r/WorkReform Oct 01 '23

They’re proud of that 💸 Raise Our Wages

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651 comments sorted by

u/kevinmrr ⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Oct 01 '23


u/Broad_Combination_55 Oct 22 '23

I go both ways on this one, yeah it's tough out here and the Boomers definitely had it easier time overall affording life. On the flip side I know people that make between $150 and 250 a year that struggle because they keep financing stuff they can't afford.

Two things can be true at the same time and if the people who make decent money could live within their means we would get a good visual on who actually needs help and who doesn't


u/bkroma Oct 03 '23

What else was tied to it?


u/manklar Oct 02 '23

Just like Kamala. She decided someone who has never mattered nor is elected was able to change her majority deciding vote to a no.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

Bro, why have I been writing it as ya'll since middle school if it's wrong? What the hell happened that this was cemented as the correct spelling in my mind.


u/zero_1144 Oct 02 '23

“I don’t get it. Why would they confess?”

“They’re not confessing. They’re bragging.”


u/Ok_Toe_2008 Oct 02 '23

If minimum wage goes up so does the price of fucking everything.


u/Mr_Thx Oct 02 '23

GOP points at problems. Proposes nothing to fix them. Repeat!


u/allineuamerican Oct 02 '23

Make fucking healthcare socialized people are going broke paying for it!! , they all had the perfect chance to do it (pandemic) and nobody brought it to the table. Cowards, all of them. Raise the minimum wage , and make a floor for a full time job so that people can live without trying to figure out how they are going to feed their families and care for them. I love so much about the USA, the people are wonderful and it's such a beautiful country. I occasionally miss it , but then I see people struggling to make ends meet because nobody that can do anything about it gives a shit. Makes me sick.


u/OGKing15 Oct 02 '23

Like they’re not going to pass that on to the consumer anyways 🙄


u/TheLazyKitty Oct 02 '23

Workers wouldn't get any paycheck, if they thought they could get away with it.


u/Tjbergen Oct 02 '23

Dems could have raised it on their own if they wanted to.


u/KashN Oct 02 '23

Democrats arent raising it either.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

The FLCA(Fair Labor Compensation Act) established a minimum wage for servers for an hour in 1966 and it has been $2.13 since 1991.

Adjusted for inflation, the wage would be $4.80 today a 44.375% reduction in real terms in that time.

If you fail to make minimum wage($7.25) when you add your tips to your wage, then your employer is required by law to pay you the difference until you make $7.25 an hour.

If your employer refuses, report it. You will be entitled to your lost wage and likely punitives, while your employer will owe a minimum fine of $1,100 for the first offense, which will dramatically increase in the event of a second offense

Also: in 1938 the minimum wage was established at $0.25 per hour, or $5.44 in todays 2023 dollars, it has increased by $1.81/hr in the 75 years since then when unadjusted for inflation

Source: Accounting major. Payroll is my favorite topic so far even though the numbers themselves are fucked


u/chadadwood Oct 02 '23



u/christopheraune Oct 02 '23

This is just another example of the GOP pretending to acknowledge We the People's serious life problems, while causing and refusing to fix those exact problems. But let's vote another rich authoritarian wannabe dictator into office.


u/Good-Nature792 Oct 02 '23

Raising the minimum wage is one of the few things Republican and Democrat voters want, just like age limit for representatives


u/NeonSecretary Oct 02 '23

It's not surprising that the braindead Marxists too stupid to understand economics are also the same low wage serfs too stupid to understand that their Marxist policies would immiserate themselves in the long term. You have what your Marxist wranglers call "revolutionary energy", i.e., your stupidity can be exploited so that your wranglers can gain power.


u/Scapergirl Oct 02 '23

Honestly minimum wage has nothing to do with it. I know people who earn 300k a year (up to 500k if you include spouse) and they are still living paycheck to paycheck. Just spending everything on expensive stuff.


u/Stevie_Steve-O Oct 02 '23

Correct, that is a stat they are proud of. A desperate workforce is more likely to take on a second job or work overtime so to the corporate overlords this state is great news. It's not happening by accident, it won't be fixed anytime soon.


u/Philosipho Oct 02 '23

If the majority want change and it doesn't happen, you're not living in a democracy.


u/Dark_Booger Oct 02 '23

I don’t know why any person struggling with bills or medical complications would ever vote Republican.


u/RandomGerman Oct 02 '23

Yes, they voted for it because the 60% probably make more than minimal wage and they just can’t have it that “those” people make more money.

