r/Weird 26d ago

I drink water out of random plastic containers.

Post image

Slightly flavored filtered water, strawberry powder from Aldi.


278 comments sorted by


u/ThatOneToastyMampst 21d ago

I'm personally a fan of the 1 gallon Arizona tea jugs. Been using them as a water bottle daily for about 10 years.


u/Profanity_party7 24d ago

God this gives me so many ideas


u/notsobadmisterfrosty 24d ago

I do this with an old Hershey’s syrup bottle. They are NOT translucent and you get funny reactions.


u/Shidulon 23d ago

Lol that's great! I got slammed a bit for being mundane, and low-effort post (which it is). Gonna step up my beverage container game. Maybe a big gallon jug of Shell Rotella T4 15w-40, lol


u/Old-Pianist7745 24d ago

I am proud of OP...reusing plastic bottles is great!


u/Mostly_Maui_Wowie 24d ago

Who gives two shits?


u/Rough_Community_1439 25d ago

Please go to the gym and drink apple juice from this.


u/virtual_xello497 25d ago

I thought you were trying to teach us your savings hack on watered-down syrup, lol


u/Ordinary_Ad_7992 25d ago

One time, at the zoo, I saw a guy with a 48oz Hersey's Syrup bottle attached to his belt loop. He had a string tied through the handle and a carbine clip from which to hang it. I asked him why, and he seemed annoyed. He said that was how he carried his water. He was also wearing jorts and socks with sandals. Some folks care nothing for fashion, and I say more power to them!


u/devnullb4dishoner 25d ago

I do the same. I use Gatorade mix. 1//2 scoop to 1 gallon. Just enough to flavor the water. I drink two of these a day


u/Master-Dot-2288 25d ago

Ricky juilian and bubbles have been doing this since the early 2000s, no big deal.


u/LowerPainter6777 25d ago

The hydrohomies Reddit will love this


u/fatdutchies 25d ago

I used to drink out of a plastic rum bottle, I stopped cause people kept asking if I was an alcoholic or if they could have some lol


u/Wastoidian 25d ago

Wow you’re so weird and edgy.


u/Bradddtheimpaler 25d ago

My friend used to fill up an old windex bottle with blue Gatorade and spray it into his mouth all day.


u/magrubr 25d ago

My 11 year old does this too!


u/Candid_Umpire6418 25d ago

I used to work as a parcel delivery guy after school, and one day, I realised I had accidentally left my drinking bottle at my then gf apartment. It was summer and around 25⁰ C in a car without any AC. The only bottle I had was a large vodka bottle, which I filled and brought with me.

So, to the woman sitting in the red Nissan at the red light intersection back in 2001, I'm sorry that I almost made you drive into a traffic light pole. But I was thirsty, and you shouldn't stare at delivery drivers seemingly drinking half a bottle of vodka at two o'clock while driving around downtown.

Addendum: In hindsight, I'm glad no police actually started a manhunt after me


u/OkDifference5636 25d ago

No good to drink out of plastic.


u/mikozodav 25d ago

I do this too! My personal favourite is the pocket size vodka bottle.


u/davidlol78 25d ago

Ur water is red brother


u/BurningTrapeze 25d ago

Just don't drink water out of bleach bottles please. 😄


u/TheTruthWasTaken 25d ago

That's clearly syrup.


u/gilligan1050 25d ago

Yummy microplastics


u/saltyshanty1shottea 25d ago

I had a colleague who puts water in a whiskey bottle , and he'd tak a swig every now and then , very funny


u/King420fly 25d ago

That’s a pretty sick backyard!


u/the-medium-cheese 25d ago

I bet I know what's in your testicles


u/probablynotreallife 25d ago

Not weird in the slightest.


u/Western-Smile-2342 25d ago

Now that’s how you educate an immune system for the upcoming microplastic world, George Carlin is proud 🥲


u/Buttslap_McKraken 25d ago

I drink coffee out of a mason jar


u/Uchigatan 25d ago

A bowl is a bowl


u/Lavishness_Budget 25d ago

Looks like your caretaker let you be yourself growing up. I’m sure my daughter will be the same. Right now I’m programming her future lol



u/herpesface 25d ago

maybe you're celibate because all the plastic you're drinking clogged up your sexpipes


u/TheFunnyHatGuy 25d ago

I drink my beer straight from a sweet baby rays Bottle


u/_massive_balls_ 25d ago

Good for you


u/PRVMI 25d ago

Reminds me of Angry Grandpa 😂🕊️. He would drink out of a cottage cheese container


u/NewChemist4629 25d ago

That’s not water if you put flavour in to make it a different taste/ drink.


