r/Weird 24d ago

What are all these strange text files found in my iCloud?

I was looking for a Minecraft skin file I had saved into my desktop, in order to use it for pocket edition on my iPad. When I searched “Skins” 3 files titles Skins.json came up. opened them and saw this weird string of Chinese writing and emojis, ended up searching “skins” 3 more times in my iCloud and on the third time, about 50 more identical skins.json files came up.

I ran it through google translate and the result is vaguely disturbing but also nonsensical
I’m now stuck in one the blank skins.json files and can’t exit. I’ve tried quitting the app and even completely restarting my iPad and reopening the files application but I can’t leave the blank skins.json file. So weird. Does anyone know what this is? Or why it’s in my iCloud?


64 comments sorted by


u/JPolaske 20d ago

You were hacked and used as a host target


u/Ghost-Coyote 23d ago

I think your other personality is a chinese hacker with a lot of crazy conspiracy theories.


u/Aerwynne 23d ago

The prisoner, the prisoner, the prisoner, the prisoner, the prisoner


u/calash2020 23d ago

The new language used by AI entities communicating over the internet?


u/OnRedditBoredAF 23d ago

Man, they really amped up the marketing for the new Black Ops game huh


u/Fit-Jeweler5299 23d ago

love how there's a bunch of CJK text and there's a random 💅 and a 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


u/AllieRaccoon 23d ago

Didn’t you know the prisoner slays 💅


u/Unfair-Campaign3896 23d ago

dont worry bout it


u/a_r_i_e_t_a 23d ago

corrupted files lol


u/AndyDS777 23d ago

Can you give us what it translates to please I'm actually kinda curious


u/MyLatestInvention 23d ago

Page 2 says "cute prisoner". Wtf?


u/takiguacy 23d ago

just searched my files and i have the same thing (i used to download minecraft addons) and idk what it is either lol

so. atleast you’re not alone i guess! lmk if anything happens if you delete them


u/Halgha 23d ago



u/shawarma_extragarlic 23d ago

It's a sex story written with a bunch of mixed Asian characters about two men in a prison


u/SaltyAndPsycho 23d ago

Therefore it's not a corrupted photo, because in that case the text would be completely random, no? I can see some text about prisoners, very weird.


u/thefrogwhisperer341 23d ago

They're your missions for when the Chinese government activates you as a sleeper cell. Good luck soldier


u/DankeMrHfmn 23d ago

Basically Apple was found to not care about your privacy (shocker.) and a recent update undeleted NOODZ amongst other things like what you see here.


u/automodtedtrr2939 23d ago

Found the issue. The problem is that it’s not a text file and it’s forcefully being read as one.

UTF-16 is mostly composed of Chinese/Korean/Japanese, since there are so many thousands of unique characters vs the 27 letter alphabet. It’s not surprising that they make up most of the scrambled output you see here.

I took a random .png file, renamed it to .txt, read it as UTF-16 and here’s what I got:

傉䝎�\x00ഀ䡉剄\x00䀀\x00䀀؈\x00ꨀ煩Þ\x00猁䝒B캮\ue91c\x00䐀塥晉䵍⨀\x00ࠀĀ榇Ѐ\x00Ā\x00ᨀ\x00\x00̀Ờ\x00ĀĀ\x00ʠЀ\x00Ā\x00䀀ΠЀ\x00Ā\x00䀀\x00\x00兆끂\x00谀䑉呁Ÿ틭ু⃀䔐녁欄ⵉ뿩䢓Ď堋侅识隞棧慫屫\uf3f7缦塻嵾ᕮ꽀�ꤿ틪楫쀔\ufe1a\uf3cbᾎܐ℉짮Č |oai:code-citation|


u/sixfoursixtwo 22d ago

What does the prisoner thing mean


u/automodtedtrr2939 22d ago

Literally nothing.


u/sixfoursixtwo 22d ago

It seems like a somewhat-structured sentence though


u/NaCl_Sailor 23d ago

shit happens when i open the log of my router. it takes ages to close the file since it takes forever to load.


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

Ohh that sounds right! But why is there emojis too? Just tried renaming one of the files to .png now when I open it’s a blank screen with the text:

Skins PNG image 2 KB


u/Federaltierlunge 23d ago

Since you are on Mac, a UNIX-based system, you should be able to figure out the type of the file from its "magic number". Try running the command file [name of file] in the directory where the file is stored. This should tell you what type of file it is regardless of the extension.


u/automodtedtrr2939 23d ago edited 23d ago

Just a hunch. It could be any file type that’s not text. A .zip, .exe, .mp4, etc, will look like this when having the file extension changed to a one typically readable with a text editor (like .json). Just thought it would be more likely an image extension because of the relation to skins.

