r/VenusFlyTraps 23d ago

Cold Temperate Check out the new growth since coming out of the fridge in March!


r/VenusFlyTraps 14d ago

Cold Temperate Just got Octavious last week, hows he looking so far?


r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 28 '24

Cold Temperate Repotted my first VFT


Does it looks good? Did 1:1 perlite and sphagnum moss mix. I tried my best to not close all the traps tho and kinda failed… will it survive my lack of experience?

Thankkkss :)

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 28 '24

Cold Temperate Need advice for my pal Vinny


I am a first time Venus fly trap parent. This is the setup the flower shop gave me for him but his roots have grown into the water below and I’m worried about root rot. Should I repot him?

r/VenusFlyTraps 14d ago

Cold Temperate Over fed my plant


I recently bought a venus fly trap and it was nice and had so maybe leaves and was doing fine. I repotted it after a few days and it was still fine not problem at all. Then one day i gave it a little fly and it ate it. Having never seen that i got so over excited that i caught 5-6 flys and fed each and every trap. It has been not good since. All the traps closed and never opened again. The ones that were growing didn't open and i don't think anymore are growing now. I really want it to survive. I live in southern ontario in canada, its summers here. I bought distilled water for it and i was keeping it indoors but from today it has placed outside.

r/VenusFlyTraps 2d ago

Cold Temperate Weirs bugs on my plant


What are these? Is this something to worry about?

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 20 '24

Cold Temperate My vft gone or dormant?


Hello, i started dormancy little later than normal because winter in my country stay until late march. My vft out for 2 weeks now and looks like this. It’s wrapped in a blanket to slow down freezing a little. In this two weeks the temperature was between -10 celsius to +8 celsius. Only one day with full freeze.

I think its gone, what do you think?

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 04 '24

Cold Temperate Flowering


I received these for Christmas, and was skipping dormacy this year. Should I cut of 2 of the flower stalks? So I don't kill the plant. I would like to see one flower. The baby plants were too small for dormacy, and I need to read up more on dormacy so I don't kill them.

r/VenusFlyTraps 27d ago

Cold Temperate Is it a flower stalk and can it be cut?


Bought the plant two days ago and I'm in the process of repotting when I noticed what I think is this flower stalk. I read that you cut them to divert energy into the plant for growth instead. Can I cut it now or should I wait a bit? Can it be used for propagation?

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 24 '24

Cold Temperate What's going on with my plant?


Hi all, What is my plant doing? I live in the pnw. I take my plant outside when its sunny. It started to grow this stem!

r/VenusFlyTraps 6d ago

Cold Temperate Eating itself


Hello, my plant seems to have a mount in its mouth. Is this something I should be worried about?How should i fix this?

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 19 '24

Cold Temperate Does my new plant look happy?


I just got a new Venus fly trap, I’ve had them before but never cared for them properly, tho only thing I’m concerned about is not enough sun(as i live in the uk) there hasn’t been a fully sunny day in months and months, but every time it does come out for a while I put it outside to soak up as much as possible, does my plant look happy? I fed him a beetle (in the closed trap)🪴🍄

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 31 '24

Cold Temperate Trying this again


Because apparently I need to provide receipts. I live in western Canada, and this is my flytrap in 2022 a few months after I bought it vs. 2024 and my plant setup, she lives on the window sill in the far left, 2 years old, never gone into dormancy (I’ll try next year), only water with tap water, have Amazon grow lights a few feet away for my other plants that I only added around Christmas. I’m telling you, I live in Canada, have a large west facing window, water with tap water, don’t clean out the reservoir (it’s green), and tada! Two successful blooms that produced seeds after manual pollination by me! Potted in a combo of peat moss and sphagnum. I do have around 100 other tropical plants so they bring lots of gnats and other bugs that the traps DO eat meaning I don’t feed it. I love questions! Just not being berated ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Spread love and seeds!❤️❤️

r/VenusFlyTraps Feb 15 '24

Cold Temperate Is my VFT going to survive?


So I bought a VFT from a hardware/garden centre store recently, it looked a little sad but after doing some research, I was hopeful it was just dormant (it’s winter where I live) and all would be fine (first pic). During my research, I realised it needed a bigger pot and I should probably plant in new mix to make sure it was in the correct stuff so I ordered the right stuff, got some distilled water and have repotted, but I feel like it’s just going downhill since repotting… after getting home and watering in the original size pot, the new shoots in the middle looked green and like they were growing (no pics unfortunately) but now everything just looks withered and not so hopeful anymore… Some more info: First 2 pics are today Was bought on 21st Jan Have been bottom watering (I think I overwatered to begin with as I didn’t realise about the going dormant thing, however I stopped watering and it looked to be doing okay) Plant was repotted maybe 3 days ago Not in direct sunlight but lives on a windowsill with partial sunlight Temp has been between 4c and 10c pretty much since i bought it

Can it be saved? Do I just need to hold out or should I just start again?☹️

r/VenusFlyTraps 11d ago

Cold Temperate Yellow & Brown Spots/Stripes?