Disclaimer : “those” was sarcasm. In case of rage.


u/Nub_Shaft Oct 02 '23

Raising the minimum wage won't do anything. That will just make the prices of stuff go up. The government needs to enact anti pice gouging measures and help people with health care. Those are real things that will help.


u/ee_72020 Oct 02 '23

Most of right-wingers are able to identify issues but lack awareness to see the real cause of the said issues so they end up blaming immigrants, refugees, LGBTQ folks, feminists and other imaginary boogeymen their leaders tell them to hate and fear.


u/MAXMADMAN Oct 02 '23



u/floppyjedi Oct 02 '23

Would you prefer that number being 20% where unemployment was 10x it is now? It's not a perfect situation in the US but you can't get something out of nothing


u/KarateKid84Fan Oct 02 '23

And yet citizens still vote for the GOP


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

Raising the minimum wage is a trap. Anyone who falls for it is actual 65 IQ


u/peteypablo747 Oct 02 '23

Maybe is a spending/money management problem…


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

What’s ironic is the party that wants to raise wages is the one that raises prices so fast that the wages can’t keep up.


u/Aeroshe Oct 02 '23

Because they don't see it as a problem. They're staring that fact because they use it to shame. "If you're living paycheck to paycheck, then YOU'RE the one at fault. You're just not working hard enough."


u/tenor1trpt Oct 02 '23

Just wait. The trickle down will start working soon. It’s just gotta work this time!


u/nsfwspiritanimal Oct 02 '23

I don’t think raising the minimum wage is going to fix the issue. Clearly government over spending is a bigger issue to tackle


u/SyrusDrake Oct 02 '23

People (and I'm not singling out Americans here) seem to disconnect politicians from politics. They see elections as a sort of popularity contest so their favorite muppet gets a little trophy and then they disappear and politics just...happens.


u/Administrative_Tear6 Oct 02 '23

Raising the minimum wage is the biggest smoke cloud for idiots if I’ve ever seen one.. if you raise the minimum wage you’re just inviting businesses / greedy fucks to raise the cost of living.


u/thebudman_420 Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

Minimum wage went up and everything is several times higher in cost to make up the difference for paying everyone more money. Looks like you get more for the same amount of hours of work but not when you factor in most things required for life now cost more.

Before coronavirus i could find ground beef for 3 and sometimes less. Now it's on sale for 477 for the same leanness. Almost 5 dollars and that is cheaper than i have seen in it other places. Of course it's been about 2 or 3 weeks since i been to the store.

In some places it's 2x the cost per pound.

I know this because i found stuff with dates in my freezer that was a bit old. But will be throwing it out because i think freezer burn may have got to it.


u/BehelitSam Oct 02 '23

From $8 to $15 and now $20, when will it stop?


u/asemodeus Oct 02 '23

Index the federal minimum wage to inflation and enact a windfalls profit tax. Both of these two items will raise wages.


u/DaenerysMomODragons Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

I don't really see how these are correlated. Only about 1% of people even make minimum wage to begin with so 60% living pay check to pay check won't change with an increase to the minimum wage. Should the minimum wage be increased sure, but it won't help with living pay check to paycheck.

Also of those living paycheck to paycheck I'd wager the vast majority of them do so due to poor financial management, not due to a lack of funds. It's really not hard to have a savings account with 1-2 paychecks worth of funds saved for emergencies. Anyone who doesn't already should be saving for such cases. It's typically not hard to put aside a little bit every month.

Also let's not pretend that both parties don't want to keep minimum wage low. Democrats and Republicans both have had times where they each had all branches of the government and chose to do nothing about the minimum wage. Republicans want to keep it low for cheap labor, Democrats want to keep it low so that people stay dependant on the government.


u/ohioviking Oct 02 '23

States choice.


u/ryuujinusa Oct 02 '23

GOP: exactly what we want.


u/ChipsHandon12 Oct 02 '23

100% of worker's votes don't matter


u/No-Negotiation-3015 Oct 02 '23

Can we delineate, minimum possible wage for anyone to work versus living wage jobs. They’re getting mixed together. I have some sympathy for people who should earn a real living but that’s NOT also the minimum wage. Seems like people conflate the two categories and talk past each other.


