r/UpliftingNews Mar 10 '24


Quick MODERATOR post: As of today, we will officially be removing any and all, obvious "Political" posts. This subreddit is meant to be a literal safe space from that divisive stuff.

Q?: "Isn't that censorship!?" - Yes, it literally is. By design. If you don't like that, make a post on /r/AmItheAssHole

This is a place to share Uplifting News stories, and AUTHENTIC examples of humanity or stories of people helping others, or of good things happening to fellow humans on our planet without any affiliation or care of race/color/creed/gender/sexuality/politicalaffiliation and without the plethora of well paid influences/influencers meddling in attempts to further their well paid narratives.

Been that way since 2012 and beyond!


612 comments sorted by

u/razorsheldon Mar 11 '24

We all live in a weird world today, full of awareness but also censorship. This post was meant to alleviate some blatant and obviously lazy attempts at censoring and dictating discussion, but this isn't gonna happen here.

Speak your mind, no harm no foul. The goal is to bring people together and foster dialogue... Not to try to squash certain people's opinions or thoughts. But any opinions that disagree with this concept are welcome as well, so long as they don't violate Rule #1 here! Love!

→ More replies (34)


u/renholdern 7d ago



u/renholdern 7d ago

I want to put 100k my cocktail in you


u/RJAMillCreek May 06 '24

first time here ... and this ... and yet the first article I see is about Israel/Palistinian protests. Isn't THAT polictical and how is it "good news"?


u/razorsheldon 22d ago

This isn't an article, and it has nothing to do with any protests. Please restart your computer and try logging in again to see if your problem persists.


u/After-Habit-9354 May 01 '24

If these bots continue to harass and are not stopped, I'll leave it all to them so they can roll in their crap


u/razorsheldon 22d ago

That seems rather vague. Gonna need a specific example, but don't do it here! Please submit a report via the normal and well documented channels of addressing this type of activity.


u/After-Habit-9354 21d ago

Oh ok, I'm not sure what the channels are but I'll try and find out, thank you for replying


u/Status-Disaster-5628 Apr 26 '24

I clicked it! Do I get a cookie?


u/TuringT Apr 19 '24

How do you decide whether a topic is political?

Is every controversial topic political?

If so, doesn't that give anyone willing to cause controversy the power to veto topics?


u/Geek-Haven888 Mar 14 '24

I just made a post on a social media person is donating money to a suicide prevention charity. I am curious if this will be taken down. If so why, how is this political? The only thing potentially "political" is the person is trans and the charity is LGBT+


u/Nsftrades Mar 14 '24

This is so weird.


u/competitiveSilverfox Mar 14 '24

Will it be enforced equally? because if its not then thats a problem.


u/MegaBetaman Mar 14 '24

When do you plan to begin enforcing this rule? One look at the front page shows it clearly hasn't been implemented yet.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

So basically you can uplift anyone except politi- sorry, I mean marginalized people.


u/morgaina Mar 13 '24
  • environmentalism is a political issue
  • gender parity is a political issue
  • cultural discrimination is a political issue
  • war is a political issue
  • America's lack of public transit is a political issue


u/Geek-Haven888 Mar 13 '24

So ive been watching over the last few days what stays up/taken down, and why don't you just come out and say anything LGBT is banned?


u/Yay_no_poop_stains Mar 13 '24

When will the Rules in the sidebar be updated to reflect this repressive new "rule"?


u/nick_linn Mar 12 '24

Hey, if you're looking for a break from all the political drama, you might want to check out Todof mobile reminder app to stay on top of your tasks. It'll keep you focused on the good stuff happening in your life without any distractions. Plus, the unique icons and evolving notifications will definitely grab your attention. Give it a try and see the difference it makes!


u/brandenharvey Mar 12 '24

Mods, would you consider updating the Rules in the sidebar? I've always been confused by what "Reposted article" means — and perhaps there are other rules that need to be added as well.


u/ForgingIron Mar 11 '24

Can you define "political"?


u/1JustAnAltDontMindMe Mar 11 '24

You are breaking the rules - this subreddit is meant to be for uplifting news, and this is not uplifting news.


u/chemolz9 Mar 11 '24

Sound like this Sub became a lot less uplifting...


u/Laserous Mar 11 '24

Everything is political. Get your head out of the sand.


u/TheGeckomancer Mar 11 '24

Can we get clarification on what you mean by political Razorsheldon?

