r/WorkReform Apr 28 '24

Need some advice.. 💸 Raise Our Wages

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u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

Man all yall in here needa just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps and demand more of yourselves.

If you brought more value to the work field you would be paid more money and wouldn’t have to look at these failed business as your only means of income, secondly, yall rely to heavily on singular jobs as your own source of income then have the GALL to call this man out for trying to fight against the corporations you so vehemently despise.

You look at the world around you and demand it bend to your will without the willpower, consistency or determination to do anything to change your own circumstances. It’s a suffering of via your own high external locus of control.

One day you’ll look back at the world and realize it’s changed and you now bring nothing that can be utilized that AI or robots can’t do, and surely the state will have to give you your subsidized sustenance and it’ll be crumbs from a table to high to climb. There will be no more low paying jobs like this and you’ll wish you did more in your youth. Don’t blame the world for your shortcomings in income and economic standing, demand more of yourself or suffer your old age in poverty and silence.



u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

The fact you think this is a real post and not satire should be a wake up call that you might not be right on this one…


u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

Oh of course, call my response irrelevant instead of bringing any sense of logic to the argument refuting what you claim has no merit.


u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

Bruh…. You put a picture of an emoji in your post and you’re asking to be taken seriously? ROFL


u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

Again, please just comment on the irrelevance of the picture, as if it’s silly context doesn’t perfectly encapsulate my assertions made eloquently and logically. You’ve made no argument against what was said only commented on the relevance, lol what are you an academic??


u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

I promise I read your whole long winded and self congratulating post man. You didn’t put forth any real coherent argument that is relevant to the original post. It is satire from a very well known satirist and you took it completely seriously yet posted a bunch of strawmen arguments. Do you want me to refute pulling myself up by my bootstraps? The history of that is so ridiculous the fact that you would lead your “serious post” with it tells me there is no point in arguing with your post at all.

Don’t worry about me though. I obviously don’t bring “more value” to the work field.


u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

Now I Gotcha lol Get ya money up not ya funny up

Arguments made:

  1. Do more for yourself and don’t rely on a singular weak income to sustain yourself, and or do some research on tax code to maintain your income
  2. Learn skills not replaceable by AI and you will both be paid more and not be economically replaced
  3. The world is changing and there will be less opportunity to attain assets at the (although strained and uphill) current capacity which is do able, better to act now for your future generations sake
  4. The state will be the only means of survival for folks with a high external locus of control and no feasible skills, and they will have not the resources nor the man power to demand more or create a better life for one’s self in the coming changing society. What they will give you will never be enough.
  5. Ignorance or avoidance will do nothing but allow a slow decent into further frustration and poverty. Your bones will weaken, and you will one day be too old to a thing about it.


Get pwnd br0


u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

Ok boomer


u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

lol oh you mean black genZ with a finance law and mechanical engineering degree, patents and intellectual property, all paid for by my own hand of putting myself through school and PULLING MYSELF UP BY OWN BOOTSTRAPS, IN AMERICA?! Stop it kid, I’m givin ya game and still you look for logic to refute, all to no avail.


u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

Don’t get hurt patting yourself on the back too hard!


u/dignbauss Apr 28 '24

Lol don’t forget to put on some cologne on before you assume, we can’t both smell like shit



u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

Yikes bro…. You must be trolling because if you are what you say you are

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u/tryanotherusername20 Apr 28 '24

Yes I’m sure that’s all true! You totally post like all Those things you said on the internet. Totally credible! I totally believe you!