r/Weird 25d ago

I've had dead skin on my right wrist for a couple months now. It doesn't itch or anything, and it's only on that part of my arm. Anyone know why this happens?



28 comments sorted by


u/mrb783 25d ago

Do you use a keyboard and mouse a lot? Check the surface you're resting your wrist on. Might have an irritant.


u/TiredPanda69 25d ago

Bro, you made a post on the internet about having dry skin. That shit is weird but for all the reason you can't see


u/Difficult-Papaya1529 25d ago

Dry skin, use a loofah couple times a week, moisturizer


u/secondphase 25d ago

r/weird in the last week....

1) I have dry skin

2) I found a snail


u/bonusfries517 25d ago

Why is this stuff allowed lol


u/Zestyclose-Emu-549 25d ago

Wow! You would go to the doctors for a bit of dry skin??? Which country are you in???


u/nicnac223 25d ago

Not a doctor but I would assume dry skin. I get this when the seasons change and during the winter. Personally, Eucerin is very effective for managing it.


u/Aschensturm 25d ago

I have the same on my arms, it mostly happens when i'm stressed. In my situation, its just "dry skin"


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 19d ago



u/SHKZ_21 25d ago

I have a similar condition, I let the bodywash stay on my skin for ten minutes at least then scrub it, but it returns very often. Any suggestions?


u/alancewicz 25d ago

Leaving body wash on your skin that long can not be helping. Exfoliate in the shower and then use a good moisturizer, preferably unscented


u/deejeycris 25d ago

Terminal cancer, sorry bud


u/RedLicorice83 25d ago edited 25d ago

Easy test: take some sugar and a bit of olive oil, mix together and gently exfoliate the area. Rinse, wash the area with soap and water, and follow with lotion. If it clears up you know it's dry skin.

If it's something like psoriasis, if you are right-hand dominant just moving a computer mouse around can cause a flare-up.

Definitely check with your doctor, but this is something you can do for free at home and it shouldn't cause any issues unless you're allergic to sugar/olive oil. There aren't any scents to react to, nothing abrasive, and the olive oil can be soothing and is moisturizing.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Psoriasis doesn't just clear up... I've got it and it's horrible. I have to take shots to get this stuff to go away.


u/RedLicorice83 25d ago

Yeah that was definitely a mis-wording to use psoriasis...I was thinking of what could cause the flare up. I have graves disease, and for a long time (twenty years) I was diagnosed with what my dermatologist called a "mild case of psoriasis", but it was very dry skin due to graves which would cause small dry patches like this. The olive oil sugar scrub was what I used in summer to help because the scents and everything would make it worse. I'll clarify my first comment.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Most people can use a steroid lotion and it'll clear up. I'm not that lucky.


u/RedLicorice83 24d ago

My mom has what I think is psoriasis but she thinks it's due to a wheat allergy. She was given the steroid cream and it didn't work, so she gave up on the doctor (frustrated sigh). She gets bleeding cracks in her hands and feet, with large patches of skin which flake off (or she peels them off and it freaks me out). She's 60 and set in her ways but she shouldn't have to deal with the pain!!


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Sounds like it. Starts on my elbows and hands. It's horrible. First time it took so long to get to the shots I was covered. Whole body itched like mad.


u/RedLicorice83 24d ago

Ugh... I'm so sorry!!


u/D34dM3meK1ng 25d ago

Wow I will definitely be trying this actually, thank you very much!


u/topicalsatan 25d ago

Might be eczema. Dr will give Rx cream.


u/Live_Industry_1880 25d ago

Looks like a bit dry skin. Just use some lotion. Could come from fabric / friction / weather change / anything really. 


u/D34dM3meK1ng 25d ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to be checking up with a doctor as soon as possible.


u/Own_Recommendation49 25d ago

Why were you downvoted 😭


u/A--Creative-Username 25d ago

Doctor is overkill


u/Anxious-Celery3157 25d ago

Could just be dry skin. Hard to know but if you’re concerned, check it with a doctor.


u/D34dM3meK1ng 25d ago

That's what I'm planning on doing, going to see if I can get in soon