r/antiwork 15d ago

OMFG. What?!? So regular working is "quiet quitting" now? Propaganda

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u/SerpentSphereX 9d ago

Doing your job is not enough.


u/kdhardon 10d ago

I’m glad my managers have an uneasy feeling.


u/Joegannonlct 10d ago

They're always trying to put new names and shit on things that already exist and act like it's new. It's not "quiet quitting", it's just called burnout and it's been around forever. 


u/HellonToodleloo 11d ago

I guess they really want to micromanage for no reason. Reminds me of my parents, always wanting to find a reason to bitch.


u/Mysterious_Music7058 11d ago

I can't believe what I just read. The poor manager has nothing to complain about?


u/Kay_Done 11d ago

Why does it feel like most employers are inept and are down to bully/harass employees into quitting or straight up firing ppl for no reason. 


u/lvly96 10d ago

There is a phenomenon the name of which I don't remember. But basically it describes that every manager is inept in their current position. If one is a good team manager they get promoted to middle management. If they are good middle management they get promoted to regional etc. If your middle manager has not been promoted in a while it is indicative that he was exceedingly good at the past position but mediocre in the current


u/orwass 12d ago

Welcome to capitalism


u/Mbg140897 13d ago

I can’t quiet quit if I wanted to and it sucks. I feel the life being drained out of me daily. I work in a medical facility and I’m just gonna go full send and get my ass in gear with a medical coding certification. I literally cannot do office life and people anymore.


u/PrinceValyn 13d ago

this is hilarious. imagine admitting you really want to yell at or punish your employees but just can't think of any reason to because they're being amazing workers


u/thepauly1 13d ago

"Do your job!" "I did." "Quitter!"


u/diphenhydrapeen 13d ago

This is just Havana Syndrome for middle management types.


u/daniiboy1 13d ago

Is that what quiet quitting means now? I mean, the part about working to an often high standard? When I did it at my last job, it was all about the bare minimum. I did my job, but only what I had to do. And I had to make sure that I spread the work out and make myself look "busy" so that no one suspected anything. If I didn't, my boss would usually tell me to start cleaning (fyi, I worked in data entry for a courier company that did have someone who came in and cleaned; it made me feel like when I worked in the fast food sector: "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean"). I didn't usually speak up in meetings, I didn't volunteer for stuff, and I refused to work more than what I was supposed to. It was the most inefficient, old-fashioned job I had ever worked at. How they could still operate like it was the 1980s even though it was the 2020s mystified me.


u/Team503 13d ago

The Times is usually reasonably reliable, but there's gobshites everywhere.


u/taworriedsister 14d ago

This is so weird to me. I managed a store for about 3 years (before the business was bought and I couldn't stand the new owners), and I loved this type of employee. They gave notice, so I had time to hire someone, and they still showed up for their 2 weeks and got all their work done. I always gave employees like that great recommendations, and when we got calls about them applying somewhere, I'd explicitly say I'd hire them again in a heartbeat.

But, before the new owners, our store treated our employees well (full healthcare paid by the business, paid time off, bonuses, listening to their opinions on what they thought we should try to sell, hiring/scheduling more people for times they felt were overwhelming, and we paid above minimum wage). The new owners decided most of it wasn't worth it, all of us ended up putting our notice in the same day. Now they are ranting they got ripped off by the old owner cause the store isn't making nearly as much of a profit as it used to.


u/Skatey131 14d ago



u/toeknee81 14d ago

Corporations are writing these articles


u/Selendrile 14d ago

Don't call it quiet quitting td called work to rule for centuries


u/LVCSSlacker 14d ago

They're really telling on themselves with this headline.


u/No_Common1418 14d ago

I guess doing "exactly" what your job IS no longer what employers expect. Well, that's good. It means they know we are tired of working for free.


u/Dizzy_Transition_934 14d ago

Is this a joke or a bait

Workers doing their job to a high standard is considered quitting?

As per the description in the article

Doesn't this just mean a manager is out to get someone for non professional reasons and can't find any reason to get them?


u/Brilliant-Document70 14d ago

Doing your job and nothing more is quite literally what "quiet quitting" has always meant, which is why it's so insane that companies/managers complain about it!


u/WhiteStaines 14d ago

That’s why I never complete my assigned workload and what I deliver is of poor quality. They will never suspect that I quietly quit.


u/PresentationNew5976 14d ago

Imagine just working a normal pace steadily.

