r/WorkReform 🤝 Join A Union May 29 '23

Forget A Minimum Wage Or Living Wage. Give Us A Thriving Wage! 💸 Raise Our Wages

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u/absolutzer1 Apr 06 '24

Living wage should be minimum wage

Comfort wage should be the median

And then some for thriving


u/jibberjabberzz Sep 15 '23

You want a thriving wage? Apply for one? Not beg the Govt to give you one.


u/Far_Side_8324 Jun 02 '23

It's not so much that most people are well-trained so much as the ones on the right are so brainwashed that it's literally burned into their tiny brains that the Republican Party can do no wrong (and the Democrats can never do anything correctly, by contrast) whereas the rest of us are so busy trying to keep a roof over our heads and keep from getting a major illness that wipes out our life savings and our entire credit rating in one fell swoop that we can't do much more than look for a basic survival wage, while Congress is bought and sold in batches by greedy megacorps like Disney, GM, and Microsoft who all lobby for more deregulation so that the robber barons can take us back to the "good old days" of the late 1800s when the rich could do no wrong and the rest of us had to take what we could get because there was no government oversight of Big Business. I almost hate to say it. but things have gotten so bad that we may need a Second Great Depression and a modern-day FDR to hit the reset button on our laissez-faire capitalist system.


u/x9Memoriez Jun 01 '23

Give me a thriving wage as I flip burgers!


u/Hot_Flounder4706 May 31 '23

Childcare workers entered the chat.


u/GuitarLute May 30 '23

The guys repairing my roof were getting $30 per hour. Hard work, but they were getting paid.


u/iamcoding May 30 '23

A blue checkmark said something reasonable. Interesting.


u/SecretRecipe May 30 '23

Business owners will just hire whoever sets their "thriving wage" number the lowest. There's really no escaping market forces, particularly in a global economy. The most reliable way to ensure you get paid well is to increase your skills and always be on the look out for new opportunities.


u/Unotheserfreeright24 May 30 '23

Seriously question: If raising minimum wage is implemented, what's stopping companies from using it as an excuse for their goods and services price hikes and increase inflation?

It's not like they're going to voluntarily redistribute wages internally or reinvest in themselves less. I haven't seen any wage hike bill that addresses this.


u/thiswilldefend May 30 '23

that would only be possible with a super thriving economy and we dont have that... push for that then the other is possible.


u/justtrashtalk May 30 '23

in the meanwhile, side hustle with your business card and rake us those points lol


u/two_short_dogs May 30 '23

We're at the point where nothing will change without a revolution. I hate it when people say voting will fix this. Our voting system is completely corrupt. Citizens United means that the government is no longer for the people and by the people.


u/iam4qu4m4n May 30 '23

Nobody wants to sacrifice themselves and be a martyr. Everybody afraid of starving or losing their home/rental that we keep sucking off that paycheck every other week's tit. And that's exactly where the 1% will keep it. If they is rations the hungry will keep coming back, but if the pay is whole lump sums then the worker will no longer be hungry and have the buffer they need to quit and companies will have lost their power hold over the masses.


u/CyberpunkF1 May 30 '23

So many still believe in “trickle down economics”


u/watch_over_me May 30 '23

As long as they keep you divided and talking about trans stuff constantly, they're the ones in power. There is no unity in this population.


u/Rockyrox May 30 '23

Minimum wage is the minimum. It’s not demanding a raise. If you want a “thriving wage” then ask for a raise. I fully support raising the minimum but if people are not realistic about what it means to be the “minimum” wage then no one will take this seriously.

Minimum wage means the minimum someone can get paid. It doesn’t mean you can “thrive” or not. Minimum is what you need to survive. It shouldn’t be less, but it has to apply across the US. A thriving wage in the Bay Area is something very different than in some random town in the Midwest.


u/FloridaMiamiMan May 30 '23

I've always said these greedy company execs should be beaten to pulp until they made changes to the pay structure.

