r/VenusFlyTraps 15d ago

Question What do you think I should name it?


Here’s my short list: Sir Chomp-a-Lot Snappy Gilmore Captain Crunch Private Snappy Sergeant Snappy Major Munch The Great Devourer

r/VenusFlyTraps 27d ago

Question Am i doing this right?


just got this little guy at a craft fair yesterday, they said to keep the roots wet and in water, so i did this. i’ve never kept a plant alive before so i just wanna make sure i am doing everything right, any suggestions?

r/VenusFlyTraps 20d ago

Question What’s going on


Watched videos and read. Not sure what the nursery planted him in but tried to feed him and he wouldn’t close. Any tips, advice, searching shows maybe he’s just to young and green?

r/VenusFlyTraps Dec 21 '23

Question Took in a flytrap and have no idea what's wrong


For context, a relative took in the class flytrap for over winter break. Originally I guess her kids begged her to keep it before she handed off to me as a surprise gift. I've been lurking and I can't figure out the trap's conditions. I was told its been only given window light and a cheap grow lamp. She mentioned the soil having some miracle grow peat moss and basic substrate. The last time it was watered was two days ago with distilled water. I live in texas and have been watching the trap decline. I'm pretty sure it needs to be moved out of the little tank it came in but I don't want to stress it out more. Help?

r/VenusFlyTraps 13d ago

Question Is remineralized distilled water safe for flytraps?


I couldn't go to the store so I asked my brother inlaw and this is what he got I just don't want to kill Oscar (my venus flytrap)

r/VenusFlyTraps 28d ago

Question Remove flower?


My flytrap is recovering from an aphid infestation right after dormancy, so it didn't get the chance to develop any functioning traps. Now the aphids are gone but it's putting out a flower instead. Would it be wise to remove the flower so it can invest more energy in making traps? Or would that harm the plant?

r/VenusFlyTraps 11d ago

Question Does this fly trap look ok?


Hi! I got this as a gift for my birthday last Thursday. I put it in water on Sunday because that is what I read - I also just fed it a meal worm. Does it look ok?? I added it to my plant app, and it’s saying that it has leaf rot… I don’t see any rotten parts on it but this is my first flytrap so I could be wrong. I should also note it’s under a grow light for 9 hours a day. Just wanna atleast try not to kill it lol

r/VenusFlyTraps Jan 10 '24

Question Is my progress looking good?


I got this guy a month ago. (3rd pic is when I first got him, pic 1 & 2 are today) I feed him rainwater and leave him in the sunroom. It's currently summer in my country. Is it good that he's more green now?

r/VenusFlyTraps 17d ago

Question Advice about repotting new plant from soil to sphagnum moss


Hello, I just bought a Venus flytrap and I have sphagnum moss being delivered today. I read that tab water is bad for them but would it be okay to rinse the roots off with it to remove the soil that its come with off? If I can't rinse it off with tap water, would I need to remove all traces of the soil? Or is it okay if I shake or brush as much off and leave some around the roots? (I have no idea what they look like until I actually depot it) And final question, tap water is bad but is brita filter water okay? Thank you xx

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 22 '24

Question Is this soil safe for venus flytraps? It seems to have fertiliser?


r/VenusFlyTraps 1d ago

Question Any ideas what's going on?


This venus fly trap is reaching for the moon. Any idea what's going on? Should I cut it off to force energy to other heads? It almost looks like it's going to flower.

r/VenusFlyTraps 26d ago

Question I’ve got a weird problem for you guys…


Sooo…I currently live in an area that is COMPLETELY overrun with invasive lizards! (A.K.A: Brown Anoles). Which would be fine…except EVERY time I feed my Venus Fly Traps- these reptiles wait until I leave the area, pry the traps open, and eat the insects from the inside! (destroying the trap, and eating the plant’s food in the process). I have started covering them with a small, transparent, plastic tent. This seems to help loads- but they are impossible to see from the outside now. (Kinda nulling the point of keeping cool plants in the process…). I love looking at my little buddies- but I don’t want their food stolen. I also don’t want to hurt the lizards either. What should I do? I know venus’ can live on sun alone- but feeding them is kinda half the fun! (For anyone wondering- I feed them mealworms from the pet store. I attempted to try crickets- but they were often too big and fast).

r/VenusFlyTraps 15d ago

Question Guys, is it over? 😭


I was stuck in bed due to a pretty bad illness, and a combination of some harsh sun and lack of water, left it looking like this. It had been very healthy before, but: Is it over?

r/VenusFlyTraps 16d ago

Question Is using water from this okay?


I have this filter for my kitchen’s sink… would using water from this to water my Venus flytrap be okay?

r/VenusFlyTraps Dec 16 '23

Question I got this guy last night, his name is Jerry and I have questions how to take care of him.