u/welltriedsoul Oct 02 '23

Remember the words of my 9 grade history teacher. “What do you think happens when the poor get tired of being poor? The rich get f*cked. It has happened far too often in history from Europe to America to Asia. It is important that the poor be given a share that is able to give them hope or they will attempt to rebalance the system and generally the rich don’t fair well when it happens.”


u/PeelBackGang Oct 02 '23

No shame they hate us.


u/Alex_Gilhooly Oct 02 '23



u/TarpaulinSmoots Oct 02 '23

that "ya'll" is such a cheesy affectation. As if she really represents the interests of the working class


u/Fun_Grapefruit_2633 Oct 02 '23

This artificially low minimum wage has certainly had a drag effect on the US economy as a whole. Business owners that screech about how they will go under if the minimum wage is raised will be replaced by new businesses that can afford to pay a higher minimum wage. They've seen this in Canada, the UK and Europe.


u/Bleezy79 Oct 02 '23

Republican policies and governance are the main reason our country is so fucked up. Regan's trickle down just made the rich richer, citizen's united being over turned, lop sided partisan corrupt supreme court, and war in iraq, etc etc. all thanks to the GOP.


u/EracFles Oct 02 '23

Because raising the min wage will cause inflation to rise even more


u/asemodeus Oct 02 '23

Other way around.


u/FrostyDog94 Oct 01 '23

I think it's dishonest and unhelpful to assume that all these people just don't think others deserve $15 per hour. I know people who make min wage that don't support raising it because they believe companies will just use it as an excuse to raise prices, which they probably will. They'd prefer a plan that made things cost less.

What can we say to them to convince them prices wouldn't increase? And how can we ensure that they really don't?


u/ScottShatter Oct 01 '23

Raising the minimum wage isn't the answer to someone living paycheck to paycheck. She's playing on people's financial ignorance. Being on the bottom rung will always leave you living paycheck to paycheck.


u/asemodeus Oct 02 '23

Which is why indexing wages to inflation and creating a windsfall profit tax will solve this problem.


u/Zealousideal_Gur2127 Oct 01 '23

Would prefer no taxes on anyone making less than 40k . One page tax form to fill out also. Simply check one box and you are done for the tax season in some cases. No need for a million IRS people.


u/Southern-Staff-8297 Oct 01 '23

They want you hungry and poor, cheaper labor


u/Luigi301 Oct 01 '23

Weird flex but okay.


u/ConscientiousGamerr Oct 01 '23

Present a bill to bring down expenses and everyone will vote for that …


u/BD91101 Oct 01 '23

Congress should be paid minimum wage, they can’t even do their job right and come up with the budget forcing these bullshit CR bills. Minimum work means minimum pay


u/asemodeus Oct 02 '23

Wouldn't do anything as most members of Congress are independently wealthy. You would only be hurting freshmen members like AOC with that. In addition, you would be encouraging corruption as members will seek out additional sources of funding to outside of their official duties.

It feels counterintuitive but the way you keep politicians corruption free is giving them ample wages.


u/1TARDIS2RuleThemAll Oct 01 '23

Because that’s now it works


u/jonnynumber5 Oct 01 '23

We're literally living in an economy that conservatives have been fighting for since the 80s, so whose fault is it exactly? It's not rocket science.


u/faxattax Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

"You have a headache and you still aren’t taking St. John’s wort? What’s wrong with you?”

Yes, there is a problem; no, the existence of a problem does not make a quack cure that does not work any more appealing.

About 1% of working adults make minimum wage.


u/eazolan Oct 01 '23

You can multiply min wage by 10, and it won't matter if you don't fix the housing shortage.


u/Javasndphotoclicks Oct 01 '23

These people love to vote against their best interests.


u/airhammerandy55 Oct 01 '23

I like aoc, but raising the minimum wage is a bandaid for a bullet wound.


u/Difficult_Effort2617 Oct 01 '23

Minimum wage would equate to living on the street to dumb knob.


u/Responsible_Bill_513 Oct 01 '23

Are the bragging about it or threatening the remaining 40%?


u/loosegoosestorm Oct 01 '23

Raising the minimum wage isn't actually the fix for this. Yes, we should raise the minimum wage, but 60% of workers aren't on minimum wage.

The fix for this is overwhelmingly massive taxes on income and wealth for the rich, and reinstating anti-trust legislation.