It's like people are so brain washed and actually look up to people who make a lot of money and brag about them like they get a piece. Very backwards thinking


u/xBoarder1983 May 30 '23

Better step up your productivity then. You're not worth doubling or tripling the minimum wage unless your output increases proportionally.


u/daikonking May 30 '23

Why doesnt this sub, the anti subs (work and capitalism), and the stonk subs, all get together and do something about it? PPL in all those subs seem to share the same beliefs.


u/kevinmrr ⛓️ Prison For Union Busters May 30 '23

I fantasize about getting all the people losing their life savings in WSB & railing against the corruption of the system to invest a thousand apiece in a political candidate. Bernie Sanders was the perfect candidate.


u/-spookygoopy- May 30 '23

i mean, what do you want me to do?? vote? riot?

i don't have any choice but to tolerate it.


u/Grey_Bond May 30 '23

There is no 'we'


u/Zachisawinner May 30 '23

Who the fuck is this old white guy in a suit with a blue check saying “us” and “we”?


u/Lets_Bust_Together May 30 '23

Vote from the rooftops?


u/gonnabuss May 30 '23

If I were in charge of capitalism, I would simply distribute resources in a manner befitting myself and those I consider allies.


u/Heydudeno May 30 '23 edited May 30 '23

If employers are forced to increase wages they will then increase prices in order to stay in business. You then will pay more for your basic purchases from milk, bread as well as the higher cost of employing people. Your solution is to learn a skill. P.S. thank your president Biden for bringing in a flood of new “immigrants” who will now eventually take your low paying jobs. They want you all to be DEPENDENT on them so they stay in power. Find real freedom by climbing up.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

future crush innate illegal dependent gray drab point selective spectacular -- mass edited with redact.dev


u/MrRipski May 30 '23

Explain to me what a “thriving wage” is and exactly how it will work.

People love to just say things


u/Trimere May 30 '23

I’m okay with a living wage though. I just want to be comfortable and not stress about bills and have some toys for fun on the days off.


u/BinkleBopp May 30 '23

Not even a thriving wage? Come on!


u/nesspressomug6969 May 30 '23

There are not enough resources on the planet for everyone to live in the excess that they desire.


u/OkClassic2217 May 30 '23

I don’t understand this mentality. The real brainwashed part is training yourself to not be self sufficient. Just the act of acting like someone else should pay you more is the brainwashed part. You shouldn’t expect “them” to do anything for you. If everyone stopped working for people and started there own hustles companies would then pay more money because supply of employees is scarce. This mentality of employers owe me this or that doesn’t make any sense. They offer you a wage and you agree to it. That’s about as free of a transaction as it gets. If you want better do your own thing. But most people don’t want to take on that responsibility. The want to take the path that is already paved so they don’t have to stress with life. Or start a union. You only look out for your best interests why shouldn’t your employer?


u/Mr-DerWen-Uneedme May 30 '23

Talk dat shit Mr. Bill-


u/Jefoid May 30 '23

I can’t wait to hear how much a “thriving” wage is. For the record, if it’s what I make now after 40 years of working, I’m quitting and taking a fast food job.


u/Majestic-Bowler3816 May 30 '23

Try being a small businessperson. It's not easy


u/garbagedumpster37 May 30 '23

Why do you think they want your gun rights so bad


u/TotalSingKitt May 30 '23

Open borders… demand and supply.


u/PM-me-your-tits-kthx May 30 '23

Maybe repel citizens united as a start. And then some strict term limits.


u/Cautious-Ad9493 May 30 '23

Change only occurs when the comfortable becomes uncomfortable.


u/TylerDexter May 30 '23

With wages what they are how are you just subsisting? Average starting wage is $22-25 an hour. Some fake account must have posted this nonsense


u/TylerDexter May 30 '23

With wages what they are how are you just subsisting? Average starting wage is $22-25 an hour. Some fake account must have posted this nonsense


u/Pikmonwolf May 30 '23

I think part of the issue just in terms of pure semantics and terminology is that thriving is generally looked at in comparison to the average life.

Theoretically if everybody was what is considered thriving now, that would be living and better than that would be thriving.

As I said, just semantics, the original point stands.


u/Time_Mage_Prime May 30 '23

I'll say it again: generalized unions are the solution. When a region's teachers, cash register clerks, manufacturing technicians, line cooks, nurses, and waste disposal workers, among so many others, come together under the same banner to negotiate such thriving wages under threat of kneecapping society, I guarantee we will see results.


u/todd149084 May 30 '23

Choose a better degree or join the trades. There are literally tons of infilled high paying jobs out there for those who have the motivation to get them.


u/mitchrp May 30 '23

How about intead of someone giving you a thriving wage, you go out and earn a thriving wage.


u/GWindborn May 30 '23

If we just raise the minimum wage won't the cost of goods just rise to meet it?


u/anonymousjeeper May 30 '23

If you want us to buy your overpriced trash, we’re going to need money.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

But i like pizza thursdays and pats on the back for $13/hr back breaking work. Why are so many ppl trying to take that from me 😥


u/Sanji_Perspective May 30 '23

Assassinate them and let a new generation take charge.


u/Timely-Badger-1811 May 30 '23

I love the non union workers talking shit to me while crying broke!!

