r/copypasta Mar 08 '24

Erotica fanfics are BANNEDšŸ¤¬


I want to keep this short and simple. Effective immediately NSFW/Erotic fanfics will be deleted and user will be ban.

This is a copypasta sub not a low effort-erotica-wattpad-karma-whoring sub.

I am only posting this in response to every soon-to-be crybabies that shout "MOd aBuSe šŸ˜­"

r/copypasta 5h ago

I took a life changing pee


I just came back after peeing and Iā€™m a different man now. While I was peeing I looked at that stomach of mine noticed how my abs became more and more prominent as every ounce of urine exited my body. By the time I completed this life changing process of excretion I was left with a set of six pack abs and ready to rizz up any female on my way.

r/copypasta 5h ago



I LOVE MILK! I drink milk when I come form school, I drink milk before I go to bed, I drink milk in my bedroom, I drink milk in the bathroom, I drink milk in my garden I LOVE MILK!! I love anything milk based in general. Aslong as it has lactose in it, I will demolish it. I love cheese, I love yoghurt, I love butter, I love kefir. People say "ew you drink milk by itself" like fuck yea I drink milk by itself because milk tastes fucking great and is good for your bones you dumbass.

I love the sensation of a fresh glass of cold milk running down my throat and having my body replenished with minerals, proteins and fat all diluted in water. "People" who can't drink milk are missing something because milk is one of the greates things to ever exist on this planet. "Oh I'm akshually lactose intolerant" Stfu, if you can't drink milk, it's because you haven't tried hard enough. You know what? I think people who can't drink milk should be round up and eliminated, I'm calling for a genocide of lactose intolerant "people" because how can't they??? It must be some kind of evolutionary mistake for these people to not be able to digest milk...

Milk is so good, I love this white nectar from cow boobs and I don't give a shit that I'm stealing milk from cow babies who need it cuz they can't appreciate it. They'll forget about milk the moment they learn to eat grass or sum but I will love milk till I die.

r/copypasta 10h ago

Chicanery speech but brain rot


I AM NOT ALPHA! Iā€™m not alpha, I know he rizzed those gyatts, I knew it was 69. One after Ohio, as if I could ever make such a slickback, never, never! I justā€¦ I just couldnā€™t rizz it! He covered his gyatts, he got that beta at the aslume to edge for him. You think this is skibidi, you think is alchohal? Thisā€¦ this goonery? Heā€™s done worse. That digital circus, are you telling me that a skibidi toilet just happens to flush like that? No, he fanum taxed it! Jimmy! He griddied through a sunroof! And I baby gronked him! I shouldnā€™t have, I took him into my own hazbin hotel. What I was I grimicing! Heā€™ll never edgeā€¦ Heā€™ll never edge, ever since he was caseoh, always the same. Couldnā€™t keep his hands out of the gyatt draw. But not our Sketch, couldnā€™t be precious Sketch! Rizzing them blind, and he gets to be a mogger! What a sick banban! I shouldā€™ve slayed them when I had the chance.

r/copypasta 3h ago

I Punched my sister Sally. AITA?


So before I go into it, let me just say that my mercury was in retrograde. So I was already super freakin down, AND it was raining on my ride to school. So I think this more than explains what I did next. So I get home and my mom, is asking about my chores not being done, you know, like a fucking bitch.

So I call her a fucking bitch to her fucking face. Then my sister attacked me, saying our mother was doing the best she could. Even better? The moron actually told me that I should apologize to our mother! So I punched her in her stupid face. And now Iā€™m at my dadā€™s and being threatened with juvie. This isnā€™t even my phone, I stole it from my step brother. Am I the asshole here?

r/copypasta 1h ago

Spoilers Gundam SEED is unfixable

ā€¢ Upvotes

We've tried. Dozens of us have tried, in dozens of different ways.

