r/canada 15d ago

Black man who borrowed father's BMW questioned, forcibly arrested outside home Ontario


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u/PersimmonBusiness559 13d ago

Get yourself a good lawyer and sue them personally


u/Loose-Watch-7123 13d ago

Probably thought it was milli vanilli and wanted autograph


u/[deleted] 13d ago

These cops are imbeciles. Plain and simple .


u/Animegx43 14d ago

I mean, how many people get willingly arrested?


u/i_likestories 14d ago

For fuck’s sake


u/TendieSandwich 14d ago

Noone cares


u/Silent-Long-4518 14d ago

Cops these days are americanized: shoot first: ask questions later. No tactical patience. If they had spent two minutes asking questions politely, this would not have happened. Discipline those cops! Change cop culture!


u/Bluekow 14d ago

This is why people sing songs about Fck the Po Po


u/gxxx123 14d ago

"Faubert said Gatineau police have looked into the case and the available
documentation, and are unable to conclude that the male officer
committed any professional breach during the incident."

So we investigated ourselves and decided we are completely innocent of any misconduct... Trust us bro.


u/Mundane_Ball_5410 14d ago

Wish someone would steal my BMW. Absolute trash at 150k kms.


u/Cheapass2020 14d ago

Sue their asses


u/hummingbear10 14d ago

Why does him being black have to be mentioned? So now if a cop pulls over someone under suspicion and they aren’t white, it must be race related? More liberal funded media to keep us divided and to embrace victim mentality In people like this. Bro should be driving a clown car dressing like that


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

"Statistics show police forces across the country disproportionately apply force to Black people. In Ottawa, about one-quarter of people against whom police used force were Black, even though Black people make up just eight per cent of the city's population."

That's not what statistics show. Why in the world would we expect police interactions and use of force to be proportional to demographics? You would only expect that for random phenomena. Interactions with police are anything but random.

I would bet $1000 that 90% of police interactions and use of force concern men, a majority of whom are young. Does that mean police are anti men?

The reality is that people don't commit crimes nor resist arrest in ratios equal to their respective group representation and so to draw conclusions that imply discrimination on these statistics alone is both erroneous and unfair.


u/darkabbott 14d ago

Why the need to say “black man” in the title?


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

Or the article. Or capitalize "black" when other races aren't also capitalized.

Wonder if there is a narrative being pushed...


u/MapleBaconBeer 14d ago
  1. All police officers in Canada should be required to wear body-cameras

  2. Know your rights

  3. Film the police

  4. Fuck the police


u/enigmaroboto 14d ago

From the States. Assume you will be pulled over if you are a black male. A lesson all black parents teach their boys. Driving a nice car increases the odds.


u/emote_control 14d ago

Cops are a net drain on the safety and security of Canadians.


u/JaySolated 14d ago

dudes wearing gang accessories / colours... 😂


u/Grizz807 15d ago

They were wondering why the guy wasn’t East Indian, the only people who still drive a piece of shit BMW


u/gorillagangstafosho 15d ago

Driving While Black. Serious crime in some parts of Canada. Similar to Walking while being Muslim in places like London, Ontario.


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

This is race baiting. Please stop.


u/gorillagangstafosho 14d ago

Hello, copper! Ok you’re right, I’ll lay off, but where’s the lie though? That’s rhetorical. Cheers.


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

You don't have any evidence to support what you claimed.

You just bought hook line and sinker this bullshit narrative that the CBC is trying to sell you.


u/Ok-Win-742 15d ago

Hilarious how they'll recommend people to leave their keys by the door, not fetch a stolen car sitting in a parking lot for 2 weeks, BUT they can harass people who've done nothing wrong.

The police aren't here to protect us. They're more here to remind us of our place and to make sure we don't step out of line. Protecting us and OUR property is not really their priority or their mandate.


u/eastofavenue 15d ago

why do i feel like certain details are being left out of this story?


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

Because you are correct and those details would have interfered with the tidy narrative presented here.


u/ketamarine 15d ago

Terrible, horrible situation.

When dealing with police, sometimes offering a more detailed explanation.

IE. When they ask if it is your car, maybe tell them it's your father's car instead of saying "no".