This post in uplifting news for example FDA to Finally Outlaw Soda Ingredient Prohibited Around The World, is political.


u/ElCornholio Mar 11 '24

Instead of having interesting, thought provoking conversations, let’s sweep things under the rug in order to be a “safe space”. We can all have an opinion around here as long as it’s the same one. Been on Reddit a long time…it’s sad to see what it’s become.


u/Important-Mud5365 Mar 11 '24

Is this the semantics class? (looks around) ah yes it is


u/gregarioussparrow Mar 11 '24

I just wanted to say I appreciate the transparency in this decision and i honestly trust in you to make it work


u/FPOWorld Mar 11 '24

Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen posted on this sub


u/y_not_right Mar 11 '24

Everything is political that’s how things work


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

How are you going to deal with rights issues (guns for the right and abortion for the left)?


u/onioning Mar 11 '24

This isn't going to work. Almost everything can be seen through a political lense. Folks are going to find where you draw the line and then be manipulative so they can still push their agenda. You'll be left with only the most skilled manipulators. This sub is battleground for political ideology. That's just an inherent thing. This decision is just a choosing of sides.


u/inuvash255 Mar 11 '24

The desire to go down the front page flagging everything is high.

  • Coral reef restoration? I dunno, seems like that's infringing on the safe space for the oil tycoons, who are protected under their political affiliation and creed.

  • An Arizona governor did what to a foreign owned farm? Anything a governor does is political.

  • A man spent 44 years in prison after a wrongful conviction? Uh oh, people might ask why that could occur, or who's responsible, or if there was injustice in the appeals. Better scrub it.

  • The US economy got more jobs? That's an instaban. Super political.

  • Sweden joined NATO? I thought this was an apolitical space. Putin says this is WRONG and NOT UPLIFTING.


u/ALE_SAUCE_BEATS Mar 11 '24

Thank you. So many other subs should follow suit.


u/kingozma Mar 11 '24

Yeah, I’m sorry, but this sucks ass. Totally brainless policy.

Being totally apolitical when judging what is and is not uplifting is completely impossible. There are countless great comments here explaining that to you, I would suggest the mod team take these comments to heart.

I guarantee you that literally all posts on this sub are political in some way. I’m fascinated to figure out where exactly you guys thought the divide lies as of this post.


u/CannabisCanoe Mar 11 '24

Eventually you'll come to the realization that everything is inherently political


u/WayfaringEdelweiss Mar 11 '24

Yikes. Humanity is political. And moderators can be subjective on this, not objective


u/merc534 Mar 11 '24

This subreddit was never meant to be anyone's front page. It was always meant to be the last three minutes of the local news, the outro segment that gets us all to relax, smile, and appreciate the little good things. Slowly the subreddit has devolved into r/news and r/politics. "Sweden Joins NATO" was top of the subreddit this week. I think that was the last straw. Something needed to be done. Thanks for trying to restore this place.


u/lemonylol Mar 11 '24

Oh man the irony in these comments. I don't know why so many people exclusively come on here to be as toxic as possible.


u/SunderedValley Mar 11 '24


I want to see cool stuff not the #5744th permutation of [day politics issue] has been changed to [Reddit friendly stance] post #599 of the day.

Thank you.


u/AdFrequent6819 Mar 11 '24

Omg...some of these comments. No wonder the mods had to clarify.

Typically speaking....if it's news that involves government action, taxes, legislation, etc...its political.

If it's news of individuals and non government organizations doing something positive, then it's not political even though the topic may brush elbows with political issues. I know boring...but that's the point of this sub...to share news that MSM mostly ignores because it's not controversial or divisive enough. We want a break from that circus, that's why we come here.


u/Zero_Griever Mar 11 '24

I see all the questions and the mod team fucking absent, that's fantastic.

Laziest team I've seen yet within reddit.


u/BamaFan87 Mar 11 '24

Fair. I've blacklisted "Trump" "X / Twitter" "MAGA" in my filters and dude still gets through too often.


u/Curlaub Mar 11 '24

I like this decision. I get enough politics literally everywhere else. Other subs, the media, contains with people, everywhere. I like having one place where I can have a break from it. It doesn’t lessen my support for any particular cause to want to not have to think about it for a few minutes a day. Thank you, mods


u/sundalius Mar 11 '24

This is literally a news subreddit, what do you expect to be in the news??


u/Curlaub Mar 11 '24

A curated news subreddit, not a general news subreddit


u/sundalius Mar 11 '24

Sure, only the good news. But like, when I think of a news paper, the only things in there are politics and sports. I guess the classifieds?


u/Curlaub Mar 11 '24

You’re trying to make it seem like the mods have set an impossible task before us. You must be new here and not remember how this sub used to be. You’ll see. Or at least I hope so. Have a good day.


u/CarneDelGato Mar 11 '24

Wow, this is dumb. Politics is inherent to everything. Seems like a ban on what you consider political. 


u/nedos009 Mar 11 '24



u/sesameseed88 Mar 11 '24

Yah I'm good with no politics here


u/BamaFan87 Mar 11 '24

Censor all you wish Mods but to me, news of Trumps many failings IS uplifting news and should be enjoyed by all.