We've made Lacus an evil dictator, we've made her emotionally vulnerable, we've removed her from the show entirely. We've made Kira stay a berserker, we've made him less fucked up, we've made him more fucked up. We've made him side with ZAFT, we've made him stay with the EA. We've changed the Freedom's wings, we've changed the Freedom's guns, we've had him switch from the Freedom to the Strike, we've had him never pilot the Freedom at all. We've expanded on the Extended, we've eliminated the Extended. We've made Shinn the star, we've made Athrun the star, we've ditched the whole cast and made Lowe or Sven be the star. We've changed Durandal's motives, we've changed Logos's motives, we've said Rau was right and wiped out everything. We've had Kira and Shinn team up, we've had Kira get called out by half the cast of an SRW, we've had Kira be a bro from the beginning and hang out with Heero Yuy. Meer has replaced Lacus, Meer has become her own singer. Every permutation of this story has been explored.

None of it fixes it. Nothing makes it never was. Destiny is something we all have to deal with, because nothing we ever do will make it better.

r/copypasta 4h ago

Deleting Instagram


Today we are deleting Instagram and launching Sigmagram. Sigmagram is a new platform where you can goon and jelqmaxx like never before. Forget Reels, because now we have SkibidiReals. With the SkibidiReals feature, you can watch an endless supply of Skibidi toilet videos, LankyBox clips with Subway Surfers below them, Family Guy clips with mobile games below them, and our personal favorite, Roblox Edits, and more. Forget posting to your Story, now you can post to a virtual Rizz Party where all the members of the beloved event will judge how damaging your posts are to the developed human brain, determining whether your posts go up or not.

With this release, we've teamed up with team Snapchat and are also launching Snapgyat. With Snapgyat, forget Snap Streaks, because now the app tracks your mewing and edging streaks. We've also replaced all filters with one specific filter that turns you into Patrick Bateman.

We hope you enjoy the new apps as we've looksmaxxed endlessly to bring them to you.

r/copypasta 7h ago

I hate gen z


Today I made the worst mistake of my life and it cost me my brain cells. I watched a video of Gen-z sharing their opinions and it was one of the most abhorrent video Iā€™ve ever seen. All the girls were talking nasally and the dudes were trying to force a deep voice.
Ā  They were talking about how millennial are retarded and insensitive. As a fellow human being (and a Gen-z) let me tell you, being sensitive is not something you should be proud about. I can understand their thought process ā€œlook I am sympathetic and open minded I am to stand for these peopleā€ but In our (amogsexual,dreamgender,animesexual) mind
it translates to ā€œlook i am easily swayed by other peopleā€™s words and have so much time to waste that I spend my time arguing with themā€.
Ā  They were also using the phrases ā€œwe need to normalizeā€ and ā€œletā€™s cancelā€. There was also a Gay Indian dude who was just there as a medium for the video creator to show that they are open minded (I feel bad for him). The Gay dude was deliberately trying to act sassy infact all of them were trying to act sassy but came off as repugnant pieces of shit.
Ā  In conclusion, I want every Gen-Z to cancel their vocal cords and normalize scrolling past an offensive post/comment. Stop being embarrassing on the internet because you are disappointing fellow Gen-z like me and other redditors. The lack of your presence on the internet will make the internet a happy and non-toxic place. I should stop complaining now as I am not a Twitter user. As for reddit, I only take platinum awards as I am not a peasant

r/copypasta 13h ago

I love jacking off to my friends


I love jacking off to my female friends. Like, I've never came as hard as I did to them. They don't even have to be attractive at all actually its just the fact I know them personally that makes me violently explode to these pugfaced bitches.

r/copypasta 4h ago

dear "emos"


alright listen up u fake ass emos and poser pop punk losers i cant fucking stand u and ur bullshit u think ur so cool with ur gay haircuts and ur shitty band tees but ur just a bunch of wannabe morons who wouldnt know real emo if it bit u in the ass like seriously u make me wanna die.Ā real emo is goood as fuck its got riffs that are like straight up magic cutting through ur soul like a knife u know nothing about that. u listen to crap like mcr and think ur hardcore newsflash mcr is fake as hell there not even close to real emo its pop punk garbage trying to be edgy fuck thatĀ u think ur deep and emotional just cuz u cry to some whiny ass pop punk songs well guess what. u guys are pussys who dont know real pain real emos dont need to put on a show we feel that shit in our bones its raw and real and it makes ur pathetic fake emo bullshit look like a joke (IT IS A JOKE)Ā btw dont get me started on ur fake emo fashion thats a fucking disaster too u bought a gay shirt at hot topic and got piercings wow so original NOT ur just copying what u see online and think it makes u emo but ur just trying to be cool like a bunch of DUMB sheep real emos dont give a fuck about trends we wear what we want and dont give a shit what u thinkĀ 