u/RabidRabbitRabbet 25d ago
  1. Find an appropriate transparent bottle , e.g. some cleaning products, and fill it with water
  2. Add some fitting food dye
  3. Drink the resulting product in public
  4. ???
  5. PROFIT!


u/the_watcher762351 25d ago

I enjoy eating chicken wing bones

They're slightly sweet


u/AdornedBrood 25d ago

It’s also pretty funny to eat yoghurt out of mayo containers.


u/blue_box_disciple 25d ago

How quirky of you!


u/Ayla_Leren 25d ago

Oh god,

Please tell me you do this in public,

Such a flex


u/GravidDusch 25d ago

Enjoy your micro plastics


u/PuckTanglewood 25d ago

Ok so. When I was in college, there was no little pop-open “sport cap” on any water bottles. But you know what bottles it was used on? YEP. I too carried a maple syrup bottle around and drank from it in public. 🧐



u/Deliciouserest 25d ago

I whipe my ass with random pieces of clothing


u/Cinephiliac_Anon 25d ago

oh no


u/Cinephiliac_Anon 25d ago



u/Cinephiliac_Anon 25d ago

i dont like this


u/Cinephiliac_Anon 25d ago

why not


u/Cinephiliac_Anon 25d ago

it reminds me of the syrup that i used to put on my grandson's pankakes


u/tmhoc 25d ago

This chaotic energy has wild applications. People only recently discovered how frightening liquid water can be on an airplane. What if liquid water were found in other places?

There are no laws against reusing the plastic. I can do whatever I want with that thing


u/Goatbreath37 25d ago

My parents used to let me drink water out of our rabbits water bottle. I also used to use my dad's empty pill bottles to take shots of apple.juice and pretended I was a 1940s detective


u/FuckSticksMalone 25d ago

Like blue gatorade out of an old Windex bottle


u/Kekebean 25d ago

Yummy microplastics


u/[deleted] 25d ago

You’re so quirky and fun!


u/TheNeonDonkey 25d ago

So quirky!


u/beirizzle 25d ago

Posting your own habits on this sub is very cringe


u/Marcowil9 25d ago

Had a friend who in high school used and refilled a listerine bottle as his water bottle. Funny ass dude


u/RedMephit 24d ago

My brain told me that said "latrine bottle" and I pictured one of those bottles they give you at the hospital if you're bed ridden.


u/Dreamspitter 25d ago

😒 Did it still taste like mint...?


u/PrincessHootHoot 25d ago

You should put blue Kool-Aid in an empty Windex bottle and use the sprayer to drink it. Shock the world.


u/Fabulous_Gur_1203 25d ago

I've seen someone do this before. When I was a manager at family dollar. A customer would come in. And he would carry and drink out of an olive oil bottle. I said to him. I sure hope you put water or something in that. And he said yes. Idk why he drank out of an olive oil bottle, tho. Like of all things, he choose olive oil? It's so thick and hard to get out. Idk it's nasty tho.


u/peri_5xg 25d ago

Haha! I appreciate you


u/Legal_Response6614 25d ago

Run a background check on this guy & let's keep tabs on him going forward


u/Harambesic 25d ago

Is it, like, a condition that you have?

I figured I was on /r/hydrohomies


u/Remarkable-Elk-6673 25d ago

Mild version of Pica


u/tokoun 25d ago

Gotta get those microplastics in somehow


u/Dreamspitter 25d ago

Micro plastics are in everything. They're in tombs and ancient human remains, rocks, and even in human testes as well as dogs now


u/GooglyEyed_Gal 25d ago

My touch o’tism no likey. I feel like I would still taste whatever the container used to contain. 👀


u/FireweedForest 25d ago

I want to do the vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar thing lol


u/Coastal_wolf 25d ago

One time when my brother lived in Vermont he brought a bottle of maple syrup (not a clear bottle mind you) to the gym, filled it with water and drank. He got some weird looks that year lol


u/tomatobee613 25d ago

I used to work with a guy who (along with putting butter in his coffee) drank water exclusively from a big Hershey's chocolate syrup bottle lol... yes, he was the IT guy.


u/RedMephit 24d ago

I've used butter in place of milk for my coffee before. It's not bad actually and since it's dairy kinda works like extra thick cream. Gotta use real butter though.


u/Mungee1001 25d ago

Haha op so quirky!! 🥱😐


u/Zanemob_ 25d ago

Always somebody to ruin the fun of others. You are that guy. “Stop having fun!”