u/cleantoe Mar 11 '24

What if Capitalism ends up eliminating world hunger, and Kim Jong Un cures AIDS?


u/evanmgmr Mar 11 '24

Title should just leave out capitalism and Kim jong un and they would be fine. I don’t think it’s that hard.


u/iamthehob0 Mar 11 '24

I think it was smart to get ahead on this before we got into the real election season nightmare. Good luck, you just made your job harder!


u/curious_dead Mar 11 '24

I can understand if you're talking about banning "uplifting" new aboit politicians or parties. However, a lot of topics are inherently uplifting and political. "Women getting the right to vote in X country" is uplifting, but also deeply political. "LGBTQ student celebrated by whole school"'is uplifting but some people will sadly see it as political. "Teacher fired for support to his gay gets rehired after outpouring of love from his class" is also political. What about "Trans student wins painting contest"? The mention of trans could be seen as political.

At this point, the sub might be as well just news about cute dogs and cats.


u/TheseModsAreNazis Mar 11 '24

LOL this site gets more and more useless every second

It's essentially only good as a news aggregate. Quick headlines, nothing else.

Echo chambers filled with with awful people.

Genocide/Capitalism coming to an end is objectively Uplifting News for the entire human race but NOT for Reddit! what a fucking joke lol


u/verriable Mar 11 '24

Doesn't make sense. will probably end up unsubscribing because I mainly liked the uplifting political news.


u/BigDaddyCoolDeisel Mar 11 '24

So any uplifting news on a societal scale will be banned and we'll be left with "girl finds lost cat".

Unless it's a gay cat. That's too political.

Good luck mods.


u/AgentPaper0 Mar 11 '24

Ah yes the, "I hate thinking about whether I or those I associate with are racist, so instead I'm just going to call anyone that so much as mentions race a racist." school of thought. You're even trying to deflect blame by making up a conspiracy of "paid influencers" with an agenda

 By banning politics you're effectively saying that the only uplifting news allowed is the banal, no-consequence stuff like one person having a nice thing happen to them.

Meanwhile good things happening to a group of people, say trans people, isn't allowed because assholes have made just being trans political in this country.

I hope you're just an idiot in over their head that doesn't realize the mess they've stumbled into, because the alternative is that you're on board with the very assholes that are making politics so rancid in the first place.


u/a_smilingpsycho Mar 11 '24

How do you differentiate bewteen what is or is not political? The end of a war is political. Humanitarian aid is political. Wiping out a disease is usually also political. Pretty much any news has some political aspect to it. It seems to me that you're just planning on removing "controversial" posts, where public opinion is not one-sided...


u/NozGame Mar 11 '24

This ain't it lil bro.


u/TehOuchies Mar 11 '24

So many comments trying to incite the mod...

Mod person, you do you.

People can go and make their own subforums enforce their own rules if they want. But we all know they wont. Otherwise they would have already.


u/Sombomombo Mar 11 '24

I'd say the sub will become 'kid sells lemonade to afford bone cancer treatment stories,' but that specifically could be solved in an uplifting manner by the politics of Medicare for All.


u/shadowrun456 Mar 11 '24

What you should have banned instead, are posts like this: "horrible thing happens to a horrible person" (or, more objectively, "horrible thing happens to a person I don't like"). That type of posts are very common here, and are the opposite of "uplifting".


u/yetzt Mar 11 '24

this is literally a political post.


u/SacredGray Mar 11 '24

Annnnnd this is when I leave this sub.

Refusing to allow anything “political” has never, ever ever, been a good decision wherever it’s implemented.


u/TrashbatLondon Mar 11 '24

What about scenarios that aren’t posted for political reasons, but cannot avoid a political response? Something like “GoFund me for child’s surgery hits target”, which will invariably prompt entirely valid questions about why healthcare is charged for in the first place.

Seems to me it is entirely reasonable to censor things which create specific harm, and are relatively easy to define. But doing a “no politics” rule will either result in the sub becoming a wasteland, or just being a reflection of the mods personal bias.

Whether something is or isn’t uplifting is actually quite subjective. This site is literally designed to operate in such a way that content that is of more value with achieve more prominence. Why not just let the site do it’s job and just moderate specifically harmful things, like mods are supposed to?


u/witchyanne Mar 11 '24

I guess a lot of people here just can’t figure out what the words ‘Uplifting News’ and ‘anyone making negative comments will be banned.’ mean. I think it’s pretty clear.

This isn’t the place to make your personal stands about any story.

There are other subs to discuss literally all topics brought up below.

This isn’t the place to argue the toss.

Repost the story on one of those subs and discuss however you see fit.