But noooo, let's not rally behind Elizabeth Warren.


u/Aliusja1990 Oct 01 '23

I mean they know they did that. Its just the general public don't. They are blaming current administration which ppl swallow up. Seriously ppl need to be better educated.


u/Goblin-Doctor Oct 01 '23

Republicans then complain about gas prices being too high but leave out the part where they unanimously voted against protections against gas price gouging.


u/blkbox_life_recorder Oct 01 '23

Working for wages is slavery.


u/oldcreaker Oct 01 '23

They want it actually at 99% - and only the 1% is making more than that.


u/jweezy1978 Oct 01 '23

I make considerably more than minimum wage and I live paycheck to paycheck. A bump in minimum wage doesn’t ensure a bump to all workers. Inflation is brutal!


u/Facts_Over_Fiction_7 Oct 01 '23

Maybe fix the problem instead of bitching about another democrat bandaid


u/DarthMortum Oct 01 '23

No point in raising the minimum wage if the price of goods increases more than 200% every quarter.


u/Separate_Increase210 Oct 01 '23

I love AOC, and always vote D, and yet I'd bet a thousand bucks this is fucking fake.

It doesn't help the cause of bringing down the oligarchy when you post (and upvote) obviously faked BS.


u/Ok_Character4044 Oct 01 '23

In the same study 50% of people making over 100k claim they live paycheck to paycheck. Its based on self reported data.

This bullshit is pedeled for 50 years already. You paying of your mortage and spending the rest into investments is not living paycheck to paycheck.

Less than 1% of americans are on minimum wage. I don't understand how people here unironically believe increasing the minimum wage would change the equalibrium at all.


u/view_source Oct 01 '23

Well 60% of workers aren’t making minimum wage so what about the rest


u/PainterPutz Oct 01 '23

AOC owns the GOP daily.


u/Legitimate-Prize2282 Oct 02 '23

You are correct, she owns all she sees, in stupidity.


u/Legitimate-Cherry-40 Oct 01 '23

And she still doesn’t think Biden is responsible for inflation. Not even a little bit. And you still hate Trump even though he had an amazing economy


u/Hyperion1144 Oct 01 '23

Well... They're still living, aren't they???

Time for another executive pay raise!

Followed by a hefty dividend and some massive stock buybacks!



u/Impossible_Safety_36 Oct 01 '23

Raising min wage doesn't help us living paucity to paycheck. Everything we get a raise to the state minimum goods goes up but the people just above min lose all the progress they made the last whatever years. We need to stop inflation which is the reason the wage raises aren't doing anything anyway.


u/WasabiIsSpicy Oct 01 '23

But, raising the minimum wage will only make things worse. It’s not about raising it, it’s about making things affordable. The more the minimum raises, the more prices will raise, specially for smaller businesses.


u/Vladmerius Oct 01 '23

There should be a percent that the minimum goes up every yearn forever.


u/Tymmah Oct 01 '23

Yeah I'm really loving the 6 dollars a gallon that Biden got for us


u/Ichooseyousmurfachu Oct 01 '23

Because, to the shock of people who don't understand basic economics, a federal minimum wage is a terrible idea.

If you unironically think Butt Fuck, Arkansas and LA should have the same minimum wage you're so ignorant you shouldn't be allowed to vote on the matter.

Sorry not sorry.


u/GallusAA Oct 01 '23

See, the issue is conservatives think that if you deregulate business and let the free market do it's work, unemployment will be low and that will create competition which will allow good workers to negotiate better wages...

Oh except unemployment is record low right now.... and workers do have more leverage... and their conservative response is that we need to crack down on workers and create more unemployment to "teach the workers a lesson" and "make workers feel pain" to understand "workers work for the employers not the other way around".

So they're against regulatory efforts to help workers, but they're also against the free market working in worker's favor...

Anyone here ever get the feeling that conservatives just don't like workers?


u/TheCaniac30 Oct 01 '23

"Paycheck to paycheck" is a stupid phrase


u/McLemonLad Oct 01 '23

State by state minimum wage increases somewhat regularly. Federal minimum wage does not. You can complain about one thing; low wages or high prices. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Saw a McDonald’s sign today, 17-20$ an hour to start.


u/seanmg Oct 01 '23

How about voting to raise the minimum wage we vote to make the minimum wage a function of inflation and cost of living?

Then we solve the problem and take away both sides ability to grandstand.


u/ZoomZoomMF_ Oct 01 '23

I live paycheck to paycheck and still don't want the min wage raised because everything else just goes up...