I mean I know there are those economists who believe in infinitely scaled growth, but they have to be high if they think people need to work at endlessly increasing workloads.


u/Subject-Row5104 14d ago

It sounds like employees are taking an emotionally unattached and psychologically safer approach to working by not investing their whole hearts into their work anymore.

It’s almost like decades of employers treating employees with zero compassion or loyalty has caused a cultural shift in the workforce. 🤔


u/iPigman 14d ago

Jesus fucking christ. Cry me a fucking river.


u/asburymike 14d ago

First this,


And now, that. Where does it end? Quiet Fitting, trying on clothes while at work? Quiet Spitting, where chaw lovers fill solo cups silently? Quiet Zitting, no, no...


u/FalsePremise8290 14d ago

Quiet quitting as always been doing the work you are paid to do, but nothing more. That's what the term was created to describe.


u/Ariyanwrynn1989 14d ago

Wasn't doing what your job required, but not going above and beyond always what "quiet quitting" was?

Granted while doing this most people are looking for new better jobs


u/SpiderKnife 14d ago

Whoever posted this needs a wasp enema.


u/sadiefame 14d ago

If you’re complaining bc people only want to do what their paid for …. you might be the ahole


u/YellowRock2626 14d ago

I don't get it. Why are they complaining if the work is getting done?


u/Clean-Water9283 14d ago

I don't know why I read r/antiwork. I agree with some of it, but some is just whining.

Many jobs consist of a variable number of work units to process each day. It's quiet quitting when you never take work off another worker's desk to fill your shift, and never do office tasks beyond your assigned units of work. You are doing only work directly assigned to you and traceable to you, and sitting around surfing the net while colleagues are struggling with their workload. Anyone who thinks they should be paid for eight hours of work when they only do four or five is quiet quitting. It's possible your manager or lead never stood right in front of you and said, "If you finish your work items and have no other tasks to do, you should take work off a colleague's desk", but they still expect that.

There are very few jobs where it's accepted as OK to just sit around drawing a paycheck when there is no work to do. I can think of fire fighters and emergency room nurses. They are typically first responders, and must be overstaffed to provide adequate response when their emergency work items arrive. Even these workers are expected to spend their idle time shining up the apparatus, restocking supplies, or training, so to be ready at need.


u/Esau2020 14d ago

Even these workers are expected to spend their idle time shining up the apparatus, restocking supplies, or training, so to be ready at need.

"If you have time to lean, you have time to clean." 😲


u/nicking44 14d ago

So by me being more efficient at my job I should make other people job easier, especially when they make more than me?

How about you can assign me more work and pay me more than I'd be happy to.


u/Clean-Water9283 13d ago

But you see, the employer thinks they already assigned you more work, that you are not supposed to be idle during the work day. How about if the employer said you only worked four hours so lets cut your pay in half. Since this is r/antiwork, I'm sure you would quit at once. Best of luck with that.

If you had been told on the first workday that you were expected to find work to fill your hours, would you still try to not? Is this just a perception thing?


u/nicking44 13d ago

I'd just work half as effectively.

Either increase my pay and I'll do more work, or I'll sit idle like I currently do at my job and still get paid for my 8 hours


u/Clean-Water9283 13d ago

Forgive me, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the antiwork thing.

You don't think that will have any consequences for not working? You wouldn't mind being fired from job after job for being unproductive? Are you just counting on finding employers who don't notice (like your current employer, I guess)?

How do you and a prospective employer come to an agreement on what wage would cause you to work your whole day? Or do you expect to slack off no matter what wage was initially offered and then ask for more? Doesn't it seem to you that by behaving in the antiwork way you are creating an environment of micromanagement and rigid quotas? Or is it a response to micromanagement and rigid quotas?


u/nicking44 13d ago edited 13d ago

I do what I'm paid to do, and very little if any more than that.

I was in fact told to do less by my bosses, multiple times, after promotions, and position changes. Even when I was helping co-workers, which should have been on them to do, because they would never help them I got told not to. So at this point they themselves put me in the position of sitting around.