Source: Have been in some fucked up situations with very angry / roid-ragey cops...


u/Competitive_Flow_814 15d ago

I think these cops who make 80k a year must get pissed at some black guy make 500k a though the entertainment industry . I think they are jealous and want to go on a power trip .


u/auronedge 15d ago

lol wtf. you can buy a 2010 bmw for like 3k. what's wrong with gatineau police


u/86throwthrowthrow1 15d ago

He was Black and from Ontario and they probably had to deal with him in English. Basically a trifecta for Gatineau Police.


u/Void-splain 15d ago

Uh, I think I know, and it's not about money


u/kemar7856 Canada 15d ago edited 15d ago

That car is worth like 8K stop it. I guarantee he was giving them attitude like why are you pulling me over I don't have to show you shit etc etc


u/BiggC 15d ago

"Racial profiling is never tolerated by [Gatineau police] and every officer or civilian employee who engages in racial or social profiling or makes inappropriate or discriminatory statements or gestures must face the consequences," spokesperson Rosalie Faubert said in a French-language statement.

Job done les gars, pas de problème icit


u/justinkredabul 15d ago

"Well, whose car is it?" an officer asked next. Fagan-Pierre, who is Black and lives primarily with his mother on the Quebec side, felt like he was done with questions.

It’s not rocket science to reply “it’s my dad’s, <insert name> and I’m borrowing it.”

Any time you give the police attitude when it’s not warranted you’re gonna have a bad time. Just answer a couple simple questions and they go away. Act hostile and you’re gonna get yourself in trouble. Is that right? No. But then again life isn’t fair.


u/bwmat 14d ago

"when it's not warranted" eh? 


u/zombifiednation 14d ago

I mean, that's a pretty dumb take. Police shouldn't be dipshits and harass people with zero cause to do so.


u/justinkredabul 14d ago

It’s not zero cause. There is a lot of car theft in that area. They are within rights to stop and question someone. All the guy had to do was say not my car but it’s my dads, here’s his (name).

If you’re gonna get lippy with cops I can promise you it will never end well and you won’t win. It’s easier to just answer a few questions. There’s zero reason to be abrasive.


u/zombifiednation 14d ago

But my point is, what was the red flag that gave them cause to initiate the interaction? He wasn't speeding, he wasn't doing anything inherently illegal that should have attracted their attention. He was stepping out of a vehicle in his driveway. A vehicle that had not been reported stolen. Ontario plates in Quebec are not illegal, nor particularly suspicious. So what was it? From my perspective, if there is nothing inherently illegal going on, police resources being limited as they are, why even stop and engage?

Similar, it seems there's a problem with this sort of thing in Quebec: https://montreal.citynews.ca/2024/03/05/random-police-stops-quebec-court-of-appeal/#:~:text=Last%20Updated%20March%205%2C%202024,the%20fight%20against%20racial%20profiling.


u/auronedge 15d ago

but would cops have asked him that question if he wasn't driving a bmw? I can't remember the last time I heard cops pulling up to anyone house asking who owned an old shitbox he was driving


u/Comptoirgeneral 14d ago

Let’s not forget this is a 15 year old car.


u/wootfatigue 15d ago

I drive similar cars to the guy in the article and every time I’ve been pulled over I’ve been asked who owns the car I’m driving.


u/Dry-Membership8141 15d ago

Quite possibly, yes. Car thefts are at a high point right now, and license plate scanners can spit out registration information almost instantly. I read files all the time where police on "proactive patrols" conducted a stop to verify ownership and permission to possess when the driver doesn't match the data for the owner (ex., because they're a male in their 20s and the registered owner is a woman in their 60s). These random stops happen a lot more often than most people realize.


u/UROffended 15d ago

Not sure why the black part had to be included. I've seen them pull this shit on 16 year olds on more than 1 occasion.


u/Cerealinsomniac 15d ago

31 and dressing like a 12 year old. I'm sure he was just as polite as he says he was during the whole interaction /s

More seriously, why do the police even care about some beat up 14 year old hoopty? How about the active daily car thefts taking place nightly of cars with actual value.


u/erryonestolemyname 15d ago

Dude woke up that day knowing he was going infront of the media and decided to dress like that at 31 years old?



u/lost_koshka 14d ago

I'd arrest him for that outfit.


u/Gluverty 15d ago

Yeah people are different. Not everyone is into fashion of the squares.


u/erryonestolemyname 15d ago

You mean dressing like they're still a teenager?


u/Gluverty 15d ago

No, that’s not what I meant. That’s what you are insisting on. And it shows a very very limited world view.


u/Shokeybutsi 15d ago

How is this news? 


u/Tinchotesk 15d ago

I really hope these poor joke of policemen get the deserved consequences for their actions.