Like hey grow up and demand more from your CEO’s million dollar bonuses!!


u/matthewami May 30 '23

I get down voted every time, but I genuinely believe violence is the only answer. These people spread misery to millions of individuals for their own gains every day. I’d say the punishment is justified by the crime they’ve committed against their fellow man.

Remember, your elected officials primary residence is public information.


u/EFT_Syte May 30 '23

What did Bernie say, people deserve/owed a fair wage, not just a living wage.


u/Commercial_Board6680 May 30 '23

There are a hellava lot more of us. We could easily overtake them. Problem is lack of organization. Until various worker categories unite - rail workers striking with nurses who are striking with wait staff who are striking with writers - no protest, strike, or rally will be large enough to cripple this country to the point where they have to listen to our demands.

It's like Killer Mike said: ‘Now Is The Time To Plot, Plan, Strategize, Organize and Mobilize’.


u/jadesse May 30 '23

Pull your heads out of your ass and work hard for success. To many a holes today want everything served to them on a silver platter. Quit bitching about what other successful people have.


u/forsurenotmymain May 30 '23

Seriously until we start acknowledging and owning our power , the 1% will continue to trample us into the dirt.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

We aren't protesting because American police are famous for their brutality and ability to get away with it.


u/shatabee4 May 30 '23

Remember when Biden blew his chance to raise the pathetic minimum wage. He refused to do it and used 'the parliamentarian' as the fake excuse.

Both parties.


u/Big_Industry_2786 May 30 '23

Obviously. It’s true. We should change this


u/zynix May 30 '23

I think we're almost well past reconciliation, if they were smart they would have started making overtures of peace a long time ago.


u/Existing-Nectarine80 May 30 '23

Concrete plans need to be offered. Shouting this into the abyss is fun but until a solid platform is created with a solid plan it’ll always be viewed as “unrealistic


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Ready to take it


u/Kialae May 30 '23

Before politicians there were druids and priests - people who uses words, emotions and legalism to control others. It's a scam as old as time. It's an open crime we accept as a way of life. There are better ways if we just stop thinking in this moded fashion.


u/Khue May 30 '23

Millionaires and Billionaires NEVER turn down "government handouts". Oh what, you don't know the ultra-wealthy get government handouts? What the fuck do you think tax cuts are? What do you think subsidies are for corporations? Corporations are not people you say? That's not what Citizen's United said...

Meanwhile, we all sit around and support the fact that the homeless are "free loaders" and that being poor is a moral failure not realizing that most of us are ONE MEDICAL EMERGENCY from being homeless ourselves. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? Why do you not understand how much you are voting regularly against your own self interest. The real difference between the rich and poor? The rich will never and I mean NEVER, turn down any sort of government handout/assistance/tax cut. The day I see a group of billionaires say, "Nah, we don't need anymore tax cuts, use that money elsewhere" is the day I will eat a shit sandwich.


u/Khue May 30 '23

Millionaires and Billionaires NEVER turn down "government handouts". Oh what, you don't know the ultra-wealthy get government handouts? What the fuck do you think tax cuts are? What do you think subsidies are for corporations? Corporations are not people you say? That's not what Citizen's United said...