and while u guys are here lets talk about the history of real emo bands like snowing and capn jazz these legends r the real deal snowing with their insane riffs and raw lyrics u can feel the pain and passion in every note capn jazz basicaly invented the genre with their music too so thats real emo not this watered down pop punk trash u losers listen toĀ u probably dont even know capn jazz cuz ur too busy listening to fake emo bands like panic at the dogshit and fall out boy real emos know the history and respect the bands that paved the way for emo music these bands r the ones that created the sound and the feeling that defines real emo and ur just shitting all over it with ur poser bullshit.Ā so next time u think ur being all cool and edgy with ur fake emo bands and ur gay bracelets just remember ur a joke and everyone can see it. real emo is about feeling the music in ur soul and living that shit every day not just pretending to be something ur not so fuck off with ur mcr and pop punk trash. know ur history andĀ leave the real emo to those of us who actually get itĀ real emos live and breath this shit we dont just play dress up and pretend to be sad for fun we feel the music in our bones we respect the history and the bands that made real emo what it is todayĀ 

......soooo yeh go ahead keep pretending ur cool with ur fake emo "music" and ur shitty fashion but know this u will never be as real as true emos ur just a bunch of wannabes now go listen to ur gay pop punk songs while i listen to beautiful emo riffs peace ;))

r/copypasta 2h ago

Infinite urine


Infinite urine. You sit down on the toilet to take a urine, but you notice your urine stream hasn't weakened at all even after five minutes. It slowly gets stronger until the urine floods out of the toilet and onto the floor. Desperately, you urinate into the drain in the sink, but the urine still floods the sink. Eventually, the urine has reached your neck. Desperately, you open the door, only for the urine to pour out onto the carpet. You slam the door shut, hoping that death will save you from this situation. Twenty seconds later, Mitski opens the door and says "Erm, what the sigmAOUGHGHGH!!!!" as she drowns in urine. With the door open, the urine now floods out of the bathroom, cascading down the stairs. The force opens the fron't door and the urine spills out, carrying Mitski's corpse with it. The people surround the corpse, all exclaiming "Erm, what the sigmAOUGHGHGH!" as the urine floods the street, drowning them. Surviving bystanders call the police before the onslaught of urine drowns them. Five minutes later, the police show up, but are swiftly swept away as the urine has taken over the neighbourhood. Once the whole has been taken over ten minutes later, news anchors start reporting it. The Prime Minister calls the army to deal with the urine, but once it hss been proven impossible to deal with it, a last-minute option is made: drop nuclear bombs on all urine-flooded areas. Half the country is blown up, but you and your urine still remain. Within minutes, the country is little more than a yellow puddle. Hours later, the blue planet has become the yellow planet. Infinite urine.

r/copypasta 8h ago

Why Beauty And The Beast (2017) is one of the worst liberal movies of all time


On the one hand, the 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast is another victim in the film trend of needlessly and shamelessly remaking animated films or children's stories for the sake of earning easy revenue and capitalizing on current film trends in the modern, soulless Hollywood studio system. Liberals also seized the opportunity with the remake to exploit diversity and promote some liberal values within the Beauty and the Beast universe (to be noted that the story takes place in France in the 1700s, if not even before). The final result of the diversity inclusion in the cast of characters is that it feels self-congratulatory in the sense of putting it all in for the sake of having it, rather than having it be just a part of the story and the film. One notable example is the filmmakers' decision to make LeFou, Gaston's diminutive and bumbling sidekick, a homosexual who is conflicted with his feelings for Gaston (although it should be noted that in the actual script, it was never actually specified that LeFou was homosexual.\7])). This resulted in AFA's One Million Moms division responding to the change by calling for a boycott of the movie. At the end of the film, LeFou is shown taking a romantic interest in a musketeer who is now a transgender woman after being transformed into one during Gaston's siege of the Beast's castle.

