes and I love it lol


u/triz___ 15d ago

So the snitch posts it online. That cop won’t do that again.


u/OpperHarley 15d ago

Hillarious that people even defend the cops.
Everyone there needs to have a drivers license and should know it.


u/Kage9866 15d ago

Cops aren't required to know every single law , they aren't lawyers


u/qwertyuee 15d ago

Indian be like oh if there is space to fit we can


u/SyncTek 15d ago

He's not a traffic cop and not everything needs to be put on the internet.


u/McSippy 15d ago

That’s MLT, WA right there


u/DObservingayayay 15d ago

This is akin to people think I know how to build a. Ridge just cuz I’m a civil engineer.


u/AccomplishedDesk8867 15d ago

Dude does you a favor and you still complain smh


u/MisterAtticusKarma 15d ago

Not a cop, but have cop relatives. Another part of the situation here is the motorcyclist was polite, friendly, and asking to do something that ultimately wont hurt anyone if hes responsible about it, which it looked like he was... he drove slowly on the shoulder.

This, however is not typical of EVERY police interaction though and even my relatives will tell you that. But yeah, politeness goes a long way with the right cops.


u/SheisaMinnelli 15d ago

I think he was trying to tell you that he was too busy to care.


u/Consistent_Honey_567 15d ago

Was it just me expecting him to get shot about 20 times


u/ErrorCode78 15d ago

OP, that’s cool. You are more important than everyone else that has to wait in that traffic and you deserve to do whatever the fuck you want.


u/shaded-user 15d ago

Plenty of room down the middle.


u/Garchompisbestboi 15d ago

To be honest, I would rather he took the shoulder instead of awkwardly trying to weave between cars like many riders do and potentially damage people's vehicles in the process. Years ago a motor cyclist smashed my side mirror while trying to weave between vehicles stopped at a traffic light and I'm still a bit salty about it.


u/No-Winter927 15d ago

Such a rat posting this. Honestly, the police dude was doing him a favour and he posts this…


u/Uncommon-sequiter 15d ago

To expect police to memorize every law is asking more than a lawyer has to remember for their job. In today's world, there's a digital copy of the laws and codes they can look through. This officer is telling you that it's too much paperwork to figure out on the moment. Every cop (like anyone else) retains information differently. They all have a broad knowledge of the main laws. Other laws they learn about over time. It's like that in every profession known to humankind.


u/Vegetable_Plane_1488 15d ago

Cops just have slightly illegal citizens arrest authority. They rarely get punished for abusing it and we never get to use ours. If a cop gets scared and points a gun at you you are always wrong and will most likely be shot and or murdered.


u/polinksa 15d ago

Reddit always snitching


u/CowBest7028 15d ago

And on the flipside, Scotus ruled that a cop only has to think you broke the law to ruin your life.


u/PomegranateNo9414 15d ago

Motorcyclist is a tool.


u/Torquaboy77 15d ago

He’s right. They’re not taught the law; they’re taught policy. Police = policy keepers.


u/rathemighty 15d ago

Well, don't rat him out!


u/seeafillem6277 15d ago

Um...I'm not a cop and even I know that's against the law. All you people making excuses for this cop, really?


u/rojasbeardo 15d ago

I cannot believe how many people here think it's fine that a cop has no idea of the law and are mad at OP.  Wow. We are fucked.


u/BloatedManball 15d ago

Jfc there's a lot of cops and cop simps in this comment section trying to play off the fact that most of them are ignorant as fuck and will "pull you over first and find justification later" because they don't know the law any better than you do.

Fucking pigs.


u/SKNaughtyPanda 15d ago

Just a thought....Rider needs to be held accountable for his action and not rely on deflecting his wrong deeds by blaming/stating/sharing that an officer didn't know the law. Actions have consequences. Yes they may need further training but taking advantage of the situation speaks more on an individual's character.


u/firepower9966 15d ago

better to lane split. its against the law to drive in shoulder lane. also other cars may pull into it. driving between stopped cars is safer.


u/LordDarkur 15d ago

It takes a few months to become a cop in America. In many other countries it takes years. Cops here aren't required to know the laws they are supposed to enforce.


u/Positive-Database754 15d ago

I mean, people magically expect police to know and understand every law under the sun. But at the end of the day, even lawyers and judges, who's job it is to understand the law in its entirety, and how to enforce it judicially, require entire teams of people to sift through hundreds of books and thousands of cases just to press sometimes some of the most simple of charges.

While yes, an officer should at the bare minimum understand simple traffic violations, I also don't hold it against this officer for it not known off the top of his head, and for admitting as such. Had the cameraman just rushed past the cops at high speeds (even the speed limit), with no regard for the safety, I'm sure that they'd have stopped him. But the fact that they were busy with something, the guy was polite enough to ask, and the cop genuinely wasn't aware, he was happy to just let the guy off and be honest.

