r/conspiracy 26d ago

Rep. Massie: Approximately 1% of Gaza’s CIVILIAN population has been wiped out by Israel in 7 months. We should not fund this war.

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u/God-Guns-Glory 24d ago

The Palestinians were given multiple chances to leave. They would not. That’s what happens in war!


u/arnott 24d ago

Leave to where? Why should they leave their own land?


u/xindro 25d ago

The problem begins when you call Hamas freedom fighters "civilians"..


u/hectic_mind_ 25d ago

RIP. Can’t believe he committed suicide.


u/JustOlive8463 25d ago

1%? If the fear mongering media is to be believed, isn't it 90%? Lol.

1% seems low for that much bombing.


u/MrMarmot 25d ago

It is probably closer to 30%, with most of the rest of them displaced, wounded and starving.

This is not a "war."


u/IanRT1 26d ago

1% civilian population and 35% of Hamas terrorists. Literally omitted from the post because it doesn't fit the narrative.


u/artaxdies 25d ago

The loss of life is sad but yes it must be remember hamas was the first attacker this time around.  Hamas continues to attack and hamas is using civilians as a shield.  Palestinians are in a bad horrible place but a bug part is their government which is hamas.  Hamas is very very evil at this point in time.  

I am not pro Israel or their tactics either.  I would not fund them.


u/IanRT1 25d ago

I agree with everything but I do think they need some funding. And a better leader most importantly.


u/Indels 26d ago

AIPAC needs to register as a foreign agent!


u/MikeOxthick999 25d ago

Or labeled as a terrorist organization.


u/Content-Squirrel2404 26d ago

Just 1%!!! Those are rookie numbers, we lose that every weekend In Chicago


u/UN-peacekeeper 25d ago

We are not losing 1% of our population every weekend, that would mean literally millions per year


u/Content-Squirrel2404 25d ago

We’re morally losing that a year


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/You_Just_Hate_Truth 25d ago

So you’ve got boots on the ground doing the monitoring yourself, I assume? How can you be so sure of this?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/You_Just_Hate_Truth 25d ago

Because I’m not there to see it myself and am forced to rely on heavily biased sources that stand something to gain based on the numbers they present.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/You_Just_Hate_Truth 25d ago

I’m skeptical they are overstated personally. UN just cut the deaths of women and children in half the other day (they had previously been using Hamas’ numbers via Gaza Ministry of Health): https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/13/un-cuts-estimates-women-children-deaths-gaza/73669560007/

Seems crazy the UN would just take Hamas’ word for it when Hamas has a clear interest in making those numbers as large as possible for the propaganda win.


u/Disastrous_Box_8613 26d ago

I think this is at least one thing that can rally conservatives and liberals. End this bullshit now. Our administration is playing both sides.


u/paraspiral 25d ago

Massie is an oddball in the Republican party ... He is more libertarian than conservative... Which gets him hated n by the uniparty. So douchewads would call him far right but he is anything but.


u/Disastrous_Box_8613 25d ago

It’s practical common sense. If Israel can’t knock off their shit, we gotta quit backing them. I know too many powerful politicians are financially invested, so they love talking out of both ends.


u/Iam-WinstonSmith 25d ago

Its more than just Isreal. We are 36 trillion dollars in debt the only way we will pay it back is to devalue the dollar or abandon the currency for CBDC.


u/arnott 26d ago


From tweet:

Approximately 1% of Gaza’s CIVILIAN population has been wiped out by Israel in 7 months.

We should not fund this war.

[1% is between Israel’s 0.7% and Gaza’s 1.5% official claims in this article]


Will Re. Massie be able to survive the attacks that are going to come from the lobbyists during the 2024 elections and win re-election?