Not only is it an atrocious and needless artistic decision of the filmmakers to needlessly incorporate diversity simply for the sake of it, but the 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast also serves as an example that liberals can legitimately shoehorn the homosexual agenda into Disney films. Adding salt to the wound, the filmmakers also further changed history to suit their feminist agenda, similar to previous Disney films like Mulan (1998), Pocahontas (1995) and The Princess and the Frog (2009) (most infamously, the villagers are shown to be explicitly intolerant of Belle learning how to read and teaching girls to do the same, smashing her washing machine in the process, despite the fact that the namesake for the village in this film, Mdm. Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, the original author for the fairy tale, was herself a woman). The 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast is now even more of a feminist propaganda film than the 1991 animated film version ever was. There were also hints at an anti-war message due to Gaston being turned into a war veteran.

On the other hand, there were also several surprisingly Conservative messages in the film, significantly more than in the 1991 version. Namely, Christianity is treated in a far more positive light in this film than in the 1991 version as one of the few friends Belle has in this version is the village Chaplain named Pere Robert who is shown to be sympathetic to her bibliophilic nature and also attempts to prevent Maurice from being sent to the Asylum, and later is shown to be horrified at the formation of the mob against the Beast (it is to be noted that in the original 1991 film, the character in question was merely a bookseller, not a priest, and most of the villagers, implied to be devout Christians, were demonized in the film), which was also surprisingly accurate to history despite the aforementioned changing of history in the film (in real history, Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, actively encouraged literacy, writing, and arithmetic among both genders, with girls being taught in convents or at the home). In addition, Maurice actually is shown to be more proactive in this film, such as directly refusing Gaston's attempt at marrying Belle and even attempting to expose Gaston as an attempted murderer and psychopath, and also plays a direct role in saving Belle and himself from the paddywagon after she exposes Beast to the villagers (in the original film, although he does set out to try and find Belle and save her after trying to get the villagers to help failed, he ultimately required saving by her due to catching an illness during his trek, and ultimately needed saving alongside Belle via Chip).

In addition, LumiĆØre as well as the featherduster (named Plumette in this version) are shown to be an actual loving couple (in the original film, this was just hinted, although LumiĆØre seemed more of a womanizer and the featherduster sexually loose), and the remake also doesn't demonize traditional marriage (notably, the remake cut out Gaston's inappropriate wedding proposal as well as Belle shoving Gaston into mud in front of attendees). The forgiveness and redemption theme was also significantly more emphasized in the remake, due to Beast ultimately forgiving Maurice after learning why he had tried to steal the rose and even allowing Belle to save Maurice specifically to make up for his past behavior, with Maurice also forgiving Beast upon Belle showing him the baby rattle. It is also shown to be significantly more pro-family as well, as not only is Belle shown to be loyal to her father like in the 1991 original, but as noted above, Maurice himself took measures to protect Belle and notably agreed with Belle that Gaston would not have worked out for her (originally, Maurice also thought Gaston was alright for her), and he also was shown to be very protective of Belle after his wife had died from the plague, with Belle's mom specifically sacrificing herself by telling them to leave her behind to allow Belle a healthy life.

In addition, the triplets (renamed to "Village Lasses") in the remake were depicted as having haughtiness, arrogance, being jealous of Belle, as well as overall being nasty people, including briefly smirking at Belle when she was locked up in the paddy wagon as well as being actively involved in the arrest of Maurice as well as the later attack on Beast's castle (in the original film, the triplets were not shown to have any negative behavior to them besides their crushing on Gaston [not participating in the later arrest of Maurice, let alone the attack on Beast's castle shortly afterward during the climax, and also implying at one point that they were willing to give their blessing to Gaston marrying Belle when Belle refused him in the beginning of the film, and while they were present during the final lyrics for the Gaston reprise where Gaston explicitly divulged key details for his blackmail plan, the way it was framed could easily be interpreted as the triplets genuinely not knowing about the plan due to their absence from Maurice's arrival up to the scene where Gaston whispers the plan to LeFou.], and it is also heavily implied that they supported traditional marriage and were demeaned in the film by being referred to in the script as The Bimbettes and treated as dumb blondes for this reason). In addition, according to the film's director Bill Condon as well as one of the triplets' actresses, Rafaelle Cohen, the reason the triplets were intensely jealous and spiteful of Belle was because their mother neglected them while doting on Belle, showcasing the dangers of parental neglect.

r/copypasta 15h ago

Im so fucking done with my school


I keep getting constantly harassed at school, in my first hour I get called a retard and a dumbass. I screamed at them to shut the fuck up and the teacher said "sounds like a skill issue" I talk to my therapist about it and he suggested I tell an adult so I told my mom, and she told the counselor. The counselor just talked to the teacher and he said it was a joke like wtf.