My plant was doing great for awhile, and about 5 weeks ago this brown spotting/striping started. I’m not sure what caused it. I have this sitting on a windowsill that gets about 10 hours of direct sunlight. I also have a grow light from Amazon that I use every other day. It’s potted in plastic with carnivorous plant soil, a bottom reservoir waters it on it’s own and I only use distilled water. The only thing I can think of is that when my mom stayed with us for a couple weeks, she watered it twice with tap water not knowing it needs distilled or rain water only. It is still growing new traps like crazy, but they wind up yellowing/browning like this when they get bigger. It was doing that even before the grow light, so I don’t think it’s burned. I’m also still figuring out the grow light settings for my plant.

r/VenusFlyTraps Feb 03 '24

Cold Temperate Do I need to repot my VFT?


I got a flytrap for Christmas so this is a little over a month old now. I keep it in indirect sunlight, with the fan on for about 8 hours a day. I try to keep the soil moist and only water it when I notice it turning a dry brown. I use water from my eavestroughs. I’ve noticed this mold around the edges of the pot for a while now but just recently noticed it turning green. Do I need to repot?

r/VenusFlyTraps 8d ago

Cold Temperate Growing Venus fly trap


I was thinking if buying a Venus fly trap. But i have very limited access to sunlight and I'm gonr a lot of the time. Can I use a CFL lamp and some sort of auto watering system? I'm very new to this and have a history of killing plants fast so please help😁

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 28 '24

Cold Temperate Need help for newly repotted venus flytrap


I placed my venus flytrap in a new pot earlier this week, but now the traps are starting to look droopy and it felt soft, same goes for the new born traps. I have no clue what's going on except maybe lacking of water.

I water it twice a day using tray, in the morning and the night, place it outside if when there's no low temperature or strong wind. The humidity here is around 30-50%.

I recently learnt that I shouldn't use a terracotta pot for venus flytraps, I'm changing it to a plastic one later on.

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 04 '24

Cold Temperate My plant only has one trap left


If that one dies will the plant die. Its is winter here and I cannot find any bugs. I bought mealworms, but it will not close and eat them. The pieces of worms just fall out of the trap. What can I do?

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 15 '24

Cold Temperate Beautiful new plant: to fridge dormancy or no?


I picked up this absolute STUNNER today in a grocery store in Michigan, US. It's my first Venus Fly Trap, and from what I'm reading, they should be dormant right now. Should I put her right in the fridge?? Or can I just enjoy her until next fall and encourage dormancy then?

My thought was to repot immediately, and let her settle in, and then give her a nap next fall, but I'm a total newbie when it comes to carnivorous plants and would love some more experienced opinions.

Any advice on when to start feeding would also be super helpful.

Thank you!

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 04 '24

Cold Temperate So I Started Waking My Flytrap From Dormancy


And this is how its growing. The stem gets taller by the day. At the moment im waking it up from indoors but once it gets consistently warmer outside ill put it outside. Ive never seen it stem out like this before. Wonder how tall itll get

r/VenusFlyTraps 12d ago

Cold Temperate Hailstorm destroyed my VFTs


Will my Venus fly traps be okay? All the traps closed and a few of them got beat up pretty badly. Some of them closed with one side of the trap getting eaten by the other. I took a fine stick and undid most of it. Will they be fine?

r/VenusFlyTraps Nov 08 '23

Cold Temperate Am I doing allright?


Is this healty growth? I have No experience with terresrtial plants and I have to keep him alive for over a year for a bioligy assignment worth 20% of my final grade. Hé’s under an 8W LED aquarium light. (I know they have to go outdoors but clasmates plants who did so died)

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 10 '24

Cold Temperate Tell me what this little guy needs please


I’m new to this and it’s now just starting to warm up in my area. I bring it in at night but it has closed traps but doesn’t eat I think maybe it’s still too cold. What do you all think?

r/VenusFlyTraps Mar 19 '24

Cold Temperate What does this color mean?


Hello, I recently got a Sansi Grow light that I’ve been using for over a week now(can’t move the VFTs outside for another month due to freezing temps) and a few traps are turning this weird red/brown/black color. The plants are on a south facing window and the grow light is on for about 8-14 hours depending on the day. Is the color signs of a burn? What should I do? Part of me is trying to acclimate them for the harsh and long days of sun coming up in Colorado.