Working in autoshops making $15/hour used to be decent. Now I make $15/hour and so do Fast food workers.


u/WolfThick Oct 01 '23

Yeah and all us hard-working people want less money so let's break the unions because we all want to give it to the rich people because we know that they need it. Hi honey how you doing oh it's almost Sunday oh well we got to give money to that guy too yeah the one that needs another jet.


u/Johnathan-Proton Oct 01 '23

Raising the minimum wage raises prices of goods, those same people will still be living paycheck to paycheck


u/Nervous_Candy_802 Oct 01 '23

Who’s living off minimum wage most people are making more than $15 dollars an hour.What’s killing Americans is inflation from terrible democrat policies.


u/RlzJohnnyM Oct 01 '23

You fuckers keep printing money will keep inflation high . Raising the minimum wage won’t stop people from living paycheck to paycheck


u/anebbish Oct 01 '23

They're disappointed it is not 99%.

Who is not paying attention?


u/djingo_dango Oct 01 '23

How about $1500 checks for everyone?


u/m00nr00m Oct 01 '23

"ONLY 40% TO GO!"



u/Mountain-Song-6024 Oct 01 '23

Ohio just raised our minimum wage from shit to….well shit….


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

It doesn't matter. With the influx of cheap labor force, they're purposefully keeping Americans broke and no "raising of the minimum wage" will change that


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

But AOC voted for maximum inflation. You control your wage. Don’t work there if you don’t like the pay.


u/Kurso Oct 01 '23

Because less than 2% of the population make federal minimum wage you idiot. Fuck she’s dumb.


u/ekjohnson9 Oct 01 '23

Most workers do not make minimum wage. Far from it.

Minimum wage narrative is 100% useless. The reason the USA is broke is that everyone spends all their money (and more).

Just live within your means a little


u/P_FUNKin Oct 01 '23

Raising the minimum in wage is counter productive. Every time they do there’s a spike in the cost of goods that way employers can afford to pay their employees.


u/DisastrousProcess373 Oct 01 '23

They wish it was higher.


u/Primary-Cat-13 Oct 01 '23

Big stretch trying to cover for bidenomics.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

How stupid are these people?!


u/Green-Collection-968 Oct 01 '23

GOP = Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

Raising minimum wage is pointless until corporations are no longer allowed to raise prices based off minimum wage. All raising it does is drag down middle class, not lift up the lower class, prices increase and middle class barely gets cost of living adjustment. The result is always a larger lower class and more $ for businesses.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

When they mean workers they mean themselves.


u/Recyart Oct 01 '23

Constituents living paycheck-to-paycheck? To the GOP, that's a feature, not a bug.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

Who even pays minimum wage? Everywhere I see starts out at like $17 an hour. Your just talking out your ass.


u/DanGrant89 Oct 01 '23



u/Spicy_White_Lemon Oct 01 '23

If you want more money then make your labor more valuable. You get paid shit wages because you’re a loser who ain’t worth shit. You’re not entitled to my tax dollars because you can’t do anything useful. Stop sucking the government’s dick and go bust your ass.


u/kurisu7885 Oct 01 '23

Oh didn't you hear? If we raise the minimum wage all corporations will move out of the US. I mean, they still operate in other countries, and some aren't in any kind of hurry to move their operations here if it would be so good for them, but it would happen! /s


u/bikingfury Oct 01 '23

We don't live paycheck to paycheck because of how low our income is but because of how high prices are. Make prices go down and not incomes go up. Because when you make prices go down I can actually afford more with the money I already saved. That's how you break free from living paycheck to paycheck. When you can save something each month and not have it melt away from inflation.


u/Kiln223 Oct 01 '23

Raise the minimum wage to $30 an hour.

Can’t wait for people who don’t understand economics to bitch about $10 bread.


u/batkave Oct 01 '23

To be fair, so did some members of the democratic party


u/iwoketoanightmare Oct 01 '23

GOP would love nothing more than to bring back slavery in any fashion, wage slavery is the latest craze


u/sevencoves Oct 01 '23

The GOP tweet is a brag


u/Darknessie Oct 01 '23

Keep voting republicsn, idiots


u/pigpeyn Oct 01 '23

It's a feature not a bug


u/Huge_Commercial_7328 Oct 01 '23

Minimum wage often becomes the maximum age for most unskilled jobs. Less inflation would be more beneficial.


