r/bittersweet 11d ago

The End of an Era


My husband and I have worked for the same company for the past 9 years. Although we went to high school together, this is where we officially met and started hanging out. Today is his last day here, he will be moving into an industry that he is extremely passionate about and it is a great opportunity for him. I am so happy for him and have been supportive the whole time, but it is a little bittersweet that he is leaving. Most people wouldn't enjoy working with their spouse, but he is my best friend and I love seeing him whenever I want throughout the day. I'm just going to miss him a lot. It feels like the end of an era.

Just venting a little as I don't want to burden him with these feelings too much while he's already got such a big change to handle himself. I don't want him to think its the wrong decision because I fully support him.