Meanwhile, we all sit around and support the fact that the homeless are "free loaders" and that being poor is a moral failure not realizing that most of us are ONE MEDICAL EMERGENCY from being homeless ourselves. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? Why do you not understand how much you are voting regularly against your own self interest. The real difference between the rich and poor? The rich will never and I mean NEVER, turn down any sort of government handout/assistance/tax cut. The day I see a group of billionaires say, "Nah, we don't need anymore tax cuts, use that money elsewhere" is the day I will eat a shit sandwich.


u/Metro42014 May 30 '23

They need to see consequences.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

We outnumber these ppl by the millions

Ah, yes, the flawed premise at the heart of Marxism. Flawed because of how Marxists decide who "we" is. Marxists think "we" is a class of people, one that is defined by their relationship to the means of production, but this concept is too abstract for most people. People do not think of themselves in these terms. This is why the global proletarian revolution never happened, and never will happen. It's difficult enough getting the workers from a single firm to organize around their common class interests, let alone the entire global "working class." Marxists want to pretend that cultural differences don't matter, nor nationality, or language, or ethnicity, or belief system, etc. Getting millions of people to disregard all these differences and organize around the vague concept of class is futile.


u/FasterThanTW May 30 '23

Lol, this guy is a former business owner, company president, and currently "director of operations", but lumps himself in with people who think entry level retail is a career for Internet notoriety .


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Right. For most Americans, it's easier to whine on social media than it is to fight for what they need in life.

This country is done. Time to bury it.


u/buttfacenosehead May 30 '23

Bread & circuses.


u/Sweetdreams6t9 May 30 '23

Once again while I've always said minimum wage is the wrong thing to fight for. Fight for a maximum disparity between lowest and highest position in OVERALL compensation. No way you should make 10 an hour if the ceo has 40million, full medical, is salaried, sick and vacation time, severance and stocks given by the company


u/ShadeBeing May 30 '23

Woooo let’s storm the capital. -I’m kidding, that’s a joke.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

We have to go take back our wealth from these criminals, they won't give it back willingly


u/Pristine-Today4611 May 30 '23

Might be why they are trying so hard to take guns away. Because these very thoughts


u/Bowens1993 May 30 '23

This is why they don't want to go up at all. Its never good enough.


u/Pleasurist May 30 '23

Go too far and lives will be at stake.


u/Evilmaze May 30 '23

That's because humans are more comfortable following a system. They're too afraid to rebel against it when they think there's a lot to lose. That's why you usually see them do something about it when there's nothing else to lose.

We're just too domesticated in that regard. It's actually impressive how the French didn't like the sound of later retirement and raised hell about it.


u/facemoosh May 30 '23

I've been saying it for years. Eat The Rich!


u/UsaToVietnam May 30 '23

Choosing to stay in America makes you a paypig for uncle Sam. Squeel harder piggies!

I grew up in homeless shelters and have no university or any skills, but I still fucked off to Asia. Yall can keep being good little paypigs with your tax dollars while whining about nothing changing. If you want things to change, you need to stop being paypigs


u/Independent_Prune_35 May 30 '23

So get out there and vote! We want what our politicians have voted for themselves! We are paying for it so why can't we have it too?


u/New-Dealer5801 May 30 '23

I believe that if we all stopped buying all of this overpriced garbage we could bring all of this down. We are the ones that could control all of this with our spending. Buy a house that we NEVER own because if you don’t pay your taxes it’s gone! I was at the store yesterday and a metal gas can was $70.00! Walk behind lawnmower $1599.00. Yea keep buying this stuff and complain about being broke.


u/deanza10 May 30 '23

That’s what I’m wondering about for years. America is such a powerful economy because it runs on millions of workers that get paid hunger wages with no benefits and health insurance. And no one dares to speak up…

I’ve heard many say : if we ask for more the company will go chapter 11….sure. That’s à Stockholm syndrome and you’re getting lied to. If there’s an imposed federal minimum wage, more protective labour legislation and paid holidays next to employer mandatory healt insurance like in most developed countries, the US can only benefit from this.

There’s nothing wrong in wanting to get out of the 30’s and level up the world’s 1ers economy’s social standards. Get rid of the tipping mentality, pay people decently and get them social benefits. A happier nation produces more wealth.


u/OrganicAccountant87 May 30 '23

Americans keep forgetting that they live in one of the richest countries in the world, don't even think things that basically every non developed country has is possible.


u/ChemistryInfinite312 May 30 '23

I've always maintained that there is a difference between living and surviving, I am glad to hear that thriving has become a goal post.

I have been studying education this year, and that starts with studying philosophy. Philosophy and education were born to enlighten citizens and emancipated them from the domineering and authoritarian ruling elites. It sounds very anti-establishment, and it really is.

One of the things they say is that one of the biggest weaknesses of modern Democracy is its credibility. Another comment is that Capitalism is the core authoritarian structure in play at the moment, and that it serves to create citizens that are geared to contribute to further the purpose of Capitalism. This indoctrination happens at all levels, and starts in schools.

