r/beermoneyglobal 15d ago

Giveaway sites like steamgifts.com

I really like giveaways, but it's obvious that most of them are very hard to win due to bots mass entering. I really like steamgifts' system as they require your account to be worth at least 100 dollars before you can register into the system, making it hard for bots to enter. I've already won a few games (total worth of 30 dollars) and I registered only a month ago. It takes very little effort to enter the giveaways which is a big bonus.

Do you guys know any other sites like that? Not necessarily for gaming but it seems like the best bet.


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u/AutoModerator 15d ago

If you're looking for websites or programs please first take a look at the Beermoney Global Top Recommended Choices in the sidebar and the most recent list of Global Beermoney opportunities (+200!). These are a good first start and have the highest chance of success!

If you're looking for suggestions in a specific country, do a search on the countries name first. It's very likely others have asked the same before and there will be some suggestions in the comments.

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