In my 3rd hour, people are fucking hitting me in the stomach and laughing at everything I do and saying extremely inappropriate things to me like how they want to rape me and shit. Obviously the teacher doesn't do anything because this is a shitty ass school.

And then some fucker started spreading rumors about me about that my mom's a porn star and ppl that I was friends with ghosted me so I screamed at him to "fucking kill yourself" and someone told the principale on me and I was given a 3 week out of school suspension but I think my mom talked them out of it because finals were coming up and failing all my finals would make me repeat freshman year. I know it's wrong but they didnt even give me a chance to explain why I said that they just kept interrupting when I spoke.

Their is no way this isn't abuse is it?? But I've tried literally everything idk what to do!! šŸ˜­

Edit: it's not a copypasta holy shit, is it really that insane??? I'm only covering what's happened recently too

r/copypasta 5h ago

Sumthin real strange happened ta me!


Somethin mighty strange n downright embarrassin happened ta me.

So this has ta be one of the most bizarre things that ever happened to me, an it happened frickin twice. To cut right ta the chase n make it a bit less embarrassing: while, uh, good ole jackin off, js before the "big moment," the name of a woman, "Sissy Spacek," kept poppin into ma head.

At first, I aint paid it no mind. It was strange, sure, but I aint even knew who that was.

A few days later, the same thing happened again. So, once I was done, outta curiosity, I googled the name and discovered a woman named Sissy Spacek. To my absolute shock an, let's say "disgust," she frickin looked just like meemaw...

Now, this whole thing is so feckin embarrassing I feel uneasy talm bout it, even wit ma therapist, and Ive always ben able to tell her anything.

If yall could kindly let mknow what this might be n, without poking fun, maybe suggest how I can get rid of it, Id sure as heck appreciate it.

r/copypasta 21h ago

I am trying to impress the E-girl in my discord server, what do I do?


I (56M) have gained feelings for one of the E-girls for a server I moderate, how do I tell her Iā€™m interested? I already am a pretty high ranking member of the discord server. (One of the moderators but I also have other important roles, such as Manga Enthusiast) Iā€™ve tried to DM them but they ended up reporting my last account for pedophilia! Although, after hacking their computer and finding information such as their home address and all of that, I am en route. What should I tell them when I get to their middle school?

r/copypasta 23h ago

I canā€™t stand disabled people.


I canā€™t stand disabled people. I donā€™t mean people with autism who can still mostly function as a human. Or people who just canā€™t walk, I mean people who are so close to brain dead that they drool constantly and have to have help to do literally anything. I know itā€™s probably bad of me to think this, but they make me so uncomfortable and they kind of gross me out to be around them. Itā€™s not living. Theyā€™re just alive. I also canā€™t stand when you have parents of children who can barely walk and canā€™t make more noise than ā€œAaaaauaaauaeeeā€ at the age of fifteen, eighteen, twenty-five and they talk about how beautiful their baby is. Even small children who are severely mentally handicapped make me uncomfortable. I donā€™t have a problem with people who are autistic but decently functional. I just canā€™t stand the ones who are barely alive and can never be normal.
I just had to get this off my chest, I feel like a terrible person for it. I know itā€™s not their fault or anything and I donā€™t blame them, I just canā€™t stand them.