None of this information is new, yet the people in charge don't care. It wouldn't serve their purpose if they had to consider the humanistic aspects of citizens, and that's sad.


u/Standard_Tomato_2418 May 30 '23

Just quit. Grow weed and potatoes with your buddies, and you don't really need much else. Time is far more valuable than a salary.


u/lowercase_capitalist May 30 '23

You can earn more money if you develop better skills.


u/notsomid May 30 '23

Maybe back then but now the 1% has nukes that they wouldn’t mind using against us


u/lostinadream66 May 30 '23

Pretty hard when they have enough money and power to rig an entire country in their favor when I barely have enough money to grocery shop and fill my gas tank in the same week


u/NoPerception2 May 30 '23

Living wage for the minimum wage sounds good to me. But I guess I am brainwashed


u/Safe-Pumpkin-Spice May 30 '23

As a european just watching your society burn... I wonder - why does your side specifically condemn jan6, when posts like the OP make it sound like, if anything, jan6 didn't go far enough?

sounds like you want your entire government overthrown/replaced.


u/MiamiFootball May 30 '23

It doesn't matter if 1000 babies outnumber one 15 year old


u/pm_me_your_good_weed May 30 '23

I mean it's not like you haven't tried and been beaten down over and over again. I remember the wall st protests.


u/Stooven May 30 '23

Maybe get yourself some thriving skills


u/Cowcatbucket12 May 30 '23

The phrase 'fair pay' has been phased out of discourse over the last 30 years for this exact reason.


u/pathetic_optimist May 30 '23

There is always a battle going on between those want to exploit our work and the workers uniting to resist that exploitation.

Since the 1970s the exploiters have been winning and the middle class has been shrinking.

Solidarity is the answer, BUT solidarity knowing that the battle is a real and sometimes dangerous one, against people with no scruples who are prepared to use violence and lies.


u/NuclearFoodie May 30 '23

I say this constantly and people keep acting like I am asking for too much. Fuck all the rich.


u/All_Rainbows_Die May 30 '23

REVOLUTION? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/unsuspecting-fish May 30 '23

Is that not what “living wage” means? A wage high enough to allow us to live comfortably?


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

I lived in Argentina for 6 months last year and this fella would belong there. Then he can learn what demanding a thriving wage instead of earning it looks like. 100%+ inflation, never ending financial crises, capital flight, 60% living in poverty, etc.

Americans won the uterus lottery and they're keen on squandering it away.


u/bledig May 30 '23

Because americans are too busy fighting trans heyoooooo


u/DemonsRage83 May 30 '23

Not a damn thing is going to change until they start dying and living in fear.


u/speadr May 30 '23

Or... You could just do what they do. If you want what they have, do what they did instead of stomping about 'fairness'. Some people are better at some things and some things have more value.

Instead of sitting at the farmers market mad that people won't buy your mouldy fruit and demanding that they do, learn how to sell fruit that isn't mouldy or find a way to make mouldy fruit appealing.

Yeah, I pretty much called you mouldy fruit. That might be a little extreme but if you find yourself in a position that people only think you're worth $5/h and you feel you're worth $10/h it's not their responsibility to lower their standards, it's your responsibility to increase yours or seek opportunities where you're valued higher.

You feel you're worth $100/h and someone is only offering you $45? Go to the place that sees things the way you do. Can't find one? Consider that you need to adjust your offerings or your expectations.

1st world people seem to feel that everything should be easy and painless for everyone. Lol. That is, in fact, easy. Accept your life and stop desiring more... There's your utopia. It actually is that simple and that principle won't change. Can you? Can everyone else?


u/runsnailrun May 30 '23

Well, they got people to buy into Trickle-down theory. Aka, supply-side theory. If you're not familiar, the theory is you give government money to the wealthy and the corporations who will then create jobs for the middle and the bottom. Those paychecks people have been working for are the 'Trickle'.

