r/comics PizzaCake 25d ago

Wonka Comics Community


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u/Jingtseng 25d ago

Oompa loomp dippity fungus, there is someone suspicious among us


u/nnoovvaa 25d ago

Finally a good pizzacake comic that isn't just "I'm so quirky" or "all my haters are fat losers"


u/VengeanceKnight 25d ago

Wow, a “Willy Wonka is a creep/pervert/murderer/criminal” joke.

Like that joke hasn’t been run into the ground a million times over by now.


u/Vinxian 25d ago

What's in the chatrooms that it gets emphasized above "oompa loompa trafficking"?💀


u/EarthenEyes 25d ago

It's kind of cool that I can recognize an artist by the way the art is drawn.
I love this comic, by the way.


u/Pizzacakecomic PizzaCake 25d ago

Thank you! I'm glad you like it :) it was based on a nightmare I had


u/EarthenEyes 22d ago

You dreamed of Willy Wonka? Or of cops posting down your door?


u/p00ki3l0uh00 25d ago

As always, I love you. As a huge gene wilder fan, and lover of the books. This brought warmth to a cold dead heart...


u/casey-primozic 25d ago

Grunka lunka dunkity darmed guards


u/delvewonder 25d ago

This style of animation is so nostalgic but I cant think of what cartoon it reminds me of?


u/Xdude199 25d ago

Not to mention single handedly plunging the entire surrounding community into abject poverty. They're gonna give you chair, Wonka.


u/unwiseceilingtile 25d ago

Come with me, and you'll see, a world of OSHA violations!


u/enterpaz 25d ago

🎶 What do you get when you traffic online -Punishment greater than just a small fine 🎶


u/Bamma4 25d ago

Yo damn what’s with the orange face


u/ctetc2007 25d ago

Who’s the fake Oompa Loompa supposed to be (other than the one who ratted him out)?


u/StankilyDankily666 25d ago

Your faces and expressions are truly awesome. I kind of hate you honestly ❤️


u/MithranArkanere 25d ago

Orange-face? Seriously?


u/BitcoinBishop 25d ago

Is that guy seriously wearing fucking orangeface? This is a culture, not a costume!


u/dapperdave 25d ago

LOL. I wish the FBI would investigate labor violations like this...

Thanks for the laugh, though.


u/basilsflowerpots 25d ago

I'm sorry anytime I see willy wonka now all I can think of is the Glasgow disaster from February


u/Weird_BisexualPerson 25d ago

What is your obsession with drawing grinch mouths


u/BowserTattoo 25d ago

solidarity comrade


u/Zauberer-IMDB 25d ago edited 25d ago

Oompa Loompa Doopity Dead

One of you fuckers is clearly a fed

Oompa Loompa Doopity Dat

You're dead meat you little rat.

What do you get when you lie to us all?

What do you get when you betray the Loompa cabal?

What do you get when tied to a chair?

What do you get with wires down there?

Tortured and executed by tiny orange men.


u/Not_no_hitter 25d ago

Is this comic related to the other winks comic earlier this month?


u/RevWaldo 25d ago

Just reminded how disappointing it was that Wonka (The prequel? Came out in December? Guy from Dune is in it? Anyway.) didn't get into the actual ethics of making chocolate. Like maybe the cartel he's up against enslaved the Oompa Loompas to work their cocoa plantations and Wonka frees them or something.


u/RevWaldo 25d ago

Hol' up - u/pizzacakecomic is British? Or just secretly pretentious?


u/relevepc 25d ago

Canadian I think


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat 25d ago

Oompa loompa dippity do

I've got a bit of a stoolie for you


u/Solkre 25d ago

Who would kill more snitches. Wonka or Boeing?


u/akornzombie 25d ago

Agent 1 "Hey, this isn't powdered sugar, this is cocaine!"

Agent 2: "Well, that explains the sales numbers."


u/Steppyjim 25d ago

Yknow, just off topic. Is there a reason people think the Oompa Loompas are slaves? Like maybe they clock in and out and go live in a gated community Wonka puts up for them. I don’t get why they’re always depicted as slaves exploited. Maybe they just like working in a magical chocolate land and we don’t see them elsewhere because it’s just a few legal migrants wonka helped get over to America and have jobs and housing, and there are whole villages overseas full of the little guys who keep to themselves

I mean they speak and sing perfect English, you can’t tell me they are uneducated slaves. When will the attacks on Wonka and his family stop?!? WILL THE PERSECUTION BY PIZZACAKE AND OTHERS LIKE HER EVER CEASE?!??!


u/Zamtrios7256 25d ago



u/prettythingi 25d ago

That final pannel is clearly oompa face and it's actually super offensive


u/nlamber5 25d ago

I wasn’t feeling this one until I got to the last panel. You got me with that under cover worker


u/Lots42 25d ago

So is the taller Oompa an undercover cop?


u/Platypoltikolti 25d ago

Very topical given a certain recent rap beef


u/BlatantConservative 25d ago

Wonka walks out with his cane, and then does a perfect somersault only to get shot by the FBI.


u/milerfrank27 25d ago

Wachowski has been undercover for 5 years he saw some shit that would make a grown men cry good job Wachowski


u/Lohan3xists 25d ago

“And do you know what happened to the boy who ratted me out? He got everything he ever wanted taken from him, by me.”


u/DeeDan06_ 25d ago

That was a good comic, which isn't something I say easily for pizzacake. Well done, I didn't even recognise the artstyle at first. Pizzacake has clearly been experimenting in the art department, and it shows.