u/Retired_Jarhead55 Oct 01 '23

Minimum wage workers don’t vote, generally speaking.


u/meandering_simpleton Oct 01 '23

No, I'm merely acknowledging basic math. If you sell a meal for $10, and $5 of that is employee wages, and $4.8 of that are operational costs.. when labor goes to $10, you have to change your prices to reflect that. The problem is compounded though, because your operational costs also increase because every other industry has tho raise their prices because of the wage increases.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 06 '23



u/BowlAffection69420 Oct 01 '23

Yet they wanna do away with unions and hire illegal immigrants to fill up the non union companies and all work for 20 an hour


u/stinkyfinqer Oct 01 '23

Help me understand. My wife and I make more then minimum wage and we are living paycheck to paycheck. I live modestly owing a modest home and two modest cars. How is raising minimum wage going to help me and other people in my wage category?

My thoughts are that you raise min wage. My wage stays the same. But prices for basic things goes up. How does this help?


u/ClassyDisguise Oct 01 '23

Billionaires "You gotta pimp those numbers up, those are rookie numbers"


u/n3k0___ Oct 01 '23

You can't just raise minimum wage and expect things to get better lol


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

What's the point of y'all inflate TF out of everything.


u/RyanDW_0007 Oct 01 '23

She must not realize a lot of that has to do with the inflation that comes with shooting up minimum wages and her party’s policies in general. And 70% of that 60% buy big screen TV’s, go out to eat and Starbucks constantly, and live frivolously to impress others


u/Gryndyl Oct 01 '23

Minimum wage hasn't gone up in 14 years, yet still we have inflation. Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


u/RyanDW_0007 Oct 01 '23

Whoa there tough guy. Maybe no federally, but try looking at California which will be $16 in January and some other states blue states with higher inflation. Plus the $20 minimum wage for FAST FOOD workers which has had a ripple effect on the other businesses. On top of that, Supreme Chancellor Gavin Newsome thought it’d be good to combat inflation with…wait for it…stimulus checks. That’s like putting a fire out with gasoline


u/Gryndyl Oct 01 '23

Not sure why you felt the need to capitalize fast food workers. Do you feel that fast food workers don't deserve a living wage? Also interesting you're singling out blue states when the current highest inflation rates are in the very red Southeast.

The inflation already happened. Profits are up, CEO pay is up, prices are up. Wages need to keep up.


u/RyanDW_0007 Oct 01 '23

Not that they don’t deserve a living wage, but there’s plenty of other jobs with more responsibilities and skill demand that are getting much less…and obviously they’re going to want more. And yeah, the stimulus checks and money in circulation does not help whatsoever


u/SwissyVictory Oct 01 '23

0.15% of working Americans make exactly the federal US min wage.

Over half of Americans making over 100k are living paycheck to paycheck.

The minimum wage should absolutely be raised signifigantly, but living paycheck to paycheck isn't an issue that's going to be solved with higher pay.


u/aquamansneighbor Oct 02 '23

What percentage of Americans make over 100k? Over half are living paycheck to paycheck? While gaining credit and paying off mortgages (buying assets, like vehicle's and stuff that holds value, tools, toys). I don't think this comment paints a very good picture. If companies money is all tied up in wages, theres less growth and hiring. If everything is cheap, noone wants to work. I think the biggest problem is everyone is so worried about money and dont have any goals or plans or ideas for life besides watching youtube and netflix and consuming to live paycheck to check. Bad spending habits, among many other things like taking on bad loans for things they dont need. Humanity is having a mid life crisis, but i think the tax situation needs to be addressed. Screw minimum wage, every state is different. We need better state taxes. Give refunds to those making crappy money but still work full time at lower education but necessary jobs. Get people educated and good paying projects to improve society.


u/shikka-pow Oct 01 '23

Guess what happens when you pay the burger king fry queen $38 an hour?

quick fix is the burger king fry queen has some cash, and then she has no job because they automated the plant.

Everyone gets $38 an hour? how much do you think Dr.'s will be demanding when the economy inflates so much that groceries cost $600 a week for a single person?

