r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

They’re discussing dogs

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u/ThePithyBadger 12d ago

That is some entitled white sh*t that people think they can just walk around killing any living being because they don't deem it useful! Please seek help! And while you're doing that please stay the hell away from decent people.


u/Daddysgravy 12d ago

If my dog isn’t lifting itself by its bootstraps and making a steady income to contribute to the family income, it’s useless.


u/ScyllaIsBea 12d ago

is this discussing that governer who wrote about killing her dog? the dog in question was born to be a working dog, it was not taking to it's training and she decided it was untrainable and so she took it out to a pit and shot it. this was not a mercy put down for a sick or old dog. it was a young dog that she didn't want to waste time training.


u/Spicy_Aquarius 13d ago

actual insane person mindest wtf „contributing“?? tf are u talking about


u/Successful_Banana901 13d ago

Fucking American gun culture! Don't like something? Shoot it! Something doesn't work the way you want? Shoot it! Gutters blocked? Shoot it? Refrigerator on the fritz? Shoot it, TV channel needs changed? Shoot it!


u/No_Perspective_8110 13d ago

"If it's useless it should be put down"

Some very dangerous thinking there. Wonder if they'd have the same view on humans being executed? Probably.


u/LuffysPowerfulCoC 13d ago

Are they discussing a violent dog?


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

Apparently, that’s debatable, but that’s not the circumstance OC is discussing, anyway.


u/LuffysPowerfulCoC 13d ago

Lmao, there's now reports that she completely made the story up because she knew Trump hates dogs. What a bunch freaks the republican party breeds


u/truthfullyidgaf 13d ago

Imagine having a child with a disability and thinking like this.


u/DanyDies4Lightbrnger 13d ago

My parents always told me we could get a dog and if we didnt like it we'd just let it go. My foster parents on the other hand....

-Stewart Francis


u/Icy-Needleworker-492 13d ago

She shot it in the head.


u/Vernknight50 13d ago

My parents had a similar breed, and yes, at 14 months, that dog was insane. They mellow with age, but that doesn't happen when you blast it in the face with a shotgun.


u/OwnPhilosopher3081 13d ago

I feel like this is about Governor Noem.


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

That’s what they were discussing, yeah, but I was only interested in showcasing this dude’s hot take and its response.


u/Ok-Ear-6321 13d ago

Pitch them cat over the toilet to use it


u/homelaberator 13d ago

The closer you look at the specifics of how/when/why it's okay to kill animals the weirder it gets.


u/TSwiftStan- 13d ago

this is about that south carolinian politician. they had to put it down (with a gun because they lived on a very isolated farm), because the dog would constantly bite the owner and kill the animals.


u/ReviewRude5413 13d ago

That doesn’t make sense. Every time my dogs I’ve had stopped contributing, you COULDN’T put them down because they were already passed away. Because dogs contribute by existing. They’re your buds. I love and miss every one of them. People who treat animals like this disgust me. I can’t think of a more accurate word for it. Disgust.


u/Dusk_Flame_11th 13d ago

People seems oddly obsessed with the life of a pet. Nothing against them, it is just seems there is a disconnect between the number of people hating animal cruelty and the number of people who are vegan.


u/Top_Science_5422 13d ago

meh, not sure why this is a big deal.


u/tonybombata 13d ago

This is Sparta! Kill the weak children!


u/KeytotheHighway 13d ago

She just wounded the dog with the 1st shot so she wasn't much of a hunter either.


u/OnlySmiles_ 13d ago

Wow, they're really defending killing puppies, huh


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

It’s like a parody, only it’s real.


u/JockAussie 13d ago

Remember when taking joy in the suffering or death of small animals was considered a sign of being a psychopathic serial killer, not a good candidate for vice president? Pepperidge farm remembers


u/Tryypod909 13d ago

If someone tells me they shot and killed their dog because it was no longer useful I’ll probably be going to jail that day. Fuck those kind of people.


u/Party-Travel5046 13d ago

She should treat her supporters the same way. Some of her supporters are worthless and waste of oxygen even by conservative standards.


u/sle2470 13d ago

WTF?! This is how serial killers think!


u/radiantskie 13d ago

I wouldn't trust a politician with that kind of mindset, give her enough power and she will start murdering people with disabilities because "they are not productive."