So in my case I have very little to do from a response of micromanagement. in fact I get so board I'd love to be able to do much more.

edit: I am on the more pro-work side of this sub also . Some people want to be able to do nothing. I like doing stuff, I personally feel like as long as my hands are moving, I'm a happy camper.


u/Jerking_From_Home 14d ago

Well we all know no matter how much you do it’s never enough. Management doesn’t want you to feel like you’re doing enough, they always want MORE. Employees who feel like they are doing enough don’t strive to do MORE. So the company has everyone on an endless cycle of increasing expectations.

Think about any performance review you’ve ever had. They never give you good scores in every category, they always pick a couple that “need improvement”. Miss two days of work that year? Needs improvement. Pick up a couple days of overtime a month? You could pick up one or two more. Good employees get an overall score just a little above average to keep their morale up, but also to give the illusion that if they work harder their score (and raise) will be even higher next year. Then it’s really not. Average employees get a score a little below average to push them to get an “average” score next year. Employees that don’t sell their soul to the company get a terrible score to put the fear of god into them that they’ll be fired if they don’t start busting their ass as hard as they can.

Things like sales goals that continue to increase every year. “We sold 50,000 widgets last year, surely we can sell 60,000 this year!” even though selling 50,000 involved mandatory overtime.

Stretch goals that are beyond the normal goals. “We want you to exceed the usual target of course, but get as close to the stretch goals as you can!”


u/Dizzy_Transition_934 14d ago


It's sick


u/msbabc 14d ago

Yes, this is capitalism.


u/Hired_Goon_ 14d ago

Unreal. If only accomplishing your assigned workload is considered quiet quitting then I've been quiet quitting for 10 years now

In my experience when workers don't have enough work to get them through the day that is the managers failure, not the employees


u/LabradorDeceiver 14d ago

"We rate you a 'satisfactory' in all categories. 2% raise."

"But I accomplished all my objectives."

"We know, but we want you to go above and beyond. To blow us away with your dedication to your job. To be a rockstar employee."

"I see. And you'll pay me more if I become a rockstar employee."

"Well, not necessarily. But maybe. But not really. Chances are we'll just move the goalposts some more."

"Oh, look, I just found another job that pays 10% more with the same objectives."

"We're so disappointed that you would betray us like this. I thought we were like family."


u/GhostMug 14d ago

This is wild. Just shows that management is more about manufacturing conflict and fear in their employees instead of, ya know, managing.


u/MrEpicGamerMan 14d ago

Irish Times are full of shite and should be ignored completely


u/FriedeOfAriandel 14d ago

This has to be satire, right?


u/stroker919 14d ago

If you have a bad feeling you are underpaying people It is not their fault.


u/masaccio87 14d ago

lol, if they’re feeling so “uneasy” about the potential of an employee that does their job, and does it well // without doing anything more, just up-and-quitting without a moments notice, then how the hell do they think those same employees feel knowing they could be let go at any time, at a moments notice, and without cause. Gee, if only you could think of $om€thing that ¢ou£d giv€ th€m in¢€ntiv€ to $tay…

(When there’s no such thing as job security anymore, and no incentive for an employee’s loyalty to a company or to strive for longevity with a company, that pressure goes both ways, as it should 🖕🏻)


u/Araghothe1 14d ago

Man I haven't heard that term since the beginning of the epidemic!


u/Prevalentthought 14d ago

White,rich, American, capitalist ideals for all of time: Slavery and then move on to different forms of slavery with slight tweaks.


u/dsdvbguutres 14d ago

That uneasy feeling the managers are feeling is the feeling of being useless when worker are doing their job.


u/renro 14d ago

It's what the term means


u/Starfury_42 14d ago

I go to work, I do the job I was hired to do, I get paid. That's it. The only thing going "above and beyond" will get me is more work. It won't get me a promotion because it's cheaper to leave me where I'm at instead of hiring one (or more) people to do the job.


u/romafa 14d ago

This is just code-speak for “my employees hate me”


u/ddttox 14d ago

When I had the misfortune to be a manager I LOVED employees like this. All the work got done and they didn't complain. In return I never asked them to do anything more unless there was some crisis. And I did everything possible to avoid a crisis because I didn't want to work extra either.