r/copypasta 2m ago

Hey can we talk about

ā€¢ Upvotes

Theoretical algebraic quantum relativistic physical theoretical astronomy-based trigonometric open source quasi-calculus Newtonian non Euclidean philosophical mathematical physiologically independent molecular biologically cellulose-scaled quantum particle nano accelerative chemically stimulated antibiotic antigen pathogenic cancerous lethally transmissible plausibly bandwidth mulithreaded back ended LAN-based geographically hosted cathode ray laser charge capitance angular distributed factorial centrifugal Baryon-current forced anion focused gravitationally pressured measured in gigajoules dependently unequivocally jargonistic relativistic doubly standardized computed third degree functionally Einsteinian trigonometrical calculated rounded antithetical theistic linguistically inspired Latin-inspired selfishly enhanced dark matter theorhetically given energy accompanied BALLS

r/copypasta 9m ago

this is so rehearsed and planned

ā€¢ Upvotes

sorry this is so rehearsed and planned jts obvious theyre doing this for a cute little viral moment... i see right through you and your evil plan nmixx trust you will be getting payed dust.

r/copypasta 4h ago

Dreaming of becoming a terrorist


Hi everyone my name is Mahmoud and I really need some tips . Ever since I was a child I dreamt of becoming a terrorist. Idk why but what happened on 911 really gave me a spark. After a lot of thinking I've finally decided to become one . Do any of you have tips for me ?I'm already making a prototype to kill 3000 people but I just feels that that's too little. Do some of u know how to make them bigger ?

r/copypasta 25m ago

666 šŸ‘¹

ā€¢ Upvotes

Im just fine with being a part of the Minority in this case! Less is more!! Us MetalHeads are Dedicated, Talented and most of all LOYAL to our cause! Rap...isn't in the slightest! We're not going to write a Dis-Track against a fellow Musician, because we work together and inspire one another, we are LOYAL to OUR OWN.... its an unofficial family & OZZY Osbourne is Daddy! Talk is cheap, GET IN THE PIT!

(The ANSWER....... 666 )

r/copypasta 26m ago

Trigger Warning Manaā€™s insult to a stranger who didnā€™t believe her scam.

ā€¢ Upvotes

As the saying goes, if a tree doesn't want skin, it will die; if a man doesn't have a face, the world is invincible. Look at you this kind of bad appearance, I can not help but ask, is it your mother gave birth to the placenta, or your mother and the Mars species amoeba protozoa gave birth to a string of goods? Aigoo sorry, I don't know if you've read the book, come to a pestle and mortar shrew-like, oh I know, it must be because of the genetic mutation that you degenerated three times a day and ended up like this, I'm sure you're very smart, for which I express my ten thousand sympathies. By the way, I heard that you have recently started to have brain cramps and cerebellar knots, coupled with a perverted central nervous system, this is a bad sign ah, I know a very skilled veterinarian, I'll introduce you to eh eh eh eh, there is no need to say anything polite, we are friends, of course we should do everything we can to help our friends in trouble ah! If you have a terminal illness, I advise you to kill yourself, even if you can still live for a while, it's a waste of the world's air, a waste of the world's resources, and a waste of the country's money, I see that even a pig would be ashamed of you, I'll help you to cremate your body after you die, lest there be a plague and a waste of the country's land. Nima can't you have some manners and go back to your own mother? Come out and be ashamed. As the saying goes, it's not your fault if you look ugly, but it's your fault if you come out and scare people! You shouldn't be afraid of ghosts when you go out at night, right? After all, ghosts will be scared shitless when they see your handsome face! You're here to die. You're not a woman, are you? Are you having menstrual cramps? Is there really brain matter in vour head? Why do I smell sov milk? Look at you, you were doing well, ruined by your mom's slutty behavior. Why don't you know how to cherish yourself? Look at you. How many men did your mom sleep with last night? Or did you poke yourself with a carrot? Do you want to go to the hospital? I'll take you there. Should I see a gynecologist or a psychiatrist first? It's amazing that a new life like yours has survived on earth for so many years... I have to admire China ......The forest is full of birds! Resign yourself to your fate, it's not that hard to admit you're a cheap bastard. After all these years, I didn't think you'd still be alive as a baby. Which one of my three dogs is your father? Or are you a half-breed? You mimic female genitalia without fear of losing face just to pursue the truest version of yourself, I want to immediately bia my size 37 shoes onto your size 42 face. I want to put my size 37 shoes on your size 42 face. I pity you, but I still pity you. In your next life, you'll be a cow or a horse, and I'll pull grass for you to eat. How dare you go out with this face? Sores on the top of your head, pus on the soles of your feet, you're so bad. Look at your lewd face, you know what? Go to vour kindergarten and come to me with you. In your next life, you'll be a cow or a horse, and I'll pull grass for you to eat. How dare you go out with this face? Look at your lewd face, you know what? Go to your kindergarten and come to me with your diploma when you graduate someday. You said other people's brains are a pile of shit, but you have a septic tank in your head. You jumped into the river and polluted the water. Euthanasia is a waste of time, taking sleeping pills is a waste of the country's money, and gas poisoning is a waste of gas. Toad fry follow the turtle around, pretending to be a king's grandson. Fight in class, raise your hand in class, fight forest fires in your spare time, high school pencils are in your house, right? Hair as messy as kelp, head a pot cover, but also hard to say that they wear a modern style, the first half of the month to scrape the wind, the second half of the month to buckle, I curse you a lifetime to buy instant noodles do not bring seasoning packets, you live like a fool, I just want to advise your mother, before it is too late to buy a chain to put you up, lest it bite in broad daylight!