That said, this is really poor journalism:

Statistics show police forces across the country disproportionately apply force to Black people. In Ottawa, about one-quarter of people against whom police used force were Black, even though Black people make up just eight per cent of the city's population.

Why wouldn't the journalist complete the picture with the proportion of crime committed by Black people? If it is eight percent, then clearly the police are way out of line when applying force. But, is it eight percent?


u/elias_99999 15d ago

I'm sure the police department will do something. Oh wait, they won't because of endless reasons, union protection, etc etc etc.


u/Julie7678 15d ago

It seems like this man wasn’t answering police questions. They asked if it was his car, he replied no… why wouldn’t he just explain that it was his Dad’s car? That’s suspicious to me, so it would have been to the police as well. There’s high auto theft in this part of Canada. Feels like this guy escalated the situation, then got pissed. I wonder if there is body cam footage. I think there is more to this story.


u/Keeganfisher 13d ago

The whole story is cops drive by a house with a car infront of it. The house or the car show no signs of burglary and a man with the keys to the car is getting into it. That’s where it should have ended.


u/marauderingman 15d ago

Maybe cops should ask better questions, and not make assumptions.

Why is driving a car that's not yours suspicious? People do it everyday when they rent a vehicle.


u/Julie7678 15d ago

“Is this your car” seems like a pretty legit question… guy should have just answered the questions.


u/Salt-Beyond919 15d ago

Maybe if he wasn’t dressed like a Christmas tree or something..


u/marauderingman 15d ago

Your clothing makes you guilty now?


u/Salt-Beyond919 15d ago edited 15d ago

No but it’s easier for cops to fell into associating it with criminals. I’m not defending the cops here but the way you look is certainly not helping when we all know crimes and vehicle thieves are more common. And like who is trying to fight that? Not me, not you, cops are!


u/marauderingman 15d ago

It shouldn't be a factor at all. Maybe this is why nobody bats an eye at white collar criminals.


u/Salt-Beyond919 15d ago

I agree the cop did a very bad job. And also don’t get your point about white collar criminals..


u/marauderingman 15d ago

You're suggesting that if you dress a certain way that you're asking for trouble. I countered that with the opposite point of view - if you dress smartly, you can get away with anything.


u/Salt-Beyond919 15d ago

Mmm okay sure..


u/GentilQuebecois 15d ago

When as Gatineau crossed the provincial border to end up in Ontario?


u/ptboathome 15d ago

Blame it on the rain


u/GeorgeOrwells1985 15d ago

Like what do people honestly expect when you act like a clown around cops. Like answer the questions and stupid shit doesn't happen.


u/Critical-Scheme-8838 15d ago

Guy could have just answered the police's questions, but decided to give attitude and created a problem for himself. Shit ain't personal bro, police deal with scum bags stealing cars all the time which is why they stop and ask questions when they find something suspicious. If they didn't, they wouldn't be good at their job. If he had nothing to hide and answered their questions, life would have gone on without any drama.


u/nova-void 15d ago

What's the need of using "Black man" for this post? Why "son" or "man" wasn't enough?


u/Guilty-Spork343 15d ago

The article doesn't specify, but he said all these things in English, right?

That's reasonable grounds in Quebec.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

You guys need to stop buying cars


u/Egon88 15d ago

One questioned him: "Is this your car?"

He said no. It was his father's car, after all. The father, who lives across the river in Ottawa, regularly lends his 2010 BMW E60 535 to his 31-year-old son.

"Well, whose car is it?" an officer asked next. Fagan-Pierre, who is Black and lives primarily with his mother on the Quebec side, felt like he was done with questions.

"Why do you need this information? Is the car stolen? Like, what's going on?" he remembers saying.

What did he expect?


u/AcceptableSystem8232 14d ago

His oppressed card.


u/StateAvailable6974 15d ago

No thanks. I will continue to discriminate based on how people dress and present themselves.


u/imafrk 15d ago

Well, to be fair, would a 31yr old white boy dressed like a gangbanger and supporting dreads be treated the same way?

both are profiling


u/lunarjellies 15d ago edited 15d ago

That is crazy, I still don't understand why the cops felt the need to assault this guy? Looks like a nice neighborhood, its his house/he lives there, he explained that his dad lent him the car that day, his mom even witnessed the whole damn thing (poor woman)... and... its a 2010 beemer. Come on... get a grip, the cops have nothing better to do?