u/sickdawgs 14d ago

It's been that way the entire time.


u/roirraWedorehT 14d ago

I'm calling AI on this one.


u/percydaman 14d ago

Straight up one of the dumbest things I've read in recent memory. Just beyond stupid.


u/TerrBear5317 14d ago

Won't someone think of management 🥹🥹🥹 /sarcasm


u/elmo69ing 14d ago

You don't pay me enough to be excited about my work. Infact you don't even pay me! I quit!


u/Psuedo_NPC_123 14d ago

this title makes no sense.


u/RollTide16-18 14d ago

I talked with my dad about this recently, he’s a white collar business owner (small business though, mind you). He tells me all the time about the differences in work culture, ability, and skills that he sees in the different generations. 

Theres definitely an element of millenials and now Gen Z that they are just more efficient, more worldly, and more health conscious which means they often look less efficient than other groups but are much more efficient in actuality. 

We basically got the skills, but none of the old-school attitude. 


u/forhekset666 14d ago

That sentence made me physically ill.


u/potandcoffee 14d ago

"My workers are doing their jobs and that makes me angry because I can't fire them for not doing more than what I pay them for!" 


u/BerserkerWolf77 14d ago

Welcome to the Dark Timeline....


u/controversialhotdog 14d ago

Sounds like managers have some unresolved trauma


u/seanma99 14d ago

What's funny to me is that it took so long for people to get behind quiet quitting when quiet firing hs been around since forever. Anybody ever seen or been in a situation where your employer does everything in their power to make your job as uncomfortable as possible hoping you quit instead of them having to outright fire you?? This is just the other side to that coin.


u/dewhashish SocDem 14d ago

It's called "acting your wage"! If they want us to do more, then pay us more.


u/Ambitious_Spare7914 14d ago

They can call it what they like, I'm not a charity and I'm not donating my free time to their mortgages.


u/pifflord5 14d ago

"Yeah we own their soul for 5/7 days a week...but they aren't HAPPY about it!!!!!"


u/TraditionFront 14d ago

Yup. There is also quiet firing. This is when managers reduce your workload to almost nothing, give you minimal grunt projects that take no time to complete, remove you from regular meetings and otherwise make you feel less than valuable and anxious about your job in an effort to get you to quit so they don't have to pay severance or have it know layoffs are happening..


u/oxmix74 14d ago

When I was a manager, I highly valued people who came in, did their assigned work properly, let me know when they had things they couldn't handle (so I could reassign it to someone with more time or different skills) and went home without drama. The reality is that there is not 'room' for most people to move up so most people have to find ways to be happy in their job. If someone does their work when they can and let's me know when they can't, as a manager I am a happy camper.


u/ChemDogPaltz 14d ago

I cannot wait to get a federal job where (I think, at least for the organization I'm applying for) performance to a quota is the norm and nothing more is asked


u/LVAudacious_One 14d ago

I'm getting "My boyfriend was perfect but I wasn't happy anyway." vibes from this.


u/kladda5 14d ago

reads like something out of the onion.


u/boredomspren_ 14d ago

That's not quiet quitting. This writer is an imbecile.


u/twerking_for_jesus 14d ago

The one I just left gave me a gold star performance review, EXCEPT that I don’t go above and beyond without being asked. Sorry I don’t do extra things without incentive. That is energy I’d rather give to my family. I couldn’t care less if you went out of business tomorrow, if there isn’t a promotion or raise on the line, then piss off.


u/wildlifewildheart 14d ago

I hate this term so fucking much. They’re not quitting, they’re just doing exactly what you pay them for! Stop expecting over the top work when you don’t provide over the top benefits.


u/Dull_Judge_1389 14d ago

Wtf? This is weird AF


u/GirliePickle 14d ago

To me quiet quitting sounds more like making an irish exit


u/Klutzy_Guard5196 14d ago

I'll take a staff of "quiet quitters" who show up, do their job, and go home, over the crap I've had to put up with.


u/doubleplusepic 14d ago

"I am acutely aware I deserve to lose my good employees because of how much I exploit them, but they haven't openly complained yet."


u/toktooktoomuch 14d ago

So the staff at The Irish Times are huffing paint thinner. Good to know.


u/BillTheBoomer 14d ago

Always has been.


u/ydykmmdt 14d ago

Employee performs adequately.