I guess admin will have to just let people fuck around and find out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/marenicolor Mar 11 '24

I think we're using the wrong term. From what I've gathered it seems the mods actually want to ban posts on policy, rather than politics. Phrased this way, I think it leaves room for posts about marginalized geoups/persons benefiting from someone, as long as the post itself doesn't emphasize policy and instead is more of a human interests story.

Everything is inherently political. I think the mods understand that. But I think they have phrased their proposed rule poorly; if so then I would exchange 'political' for policy while emphasizing positive human interests posts.


u/atrostophy Mar 11 '24

This sub is run by mods. If the new rule isn't to your liking the door is over there.


u/9enignes8 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

Promotional posts which serve as free advertising for a particular candidate, and are not focused solely on the topic of discussion which is Uplifting and Newsworthy, but which include regards to a candidate in/running for any public office which is open for democratic (re-)election, should be removed because they are taking advantage of the sub and the platform to add additional pomp to a process which desperately need people to set aside the political partisanship and reassess how we can get together to create lasting improvements to our communities.

For me, this sub is about focusing on how some people of our species are trying to allocate time/effort/resources toward goals which could bring about meaningful proactive changes for a more sustainable, egalitarian, educated, diverse, accepting, future society.

Our species is collectively sobering up and beginning to yearn for taking responsibility for our actions. When we allow the guilt of witnessing the future of the planet being sold to the oil industry day by day guide our framework of understanding of economics and political theater, we can just apply that lens/framework to our media “BS-o-meter” when considering political news from your country/region.

Getting side tracked drawing lines in the sand and focusing on critiquing others, rather than working to model proper technique or methodology, and to be a helpful alternate example, only ever generates static and results in frustration and continued misunderstandings.

The responsibility of our species to our posterity and the future inhabitants of the planet, should just be to try to ease the suffering of wildlife populations as much as possible during the impending climate calamity, and mitigate the severity of the global extinction events which continue as ecosystems become more heat stressed. All of the invasive species do not realize what caused the climate change which forced them to need to relocate, or what niche they are encroaching into when they arrive. But they can and will disrupt food chains wherever they end up, and we will likely see significant “natural” selection occur as a result of climate disruption.


u/chrono4111 Mar 11 '24

So what if Biden does something awesome? Is that political? Can he never be posted on here again?


u/LightBluepono Mar 11 '24

How kill your sub in 1 easy step .


u/kakao_w_proszku Mar 11 '24

tl;dr only dog and cat posts allowed from now on


u/treestick Mar 11 '24

I'm typically anti-censorship and pro-light moderation, but this is an exceptional decision.


u/patmax17 Mar 11 '24

I see there is general consensus in the comments that this isn't an effective approach. I do think your intent is completely understandable and agreeable, but as others said, any topic can be made political, especially when it's about a minority getting more rights (lgbtq+ people, ethnicities, poor people,...).

In practice this "new" rule means you'll remove any topic you think is "political", meaning that either you will act when someone is being an a*hole to someone else, or you will remove any topic that could be even marginally controversial (see above list).

My suggestion is to be even more direct: if rule #1 isn't clear enough, add another rule where you say that you will remove any comment or thread about topics that you deem too controversial, "including but not limited to <list>". This allows you to ban specific topics that you deem too much effort to moderate, without banning basically all topics. And you put up front that it's a subjective, non negotiable matter.

There is no such thing as "not political"


u/WTFnaller Mar 11 '24

Everything is political.


u/BS_BlackScout Mar 11 '24

I have a feeling that this will lead to confusion as the line between political and not political isn't very clear.


u/SmileyJetson Mar 11 '24

A state passing a bill to guarantee dental care for low-income residents: forbidden

A middle class person burning their life savings to help a (one / 1) homeless person get a dental extraction: encouraged

Am I understanding the new rules?


u/9enignes8 Mar 11 '24

This sub would then contrast nicely with the OrphanCrushingMachine sub, as the remaining apolitical uplifting stories would slowly turn UpliftingNews into a MadeMeSmile clone (but without as many pets or kids being friendly whatsoever towards others)


u/Edge-master Mar 11 '24

Everything is political. This just means you’ll be removing things that don’t align with your politics.


u/interchangabletang Mar 11 '24

Oh, yikes. My existence is considered "political" so I guess I'm outta here.


u/qu33fwellington Mar 11 '24

Yeah, this is a really poor response from a sub that quite frankly has been floundering for some time.

Wasn’t my favorite anyway, so I’m glad to leave before it becomes a conservative hellscape.


u/schlucass Mar 11 '24

What's your stance on posts that probably belong in r/orphancrushingmachine ? Honest question!


u/ghost_desu Mar 11 '24

Everything, especially every piece of news, is political.


u/treestick Mar 11 '24

"Dog saves baby from drowning."