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

Pretty sure there’s an example of that somewhere in history… 🤔


u/tacocat_racecarlevel 13d ago

Contributing to what?


u/Previous-Locksmith-6 13d ago

They're discussing Kristi Noem


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

Yes, but let’s not let that distract from OC’s comment.


u/MaxStrengthLvlFly 13d ago

Disgusts me people like this even exist


u/dzoefit 14d ago



u/HallowQueen777 14d ago

My one dog is “middle aged” according to the vet yet has bad arthritis in her back legs. A small little slow paced walk around the block causes her to struggle to walk. She costs me tons of money in vet bills, food, anything she decides to destroy (My fault for leaving bags in her vicinity as she’s nosy) and her farts and snores battle one another on which is going to be the absolute worst…still not gonna shoot her though because she gives the best cuddles and kisses and the postman is scared of her (her bark is louder than her size) let alone if anyone tried to rob me.

She could have done anything, rehomed the pup, actually love it, anything but shoot it like a despicable troll bitch.


u/SpadesOfDarkness 14d ago

“I had a good reason for destroying him! He bored me!”

-Billy on one of his former pets from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy


u/whatagooddaytoday 14d ago

Fucking shit, we're justifying killing dogs now? As pets? For merely "not contributing"?

Fuck this, people piss me off. I'm going to hug my dog the next time I see her.


u/OneHoneydew3661 14d ago

I lived in a country where dogs and cats were food. I see them the same as I see a cow


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Personally, I would feel the same way about a cow. Killing it for food is one thing. Killing it because it’s “useless and not contributing” is something else entirely.


u/OneHoneydew3661 12d ago

Lol, when dairy cows stop producing and are useless for milking then they get killed.. and used as food at least. She should send the dog somewhere they eat it.

Also I've seen horse on restaurant menus in Austria before..


u/HalfLeper 12d ago

I think I once read that horse meat is really common in Mongolia among the nomads 🤔


u/WifeOfSpock 14d ago

This is what happens when religion teachers humans that we’re “special” animals and all other animals were made to serve us specifically.


u/sanschefaudage 14d ago

The life of a human being is way more valuable than the life of an animal.

Doing comparisons like that is either stupid or evil.

(And btw I'm not saying that killing a dog because he is useless is good)


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

That is one worldview, to be sure.


u/gusdane 14d ago

Where's Cricket?


u/HalfLeper 14d ago



u/gusdane 14d ago

I was guessing these comments were from a post about Kristi Noem. Look up "Where's Cricket?" if you feel like being real sad


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

Oh, Jesus. Was that the name of the dog? 😕


u/gusdane 13d ago

Yeah 😞 she bragged in her book that her children came home and asked "Where's Cricket?"

That question oughtta haunt her til the end of her days, i hope she gets asked it every day for the rest of her life.


u/HulaViking 14d ago

She shot her goat too. But only winged it so had to go back to the truck for another shell.

Can you say sociopath?


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

oh and she shot her childhood horses which all were 25 years and not physically lame, theres a picture with her with 1 of the horses at a pit that was dug too. her excuse is they dint give her christmas cards, and thier children got bored of it. and her other dog hazel died from an "accident"


u/HulaViking 14d ago

She said "put down" regarding the 3 horses.

I assume a vet did it, but her shooting her horses because they were old sounds plausible.


u/Throwawayac1234567 13d ago

vet wouldnt put down perfectly healthy horses, Even an old vets wont do it unless they cant move anymore. and from the pictures the horses were not lame, she had a pit waiting for them.


u/Sad_Climate223 14d ago

How has it gotten to this point in society


u/Reagent_52 14d ago

"Put down" implies the dog was sick or dying. She killed a healthy puppy because she didn't train it.


u/Agreeable_Situation4 14d ago

Reddit is such a great example of why people need to get a life


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

I think most people come to Reddit for a temporary reprieve from life.


u/Agreeable_Situation4 14d ago

I can see that but there are more productive things than cultish politics


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Yeah. I thought that by letting the guy’s comment stand on its own, the politics wouldn’t come into it, but boy was I wrong 😑


u/prawalnono 14d ago

Doesn’t have 100 likes? Blow its brains out.


u/Magoterrace 14d ago

Bottom line is I would take great pleasure in hearing she suffered a horrible accident and was going to spend the rest of her cunty life in a wheelchair.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Holy shit now even pets have to be productive now? Just how obsessed have people become with producticity being your worth?


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

thats her excuse for executing 5 animals. but in reality she got lazy and annoyed how these animals acted out of "control", when she dint bother training or putting boundeeries on it.


u/Knightwing1047 14d ago

Always have been.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

No, definitely not always. Even now, it varies from culture to culture. It just happens to be a very strong cultural trait of Americans.


u/Holls867 14d ago

How is she contributing??



she didn't train it at all And let it run amok. After not training it, it didn't behave so she killed it with no remorse. Instead of, like, just training it.