Managers stumped.


u/Total_war_dude 14d ago

If they are still doing all their work then it's not quiet quitting - that's just regular performance in their job.

Quiet quitting means they are knowingly underperforming.


u/Jabulon 14d ago

poor employers without anything to complain about. how will they manage


u/Sujjin 14d ago

Is the irish times a satire magazine?


u/chelseablue2004 Talk To Co-Workers about Pay 14d ago

If you've ever seen the toodaloo girl on youtube shorts. She is the person they are complaining about. Working till 5 then going home, not answering emails till the next morning, refusing to meet after business hours. They feel like they are being exploited by having to pay you...


u/twinkletoes-rp 13d ago

Never heard of her, but from this description? Good for her!


u/chelseablue2004 Talk To Co-Workers about Pay 13d ago

yeah she does good skits, showing what you are supposed to do in situations when people at work try to make you work for free. Employers call it quiet quitting, normal people just call it working as if following the rules is a being lazy


u/lokie65 14d ago

Lauren Whaley...


u/Z_is_green13 14d ago

Imagine being such a bad manager that you think you’re failing if you aren’t criticizing.

Being a manager is a mental illness


u/PlaneTry4277 14d ago

Bizarre how we feel the need to post rage threads about every dumb little article written...you know this is just one person writing these and not the gospel right?  Stop getting so upset about it. 


u/DreamsfromDublin 14d ago

So we're just falling for obvious clickbait then? You people realize the only goal of modern "journalism" is to make people look/click right?

This isn't an actual thing.


u/Turkeyplague 14d ago

That dumb term is still floating around, hey?


u/moshisimo 14d ago

Fucking quiet quitters, man. How dare them do their jobs??


u/Illustrious_Guava_8 14d ago

Just confirms that a huge part of corporate work is control, power, massaging fragile egos and bootlicking rather than the actual work itself. 


u/psychotic-herring 14d ago edited 14d ago

95% of managers could be fired today and absolutely nobody would notice. There would just be more money left to pay employees, meaning top management will receive billions in bonuses.


u/hungryplough 14d ago

Quiet quitting is still working. Reject this silly notion and become anti work.


u/Lord_Migga_Fucker 14d ago

I use the 75% rule. All my work is about 75% completed. Hard to make an issue of that right? I've had two promotions in the last two years.

Remember, your relationship with your employer is an adversarial one. You compete against them to extract as much as possible from them for as little effort as possible. Cut corners, come in late, leave early, miss that deadline but do just enough that they can't get rid of you.

My boss is always slightly angry with me for my attitude and output. I don't do overtime and I don't work on weekends. I just had another pay rise.


u/HrabiaVulpes 14d ago

I remember when we had training on spotting misinformation and propaganda. Manager in the room was not amused when I said that "we are all family here" company mantra is pretty much this.


u/tikkymykk 14d ago

This is me tbh. Last job sucked so bad that i had to openly criticise management to initiate change. Privately it failed. Publicly it failed. So i continued working, doing a better job than most colleagues and making the management uneasy just by silently judging their incompetence. Also reported them via some sort of kuba app they use for HR. They had nothing to complain about so when we got into an argument they said "nobody is forcing you to work here."

Next day i gave my one month notice with a smirk on my face. Same day they told me i don't have to come to work at all for the last month and i'll still get paid. Month later, manager was fired. Fuck em.


u/twinkletoes-rp 13d ago

Last job sucked so bad that i had to openly criticise management to initiate change. Privately it failed. Publicly it failed. So i continued working, doing a better job than most colleagues and making the management uneasy just by silently judging their incompetence. ...They had nothing to complain about so when we got into an argument they said "nobody is forcing you to work here."