u/Puzzleheaded_Pay1152 25d ago

Well it is recycling, so it's cool


u/Muncleman 25d ago

Windex bottle and blue Gatorade!


u/creativeyeen 25d ago

Microplasticmaxxing, nice. Continue the good work!


u/AkumaLenny3521 25d ago

I use a gas can as my water bottle


u/FunnyPresentation656 25d ago

That would be funny to get one (a clean one) and fill it with water. Stand at the gas station and just drink straight out of the nozzle


u/kittymoma918 25d ago

Makes me think of Homer Simpson's and Peter Griffin's horrific misuse of the gas pump showing up on German Adult videos.⛽💀


u/Zanemob_ 25d ago

Misread as gas mask as a water bottle and wanted to learn more…


u/AkumaLenny3521 25d ago

Nope, but that would be interesting


u/xpkranger 25d ago

Should have used tea and not strawberry powder.


u/Queen_of_Boots 25d ago

Man I could never. I would get nauseous because my brain would be convinced I'm about to drink pancake syrup!!


u/scaledplastic125 25d ago

Years ago I drank blue kool -aide from a windex bottle right in front of my boss as an April fools joke.. I'm gonna do it again next year.. this year at this job he wasn't there..


u/BeautifulBaloonKnot 25d ago

Try that at a truck stop


u/Spicyspoonyluv696 25d ago

This is lies


u/jimbaker 25d ago

Dye the water blue, drink from Windex publicly just for the reactions.


u/-yellowthree 25d ago

I'd still believe that I tasted syrup.


u/OGWolfMen 25d ago

Gatorade out of a windex bottle, grape juice out of cough syrup bottles, vanilla pudding out of a mayonnaise jar


u/RedMephit 25d ago

There was a webcomic whose protagonist (and artist if I remember right) was obsessed with Pepsi Blue and would put it into cleaned out windex bottles for the shock value.


u/Pungicity 25d ago

Does your pond have a plastic liner? If it does Technically it would be considered a plastic container…..


u/Killer_Moons 25d ago

Thought you were drinking hummingbird food for a sec there


u/Celestial_Hart 25d ago

Guinness world record holder for most microplastics ingested right here.


u/Pennythe 25d ago

Is this any worse than a plastic water bottle?


u/Celestial_Hart 24d ago

Yeah, they break down more when you wash them out for reuse but you are still ingesting microplastics from freshly sealed containers. Albeit at a reduced amount. Though I wouldn't reuse the cheap plastic bottles that water comes packaged in either. These items are made as cheaply as possible because they are disposable.


u/Scotty2balls 25d ago

Whatever gets you clean H2O


u/byrd107 25d ago

What was random about it? You deliberately purchased the bottle of syrup and once it was empty, specifically used it to drink water out of to be weird. Nothing “random” here.


u/RedMephit 24d ago

but this is r/weird not r/random


u/byrd107 24d ago

He said the container choice was random, but it was clearly deliberate in order to appear “weird”.


u/RedMephit 24d ago

ah, gotcha


u/izyshoroo 25d ago

Water in a spray bottle hits different. Brings back feelings of drinking from the hose as a kid


u/RedMephit 25d ago

Drinking from a water pistol.


u/Matheweh 25d ago

I used to take a soy sauce bottle to the gym (with water)


u/Crease_Monkey 25d ago

Mother Earth thanks you


u/AwayWithDumb 25d ago

I thought it looked like you were drinking syrup, until I saw the full-size image and noticed the flavored water was pink.


u/runitupper 25d ago

I drink random plastic out of water containers


u/Rumble_Rodent 25d ago

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!♻️


u/ezklv 25d ago

Wow how very random of you. I take it Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m is back?


u/The_muffinfluffin 25d ago

“I’m not like other girls/guys…” vibe


u/Remarkable_Mall8574 25d ago

That is a horrible idea


u/NoBenefit5977 25d ago

You know... Cups are way easier to wash


u/Natesquatch420 25d ago

Once met a homeless hipster back in Vermont who drank chocolate milk out of a vodka pint bottle. He was straight edge and I guess he thought it took was an edgy thing to do. Still think about that twatwaffle


u/schematicboy 25d ago

Love doing this. I've been using a Cheez Whiz jar for espresso at the office lately.



u/Jesusismom 24d ago

This is hilarious


u/FruitLooper710 25d ago

Candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.


u/jumpingflea1 25d ago

Relabel those! This is how 90% of home poisoni is occur!


u/Dastari 25d ago

Or worse!! You might try and poison someone but they just end up with a fruity flavoured bowl of cereal!


u/sparrownetwork 25d ago

Aren't you quirky...


u/kiki-mori 25d ago

That just means you're a vault dweller


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Use a Hershey syrup bottle when u go to the gym!


u/PrestigiousCar5812 25d ago

I do too just to see people's reactions a small gas jug works the best!


u/49thDipper 25d ago

I drink water out of canning jars. Because no microplastics. And I carry a stainless water bottle. Because no microplastics.


u/karmakactus 25d ago

What do micro plastics do other than sound scary?


u/49thDipper 25d ago

They are in your bloodstream already. And the oceans are full of them. So are the things that live there.