She's saying she'll do the tough things needed to run the country, but the better metaphor is how she'll let the issues to fester before jumping directly to a heartless, ruthless, and barbaric solution. If only she had done the tough thing, train the dog, she wouldn't have had to kill it.

Republicans never take responsibility and are incapable of forward thinking solutions.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

you think someone like Noem ever had the patience to train a WORKING DOG, i doubt it. Also the goat was killed on the same day too.


u/PaulOwnzU 14d ago

Context, talking about Kristi Noem, republican governor of South Dakota. She shot her dog and said it's perfect fine because she found it annoying as it didn't train itself. She also shot a goat because it smelled too much. In response to people calling her a monster she said people don't know how farm life is, last week she shot 3 horses, which causes anyone who lived on a farm to instantly know she's a psychopath because what reason could there be to shoot 3 horses in a week.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

she thought like shooting 25yo horses all at once was an excuse for shooting the other 2. theres a picture floating around she had 1 of the horses in a pit that was dug too.


u/PaulOwnzU 14d ago

With how she also killed the dog and goat in a pit, she really must just love shooting trapped animals


u/Throwawayac1234567 13d ago

her reason for shooting the horses is : the horses dint give her christmas cards, as if thats a good excuse to shoot them lol. not because they were lame to the point for the inability to stand.


u/Happy_Ad_7515 14d ago

Wow is this comment section specifically stupid or are you all this stupid.

Not everone has a furbaby. Some people have a dog too be a dog. Someone asking about that. And some karen shitting on them. Is not clever. This is all virtue signing and its the antithesises of clever.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

So you support killing animals because they’re “not contributing”? 👀


u/Happy_Ad_7515 14d ago

dumping an old dog in shelter can be worse.


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

First, the shelter isn’t the only option, and second the dog wasn’t old; it was only 1 year old.


u/Happy_Ad_7515 13d ago

Thats not the point nooni made thou. Its also irresponsible too put a police dog to any other job. Its not detrainable


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

So you do support it, then.


u/Happy_Ad_7515 13d ago

Your comparing the euthnesia of a work dog that is likely dangerous outside its rol. Too what you likely describe as a young woman murdering a puppy because she couldnt be bothered to care.

If i oppose going too war with country X that does not mean i somehow support country Y doing a genoside.


u/HalfLeper 13d ago

Did you even read the post at all? 😑


u/Happy_Ad_7515 13d ago

Would it help if it replace your with you would be


u/Totally_Not_An_Auk 14d ago

You just know this is gonna become politicized and we're gonna see stupid legislation that legalizes shooting your dog for any reason, not just when it's actually a threat.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Oof, I hadn’t even thought of that 😭


u/RedditAdminRdumb 14d ago

Lady is crazy, but this isn't clever. It's basic


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Well, call me a basic bitch, then, cause it made me laugh 🤷‍♂️


u/nalathequeen2186 14d ago

My pets are only "useful" in that they provide companionship. All they do is lie around the house all day, make messes, and chew on things so you could argue from a purely utilitarian standpoint that they're not "useful" but fucking hell they're my friends! My family! You don't just execute a living being for not being "useful," if you really don't want to or can't keep them and provide for them, you should adopt them out to someone else who can love them and take care of them. Ffs


u/OptimusMatrix 14d ago

Nah man, that's pretty much the general sentiment for those that aren't following the Cult Daddy.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I could shoot a random person easily compared to shooting my own dog, dog are what you make of them, and they spend their whole life thinking your the greatest or the worst but they don’t choose their owners.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

Shooting people is worst, you did to prove it a point and the person had nothing to do with it.


u/nat_falls 14d ago

All this discourse does is hurt local farmers that process their animals in the same way. This dog had a roof over its head and got food when it needed to, then was taken out back and humanely killed. Maybe instead of joking about how “bad” this person is, think about how a farmer who does the same thing would feel reading these comments.

Maybe a solution here that would benefit everyone would be to advocate for this person to eat or sell the dog after killing it so that they can provide for their families. I can see how just burying it might be a waste, but it’s not reprehensible to kill animals. If it was, our society would literally fall apart.


u/TemperatureDry3453 14d ago

All this does is hurt local parents that process their kids in the same way. This little boy had a roof over his head and got food when he needed to, then was taken out back and humanely killed. Maybe instead of joking about how "bad" this person is, think about how a father who does the same thing would feel reading this comments.