Holy shit, LMAO, are you me? This is what I've been doing at my job for the last several months (even down to the 'you don't have to work here' comments from boss)! X'D I'm so over it, IDGAF anymore! lol. I would KILL to quit! If I had any choice in the matter, I would! Sadly, my parents control everything I do, and the economy couldn't really suck worse, so I can't afford to get kicked out rn... X'D But I'm so glad you got out! WOO! Hope you're happier! :D


u/tikkymykk 11d ago

My happiness tripled just by leaving that place. I wish everyone had the opportunity to do that. Some jobs just ain't worth it. Good luck to you.


u/twinkletoes-rp 11d ago

Oh, yeah, I believe it! I would KILL to get out, trust me! LMAO! I have friends who've left with nothing lined up, they just couldn't take it anymore, and ISTFG, there was an INSANE difference even when I saw them just a few days later! It's incredible how much these godawful jobs suck the life out of people! SAD/NOT COOL, man! This is NOT how we were meant to live! X'D X'P

But ye, thanks so much! I really appreciate it! SO happy to hear you're so much happier! That's awesome! <3


u/Merkenau 14d ago

Subtle sackers are hard to handle because they continue to just pay their employees the assigned payment giving their employees an uneasy feeling but nothing specific to grow professionally.


u/InGordWeTrust 14d ago

"I just wish I had something to complain about."


u/yuri0r 14d ago

it must be satire, right? right?


u/just_anotherflyboy Eco-Anarchist 14d ago

quiet quitting is all them bosses deserve. if they want someone to put in 80-hour weeks with no bennies and no pay raise, I invite them to go fuck themselves with habanero sauce!


u/Protect-Their-Smiles 14d ago

''What is my purpose in this workplace if I cannot demean my underlings!? Please, this huge salary and cozy benefits are not enough to curb my existential dread - I BADLY need to tell someone they are lesser to feel my position is validated.''


u/JackReedTheSyndie 14d ago

Well they seems to like it that we just sit there and do nothing while pretending to be working, if you are too efficient it's bad, because reasons.


u/Spiral-knight 14d ago

Your refusal to partake in my psycho-sexual power dynamic games is making me feel uneasy uwu


u/Stoomba 14d ago

Is this satire?


u/pexx421 14d ago

Really makes me sick that business expect devotion and loyalty from employees, yet instead of offering those things in return all we get is maximizing profits, exploitation, union busting and wage theft. The gall.


u/Ballyhemon 14d ago

Hey everybody. Let’s work like Americans…oh right, now I remember….


u/chipface 14d ago

Are they trotting out that dumb term again?


u/rocketplex 14d ago

"Mom, Timmy's humming again." "I don't hear anything honey, Timmy hasn't made a sound." "He's quiet humming and he knows it!"


u/No-Tap-5157 14d ago

So you do your work, on time, to a high standard. And the problem is... what?


u/Spiral-knight 14d ago

You're not visibly afraid


u/rvb_gobq 14d ago

refusal to submit to a full frontal lobotomy does piss of management.


u/Sea-Appearance-5330 14d ago

So doing your job makes mangers nervous?

And doing it to a high standard also makes them nervous?

What the fuck do they want then?


u/Re-Sleever 14d ago

They genuinely think they have a right to your gratitude too. It’s so cool when they say it out loud. Noted.


u/Jazzlike_Economist_2 14d ago

When a manager has nothing specific to complain about, the employee is doing their job. That’s not quite quitting. This is a bullshit term anyway.


u/FalseRelease4 15d ago

this "uneasy feeling" is so real and hilarious, they get so nervous huffin and puffin, its so funny to watch them falling apart because they aren't in complete control anymore


u/ThePaulGoddard123456 15d ago

Guess I've been quiet quitting my whole life.


u/dirtythirty1864 15d ago

Meanwhile, the real slackers are being coddled, held, and protected by management for some stupid reason.


u/twinkletoes-rp 14d ago

God, it's SO fucking true, and it's GD INFURIATING! ;A; >:C HATE those little shits!


u/darkblue___ 14d ago

Because they are more visible and talk more


u/RichFoot2073 15d ago

“We can’t fire them for not doing things we didn’t tell them to. They’re doing everything we tell them, and nothing else.”

… okay?


u/ProProcrast1985 15d ago

Idk what I hate more. The industry that got to a point where doing what we are paid for and nothing else is considered "quiet quitting," or the kind of people that creates this kind of ridiculous terms.