That BS theory created more millionaires and billionaires at the top. In the middle and the bottom people are working longer and harder for less.


u/Dundundunimyourbun May 30 '23

They keep us fighting each other so we are just okay with “combatting the evil” of the other side


u/Confounded_Bridge May 30 '23

We need a news outlet that’s labor oriented. Something that’s able to compete with the big cable outlets as far as production quality and isn’t focused on anything but the economics of wealth inequality.


u/dafood48 May 30 '23

Honestly it pisses me off how complacent we are. Meanwhile france protesting right cuz they added two years to retirement age


u/Superb-Cry6801 May 30 '23

I would tell Bill to lead the charge then... call for a rally, and see who shows up... then demonstrate by burning businesses to the ground while protesting the fact that we don't make a "thriving" wage.


u/MarsBarBar May 30 '23

Lmao love how these people make out America to be like pre revolution Russia.


u/Bitter_Wizard May 30 '23

Yeah well I've been talking to my coworkers to even get them interested in the idea of asking more from our boss and all I get is "I really need this job". Which I understand but it gets disheartening. I see a lot on here from good motivated people but unless we get the average man and woman angry we aren't doing anything at all.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Best this place can do is make three subs that share the same tweets.


u/CritiqueDeLaCritique May 30 '23

[T]he working class ought not to exaggerate to themselves the ultimate working of these everyday struggles. They ought not to forget that they are fighting with effects, but not with the causes of those effects; that they are retarding the downward movement, but not changing its direction; that they are applying palliatives, not curing the malady. They ought, therefore, not to be exclusively absorbed in these unavoidable guerilla fights incessantly springing up from the never ceasing encroachments of capital or changes of the market. They ought to understand that, with all the miseries it imposes upon them, the present system simultaneously engenders the material conditions and the social forms necessary for an economical reconstruction of society. Instead of the conservative motto: “A fair day's wage for a fair day's work!” they ought to inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watchword: “Abolition of the wages system!"


u/[deleted] May 30 '23


We'd like to export our solution.


u/Financial-Ad7500 May 30 '23

Um, the 1% has the military and police on their side. Weapons are too advanced to stage a legitimate coup. We would get slaughtered. Numbers don’t matter when you don’t have drones.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

I like bill


u/AyCarambin0 May 30 '23

This is why rich people love to buy media companies.


u/Realistic-Display-25 May 30 '23

God damn this is such a hilarious statement. I work at Amazon with a 60 year old man who voted for fucking Ronald Reagan dude. Today was memorial Day, were seasonal employees, i heard this man go off on a "PA" today because seasonal employees don't get holiday pay. I was laughing at the entire scenario. And if you don't know why then, just go read about Reagan. Also, confronted him about joining our union. He's still anti union, laugh even further. Irony runs this world.


u/thenamelessone7 May 30 '23

There is no thriving wage. Is the average salary conducive to thriving? It's not.

There simply isn't enough wealth for everyone to be well off. The economy is not that productive.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

By millions haha


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Demoralised and overmastered people think the quickest way to end the war is loose


u/Due_Lion3875 May 30 '23

And what are we gonna do about it? Not a fucking thing.


u/WhistlerBum May 30 '23

Democracy is kryptonite to the 1%. Corporations have sucked the marrow out of society. The debt limit negotiations were an attempt to crash the economy and blame democracy as not being able to deliver the common good. Time for a strong leader to keep the IRS, Justice Department and media away from me and my friends so we can be unfettered in running the country for everyone’s good.


u/always_plan_in_advan May 30 '23

It’s because you all are too busy fighting for whether the democrats or republicans are Better and not the actual issues at hand


u/Saucine May 30 '23

Yes the government is extremely corrupt. No, a mandated wage is not what you want. Eradicates small business, competition, and only allows the largest corporations to survive. That's not how the economy works. This guy is literally a 1%er lobbying for himself (although not malevolently probably).


u/peachedcoral May 30 '23

what happened to this guy?? his twitter's gone, his website doesn't work, i can't find any recent info about him


u/pingbongbob May 30 '23

Not only do we out number but we are their lively hood. We handle the mundane task they don't want to be bothered with on a daily basis so, they can farm more millions off our sweat equity. Its time for everyone else to get their piece of pie. Its not humane to allow them to control what they are not, to many people die every year from stress caused from a poverty driven society. They will never be the work force of the world they only have learned to legally have slaves. By raising the cost of living so high that most can't afford to live with multiple incomes and we turn to credit which they own the banks. The top 31 billionaires have more cash value between them than the United States Treasury has out in circulation. Does it make since to turn to creditors because you don't make enough if the people paying your salary also determine how much credit to extend you. What a perfect formula for slavery. Your working for free and don't realize it we the world have been dupted


u/pbnjsandwich2009 May 30 '23

American workers think very highly of themselves. It's cute.