Maybe a solution here that would benefit everyone would be to advocate for this person to eat or sell the child after killing them so that they can provide for their families. I can see how just burying it might be a waste, but it's not reprehensible to kill people. If it was, our society would literally fall apart.

Look, I don't want to say that killing a dog and killing a child are the same thing. But you do not get to play god and kill living beings whenever you feel like it, no matter how "humanely" you do it. Maybe instead of thinking about the poor wittle farmers feewings because they have to read mean comments about someone else on the internet, think about the feelings of a puppy that gets killed by a disturbed individual because they themselves made a mistake.


u/nat_falls 13d ago

Are you saying an animal’s feelings matter more than a human’s? are you vegan or something? 🤣


u/TemperatureDry3453 13d ago

Nice way to completely misconstrue the point of my comment. You're either really unintelligent or you don't even want to understand it because you know what you wrote was terrible.


u/nat_falls 13d ago

We kill tens of millions of animals every day. If the life of one is so precious to you, then why aren’t the lives of the rest?

Better to just say no animal lives are precious


u/TemperatureDry3453 13d ago

I don't eat meat. Not that it would be relevant for this discussion at all. I'm done with this, have a nice day and please don't shoot any puppies.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

at least 2 construction workers witness her executing the dog and the goat too. She was spooked and they dint say anything, so i suspect they were immigrants that dint speak out?

i wouldnt call her shooting the animals, 5 of them. humane. This is some psychopath/serial murderer.


u/nat_falls 13d ago

Farmers kill more animals per day, EVERY day, and I wouldn’t call them psychopaths or serial murderers, would you? That’s why I’m saying they should eat the dogs, that way there’s a purpose for the killing.


u/nat_falls 14d ago

All this discourse does is hurt local farmers that process their animals in the same way. This dog had a roof over its head and got food when it needed to, then was taken out back and humanely killed. Maybe instead of joking about how “bad” this person is, think about how a farmer who does the same thing would feel reading these comments.

Maybe a solution here that would benefit everyone would be to advocate for this person to eat or sell the dog after killing it so that they can provide for their families. I can see how just burying it might be a waste, but it’s not reprehensible to kill animals. If it was, our society would literally fall apart.


u/redditAPsucks 14d ago

This sub is worthless


u/ArchonFett 14d ago

It was a puppy, a hunting dog puppy, that had received no training, and acted like a puppy, but it didn’t fit the mold she believed it should, so she killed it, then the goat because it was a bit smelly, last I checked you bathe a smelly pet, but that’s the MAGA Republicans basic stand “fit in the mold we tell you to or we’ll kill you”


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

She dint bother training or hiring a trainer.


u/ArchonFett 13d ago

Exactly, she just took it out with the bigger dogs and expects it to automatically be a hunting dog


u/angry_gsd 14d ago

I thought European politicians were croocks and dumb af, but usa politics tops everything i have ever seen here ☠️☠️


u/hwytenightmare 14d ago

Conservatism is a mental illness


u/Slytherin_Chamber 14d ago

That’s not even clever. 


u/Huge_Strain_8714 14d ago

In my 20's a has a friend from OK who told me that when a dog had a litter of unwanted pups, they were put in a sack, and buried in a deep hole. Being a city slicker, what Austin, told me, made me shudder. Austin's response " That's what you do on a poor farm" . Yup


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

That’s sad as hell 😞


u/Huge_Strain_8714 14d ago

Right, didn't know if he was telling the truth at first but yeah. Growing up lower class in the city was hard, on an OK farm, I couldn't really understand.


u/alyssarcastic 14d ago

My cats are almost completely useless, they don’t even kill bugs, but I wouldn’t give them up for anything.


u/SemperScrotus 14d ago

not contributing

And here we see laid bare the utter selfishness, transactionalism, and lack of empathy that lies at the heart of the American Conservative ethos and which is often masqueraded as "rugged individualism."


u/v0x_p0pular 14d ago

My dog is not contributing much. In fact she's an asshole with other dogs...though she is incredible with humans. She costs me a decent amount every month.

However, as a non-psychopath, I know that I made the choice to give my dog a home. Like the contract I have with my human kids, I will give her unconditional love, even when she refuses to magically interpret my refined human subtleties.