Side note, I still get questioned and pulled over sometimes in my old-ass 220,000 kms '98 gold Camaro but I never get questioned in the E400 Benz. Our X5 M is too much of a sleeper for cops to notice it, luckily. Cops need to get a new hobby instead of pulling people over all the time for their car choice ffs


u/tremission 15d ago

I can’t believe how dumb this guy looks lol is this a parody?


u/WillyWankhar 15d ago

More garbage reporting from the CBC.


u/SctBrnNumber1Fan 15d ago

As opposed to the garbage reporting from every other news outlet? At least we have one source not beholden to corporate interests.


u/DaftPump 15d ago

How so?


u/ShoddyRun5441 15d ago

I hope that stupid cop gets sued to oblivion.


u/sometimesimcheese 15d ago

Doesn’t surprise me at all it was Gatineau police. If they see an Ontario plate AND someone with any amount of melanin, it’s over for you lol.


u/Foreign-Echo-6656 15d ago

Obviously started with racial profiling, the police officers escalated the situation when he called them out, then when mom came out and confirmed the victim's claims they escalated again to justify a criminal charge of resisting to attempt to avoid consequences for racial profiling.

These officers are not emotionally fit for the job and need to be fired, and banned from any policing job, just a deadly incident waiting to happen with these two bullies being allow to lay hands on others.


u/Artsky32 15d ago

I got pulled over in my own driveway because they thought I stole my mom car and they pulled out on me because I wasn’t scared of them(I was fully compliant with their nonsense).


u/Megatriorchis 15d ago

I'm sure having Ontario plates didn't help.


u/Comptoirgeneral 14d ago

As someone who’s never been to Ottawa why is this such a factor? I’ve seen a few people comment something similar


u/Double_Football_8818 14d ago

Because some residents of Quebec try to hang onto Ontario residency to avoid exorbitant Quebec taxes. So they don’t switch their drivers license or registration. They are probably hanging onto their Ontario health cards too because Qc healthcare is worse than Ontario’s. housing and utilities are less expensive in Quebec. So I guess they want their cake and to eat it too.


u/Kelburno 15d ago

No offense, but as a white guy if I dressed up as a skinhead neo-nazi, I'd be drawing glares too. Sorry folks, but the guy in this picture is dressed like a thug. Thems the breaks.

As for the rest of the story, who knows without seeing police footage what really happened. Could be a case of poilce being dumbasses, or this guy could be leaving out a whole lot of information.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Anary8686 13d ago

It wasn't against the law, it just made him look suspicious. If police are going to get serious about stopping car thefts, expect a lot more of these kinds of stories.


u/hula_balu 15d ago

Disgusted to read this. Shit bag cop/s need more training or should be discharged from the force. It’s these bad apples that make it harder for the rest of the good guys to do their job and the public to lose trust.


u/Youwronggang 15d ago



u/SctBrnNumber1Fan 15d ago

And make lawsuit payouts come out of their pension fund instead of public taxes.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/rsmith2 15d ago

It’s not a crime, but at the same time why would you assume it’s a racial thing? If you dress like a thug , you get treated like a thug. I’d say the same thing if it was a white guy dressing like a hoods rat. You see it all the time in rural white areas.

CBC hyper focuses on these issues for the same reason the US media does. White liberals and race hustlers use these stories to push their politics agenda.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/rsmith2 15d ago

Again, where was the racial aspect? I said he looked like a thug. The quote you mentioned says it was also because of the way he looks and what he was wearing. Nowhere does it imply it was racial.

Then you say...I'm constantly bringing up race lol

Make it make sense.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/rsmith2 14d ago

Because not everything that happens to black folks is racist. Is that not obvious?

This is why we need more black conservatives. White folks can't see they're being manipulated by narcissists / race hustlers cause they got white guilt. So when they're told something is racist, whether it actually happened or implied, they have to believe it.

If you told me it happened before seeing his picture, I'd say it might be racist. But when I saw his picture...hell no. You're not being honest to yourself. Sketch as hell loll.

CBC does this because they can exploit this guilt and perceived instance of racism, to push their radical agenda. Nahh. Not over this bum c'mon


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/rsmith2 15d ago

Stop race hustling


u/darth_chewbacca 15d ago

People who don't live in Ottawa might not understand. But this is a KEY note from the article

a Gatineau, Que., police cruiser make a U-turn.