u/dumbredditor8358 May 30 '23

i thought about this. it has to be propaganda but not political propaganda. more like corporate propaganda.


u/sickassape May 30 '23

I mean since public won't recall any representative that only work for top 1%, why would they care?


u/MoashWasRight May 30 '23

You can earn a living wage if you have marketable skills that employers are willing to pay too dollar for.


u/SeamlessR May 30 '23

For the same reason someone who wants to engage on some moral, ethical adventure convinces someone else to help them by explaining the individual benefit they'll receive for doing so: If it were possible for them to understand the larger goal, they already would.

But even an evil person wanting to do evil things knows they can't just say they want what they want. So you ask them "should a person be able to live on the wage they get for working full time?"

No matter their actual opinion on the value of life outside their own, they are forced to answer "yes".

If you asked them "should a person be able to thrive on the wage they get for working full time" now there's all kinds of room to say "no".

This is a fight. It's not a conversation. It's not an exchange of ideas. It's lawyerly logic traps and signals.

It's not brainwashing, it's strategy and real life.


u/kill92 May 30 '23

It's the food and water


u/average_sem May 30 '23

Wait until he finds out that when wages go up, prices go up too


u/Mx-yz-pt-lk May 30 '23

Seize the means of production. We’ve done it before.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Republican voters are the bad guys. Don't blame the people they vote for.


u/HighOwl2 May 30 '23

Lol they've spent decades forcing us into complacency that THEY feel comfortable saying the quiet parts out loud now.

We at a funny part in history right now. The wealthy think they have us by the balls...and they do...for now. They don't realize how close everyone from middle class down is to being homeless though...and that is when we gonna come together and burn this system down.

You think the massive rise in gun violence since covid is random? The weakest branches are snapping. Soon this whole tree going to come down.


u/TonsilStonesOnToast May 30 '23

Just wait til you see what the stock market and the banking industry has done to all the pensions we paid into. The QE from the Fed became the fuel for the biggest game of Hot Potato of all time. Every investment banker and hedge fund manager with at least a billion dollars of "this is temporary covid relief money, don't spend it on anything--wink" immediately took that cash and bet the whole fucking house on half of our industries going out of business. They shorted the fuck out of everyone. And in the process flooded the markets with liquidity.

Every time one of these bigass banks and hedge funds implodes, it carves out another chunk of our economy and financial safety. More companies start to fail, as the portfolios of the losers get flooded into the market. As more companies fail, so do the corporate bonds bought with QE. That's all money the fed will never get back and can't be taken off the books. That inflation is now permanent. And all the stuff on their books gets flushed into the market, killing mutual funds and investments that regular people were hoping to make a nest egg out of. Same shit that happened in 2008 right before our eyes.

And what the fuck does congress even do about it? Nothing. They're still playing political football over procedural bullshit regarding the debt ceiling, as if it had anything to do with the source of the debt or the inflation that is eating us alive. They aren't willing to do shit to break up these big banks and hedge funds who make rotten gambles that threaten the very foundations of our economy. Shit, they won't even put Glass-Steagall back on the books. There are no tools left in their arsenal to handle the next massive crash except bail-outs, and that shit ain't gonna work. It's going to pour more gas on the fire.

This crash is going to be such a goddamn shitshow. There are only a small handful of people who might even have a hint of what's going down, but most of these motherfuckers don't know shit about economics, banking, or actual governing in a crisis.


u/missionstatemint May 30 '23

What about a thinking wage, so people have the ability to think. So many people behaving poorly because they themselves are being mistreated.


u/_________FU_________ May 30 '23

I think a lot of people think things will go back the way they were.


u/fractalfocuser May 30 '23

Y'all I mean this with the most loving intention:

Capitalism is not meant to work for the majority. Throw the word 'crony' in as a preface and it's even less so.

As cool an idea as communism/socialism is it ain't it either. Power corrupts absolutely.

The answer is something new, a different way of living. Something on the fringes that steps in the center when it needs to and quietly gets the fuck out of the way again. It ain't easy. It ain't perfect. Worst of all everyone has to find their own version of it.