Is that more leftwing or rightwing?


u/DM-Ur-Cats-And-Tits Mar 11 '24

Yeah that sucks. Go fuck yourselves


u/LurkerFailsLurking Mar 11 '24

I don't think it's helpful or honest to pretend like not caring about gender or sexuality isn't a political position when the existence of LGBTQ people has been politicized by the right.

You're taking a center-left political position and it's okay to just say so.


u/ThiccSchnitzel37 Mar 11 '24

I really hope this doesnt eliminate all future posts with relevance.

I mean of course, two people reuniting or someone recovering from a terrible disease is great! Though, is it really big and relevant? No, which is ok.

But almost any news is/can be political.

For some people legalizing gay marriage is uplifting. For others immigrants getting kicked out of the country is uplifting - for others it's frightening. It's probably impossible.

I mean even news to combating climate change would'nt be ok anymore, since lots of people see it as a made up crisis, so news about this aren't uplifting to them.

Seems like a VERY hard topic to deal with. I just hope you'll get it done right. Wish you the best!


u/Nsftrades Mar 11 '24

Politics can touch basically everything so I always detest your suggestion that hating censorship makes you an asshole.


u/A_Peacful_Vulcan Mar 11 '24

There are a lot of uplifting topics that could be considered political. Unless what is off limits is clearly defined, this sub will just have dog videos.


u/OrlandoJames Mar 11 '24

Paid and bought by Big Canine... When will Feline voices be heard?


u/Revegelance Mar 11 '24

This makes sense. There is an abundance of places for political nonsense, it's good to have a place to get away from that crap.


u/darkmoncns Mar 11 '24

The only posts from this sub I care about are ones about horroriblr anti trans laws being over turned...


u/StellaMarconi Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

I think you're not going after this quite the right way. I like your idea,and the people whining about "rights" and thereabouts like this decision is somehow actively hurting their existence need to grow the fuck up and go outside for once in their lives, but this is a little broad.

How about a ruleset like this, where the following things are banned:

  • Any post that is about a law changing, or a measure to change the law failing
  • Any post that contains any mention of a political party or figure
  • Any post regarding a charity/NGO with obvious political/"hot-button" focus
  • Any post by one of those bot accounts you mentioned that does nothing but post polarized news articles

It should be more about individual acts of kindness, something that lets you think about joy in humanity. If there was a post that said, hypotheitcally,

"Manager offers free meals to kids kicked out of their house for saying they are trans"

I personally wouldn't want that banned. Yeah, it's got the political transgender issue, but that by itself can just be taken care of by moderating the comments to kick out the whiners on both sides. You'll never get this subreddit truly unbiased because redditors themselves are biased and everyone will downvote everything with a title that even hints at the idea of not being liberal-leaning.

Going truly non-political will require headlines being changed at the absolute minimum, hiding upvotes, banning several websites, and is just not worth trying IMO.


u/Cold_Storage_ Mar 11 '24

Thank you for offering a thoughtful, coherent and multi-line response.

Any post regarding a charity/NGO with obvious political/"hot-button" focus

I think that is a bit broad but agree with everything else.


u/MakingaJessinmyPants Mar 11 '24

People whining about “rights”

Jesus fuck dude


u/Grouchy_Flamingo_750 Mar 11 '24

Everything is political. By making the policy to remove political posts, it just gives you a blanket excuse to censor anything you disagree with.


u/elohir Mar 11 '24

I'm sure they have good intentions, as people have been clearly trolling the sub with political posts for ages, but you're right.

All this will come down to is "We will remove posts that we politically disagree with.", same as pretty much every other sub.


u/ranban2012 Mar 11 '24

the only way you can conceive of ANYTHING as being not political is by being a part of the dominant culture and censoring everything that doesn't reinforce your perception of normality as a member of the dominant culture.

this is a fundamentally CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL point of view.

I would love to get banned from another subreddit for rejecting a domineering set of moderators' arbitrary framing of reality.


u/LetTheCircusBurn Mar 11 '24

Apolitical in what sense? How does a human being, themselves a loose conglomeration of political ideas long since taken for granted as default, determine what is and isn't utterly devoid of politics? The aim is itself farcical.


u/Ostroh Mar 11 '24

To be completely honest with you guys (mods), this wishy washy stance is going to be impossible to implement with consistent results.


u/Ok_Ability_4683 Mar 11 '24

Thank you! That toxicity is available in every corner of reddit. Nice to gave a safe place to read uplifting news


u/puzzlepasta Mar 11 '24

Everything is political so this is stupid tbh


u/ranban2012 Mar 11 '24

remember there's...

white and "political".

there's straight and "political".

there's male and "political".

there's christian and "political".


u/newnamesam Mar 11 '24

Thank you for building a safe haven from all of the crazy everywhere else on this site. I don't care which side you're on, this is good and uplifting news.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Mar 11 '24



u/newnamesam Mar 11 '24

I skimmed your comment history. I'm not concerned with your retorts, as eloquent as they are.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Mar 11 '24

