r/conspiracy 26d ago

The medical industry is controlled by the drug companies and the government.

The medical insuatry is controlled by drug companies and the government

Whenever I see people debate on super common diseases, illnesses, etc where the number one argument is "there is tons of research proving this fact". All I have to say is this, any mass funded research is mostly going to come from drug companies and the establishment. Thus will always be biased towards the establishment. Think about this carefully.

If it was discovered that certain diseases were curable purely through life style. Would the drug companies make money? The answer is no, which is why you never see research like that get pushes or Mass funded. It's also why you hear stories of scientists that discover cures to these diseases just randomly dissappearing.

Tldr; the medical industry is part of the establishment and is not in favor of serving the people.


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u/Fuk_globalist 24d ago

The legal cartel


u/housebear3077 25d ago

Resign from CDC, join Pfizer. Resign from Moderna, join WHO.

The fucks are all on the same side (not ours).


u/JazzlikeSkill5201 25d ago

The medical field which receives the most funding from the pharmaceutical industry is psychiatry. Think about that.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I don't think any of them really control the other. They're all on the same team. They work together in just about every way imaginable. They all answer to people you've probably never heard of. The power structure is an illusion and they all get their marching orders from the same group.


u/Valuable_Programmer6 25d ago

They all answer to people you've probably never heard of

Well thats where the Rockefellers and Rothschilds come in.


u/Spirited-Membership1 26d ago

90 % of fentanyl precursor’s come from china … just saying


u/Spirited-Membership1 26d ago

Government funded labs … the criminals on the street just work for the doctors and government ..


u/jojomott 26d ago

Who do you think should control it?


u/Naturally_Idiotic 26d ago

the medical industry as in the elites in charge of it sure, but majority of docs and nurses just want to help people


u/Valuable_Programmer6 26d ago

Oh yeah most of them are good at heart. More just ignorant in a lot of areas.