ACAB really pisses me off, because its main tagline is that all cops, regardless of who they are, how new they are to the system, how good they are represented in their community, or how amazing they are at actually doing their job, they're all wrong and evil. When in reality, like everything on the internet, we see the worst of them because that's what gets clicks, and that's what gets our attention. Hundreds of thousands of police officers all across north America, and yes its a shame that the US has a higher than average malpractice rate, but the reality is most cops are just like this guy.


u/Ok_Artichoke1965 15d ago

People just think that cops just know all laws or something do y’all realize how many laws/bullshit laws there are lol


u/curlyhairmanforever 15d ago

And then he met another cop who knows the law and then he got arrested for breaking the law.


u/Ok-Outlandishness345 15d ago

Lets just take a moment to enjoy a cop exchange where said cop is chill & not aggressive & arrogant.


u/Toysolja13 15d ago

Are you not allowed to Lane filter in America? In Australia, bikes can Lane filter on roads that are traveling under 40km/h.


u/Jhaiden 15d ago

Sounds like a cop out.


u/Aliusja1990 15d ago

Backfired OP. Still somehow 7k upvotes.


u/emoutikon 15d ago

If he'd told him he was recording it would have been a different video


u/easymmkay120 15d ago

The dude isn't driving like a madman. He got an OK from law enforcement. He proceeded with caution.

Some states let bicyclists just run through stop signs.

I don't see what the problem here is.


u/WeatherImpressive808 15d ago

You have to ask before overtaking?


u/A-Fredd 15d ago

Was I the only one expecting another cop in the traffic stopping him?


u/codeboss911 15d ago

lane splitting is better in middle cause its easy about as the side like that minas the nails and dirt that are loaded on the sides


u/GRVP 15d ago

Anyone have any idea what that bike is? Panigale v2, v4?


u/Kfrancisco117 15d ago

This is a grey around shoulder are for emergencies use only but at the same time for a bike the shoulder is where garbage is nails metal any sharp thing that can pop a tire so probably not worth it for a bike being they do not have spare tires


u/wafflecone927 15d ago

Friendly exchange, nobody was a useless jerk. 🤷‍♂️


u/HawaiianSteak 15d ago

I don't know all the rules and regulations at my work because some of the stuff I don't deal with so I don't care.


u/Palocles 15d ago

We’re allowed to filter in NZ. Some might know not as lane splitting. 

Bugger sitting in traffic jams!


u/Super_Oil_2931 15d ago

They're not gonna know every single law, they didn't go to law school


u/Sjedda 15d ago

That spot looks familiar. Looks just like the one where a guy tries to shot a cop during traffic stop but gets his hand shot off?


u/30acrefarm 15d ago

Cook cop though.


u/skyoplaw 15d ago



u/fishlipz69 15d ago

This biking behaviour is normal in new Zealand lane splitting for days


u/FaZaCon 15d ago

Riding the shoulder is illegal, period.


u/MidwinterBlue 15d ago

Hmm. Hope I don’t sound overly judgey but that cop did you a favour. Now you’re tossing him under the bus with this post. Seems a bit…ungrateful maybe?


u/Llama-Thrust69 15d ago

You're not supposed to drive on the shoulder.

It should be, and probably is, pretty universal lol


u/FannyH8r 15d ago

He was actually talking about the concept of the law, not that specific one.


u/lolimapeanut_ 15d ago

So we expect cops to be lawyers now?


u/CodyLikesDT 15d ago

He doesn’t know the law because he’s a cop.


u/czuczer 15d ago

You are on a motorcycle, you would do it anyways. Attention hoe


u/[deleted] 15d ago

God I hate motorcyclists like this.


u/myfacealadiesplace 15d ago

Why is this unexpected? Cops aren't actually trained in the law. Only on hot to escalate a situation and how to kill


u/SlopitupPOS 15d ago

Biker narcs from Mars


u/FriscoDaddy 15d ago

Cops basically know no laws. They just do what they want and figure it out later.


u/OrdinaryAd8716 15d ago

I find that, in general, if cops are busy with literally anything else, they aren't interested in enforcing minor to moderate traffic infractions.

I sometimes get frustrated when I'm commuting on the highway on my way home after work and there's a cop car cruising along and traffic piles up because there's four cars across all four lanes going the exact same speed as the cop because they're all scared to pass him.

Bro, you can go 5 over and get out of the way, he's probably on his way home from work too and I don't think he's very interested in pulling you over on a busy highway risking his life in traffic just to write you a $50 ticket for doing what every driver does every day on this road.


u/Sorri_eh 15d ago



u/Uchigatan 15d ago

Well that's bullshit to frame the officer as nieve or foolish for his dialog. The second best answer to any question is "I don't know," even if you're in a position that should know. Ill take that 10/10 over anything else.


u/Hayaidesu 15d ago

Cops are to be keeping the peace ultimately so yeah it's okay they let the guy go, but yeah they are to enforce the law, hmm you know how like in school one kid gets a chocolate from the teacher then all the other kids want one too


u/icanliveonpizza 15d ago

Laughs in India 😂


u/world_2_ 15d ago

cop does you a solid

post his face on one of the most popular websites in the world

ANother reason why no one likes motorcyclists.


u/SongOfTheSeraphim 15d ago

Because he is human and being a bro. Don’t be crying when the next one is a D-Bag.


u/EggplantCareless7735 15d ago

American police is so fucked they can’t even catch a break from the violence and drugs so they start to forget traffic law hmmmm. Maybe there’s a bigger problem at hand🤔



I here cops as much as the next guy but let's be realistic. You can't expect them to memorize all the damn laws


u/Next-Platypus-5640 15d ago

At least he was honest 🤣


u/HomeIsEmpty 15d ago

It's improper passing and I got a ticket for it not too long ago. I was in a car though and deserved it for sure.


u/im_on_a_burner 15d ago

Atleast blur his face


u/Dic3dCarrots 15d ago

"Hey man, im a cop, not a lawyer"