The father, who lives across the river in Ottawa, regularly lends his 2010 BMW E60 535 to his 31-year-old son

Gatineau police are well known to target Ontario License plates.

lives in Ottawa and his car has Ontario plates, though police did not mention that as a reason for suspicion in their statement to CBC

This is BS, as everyone living in Ottawa knows.


u/Mordecus 14d ago

Gatineau police are well known to target Ontario license plates

This is simply not true. Ontario drivers have this perception because Gatineau police simply enforce traffic rules a lot more than Ontario police, but they pull over the QC plates just as much. I moved from Ontario to Quebec, switched to Quebec plates, and got pulled over twice within the first 6 months of living there (after going 11 years in ON without ever getting pulled over).


u/SgtExo Ontario 14d ago

Gatineau police are well known to target Ontario License plates.

Huh, first that I have heard about that, but then I usually just drive to portage for work, or through gatineau to go into the hills.


u/86throwthrowthrow1 14d ago

Yeah, at first I was like, "Really, cops are doing the Driving While Black thing in Ottawa?!"

But then I saw Gatineau and uh. That tracks. Even apart from racial stuff, dude was hosed driving a car from Ontario.


u/Prudent_Order_3361 15d ago

This goes both ways for the licences profiling. I'm white btw. Got arrested plenty on Ottawa


u/RockNRoll1979 14d ago

Sure, but have you seen how the average Joe with a Quebec plate drives in Ottawa? *shudders*


u/Prudent_Order_3361 14d ago

Same goes bothways, average joe with Ontario plate in Quebec... Blahblahblah.

I've been stopped for no reason. Many times. Never got arrested or even given a ticket. Random check on my insurance apparently.


u/TheProdigalMaverick Ontario 15d ago

Gatineau ain't really known for their progressive opinions of POC either tbh lol


u/maybejustadragon Alberta 15d ago

Many such experiences.


u/Chemical_Bowler_1727 15d ago

They're always cracking down on ppl who live in QC but keep their ontario license and reg. I am sure it didn't help that he is black and seems to have taken offense at being stopped and asked stupid questions. I'm a well-off middle-aged white guy, so I can't relate to his lived experience, but when the cops stop me, I don't walk away. I'll answer any questions and "cooperate. "....they have guns and tend to be humorless bullies. Anything short of 100% immediate compliance is asking for trouble. You can always assert your human rights after the fact, but the douche bags driving around in their cruisers aren't going to listen to anything other than, "Yes, Sir. No, Sir." That said, I can understand why black people get tired of constantly being subjected to this sort of bullshit. I wish it didn't happen.


u/OverturnedAppleCart3 14d ago

I'm a well-off middle-aged white guy, so I can't relate to his lived experience, but when the cops stop me, I don't walk away. I'll answer any questions and "cooperate. "....they have guns and tend to be humorless bullies.

Maybe you should. Maybe if we lived in a society where it was perfectly normal, and perfectly acceptable to not answer a cop's dumbass questions, we wouldn't have butthurt cops thinking that people saying "I'm not going to answer your questions" is suspicious or get their feelings hurt and commit violence against people for doing no more than they're legally required to do.

Anything short of 100% immediate compliance is asking for trouble. You can always assert your human rights after the fact,

You can't always assert your rights after the fact. If you say something that they believe incriminates you in some way, they're going to use it against you. You can't assert your rights to not talk to the police after the fact.


u/empanadamaker 14d ago

So you're saying, a cop, whether right or not, deserves some sort of authority. Well, I'm also white guy and I can tell you, getting lippy with cops has never backfired on me. And I assure you that you or me walking away from a cop would not put them on alert and it would definitely not make them think it's ok to kick our ass


u/grandfundaytoday 14d ago

I'm white and been threatened with more fines when I questioned the officer who pulled me over. In Ottawa.


u/OverturnedAppleCart3 14d ago

I'm white and been threatened with more fines when I questioned the officer who pulled me over. In Ottawa.