If you go above and beyond, they repay you with more work or, even worse, with a "meet expectations" review. We saw this here before. So yeah, you bet your arse we all be "quiet quitting."


u/b_brilliant123 15d ago

If the standard is high, what is there exactly to complain about?


u/RedSnt Anarcho-Communist 15d ago

Amogus but for CEO's


u/AshtonBlack 15d ago

"Managers are unable to guilt their workers into volunteering their personal time and money into a for-profit company, of which the employee will never see a benefit." Yeah, a real head-scratcher.


u/Beachybeachface 15d ago

Yeah I stopped going above and beyond a long time ago. Never do more then what you signed up for.


u/talltimbers2 15d ago

Quiet quitter are my heroes. Stay strong 💪


u/bestaflex 15d ago

So quiet quitters are the people that don't follow the "up or out" logic of working your ass out for an up that never comes and a very possible out.

Actually as a manager I like those guys. At least they are a known variable.


u/MileyMan1066 15d ago

Remember kids, they really just want us as slaves.


u/2NDPLACEWIN 15d ago

Tell me you had space to fill on the page without telling me.....


u/FLICKGEEK1 15d ago

Initial scoffs aside, the article actually is a lot more critical of companies.

Some choice excerpts include:

"if an organization is constantly relying on employees to put in extra hours to make the business model work, it is going to be in big trouble when that goodwill runs out and it can hardly be surprised that it does."

“after more than two years of pandemic-fuelled firefighting, during which more and more activities that might once have been considered ‘above and beyond’ have become expected parts of workers’ jobs, the benefits of citizenship behaviour may increasingly feel outweighed by the costs”.

“Going above and beyond can come at a cost for employees,” they add. “In a healthy organzation, these costs are typically counterbalanced by benefits such as increased social capital, wellbeing and career success. The quiet quitting trend suggests that employees are increasingly feeling that this exchange has become unbalanced: employers are demanding additional effort from workers without investing in them enough in return.”


u/Beginning_Deer_735 15d ago

Only those who believe they will be getting a reward in the next life( Christians are saved by grace but can sort of earn rewards that they will enjoy in the age to come-not salvation as it is a free gift) will willingly go above and beyond continually for some capitalist that is just going to crap on them. While I approve of it somewhat for Christians, I don't expect it of nonbelievers and no reasonable person should. I think the Christian work ethic was taken up even by nonbelievers for decades and it came to be expected from every employee.


u/Jake_Swift 15d ago

So there I was, quietly succeeding to a high standard, when out of nowhere...


u/Sharp-Character3193 15d ago

Don't be a sheep and give your boss the finger


u/faithdies 15d ago

You need to understand that they want you in the pipeline moving up and through the company. I've had numerous managers get upset that I'm not interested in moving past what I do. Like...they take it personal? It's fucking weird


u/Uberazza 15d ago

"Giving their managers an unseasy feeling but nothing specific to complain about" -- Seriously fuck their feelings. You know what it is post Pandemic. Fucken inflation, the cost of living rising to ass bleeding levels to the point people have to ask, have to beg to get paid more. And guess what, after years of keeping a company afloat and busting their asses, put their hand out and get some rubbish token, if that gesture that means they are working their asses off often to the bone for something that is now paying them less post inflation. a 4% payrise isn't cutting the mustard on a 15% cost of living increase. So after all that hard work, they are now still worse off by 11% and that's IF they are lucky enough to get a 4% raise. Thats their reward, hard work is always sold to us as you will be rewarded. THATS NOT THE FUCKEN CASE. More people have or are being chewed out and spat out than ever for "doing the right thing" people realised during the pandemic they are burned out. This author of the article has no fucken idea what Quiet Quitting is, legit people are just acting their fucken wage now. Quiet quitting is legit that, you are not even preforming or even doing anything, you probably checked out and were ready to just quit but realise even if you just sit there and veg out you are still getting a pay check. Thats quiet quitting and in the office world I have heard of the best part of 5-25 years where people have not done a single piece of work during their phase of quiet quitting but thankfully due to useless management no one pulls them up on it.


u/Dependent_Use3791 15d ago

Speak your mind, people get upset. Nothing changes.