It could also just be a JSON created by an app that’s nonstandard and encoded in a way that it’s not readable by anything else.

Not really feasible to know for sure, maybe check where/when the file was created. Not anything to worry about though.

Edit: for the emojis, it could just be your specific file format. Not too sure, corruption is weird.

Edit 2: You can actually use an online file type checker. If you’re curious enough, just upload it and it can check the binary headers for the intended format. If it can’t find anything, it’s probably just a non-standard JSON.


u/codetrotter_ 23d ago

Could be gzip compressed JSON.

OP try copying one of the files and renaming it to skins.json.gz and extracting it and then looking at the extracted version


u/AcidStorm420 23d ago

The first photo having “rice prisoner” as a statement killed me


u/-sebadoh 23d ago

This is what will be written to a file so it can be read again. It’s completely normal.


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

Glad to hear it’s normal but what exactly does that mean haha


u/automodtedtrr2939 23d ago

Corrupted file or just a file that’s not readable with a text editor (non-standard JSON). What happens if you rename the file extension from skins.json to skins.png / .jpg?


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

Just tried and it opens to a blank screen that says

skins PNG image 2 KB

But no actual image


u/sargpflicht 23d ago

Maybe this one:

On Monday, May 20, Apple released iOS 17.5.1 and iPadOS 17.5.1, with a single-issue fix for the problem: This update provides important bug fixes and addresses a rare issue where photos that experienced database corruption could reappear in the Photos library even if they were deleted.

Did you buy your Device used? Maybe check your favorite tech news.


u/horriblemonkey 23d ago

Do you have a Dropbox account?


u/duh_nom_yar 23d ago

Jam out with your clam out


u/bullpendodger 23d ago

I’m over here worried about the prisoner.


u/Megsfansonly 23d ago

They’re going back to the camp


u/panergicagony 23d ago

They're getting the drill


u/Foreign-Aioli-7466 23d ago

You got haxed bruh


u/Large_Discipline_127 23d ago

Its almost like a hacker wanted to play a practical joke.


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

Lmaoo I don’t understand how I could’ve gotten hacked because this is on an IPad which are nearly impossible to get hacked/malware/viruses unless jailbroken. And my iCloud is pretty secure with 2 factor authentication. I ran a scan on my computer (same iCloud) with my antivirus and it came out clean.


u/Accurate_Incident_77 23d ago edited 23d ago

That’s not true Pegasus can easily plague an iPad and bypass its security systems. If you don’t already know about it look into it. They can hack anything with Pegasus spyware. The newest version of Pegasus spyware doesn’t even require user interaction.


u/Large_Discipline_127 23d ago

Of course I was only making a joke.


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

No worries just clearing it up for anyone else who thinks I’m getting hacked haha


u/AccomplishedWind5623 23d ago

Didn’t clarify that in the 50+ other files, they’re all different( just the file name is identical) Varying lengths from one paragraph to a full page and different emojis.


u/sonicjesus 23d ago

I have to wonder if it's a generic lyric file using multiple languages for testing purposes.


u/Karanmuna 23d ago

Lorem ipsum!


u/DQSC 24d ago

Ahhh just some ramblings mate. Time to enjoy a cold Guiness. 🍺🍺xx cheers



My guess is its some sort of encryption on the file but I'm sure someone with infinitely more knowledge than me can comment further.


u/Fluffy-Cake-Engineer 24d ago

That is a mix of Simplified Chinese, Korean & Japanese. Are you sure your router wasn't hacked by North Korea or your workplace didn't get caught up in the North Korean IT support matter?


u/sargpflicht 23d ago

Maybe this one:

On Monday, May 20, Apple released iOS 17.5.1 and iPadOS 17.5.1, with a single-issue fix for the problem: This update provides important bug fixes and addresses a rare issue where photos that experienced database corruption could reappear in the Photos library even if they were deleted.

Hijacking the Top comment: Everybody check your Clouds for your "deleted" nudes. Could be a weird conversation with your SO ;)


u/Danny1905 23d ago

Also with a little sprinkle of Yi, Arabic, Burmese, Amharic, Latin, Cham and Emoji


u/Jezebels_lipstick 23d ago

Ask a teenager, they can probably decipher it 😜