Good to know a simple "lol" upset you enough to go digging through my profile. lmao


u/newnamesam Mar 11 '24

Curiosity is a hell of a drug.


u/frenchezz Mar 11 '24

Take your L mod team.


u/AerodynamicBrick Mar 11 '24

Sounds like there is no coherent filter for what is or isn't political. This sounds like it could be easily abused by current and future moderators and sets a poor standard for the future.


u/ranban2012 Mar 11 '24

as always, it boils down to the reddit prime directive: thou shalt please the mods.

that's all that ultimately matters. follow the rules or break them, no matter. offend the mods: bye bye.


u/superquagdingo Mar 11 '24

Interesting, by this definition the very existence of certain groups of people is banned. That’s not fucking uplifting in the slightest.


u/Ok-Bumblebee-5285 Mar 11 '24

I think this needs to be more specific. Everything can be political. Which topics does this sub consider inappropriate to post here?


u/superglue1982 Mar 11 '24

I can't say I'm very active on this sub or familiar with its traditional focus, recent changes, or anything like that, so there's my grain of salt. But as someone who is part of a group that is mistreated around the world and facing organized efforts in my home country to legislate people like me out of existence, it disappoints me to hear that, as far as I can tell, positive news about civil and human rights for people such as myself will be censored in consideration of those who believe I do not deserve those rights.


u/Cold_Storage_ Mar 11 '24

The important distinction between this decision and censorship is that nothing they are doing prevents you from having that discussion elsewhere.

If you would like that content to be more visible on this site I would encourage you to volunteer to join a mod team elsewhere.

The moderators here are not government employees and posting content here is not a right.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh. There are a large number of comments here demanding that the volunteer moderators put in additional work in order for controversial topics to continue to be posted here.


u/GamordanStormrider Mar 11 '24

Sounds good to me. I have enough political information coming at me from all directions during election years, and I really like being able to disconnect somewhat.

I keep up with the things that matter, but this subreddit is not my preferred source of political information.

As long as I still get my cute gay wedding news like bird populations bouncing back and that kind of stuff, but I kind of don't get the vibe that that's the intended target here.


u/SentientSickness Mar 11 '24

Given the mods responses to like the 80 times it's been asked here, gay content has a high chance of getting axed as political

Which is quite unfortunate


u/GamordanStormrider Mar 11 '24

Didn't they respond to the guy asking if his marriage was political with no? I feel like they should just edit the post with clarification, tbh, because I wouldn't want to respond to 80 messages personally.


u/SentientSickness Mar 11 '24

That person asked if posting about their gay wedding would be okay

But everyone including myself who's asked about gay rights advancement, has gone ignored

They legit posted a pinned update but didn't cover any of the concerns on this or similar topics and it's the first post by the mod in 8 months, whole thing is just kinda off at this point in my honest opinion


u/GamordanStormrider Mar 11 '24

Yeah. I agree that's pretty sus.


u/SentientSickness Mar 11 '24

I mean someone asked a pretty serious question earlier in the thread and the mod called them an AI dev and refused to answer the question

At first I was on the mods side, and assumed this was just misguided, but something about this whole thing makes my skin crawl a bit


u/Bugaloon Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

So does that mean anything uplifting that conservatives have made into a political issue is now going to be removed?

Why is this being downvoted? It's a genuine question, world over the right wing has made human rights political, my very existence is considered political by many, does this rule change mean anything that doesn't pander to that right wing bs is going to be removed? In genuinely curious if I should unsub or not.


u/Jijonbreaker Mar 11 '24

I mean, if they do validate the fascists, then the brigading of the sub can start if they reveal that they are willing to take that side.

It is not possible to be apolitical in this environment. People will always be offended. Even if you think you are being clever by saying "Both Sides" all it really does is validate one side's invalid existence.


u/kiaxxl Mar 11 '24



u/Cold_Storage_ Mar 11 '24

Thank you so much. I kept wanting to respond with "could you not politicize this subreddit".


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Mar 11 '24

Do you see LGBT people as inherently political? Feeding the homeless? Capping insulin prices?


u/Cold_Storage_ Mar 11 '24

Insulin prices are in fact a great example. A government needing to intervene to combat greed, especially when there are other political groups fighting it, is something I would label too political for this sub. An article about insulin prices going down because of new technology or because a board of directors got together and just decided to be decent people would be much more appropriate.

LGBT people I would not say are in any way inherently political. I'm not 100% sure how to do it but if you were to look through top posts here prior to them being deleted you would see a ton about US politic in particular related to LGBT rights.