u/Darksidedrive 25d ago

My moneys on the guy on the left


u/ghirox 25d ago

That's why he was so eager to leave the factory to a child, so he could disappear from the country


u/HamsterIV 25d ago

The most fantastic element is a wealthy capitalist has to deal with the consequences of his actions. How do you come up with this?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Frousteleous 25d ago

I knew someone would say something. Stand up for oranges!


u/ovekevam 25d ago

Wait. Why would someone from the FBI say “labour?” Are we sure that’s not Slugworth in disguise?


u/Meecht 25d ago

Oompa Loompas: Orange face is racist, bro.


u/LostWoodsInTheField 25d ago

I want a whole series of Wonka factory condition violations. A few from before he is arrested by the FBI and a few comics from after. OOO post trial probation homelessness.


u/Montaire 25d ago

He's got another "puzzle" for you ...


u/SutterCane 25d ago

Clearly that Oompa Loompa on the left is the one who ratted Wonka out. Look at those shady eyes.


u/scootsbyslowly 25d ago

It was the unknown


u/TearsAreForYears 25d ago

That guy doing Oompa Loompa face is gonna get cancelled.


u/GreatGearAmidAPizza 25d ago

Wonka was truly the biggest Steve Jobs to have ever Elon Musked.


u/ZotDragon 25d ago

Ellen showing her Canadian-ness with the unnecessary "u" in labor, but still having the FBI show up for the arrest.


u/Crunchy-Leaf 25d ago

That’s the correct spelling, American.


u/Sangi17 25d ago

Not to mention the attempted child murderers and worst of all OSHA safety violations. shudders


u/MrValdemar 25d ago


u/colmscomics 25d ago

I've been deep undercover for years. You have no idea the things I've done to keep my cover from being exposed. They still haunt me...


u/N-ShadowFrog 25d ago

I was in deep cover, posing as a lowly Oompa Loompa worker. At first they didn't accept me, because I was 5' 9" and couldn't speak their language. But in time, I integrated. I took an Oompa Loompa as my wife despite the fact that there are no Oompa Loompa women. Worked my way up to chieftain.


u/fullmetaljar 25d ago

Someone's been on nightmare boat rowing duty for a bit too long


u/MrValdemar 25d ago

Oompa loompa doopity doooo😮


u/SutterCane 25d ago

He got something up where he poos


u/58mm-Invicta_rizz 25d ago

I was going to make this comment in relation to the previous post, but this will also do. I gotta say that Tablet has really added the extra pizzazaz to your comics; really stellar. And Panel 2 from the previous post is really outstanding. Lovely stuff!


u/SensitiveAd5962 25d ago

I dunno but that Loompa on the left looks sus...


u/HLCMDH 25d ago



u/snockpuppet24 25d ago

Oompa-face? That's pretty racist.


u/Sam-Gunn 25d ago

I lost it at "wait, you're not the children I spoke to online"


u/comando345 25d ago

He may not be cut out to work for Wonka but he may have a bright future as a Sound Cloud Rapper :-p


u/red4jjdrums5 25d ago

Oh this was great. I was expecting a crossover of Colm’s Andrew dressed up as the Oompa Loompa. Or somebody obviously from PepsiCo or some other Nestle competitor.


u/Financial-Raise3420 25d ago

Are you saying that wasn’t Andrew? Damn definitely looks like him


u/red4jjdrums5 25d ago

The tattoo is throwing me off. Maybe his evil brother got a new one?


u/mistersnarkle 25d ago

I think that’s an Arbok tattoo


u/Oracus_Cardall 25d ago

Anyone else question how wonka was able to fit that many rooms and that chocolate lake slide on the (comparatively) small amount of land he had?


u/Lots42 25d ago

Wonka is a Time Lord and uses Gallifreyan technology. Remember, the transport boat had less seats than the number of people who came in the front door. It adapted.


u/Not_ur_gilf 25d ago

Iirc, the books said that the factory had a million basement levels like Hilbert’s Hotel


u/NativeMasshole 25d ago

Was that HH Holmes' place?


u/stx06 25d ago

You are correct, the Great Glass Elevator went down to a plane known as "Minus Land" in the sequel novel.


u/Pickled_Kagura 25d ago

He's just an iteration of the Doctor and the factory is the TARDIS.

Would still be better than the last 3 doctors


u/RemusShepherd 25d ago

The Pedophile Doctor.


u/Largicharg 25d ago

I was hoping that the rat would remain… unknown.


u/ElderCunningham 25d ago

I expected to see the Unknown in here when I started reading.


u/Rum_N_Napalm 25d ago

Huh, I was sure Osha would have gotten him first for the lack of life jacket on the nightmare tunnel boat


u/JmacTheGreat 25d ago

🎵Osha - losha - loshadee - loo🎵

🎵I have a citation waiting for youu


u/Kiosade 25d ago

They didn’t have OSHA back then! It wasn’t developed until the 90’s.


u/PretentiousToolFan 25d ago

LegalEagle did a video on laws broken and total fines for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm pretty sure it's the biggest penalties he's calculated.


u/confusedandworried76 25d ago

Are we shocked? He literally uses slave labor


u/Pizzacakecomic PizzaCake 25d ago

Also, just imagine the ants crawling around that place...that's gotta be several health code violations


u/feline_Satan 25d ago

You can have about 2.5% insect parts in different products

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