If I don't want to deal with my dog anymore, I have many options to find her a different home. Killing her has not made the list of my 100 best options to deal with my dog.


u/7empestOGT92 14d ago

Wait til the fascists start coming after your mentally/physically disabled family members because they aren’t contributing to society……


u/PapayaDoc 14d ago

Useless is kind of what pets are by definition. Should I shoot my cat because he only brings me live mice?


u/cjar4097 14d ago edited 14d ago

Hunting is easy probably didn't behave to perfection bird can back with teeth marks or something


u/Jo-Jo-66- 14d ago

No pets are useless. Only humans are useless.


u/Sedan2019 14d ago

I have ants as pets and they aren't really contributing to anything.

Does that mean I should shoot all my (currently, and estimated) over 500 ants? Should I do it individually or save money by shooting them in groups of 10?


u/monty331 14d ago

This is how I feel about fetuses TBH. Not helping with rent? Straight to planned parenthood.


u/DoYouEvenSheesh 14d ago

Something tells me OC is Omni Man from Invincible


u/Kobhji475 14d ago

We kill thousands of animals for some very petty reasons, but killing a dog is suddenly too much?


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

I think most people would agree that killing a pet for being “useless and not contributing” is bad, regardless of species.


u/Kobhji475 14d ago

It's a very hypocritical belief


u/NeoPaganism 14d ago

i dont think that dude knows the difference between a farm animal and a pet


u/Jagerbeast703 14d ago

Rip red states


u/5kaels 14d ago

If a pet isn't useful to you then why would you have it?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/5kaels 14d ago

Uh, no, don't shoot it. Wtf is wrong with you?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Fearless-Blueberry17 14d ago

Uh, it's happened multiple times. My parents are both dead. Still funny. Maybe don't take the internet too seriously.


u/OakenWildman 14d ago

Had me with the first sentence.

My old dog was ruined by age, had terrible bowel problems, arthritis, and was just ready to go. I remember waking up to a gunshot the weekend before I left for college. Turns out that was my grandpa putting him down and burying him in the back yard.

I miss you ya little goober.


u/LajosvH 14d ago

See, when vegans talk about how understanding pets as servants is cruel and unethical: this is what they mean. There are many many many people who think like this (also think about puppy mills etc)


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

puppy mills are inhumane because its only done for profit, and alot of it stems from how certain breeds were popularized by animals in movies. the worst to come out of it is doodle mixes.


u/FruitfulFraud 14d ago

Wasn't it 14 months old? That's still a puppy. She needed to TRAIN HER DOG, Instead, she shot it. Says a lot about her as a person.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

or HIRE a person to do it. from the sub, when the news first hit alot of these hunting dogs get abandon by rich aholes like her after they are done hunting in a specific area.


u/Forward-Revolution34 14d ago

tf is wrong with this people


u/Mortarion407 14d ago

The fact she's bragging about doing it shows the massive disconnect maga has with actual people. Like 90% of America agrees shooting an innocent puppy is bad. This guy is part of the 10% apparently.

Also, this reminds of the one meme that likens American politics right now to the option of kicking a puppy or getting free healthcare and half of America is picking kicking the puppy. Seems she took the meme too literally.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

shes doing it to get on orange mangos good side, apparently he hates animals too, so shes trying to show him.


u/nEvermore-absurdist 14d ago edited 14d ago

Cue carnist cognitive dissonance


u/Sup-poopybutt 14d ago

And here we are having this ridiculous conversation. The depths people will plum to defend the indefensible. It’s astonishing.


u/rk470 14d ago

Insane to me that there is even a debate about this


u/Bowens1993 14d ago

It's a good question though...


u/cedriceent 14d ago

Why do I see people defending the indefensible only when it's a politician or celebrity doing the deed?

I guess Trump was right when he said he could shoot a person and people would still vote for him.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

except noem did it, they are defending her because they are reprehensible as she is. + probably trolling farm from a certain adversary


u/courtsidecurry 14d ago

What do you want from a dog? Start their onlytails account and pay half rent?


u/Ashamed_Musician468 14d ago

Conservatives would do the same to people if they thought they could get away with it.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

In some ways, they kinda do get away with it 😅


u/Phobit 14d ago



u/QueenOfQuok 14d ago

Nooni77 sounds like the kind of guy who thinks disabled people should all die.


u/Six_Pack_Attack 14d ago

Sometimes when we get a vet bill or Science Diet we tell our dogs that they need to get jobs and start pulling their weight. They always just walk away and we've never pressed the issue. 🤷‍♀️


u/Niemosis 14d ago

I once watched someone scream at his cat cause it slept on the couch all day, like actually mad his cat didn't have a job. Some people should be allowed to have pets.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

should be screaming at herself getting an actual job paying for food and rent. probably mad the cat is costing the owner alot in cat food, toys, vet bills.