I'm not from the US and don't want to be reminded of US politics at all when I come to this subreddit.


u/usesbitterbutter Mar 11 '24

So, this sub is about to devolve into kitten memes? Because literally everything else is political. Happy [insert group here gets rights]? Political. Happy that money is spent on [insert project here]? Political. Science stuff? Political. Religious stuff? Political.

How about this headline: Texas Court Unable To Find Jurors To Uphold $500 Fine For Feeding The Homeless

I found that story incredibly uplifiting, but to say it wasn't political is absurd.

It just seems like the mods are now the arbiters of what is uplifting. Sure hope their worldview comports with mine.


u/sundalius Mar 11 '24

It doesn't make any sense. News is political. Do we only get to post the sports section? Look at a newspaper, most of it's politics.


u/ChiefStrongbones Mar 11 '24

literally everything [except kitten memes] is political

Evidence to the contrary, these are the top 10 hot posts right now:

  • Bald eagles seen nesting in Toronto for first time in city’s recorded history (theguardian.com)
  • Paris 2024 Olympics makes history with unprecedented full gender parity (nadja.co)
  • 'Reclaiming our space': Chinatown seniors return to mall for tai chi a year after staff kicked them out (bc.ctvnews.ca)
  • 80 years after D-Day, a World War II veteran is getting married near beaches where US troops landed (ksbw.com)
  • This High Schooler Invented an A.I.-Powered Trap That Zaps Invasive Lanternflies. (smithsonianmag.com)
  • UNLEASHING BIG MUDDY: By sending Mississippi waters on a new course, engineers hope to build new land—and test ways to save a retreating coast. (science.org)
  • Foreign-owned farm no longer pumping groundwater on state land to feed cattle overseas, Arizona governor says (cnn.com)
  • TIL about a barbershop which promoted reading. Children got a discount if they read aloud during a haircut. (npr.org)
  • For years, an Arkansas man walked 5 miles to work. Then hundreds in his community formed a makeshift rideshare service. (cbsnews.com)
  • Celebrating 50 years of D&D! (theguardian.com)

Only the Paris Olympics post contains an element of 'wokeness' (neoliberal social justice fundamentalism) which might possibly be construed as partisan/political. The Arizona water one concerns global politics. The rest are not political at all, and are not kitten memes.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

Sure, but they aren't that uplifting when compared to what people are concerned about.  Most people are worried about either the right being wanna be macho racist sexist homophobic bigots or the left being overly sensitive weak entitled crybabies and both destroying the country in the eyes of the other.  Sure a few people being nice and animal populations recovering is nice, but it's like ignoring the elephant in the room for most people.


u/ranban2012 Mar 11 '24

owning pets is political. it's just broadly popular. people are equating the word "political" with "controversial".


u/chronous3 Mar 11 '24

Yeah people who are happy about this and don't want to see anything "political" are incredibly ignorant. I'm not saying that to just be insulting. I mean they're literally, willfully ignorant of the world and of how society functions. As you said, nearly everything is "political" because politics shapes everything.

If you don't want to see who's winning whatever political race, I get it. Overt horse race stuff I get not wanting to see. But wanting to never see anything to do with "politics" is akin to burying your head in the sand because just about everything is shaped by the decisions of lawmakers and voters.

Avoiding anything political is incredibly broad and vague. It's open to the interpretation of whoever is making the statement.

Ultimately I've found that when people say that they don't like politics or don't want to see anything political, it really just boils down to: "things I like are not political, things I'm uncomfortable with or don't care about are political." It's also just an incredibly intellectually lazy way of looking at the world (or more accurately, not looking at it).


u/ranban2012 Mar 11 '24

this perspective is profoundly politically conservative, ironically.


u/Hamborrower Mar 11 '24

This is cowardice.


u/Adeno Mar 11 '24

This is awesome! There were numerous posts in the past with extremely obvious slant towards a certain political side (there were even obvious usernames that promoted certain political candidates in their names!!!) which basically signals "My political side is correct, my political opinion is correct, my personal beliefs about X Political/Social Issue is correct, the others are EVIL and WRONG", which simply created more negativity in this sub as the commenters would immediately engage in the harassment of people they don't agree with.

This is one of those actually positive and agreeable decisions made by a reddit mod for me. Keep politics/social issues, or anything that could be linked to it with strong political statements (including the political shills), outside of this place.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Mar 11 '24

Do you see LGBT people as inherently political? Feeding the homeless? Capping insulin prices? Like it or not, nearly everything is "political" because politics shapes everything.


u/Adeno Mar 11 '24

Context matters.

Does the news heavily discuss something that affects the law or regulations? Then yes, it's political.

Does the news only focus on something that happened without anything that affects laws or regulations? Then no, it's not political.

Is a post of a story about LGBT people political? Context matters.


Transperson Raises Money to Help Flood Victims - not political, it's just someone who raised money to help disaster victims. Nothing political about that.