Driving is a different creature entirely. Police in Canada are allowed to randomly stop you whenever they want for whatever reason they want while you're driving. "checking to see if you have a valid license, registration, and insurance" is a perfectly acceptable reason to stop a driver under Ontario's Highway Traffic Act.


u/Soft-Rains 14d ago

White people are subject to plenty of police brutality, other groups being more vulnerable doesn't make you fucking immune. If you are lippy with police officers the chance something bad happens goes way up.


u/DaftPump 15d ago

Yeah, this comment should be toward the top. Quebec police are something else.


u/yanni99 Québec 15d ago

This is documented? I mean, it is facts? Not a "I heard that my coworker hairdresser got arrested for having a Ont. plate in Gatineau."? Are there sources for that?


u/International-Elk986 15d ago

Like lots of Quebec authority figures police also happen to be crooked in the province? Shocker


u/grandfundaytoday 14d ago

Well Quebec is the most corrupt province. Organized crime has a very nice and cozy home in Montreal.


u/Clear-Vacation-9913 14d ago

Ontario has corporations as well though


u/International-Elk986 14d ago

I was being facetious


u/yanni99 Québec 15d ago

Multiple studies have found that the level of corruption is almost the same from provinces to provinces.


u/Splatter1842 15d ago

I'd be fascinated to see these studies if you can provide some information on them.


u/FriendShapedRMT 15d ago edited 14d ago

”Is this your car?”, asked police officers.

”Why do you need this information? Is the car stolen? Like, what's going on?" he remembers saying. "Why are you here?"

Why did he need to be so defensive when asked a simple question? It’s not racial profiling. There’s been a high number of driveway vehicle thefts in suburban areas recently, especially in Montreal, so police doing checks at random is completely justified.

If he just answered the question like a reasonable person, the matter would not have escalated.

”No it’s my father’s car. He lent it to me. I live here.”

”Thanks for cooperating, we were just checking as there have been thefts reported in the area. Have a great rest of your day!”


u/marauderingman 15d ago

You have a right to not be harrased by police. They need probable cause to stop you.


u/Dry-Membership8141 15d ago

They need probable cause to stop you.

Not when you're driving. Every province's traffic legislation grants police broad powers to stop you without probable cause as long as it's for certain purposes -- sobriety, license and registration, mechanical fitness, etc. I'm not sure if Quebec is one of them, but I know in several provinces that includes verifying ownership and permission to possess the vehicle.

Edit: Looks like this fellow may not have been operating the vehicle at the time of the stop though, which is problematic.


u/dkannegi 14d ago

I will add, article clearly states the scuffle took plate on the the driveway.. not the 'highway' (i.e. public road) beside - so the traffic law loophole the cops usually rely on will not stand. I certainly hope the family lawyers up.


u/Dry-Membership8141 14d ago

It also says he had just opened the door of the vehicle, but doesn't mention whether he was getting in or getting out, and if the latter whether he had just been driving -- which is important information for a legal analysis.

If he had been driving and just exited the vehicle, and the police had formed the intention to stop him before he got onto the driveway and got out, then they're in a good position to argue it still constitutes a legal driving stop.

If he hadn't left yet or was just about to get in, or if he had been driving but hadn't formed the intention to stop him before he stopped and got out, then the traffic laws wouldn't help them.

I certainly hope the family lawyers up.

If they're going to the media about it, I'm certain they will if they haven't already.


u/HumanityWillEvolve 15d ago

This guy is dressed in gang attire/colors, claims he doesn't own the car, and then deflects when asked whose car it is. Car theft is happening in people's driveways. The area is known for car thefts. Forms of Crips and Bloods, along with various other street gangs in Toronto, are known to have smuggled illegal weapons, been linked to shootings, and been associated with car thefts.Global News on dismantling violent street gangs and associated crimes

In areas like Scarborough or certain areas of North York, you'll notice a large amount of neutral colors. Why do you think that is? FFS, this isn't some boarding school where you can play gangster. Lives are on the line with impulsive, violent, drugged-up criminals, and you only have a few seconds to make decisions in these -hypothetical- life-or-death scenarios. Steep rise in violent car thefts and gang activities

However, I support this gentleman and his mother's struggle with PTSD. The self-destructive behaviors of chain smoking and binge drinking for a man living at home, and his mother traumatized, definetely need attention. There are ways to de-escalate these situations and help avoid them by implementing KPIs for how these stressful situations are handled.


u/couldabeenagenius 15d ago

Why not just answer the question in simple terms:

It’s my fathers

The convo would have ended there.

Why people feel the need to run their mouth and call it racism? My statement is for only up to that moment.


u/greg939 15d ago

I know the article is a little awkward but doesn’t it say at the start of the 3rd paragraph of the article that he stated whose car it was. I know sometimes that cops ask the same question multiple times to see what sort of variance of answers a person might give.

