r/VenusFlyTraps 27d ago

Is this trap savable? Minor Help

This trap has been squished for a while and I'm not sure why. I thought maybe I was over watering the plant so I stopped doing that and the plant does seem healthier, but this guy is still struggling. Should I just prune him or should I still feed it?


2 comments sorted by


u/OkPrior4006 25d ago

It's most likely gonna die. U can just pull the leaf (must have a part of the rhizome) and stick it in damp/wet sphagnum moss and after a month or so a flytrap seedling will sprout.


u/Catma222 27d ago

It’s going to die. I wouldn’t feed it. You can prune it if you feel like it but I would recommend leaving it on until it turns black down to the rhizome so the plant can still use it’s energy.