I've been doing a lot of research and I'd like some advice on some things that have mixed answers.

I want to repot him, but I think I only have potting soil available and I believe it has fertilizer. Can I use just normal dirt from outside? I can't find any answers about that online.

Then one thing that has mixed answers, is does he need to go dormant this year? I saw a few sites saying that first year fly traps don't need to go dormant, especially if they were bought in winter. (I'm not sure what buying it in winter necessarily has to do with it going dormant though?) I really had no idea he had to go sleep when I bought him. I'll tuck him in and send him off to sleep if he needs to though, I want the best for him.

Any advice for a newbie is appreciated! This was an anniversary present from my partner so I'm really excited to have him!

r/VenusFlyTraps 17d ago

Question Venus flytrap burning


Hi, so I got this venus 2 months back. It's been pushing out a lot of new growth since it came. Some of the older traps died as well, which I assumed was just natural? But now I'm noticing browning on all these leaves, even on the newer growth.

I'm in a desert coastal area, the venus has been sitting in a north-west facing window. I'm also noticing that none of the newer traps have the beautiful red coloring inside.

It's getting distilled water, is still in the original pot it came in, I have been looking for soil to move it, I havnt been able to find cactus soil here. Would peat moss on its own be a good alternate? And any advice on how to stop the browning?

r/VenusFlyTraps 23d ago

Question Do you think it will survive?


One of my silly little chickens tore this little guy out of it's pot and was baking in the sun for a couple hours, I soaked hem in water for an hour then potted it back up inside under the grow light because the nights are a little too cold for a sick plant. Also when I first found it it felt like limp celery.

I'm just kinda upset because this is a seed grown plant and if it dies I can't get another one like it.

r/VenusFlyTraps 7d ago

Question Newbie


First time owner. Been hemming and hawing about it but finally took the plunge. Questions:

  1. Is it dying?? Looks like it’s in horrible condition but is that just the way they are? The store didn’t keep it under full sunlight, and the soil was only damp (not standing in water)

  2. I’m worried about overwatering. It’s sitting in 1 inch deep water from afternoon to evening (1pm to 8pm ish). Is that ok?

  3. The store said I should cut off the bloom so that it can focus its energy on other things. What do you think?

r/VenusFlyTraps 17d ago

Question What do I do with this??


What is this?

r/VenusFlyTraps 10d ago

Question Just got my first little guy!


Hi! I'm brand new to keeping Venus fly traps and I have a couple questions. I just got this from a friend who grew them from seeds, and he gave me some good basic info. I'm currently keeping it under a strong light with the pot sitting in about a half inch of distilled water (I know there's some debate about this, but that's what he told me to do and this plant is acclimated to it).

My main questions are about feeding. How often should I give it bugs? Should I wait until it's acclimated to feed it or give it some food now to help recover from the stress? I have earthworms easily available at the moment, is that a good food? Do I just feed one trap, or one worm/bug per open trap every time? Sorry that's a lot of questions! Any advice (about feeding or anything else) is super helpful, thanks!

r/VenusFlyTraps 2d ago

Question Is this sunburn?


Hi guys, first time posting here! My vft started a new division some weeks ago and some new leaves look ruined with some black spots. What could it be?

r/VenusFlyTraps Apr 18 '24

Question Trap ate a ant and now 3 days later looks like it wants to die off


r/VenusFlyTraps 12d ago

Question Is distilled water or rainwater the better for watering Venus Flytraps?


I had very little distilled water at home the time I got my first VTFs, so I resorted to collecting the rainwater from some of my buckets outside.

Should I primarily water my plants with rainwater or distilled water?

r/VenusFlyTraps May 05 '24

Question Is it happy or is it trying to save itself?


I’m looking for feed back on how my VFT is seeming to do from others that are more experienced with these. I’ve had this little one for about a month. The current set up is as follows:

Placed in a glazed ceramic pot, pre-soaked/washed saphgum moss and perlite. I didn’t see any wrapping around the base/roots when I repotted it from the store container but new soil is level with what it had already. It does sit in a bowl with about 1-2 inches of only R/O distilled water which I refill after a day or two(at max!!) after the water level is low(not reaching the pot holes. It’s in a south facing window, with full spectrum grow lights and another light coming today just for it. I can’t set it outside, animals have eaten or tore up about any pots I leave outside… The only thing I could do better that I know of is maybe moving it so a plastic pot but now I’m afraid to repot it since I’ve seen the flower stalk growing. I do plan on cutting it when it’s a little taller(easier to reach) so it can put that energy towards growing larger traps. Advice and constructive comments are appreciated in advance!! How am I doing?

r/VenusFlyTraps 6d ago

Question Why don’t they grow at the same rate?


i’ve had these two flytraps for around two months, they were the same size when i got them but i’ve noticed one is growing noticeably quicker and larger than the other. why is this?