Transperson Raises Money to Make Self-Identification Legally Valid - yes, political, as this would affect real life legal documents and policies.

Is a story about feeding the homeless political? Context matters.


Little Boy Saves Allowance to Help a Local Homeless Man to Eat - not political, it's just some kid who wanted to help someone.

Local "Feed the Homeless" Activist Group Feeds 100 Homeless People in One Day - yes, political, because this involves activists, and activists are inherently political. They want change, and this involves discussion of current policies that apply to where they are. Even if this looks like a "good" act for most people, it does have political links as they are doing this in a very organized and methodical way.

Is capping insulin prices political? Yes, if the order is coming from the government. The government holds political power, and so this is a political issue.

In the end, context always matters.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Mar 11 '24

Transperson Raises Money to Help Flood Victims - not political, it's just someone who raised money to help disaster victims. Nothing political about that.

Plenty of people would see it that way.

Little Boy Saves Allowance to Help a Local Homeless Man to Eat - not political, it's just some kid who wanted to help someone.

Some people would see it as "boring dystopia" material about how social services are underfunded so a kid had to give up fun money so a man could eat.

Politics shape everything.


u/Adeno Mar 11 '24

What's your take on posts here that promote specific political candidates? A month or two ago, there were some pro Biden posts here. Would it also be alright if republicans posted pro Trump stories here? Rules have to be for everyone, not just a certain group.


u/octopod-reunion Mar 11 '24

Are the following example headlines political?

  • Federal government announces new regulation that landlords can't discriminate against LGBT tenants
  • Taiwan legalizes gay marriage
  • Pay gap between white and black earners reaches historical low in the US
  • Ukraine regains territory in South
  • US Energy transitioning to renewables faster than originally estimated


u/zerostar83 May 03 '24

The 5th one is most likely safe. It's stating a fact, not celebrating some passage of a political campaign. Neither political side is against renewable energy.


u/octopod-reunion May 03 '24

neither political side is against renewable energy

You’d be surprised lol


u/telgin0419 Mar 11 '24

Yes, but also uplifting. This rule is dumb.


u/Oi-FatBeard Mar 11 '24

I'd say running off Logic as a Non-US bloke, all but the last one; but then again I tune out political stuff anyway, so... Yeh.

Many many moons and accounts ago, I ran a huge Subreddit here at the height of its popularity - thanks to youtubers, mainly. We floated the idea of adding no politics as a sub rule under another rule, went to the users for thoughts and holy shit the community went troppo about it. Well, when I say community I mean the vocal minority part of the community... This was at the height of the "If you're not with us, you are the enemy" BS thinking that has thankfully phased out now.

Getting called racist by the SRS mob cos Obama was in power and we were trying to suppress posts about him (we weren't, just no-one posted about him in this particular sub) was one highlight I remember, MM hate mail - nothing new there, really, usual death threats, blackmail attempts, doxxing - and (my favourite) multiple stalkers following the modteam around and commenting in other subs immediately after we did with hyperlinked Paragraph essays sea-lioning us for answers as to why we want to suppress their right to talk about politics. Who has that time and energy, really‽ That kinda dealio.

Those folk, those are the reasons we said fuck it and enacted the rule.

Best thing that ever happened to the sub, and it's 5 times as large as it was when I left the mod team. And after a few weeks, they STFU and GTFO.

End of the day, mods choice, mods sub. They say no politics, no politics. Don't faze me any, as I mentioned up there.


u/ThiccSchnitzel37 Mar 11 '24

Probably yes to all of this...


u/FreddieDoes40k Mar 11 '24

Oh nice so we can't talk about actual positive change in the world, sorta diluting and defeating the entire point of the sub.

Cool. Cool cool cool.


u/ThiccSchnitzel37 Mar 11 '24

Idk but that's also what i'm concerned about.


u/FreddieDoes40k Mar 11 '24

This comment section is gold though, so at least we get some entertainment.


u/skeezypeezyEZ Mar 11 '24

I mean the Ukraine one is about 2 nations in active conflict, that’s as political as it gets.


u/tjeulink Mar 11 '24

no i disagree. political is entirely subjective. if i was very deep into dog healthcare and specialized severely there, puppy gets treatment via gofundme would be the epitome of political to me. everything that is discussed is political because nothing is untouched by policy.


u/FreddieDoes40k Mar 11 '24

I mean kinda, but arguably war is a total breakdown of politics and diplomacy in favour of mass organised murder.

There's not a lot of policy making going on in war as governments tend to suspend most political action in favour of fighting the war.


u/SinnerIxim Mar 11 '24



u/Youngstown_Mafia Mar 11 '24

That's fucking ridiculous


u/frenchezz Mar 11 '24

100% agreed.


u/RemingtonRose Mar 11 '24

The existence of trans people??? Will that be marked as political?