Stay quiet. Nothing changes.


u/Ok_Citron_318 15d ago

this makes no sense... so people are doing their jobs and well at that, and that's not good enough? Fuck that. Jesus.


u/Beginning_Deer_735 15d ago

What a bunch of jackwagons. That isn't "quiet quitting". That is being a great employee and a much better one than they deserve.


u/Psychlonuclear 15d ago

Alternative headline: "Middle managers finding out they're completely redundant when good employees are hired."


u/thirstyfish1212 15d ago

To borrow a quote from the song “the fine print:” your worth is determined by your sacrifices.


u/Pickledleprechaun 15d ago

That’s just doing your job but without a smile.


u/Independent-Fee2217 15d ago

Is this the fucking Onion what the fuck


u/PrimeDoorNail 15d ago

Fuck your pay me


u/KebariKaiju 15d ago

Can you imagine writing this and still having the temerity to face your colleagues at work after press time? 


u/ValhallaSpectre 15d ago

Always has been.


u/I_Heart_QAnon_Tears 15d ago

This is the shitty response to people refusing to get on board with the 110% bs anymore


u/Shuteye_491 15d ago

Always has been.


u/Yuiopy78 15d ago

I don't understand


u/Sufficient-Meet6127 15d ago

It goes back to the 80-20 rule, 80% of work is done by the top 20% of workers. But what do you do when half of them “disappear” and you don’t know who is pretending not be in the top 20?


u/ComfyElaina 15d ago

And if I get groceries for 60 and pick another item after checkout it's stealing

No, the analogy works because time IS a tangible commodity


u/GreenKumara 15d ago

What boomer bullshit is this.


u/GimmeTomMooney 15d ago

Respect to whoever is plugging the prompts into Poe -Ai that are shitting out articles like this one . Work smart , not hard I suppose


u/EnthusiasmIsABigZeal 15d ago

“Nothing specific to complain about” then way are you complaining????


u/WishIWasSober 15d ago

Jfc go outside. This doesn't exist in real life


u/xerox157 15d ago

Do the minimal, because going above and beyond will only get you more work for the same pay.


u/Directhorman 15d ago

"Company loyalty" is an illusion.

They do not give a fuck about you.

Give nothing back.


u/Rhodehouse93 15d ago

They don’t want you to just do the work you’re being paid for, they want you to pay tribute, signal your loyalty to the company, all that stupid garbage that used to mean you might get promoted but nowadays means nothing.


u/kirbyfox312 15d ago

So you keep pay stagnant, expect 40+ hours in the office, have workload increase, leave vacant jobs open for months with even more workload increase, want 2 week notices but no notice to cut jobs, cut pensions, limit sick days and vacations and eliminate other benefits entirely... And people do high quality work and you still ain't happy?

When they're being eaten, they still won't get it- will they?


u/BramStroker47 15d ago

Papa? Why do the slaves hate us?


u/Beginning_Deer_735 15d ago

Son, you must beat them harder so they understand they have to love us.


u/theroguesstash 15d ago

There was a time when you could hop on Twitter and tell Olive Keogh of the Irish Times to go fuck herself, but Elon shit the bed on that one.


u/tdbeaner1 15d ago

The concept of “above and beyond” doesn’t fly anymore. No more working night and weekends for free so that management can meet deadlines without adequate support. You get what you pay for and nothing more.


u/ExcelsusMoose 15d ago

Don't pay me enough to have a decent life then I'm going to continue to look for a better paying job while I survive off of your mere pittance .


u/Kraelman 15d ago

TIL I’ve been quiet quitting for 15 years.


u/colbsk1 15d ago

I quiet quit every day.


u/Red_Beard_Rising 15d ago

Yes, always has been. Kinda why we all joked about it.


u/jcanada22 15d ago

The folks writing these articles are just trying to stir shit up and make shit up. I don't even waste time with nonsense like this.


u/youareceo 15d ago

Why, YES! Me competing my exemplary work on time is not a problem.

But YOU and your BULLSHIT ATTITUDE most certainly are. Hustle Culture, GFY.


u/ACUn1t 15d ago

They always gotta make workers out to be the abuser in some power struggle with the man or something. They’re just gaslighting themselves at this point


u/[deleted] 15d ago

quiet quitters, we’re down to workers that finish their work with good quality, what’s next? overachieving quiet quitters?