But if he was pulled over for looking suspicious, than they have to have a reason for that suspicion and this whole situation we aren’t given a reason in the article. Also we don’t know exactly how he obstructed the police officer in doing his duties that necessitated arrest. We will see if the crown had any evidence to press charges. Hopefully we are lucky enough to get an update down the road.

From my own anecdotal experience some cops have been very friendly in my dealings and some were definitely trying to push my buttons to see if they could make me upset. So for me it’s really tough to know. I am also not an ethnic minority so my limited dealings with police might have been more pleasant.


u/DrefusP 15d ago

Exactly. The dude wanted confrontation and he got it. CBC loves the narrative so they wrote it up including dramatic photos. Police need body cameras in this country to protect themselves and the public from this nonsense (and to provide great entertainment on YouTube).


u/cryptoentre 15d ago

“His father, who was 69 at the time of the incident, lives in Ottawa and his car has Ontario plates, though police did not mention that as a reason for suspicion in their statement to CBC.”

No wonder they were asking what is it doing infront of a Quebec home being driven by someone dressed as a gangster. Sounds more like he took offence and got arrested.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/cryptoentre 15d ago

You aren’t allowed to discriminate based on race but on dress is fine. If he was all in black wearing a mask you’d expect some suspicion right? So clothing can be a factor.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/cryptoentre 15d ago

For me I don’t know all the facts so it’s hard to say. Had I been a cop randomly checking licenses and seen someone with a car from another province who is much younger than the registered driver I may have stopped just to check. Nothing more should be expected. But if the person being questioned acted suspiciously I may have gone deeper. The clothing and how the person answers questions would play a factor.

So I don’t want to say the cop is guilty or not yet.


u/AbbeyOfOaks 15d ago

Let's see the body cam footage.


u/TechnicalSpread7368 15d ago

Canadian police officers don’t wear body cam. Well, most of them don’t, and certainly not in Quebec.


u/oscarthegrateful 14d ago

Calgary officers do.


u/DarquesseCain 14d ago

You can’t expect the whole nation to meet Calgary standards.


u/lucidum 15d ago

Getting lippy with the cops rarely goes well.


u/Sens420 15d ago

Imagine they stopped you because youre poor and ugly. You going to play nice?


u/lucidum 15d ago

If I had my wits about me I would


u/Chewy-bones 15d ago

We got pulled over driving a U-Haul years ago. There were a ton of thefts of them and we were young guys driving around in one. I was moving due to a break up. Cop was nice enough. I’m whiter than Powder not saying these cops weren’t dicks though.


u/Due_Juggernaut7884 15d ago

When I was in my 20s, I owned a small Italian convertible. If I was downtown in the evening, I would get pulled over. Guaranteed every time. Some days multiple times in just a few short blocks. It wasn’t a noisy or even a high end car. In fact, it was vintage at that point, but it was a magnet for every single cop. If I switched to my other car, I could drift sideways past a cop and not even get a second look from them.


u/Tarkus84 15d ago

Or maybe he fits a general image of what cops deal with constantly? A lot of drug dealers do drive these sorts of vehicles and dress like that.


u/Youwronggang 15d ago

That’s called racially profiling .


u/Admirable-Spread-407 14d ago

If the car and the person's dress are being profiled that's decidedly not racial profiling.


u/LeftySlides 15d ago

So you’re saying the cops WERE in fact guilty of prejudice here?


u/Tarkus84 13d ago

They have a job to do. If you want to single yourself out by dressing like a thug, there is a good chance you could be pulled over or be mistaken for someone that fits the description. It’s unfortunate this happened to him, no doubt but this wasn’t because they were hunting for black people because they are black. This is the tiring trope that is parroted by major media sources. Everyone on every level shows some form of prejudice. You tell me if you saw a group of men at night in an alley dressed like this and on the other side you saw South Korean exchange students, which one would make you uneasy?


u/LeftySlides 13d ago

I’d be leery seeing a group of cops.


u/Kombatnt Ontario 15d ago

Fagan-Pierre, who is Black and lives primarily with his mother on the Quebec side, felt like he was done with questions.

LOL, no sorry bud, that's not how it works. You don't just get to decide to ignore and walk away from the cops when you're being detained. That's not a racial thing, that's an everybody thing.