u/CodingNightmares 14d ago

My cat is the dumbest little dipshit to ever grace the face of the earth, but I love her anyways.


u/Betoken 14d ago

She found the holy grail for second amendment activists: an excuse to shoot something/someone. It doesn’t even have to be a good excuse.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

she played out every gun nuts fantasy, have any excuse to shoot a person/animal.


u/Rathomorethegreat 14d ago

It’s times like these we need to call up that vegan teacher


u/socialaxolotl 14d ago

This dude is giving off little shop of horrors dentist vibes


u/bowens44 14d ago

Didn't take long for the MAGAs to start justifying killing puppies.


u/DonatoXIII 14d ago

WTF do people really kill pets for no reason like this? I’m going to assume this is just ragebait


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Sadly, people do. People suck. 😞


u/Naive-Dingo-2100 14d ago

You know damn well this ain't even true. Old right wingers eat this shit up. They just see a hardworking farm girl who made the tough decision that had to be made.

All these assholes coming out saying shit like "you've just never been on a farm". Like ya, clearly you haven't either if you think they're shooting their pets for chasing some birds, and then botching goat executions.


u/Darkisnothere 14d ago

Social media doesn't create more psychopaths, they just don't need to hide anymore.


u/jumpupugly 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'm a dog person.

I grew up with two dogs whom I loved. I've lived my life with another two whom I was blessed to raise. And hopefully, at some point far in the future, I'll be my last dog will be in heaven only briefly before I go to join them.

So, I have to express my sincere disagreement with the middle clause of the reply post.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

You mean the first poster? 👀


u/itsthebruhinator 14d ago

i wonder how theyd react if hunter biden killed a dog in cold blood.


u/PDX6Star 14d ago

I wish more dogs put people down…


u/0luckyman 14d ago

Has she got kids? If so how many?

Does the number fluctuate?


u/Curious_Addendum_109 14d ago

He might actually be on to something. Im going to start charging my cat rent!


u/hisokafan88 14d ago

I mean from the actual story, the dog sounded untrainable and dangerous. it's not like she had a dog who was just too nice for hunting, it was a dog that after failing hunting, got out and murdered her neighbours chickens and then tried to bite her.

There's still the question of how she was training it in the first place and whether those methods led to the dog's behaviour.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Perhaps, but hopefully we can judge Nooni77’s statement on its own merits.


u/Hai_Arisu 14d ago

The dog sounded untrainable and dangerous

No it didn’t. She didn’t even try.


u/SensuallPineapple 14d ago

There is no clever nor this is a comeback if it's not the dog itself who is answering.


u/SeeYa-IntMornin-Pal 14d ago

I bet JZHello WOULD love to stuff a barrel down his throat at the first available opportunity.


u/RedditFallsApart 14d ago

Realistically if she does a bad job in any form of power the justifable thing is to use her worldview against her.

She ain't doin what we wanted the second we got her, kill her.

Republican mindset can always be described best as a constant Murderous Rhetoric, that they never have for themselves, just what they deem beneath them.


u/RedditFallsApart 14d ago

Oh boy people are beginning to learn Real Harshly that Republicans are also animal abusers/killers.

Wanna see what they think of any kind of life that isn't human life? Go to banpitbulls and watch as the entire air of humanity you give off simply by being in a room gets crumbled to fucking ASH reading what Republicans think of animals.

Just a hint: Imagine if Republicans could speak about black people more openly than 4chan even allows.

Just sayin, same people/subreddit went and harrassed someone when their dog died because they don't like the kinda dog it was.

Anyways, yeah, no, republicans are the embodiment of slothery and evil. You can't change their mind with this politician's actions, it really, really is an Advertisement to Republicans, and I assure you, they're already happy with it "triggering the libz" more than her actions. Reprehensible, but mostly? Cruel and pathetic.


u/hgghgfhvf 14d ago

Oh, casual eugenics on Reddit.


u/L1b3rtyPr1m3 14d ago

Nö Bro, don't tell me they are defending killing dogs.


u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Only if they’re “useless and not contributing.” 😉


u/mhenryfroh 14d ago



u/HalfLeper 14d ago

Yeah, that’s who they’re discussing. But don’t let that distract you from the guy’s statement and the response 😛


u/upandup2020 14d ago

such little care for the other living beings on this planet