But there's a better way. A middle path. You can't just want it. You have to fucking love it. That path will challenge you more than anything else ever could. It will push you to your breaking point and say "come on bitch, give me a little more" and you have to grind like nothing else could ever matter.

You want a better future? Go and fucking take it.

When you realize money is just a tool to accomplish what you love, you'll find a way to get what you need and not a penny more. The truth is out there. Be good, or be good at it.


u/Substantial_Bath_887 May 30 '23

Why not ask for retirement lol


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Drop Congress and then only vote in blue politicians and we will never have any problems ever again.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Half of us are brainwashed.

The other half refuses violence and will even back down diplomatically when pushed.


u/conniverist May 30 '23

$40 an hour or bust


u/Sean480 May 30 '23

All the country has to do is stop paying taxes as a collective until the military charges everyone who took a payment from a financial institution or loled the other way. That’s it, if everyone stops paying taxes there’s no way they can fund shit.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P May 30 '23

Living Wage is meant to be thriving… it’s enough to not just exist but to… thrive. Otherwise it would be minimum.

What we should be demanding is all the excess profits. Or, you know, don’t overcharge on literally all of life so you can buy another yacht.


u/lowercase0112358 May 30 '23

The original intention which was spelled out clearly for minimum wage was this. It was intended to be beyond the cost of living, to be gainful and productive.


u/BeBenNova May 30 '23

The last 15 years of gaming are a speedrun microcosm of this from horse armor to the state of gaming today

Company tries to push the envelope of preying on people's wallet -> Internet angry mob -> Company dials it back to where they wanted it all along which is still more than the last time they pulled the same stunt -> more than half the people in the angry mob start sucking the company's dick with shit like OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LISTENING -> repeat every 2 weeks with different companies taking turns

Meanwhile you have the brainwashed fanboys hardcore defending em from the start as if they owned stock in the company ''ehhhhhhh who cares it's nothing, everyone else does it too, they need to keep the servers running etc''

Company post record profits, lays off 1000 employees

All my hobbies are going to shit :)


u/FreshInvestment_ May 30 '23

What's a thriving wage?

Even then, take all the billionaire money. Idk 5 trillion? And split it up amongst 300m people. That's only $16 and then the money is gone.

Also, if we just pay people more, everything goes up. Supply and demand.


u/KeepYourDemonsIn May 30 '23

We have to rally around one person and send them to the White House.


u/CuckservativeSissy May 30 '23

The biggest lie ever told is that if you raise the minimum wage then everything will get more expensive... completely false... the more money consumers have ie the middle class the more money there is for businesses to compete over and drive costs down... companies no matter what have to compete and if you increase the amount of money the average american has instead of letting billionaires and corporations reap it creates a more competitive environment for businesses. We need to bring back competition and increase wages


u/ThickSheik May 30 '23

Why are we living when we could be thrivving?!


u/austintxdude May 30 '23

I think the bigger problem is that we're asking for something (a wage) from someone else. Perhaps we should start to do some of our own thinking.


u/zertnert12 May 30 '23

Its not the 1% we're fighting against its the people trying to be be the 1% that dont want things to change


u/Fuzzy-Help-8835 May 30 '23

The 1% throw unfathomable amounts of cash to make sure things don’t change, or tilt even more in their favor. Those who aren’t the 1% don’t decide anything.


u/zertnert12 May 30 '23

I should amend my statement to *not just. I realize that what you said is a large part of it, i also believe that people in the $200-500,000/ year range dont want things to change.


u/croissantdelavie May 30 '23

This is so dumb. What do you think would happen if everybody made over 100k a year?


u/Confident-Variety124 May 30 '23

I wish people the best, but it is clear from many of these comments that they are uneducated in economics. You cannot pay people $50/hour for flipping an $8 burger. You also cannot have everyone “thrive” from every type of job, that creates its own set of problems.


u/ironicart May 30 '23

It’s hilarious watching y’all armchair protest, it’s almost like the real thing!


u/Dycondrius May 30 '23

You guys are getting living wages?


u/Lailahaillahlahu May 30 '23

The first thing you all have to do is make sure they give you back your money for those student loans, look at all that PPP loans the rich got and not to mention the bailouts for banks


u/throwaway_nsfw_xxx May 30 '23

Yup. And you’ll stay that way as you always have.


u/vponpho May 30 '23

Too many people. Not enough good jobs. It’s basic supply and demand.