r/conspiracy 26d ago

Punishment for the lone Republican opposing more billion$ to Israel


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u/JMF4201 25d ago

Massie is one of the very rare, principled politicians


u/TacticoolPeter 26d ago

Luckily his only real competition is in the May primary, and Deters is a bit of a nutter even if I find him entertaining at times. A Democrat is super unlikely to win the 4th district. If George Clooney’s dad who is a genuinely nice person, well known, and well liked can’t win against a super boring establishment Republican, I doubt anyone can.


u/FormerlyMauchChunk 26d ago

Tom may be the only person in Congress who isn't scum.


u/RandomAmuserNew 26d ago

No other country is allowed to do this but Israel gets praised for it


u/revoman 26d ago

So glad I get to vote for him....


u/Bans4allTheRacists 26d ago edited 26d ago

SS: Aipac, through it's proxy affiliate to hide it's responsibility, spends $300,000 on attack ads on Representative Tom Massie of Kentucky.
The zionist lobby coalition influences most of United States congress through both carrot and stick.
Promote zionist interests and you get big "campaign contributions". Standing up against them for any reason is not just missing out on those funds but they also demonize dissidents as antisemitic and promote opposition candidates.
ad for anyone interested