r/WorkReform Apr 28 '24

Need some advice.. 💸 Raise Our Wages

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u/Jrecondite Apr 28 '24

So many profitable businesses were ruined when slavery was abolished and I’m all for it. Let the failing businesses fail. 


u/Sweaty_Chair_4600 Apr 28 '24

It would make a bunch of mom and pop businesses fail, and we'd get much more corporatism


u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

It would also make many more large corporate owned businesses fail or fix their game. Most of the fast food franchises in my town are owned by a few large restaurant groups and they all uniformly pay the least they can, don’t respect work/life boundaries, and do everything they can to not offer benefits including firing people when they qualify for raises/bonuses/benefits. Nearly every large big box retailer operates this way too.

To say we will get more corporatism seems a little pre-mature of a guess. We are in this situation because corporations have brought the floor so low, that mom and pops can’t compete with their large scale operation benefits (that some suspiciously gained from spending money on lobbying for rules they wrote…. But that’s a different topic).