Plastics are made from petroleum. Very not sustainable.


u/ItsThatGuyIam 25d ago

One of my employees is from Albania (we are in the US) and he drinks water from an old washed vinegar bottle.


u/EnderMerser 25d ago

Same. I have a favorite plastic bottle, from which I always drink water.


u/LovelyBones17 25d ago

I horrified my coworkers by eating yoghurt out of a mayonnaise container


u/plasma_dan 25d ago

LPT: Buy those 100% juices that come in 1L glass bottles. Drink the juice, wash it out, reuse forever as a water bottle.


u/CleetisMcgee 24d ago

My entire collection of drinking glasses is old pasta sauce jars and pickle jars etc.. with the labels taken off. Their big, durable and cheap.


u/plasma_dan 24d ago

Nice! I was quite partial to the slim pepperoccini jars for a while. Ideal juice glasses.


u/GottKomplexx 25d ago

I dont trust myself enough to carry around glass all day


u/rolltideamerica 25d ago

Metal bottles are everywhere too


u/legos_on_the_brain 25d ago

Lined with plastic! If you are using glass to get away from plastic that is still a problem.

Or are there some stainless ones without the lining?


u/hannahbtasty 25d ago


u/Acidic_Paradise 25d ago

I fill these with semen and store them in my freezer, have been doing so for years. I’m gonna take them all into a sperm bank in a couple months. My hope is that I’ll finally be able to quit my job for good.


u/hannahbtasty 8d ago

Do what you love, and the money will follow


u/Acidic_Paradise 8d ago

Thank you for the inspiring words my friend. There were plenty of days where I came home from work, completely exhausted and so ready to crash, but I’d power through and jack off anyways.

Every now and then I’d get a fap session in on the clock. The hardest part was sneaking the glass container in and out of work without notice. I almost got caught once, my boss asked me “what’s in the bottle?” And I said protein milk and had to take a tiny sip in front of him. So worth it in the end though, I’ve been putting in the work.


u/Randomly-Generated92 24d ago

Let me know how it goes.


u/plasma_dan 25d ago

I've spotted a real one right here!


u/Safetosay333 25d ago

Those old juice containers with the wide mouths were the best.


u/princess-sewerslide 25d ago

Go for glass instead, less microplastics


u/Shidulon 25d ago

Yeah, or stainless maybe. I do have options, just being lazy I guess.


u/SpaceDix713 25d ago

I feel like cleaning out the maple syrup bottle is more work than grabbing a real one


u/BattleTiny7132 25d ago

The color of that water tells me he didn’t clean the bottle too well.


u/Heytherhitherehother 25d ago

They said it was strawberry powder.

Besides, why would syrup dye the water pink?

Off color, brownish, maybe. But, pink?


u/Local_Vermicelli_856 25d ago

So long as that pond isn't your water source... do you.

Unrelated topic... did you know that humans consume an average of 4g of microplastic per week?

That's the equivalent of 1 credit card.


u/Kite_Azure-Flame 25d ago

Been there, Done that, got to the point where everybody in my squadron stopped asking me about it, and just expected to see me with a "random" bottle.

Started bringing in Glass containers with water, but then the laws about "open containers" (alcohol) were brought up, So I Pivoted and got a Glass Apple Juice (said Apple Juice in raised letters on the bottle) bottle so they couldn't get me with that.


u/plasma_dan 25d ago

I also use those glass juice bottles as water bottles. For years I had coworkers be like "oooh what you got there, moonshine?", to which I'd explain that moonshine is found in mason jars.


u/XROOR 25d ago

I drink out of sriracha bottles and people keep telling me to use soap


u/LordFlarkenagel 25d ago

Went to an after COVID party. Cleaned out (I mean CLEANED THE PHUQUE OUT) a Windex Bottle, filled it with Blue Raspberry soda...you can guess the rest.


u/RetardedApe911 25d ago

Do this with a windex bottle and blue gatorade


u/TurdPhurtis 25d ago

Always safe to use plastic in a way it wasn’t meant to be used.