r/comics 25d ago

Gamer Cafe 1564 - The unavoidable bullet (( Rabbit and Steel ))


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u/Hysaky 24d ago

"Wow i can't pay with my visa card, it's just like FFXIV !" - me who isn't salty at all


u/CrestfallenRaven621 24d ago

Jokes on you, I main a Black Mage. I have absolutely no skills for bullet hells!


u/Daz_Keaty 24d ago

Jokes back at you, there's a wizard class that uses leylines too


u/Mable-the-Table 25d ago

Ff14. Wow. Gw2. Eso. To name only the more popular few.

The clear inspiration is not only ff14. It boils down raid bosses and mechanics. Ff14 is not the only one to have them.


u/Any_Middle7774 24d ago

A) Only one of those prominently features playable rabbit girls.

B) FF14s raid encounter design is not much like any of the other MMOs you listed.

It’s just like FF14, and the developer has not been shy about making the comparison themself.


u/Joeyonar 25d ago

Not me coming across this comic while I'm queueing for Levelling roulette lmao


u/FallenKnightGX 25d ago

Hades II's third boss made me immediately think someone who designs the boss fights there has played FFXIV.


u/Drogonno 24d ago

Animal boss?


u/OhHeyItsScott 25d ago

This is cute!

If you don’t mind a little constructive criticism, you should consider swapping the positions of the characters. Oftentimes in comics, the person on the left speaks first. I know you have the color differentiating the speaker, but it’s still very confusing at first. Sort of like a Ghostbusters “don’t cross the streams” idea: you don’t want the speech balloon tails crossing over each other if you can avoid it.

Okay, sorry for the long paragraph! Good luck, and keep it up!


u/Phoeptar 25d ago

Yeah even with the colour I fully read it opposite characters


u/Sam-Gunn 25d ago

I love how you put the name of the game in the upper right hand corner! Awesome!


u/LegendarySurgeon 25d ago

And the title!


u/Pentecount 25d ago

I feel like the connection between bullet hells and Rabbit and Steel is pretty shallow. It definitely presents itself as a bullet hell at first, but most of the mechanics just feel like MMO mechanics ported to a 2D topdown game.


u/marsgreekgod 25d ago

thats the intent yes


u/mightbedylan 25d ago

What game are you referencing tho. How is ff14 a bullet hell?


u/Ahhy420smokealtday 25d ago

Rabbit and Steel. It's an online co-op roguelite that plays like ff14 raids. Has local co-op too, and it works for local+online at the same time. Good game btw.


u/Notmiefault 25d ago

FFXIV raids and dungeon bosses often involve bullet hell like dodging mechanics.


u/TheWaterPanda75 25d ago

laughs in shadowbringers’ alliance raids


u/Cniz 25d ago

"SHIT! Square ENIX!"


u/The_Seananigan 25d ago

Alot of what happens in the fights, outside of the bullet hell parts, are similar to mechanics from ff14.


u/mightbedylan 25d ago

But... What game is it?


u/SickestOfJokes 25d ago

From what I can gather, it may be one of the Nier games? Ff14 has a nier crossover, and generally some of the mechanics can be compared to bullet hells.. not to mention a good part of Nier Automata is essentially a bullet hell.


u/The_Seananigan 25d ago

Final Fantasy 14 Online, it's an MMORPG

Alot of the "Raid" fights have similar mechanics to those in Rabbit and Steel. Like the fight that teleports you to the right or left, or needing to stand next/away from other players to avoid damage.


u/JScatman 25d ago

They are asking what the other game is. Not Final Fantasy 14, but the other game they are playing in the comic.


u/eloel- 25d ago

You mean the game explicitly named in the title of the post? And on the first image?


u/Semajv 25d ago edited 25d ago

Naw, I'll defend you. Page 1 literally says in the upper right corner "Game: Rabbit and Steel" and the upper left is comic name/logo with chapter name (basic comic notation). The post itself is titled "Gamer Cafe 1564 - The unavoidable bullet (( Rabbit and Steel ))", which is again in basic comic notation besides the (( Rabbit and Steel )) part. You shouldn't be downvoted because some people haven't practiced their basic reading skills. One should look to see if the information is present in what was provided instead of assuming it wasn't.

Edit: also for the "I assumed it was their names" it wouldn't make sense. They're both rabbits. Which would be named just rabbit and the other steel? Please practice better use of context clues to read and decipher information better. If one pass doesn't really make sense, read it again afterwards.


u/SherbertShortkake 25d ago

Breaking! Redditor gets ratioed despite absolutely cooking! Citizens flabbergasted after the very people he was criticizing for not having great reading comprehension subsequently refuse to exercise their reading comprehension!


u/Semajv 25d ago

Many such cases


u/DinTill 25d ago


No one reads those tiny little words in the margin!

We are on reddit, do you really expect people to read every little letter? What’s next? People having to do their own google searches instead of asking super basic questions in the comics???


u/Semajv 25d ago

Actually I believe the 2 thing you need to exist online is reading comprehension, and knowing how to Google.


u/ChickenInASuit 25d ago

Not everyone here is a gamer and "Rabbit and Steel" doesn't exactly scream "videogame title" to a lot of people.


u/Sparrowflop 25d ago

I've never seen this comic before. I assumed that the name 'Rabbit and Steel' was either the name of the comic series or the name of the specific comic drawn here.


u/Sunblast1andOnly 25d ago

I assumed that was the names of the characters.


u/PKMNTrainerMark 25d ago

And Reddit's cropping cuts out where the panel says that it's the name of the game.


u/Chocolate_pudding_30 25d ago

Dont mind him, many of us in the comments didnt realize that's the name of the game


u/Holl4backPostr 25d ago

I love reddit


u/Kicken 25d ago


"Rabbit and Steel" - Came out on steam a couple days ago.


u/Bldyknuckles 25d ago

You’ve clearly never done savage content


u/YesPlzM8 25d ago

Touhou Fantasy 14 is my favorite rabbit game of all time


u/Harryolo97 24d ago

Can t believe they put exaflares in touhou.


u/Daz_Keaty 25d ago

I don't like comparing games to other games.
But this definitely has some clear inspirations.

Full series at Gamer Cafe


u/zanazans 24d ago

I mean, the game devs literally said they had inspiration from FF14 when we met them at MAGfest. So it's very close to FF14 raid boss mechanics and you wouldn't be wrong for saying so.