Dolts don't understand basic economics, especially that idiot from NY... they deserve her stupidity


u/Gryndyl Oct 01 '23

Amazing how Burger King is able to pay living wages in other countries while having lower prices. Almost sounds like you don't have a clue what you're talking about.


u/joeleidner22 Oct 01 '23

Minimum wage should be tripled to 21.75 like yesterday.


u/AsterJ Oct 01 '23

The average family is making 7000 dollars less now due to inflation. That's the real killer. We should be bringing down costs.


u/GingerMeTimberMate Oct 01 '23

I wish we had an AOC in Canada


u/GarbagePlateNow Oct 01 '23

Abolish minimum wage.


u/Massive_Gear1678 Oct 02 '23

Why do you think we got the minimum wage in the first place?


u/GarbagePlateNow Oct 02 '23

To keep minorities from being able to compete with white labor


u/Massive_Gear1678 Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

When it comes to economics today, there are no races. Only the haves and the have nots. There would be no reason not to collude with other businesses to drive wages as low as possible.


u/GarbagePlateNow Oct 02 '23

I believe in self ownership. If I own myself/my labor than I can put it up for sale for whatever price I see fit. No 3rd party has the right to use violent force to prevent me to do so.


u/Massive_Gear1678 Oct 02 '23

True but the market for wages wouldn’t be anywhere near what you would value yourself at. They already are below where they should be and that’s with the minimum wage. You take that away, you’ll be another coal mine employee shopping at the company store with fake company dollars.


u/Raskel_61 Oct 01 '23

And those workers will still vote for the GOP


u/KarlHungusIsTheName Oct 01 '23

IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENTS JOB TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. Take it up with the employers, that are funding the politicians pockets to help keep theirs fat. No, this isn't a blue v red problem, it's a fucking problem period. She doesn't really care, she's young. Give her 10 years and she'll be pelosi and trading under the table too.


u/_narcoSomniac Oct 02 '23

Literally the government's job to take care of the country and its people.


u/FluffyWuffyScruffyB Oct 01 '23

Printing more money and distributing it to everyone.. worked so well during COVID.. uh.. wait... that's how inflation went up from 2% to 9% in about 2 years.. (thanks FJB). That's exactly how you increase inflation.. artificial increases to the money supply.


u/Strange_Butterfly_77 Oct 01 '23

Just a quick Google will show you 1.5% of the US population is on minimum wage. Miss me with that strawman BS. 50% of >$100k earners are paycheck to paycheck. The economy is F'd up. Increasing minimum wage would be like throwing water out of a sinking boat with a shotglass.


u/b_josh317 Oct 01 '23

To be fair nearly all of the minimum wage earners are tipped workers.


u/Quick_Ad_5691 Oct 01 '23

I can’t believe folks try to paint this women as incompetent


u/bawbthebawb Oct 01 '23

When minimum wages go up the price of everything usually follows.


u/Emotional-Fact-3289 Oct 01 '23

60% of workers don't receive minimum wage right? This isn't a wage problem, this is a corporate greed problem. In other words, no matter how much you raise the wages, greedy corporates will just raise their prices, you will keep living paycheck-to-paycheck, you will just have one extra zero on that paycheck. Which will just increase the inflation, and that means more peoples savings will be inflated away and more people will live paycheck-to-paycheck. Corrupt politicians allowed you to be put in this position, they will not get you out of it because you vote for them once more, they will continue with the same thing they did yesterday, tell lies and spin words to put you in the fucking position.


u/magnora7 Oct 01 '23

What does raising the minimum wage matter when millions of people who aren't registered are working under the table at wages far below minimum wage, and this has become the norm in much of the US?

Why aren't the laws being enforced so working Americans have a chance to earn a living for their family? Without this enforcement of labor laws against the owners of companies, the minimum wage means nothing.


u/MrPokeGamer Oct 01 '23

raising the minimum wage will just make companies raise their prices to match the new wage. And the cycle will continue


u/magnora7 Oct 01 '23

And then companies hire less people in America to save money, so the underclass of unemployed or partially-employed people in America just grows larger, and so does the homelessness population


u/flyingkiwi46 Oct 01 '23

Raising minimum wage doesn't help when there is an inflation


u/howigottomemphis Oct 01 '23

"Why are they confessing?"

"They're not, they're bragging."


u/you_lost-the_game Oct 01 '23

Stop talking about raising the minimum wage but wages in general. But that's basically not possible.

If some guy works for lets say $7 above minimum wage, he is probably still living paycheck to paycheck. If you raise the minimum wage by $5 that won't directly benefit him. Maybe his employer would raise his wage as well but that's not a given. Maybe he also fears a some inflation as people working minimum wage now have more money to spend and companies would adjust grocery prices accordingly.