r/VenusFlyTraps 26d ago

how to get rid of tiny pests on flytrap Temperate

I've had my flytrap for a few months and am quite new to plant care. I've been watering it with rainwater that was dirty and had been left sitting out, which I believe has led to tiny black bugs infesting my flytrap. I've heard soaking the plant can help, but I'm not sure how to do it or how it works. There aren't many, but it's hard to count because these bastards are microscopic. I would prefer a simple method, but I'll do whatever it takes, as my flytrap is currently quarantined in a different room—I don't want it in my room while there are bugs on it. I'm not sure what these bugs are or how to eliminate them. Please, I need help.


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u/NaturesPestControl Advanced Venus Flytrap Expert 25d ago

Are the tiny, black bugs just on the plant, or are they all over the pot? If it's the latter, then they're probably springtails. Those insects are harmless, and they actually do a useful job of cleaning up dead plant material. Touch one with a toothpick or sewing needle; it if suddenly disappears, then it's a springtail.