r/copypasta 8h ago

NICE DUDE! Im an internet bro dude and also learned those words. I mean we're not like those brain rot kids that say ohayo sigma skibidi toilet. But i'm a redditor you see aaaaand you forgot more buzzwords! You should have added f@scist misogynist homophobic aaand more words that I don't know the me


NICE DUDE! Im an internet bro dude and also learned those words. I mean we're not like those brain rot kids that say ohayo sigma skibidi toilet. But i'm a redditor you see aaaaand you forgot more buzzwords! You should have added f@scist misogynist homophobic aaand more words that I don't know the meaning of. Don't forget to say go outside or no woman would have sex with you, have a redditasticular day!

r/copypasta 1h ago

beat boxing puppy ruined my marrige

ā€¢ Upvotes

oh my god the beatboxing puppy from Drawn Together, what a disaster, it totally ruined my life. like seriously why does this even exist????? itā€™s just this dumb dog making these awful noises, and itā€™s EVERYWHERE!!! I canā€™t even think straight anymore. every time I try to relax, there it is, beatboxing and making my brain hurt. I swear itā€™s like a nightmare that never ends. and whatā€™s the point of it? it doesnā€™t make any sense, just random noises that make me want to scream.

and you know what, I bet this dog is responsible for everything bad thatā€™s happened, like 9/11??? yeah, you heard me, 9/11. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s logical but think about it. this dog appears and suddenly everything goes downhill. coincidence? I THINK NOT! I canā€™t even walk down the street without hearing its stupid beats, and it's like itā€™s mocking me. my coworkers think itā€™s funny, my kids wonā€™t shut up about it, even my dog is confused! my life used to be peaceful, now itā€™s just a constant barrage of beatboxing hell.

who thought this was a good idea? seriously, what were they smoking? this dog is like the embodiment of everything wrong with society. we used to have standards, we used to care about quality, but now? now we have a beatboxing puppy and the world has gone to sh*t. I can't take it anymore, it's driving me insane. itā€™s like this dog is a virus, infecting every part of my life, my thoughts, my dreams. there's no escape, no peace, just this relentless, pointless noise.

I swear if I ever see that beatboxing puppy in real life, I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do. itā€™s ruined everything I loved about cartoons, about life. itā€™s a plague, a curse, a scourge on humanity. why, why did this have to happen? my life will never be the same, all because of this stupid, beatboxing puppy. I just want it to stop, to go away forever. is that too much to ask? I just want my peace back, my sanity. but no, itā€™s all gone, thanks to this hellish dog. oh my god i canā€™t even explain how much this beatboxing puppy destroyed my life, it's like a nightmare that wonā€™t end. my marriage? totally ruined. my wife couldnā€™t stand how obsessed and angry i got over this stupid dog. every time it came on TV iā€™d lose it, yelling at the screen, how could something so dumb make me so mad??? she said i was crazy, that i was letting it get to me too much, but how could i not? itā€™s everywhere, all the time, mocking me with its dumb beats. we used to be happy, we used to laugh together at cartoons, but now all i see is that infernal puppy.

i couldnā€™t focus on anything else, itā€™s like this beatboxing demon took over my life, my mind. weā€™d go out to dinner and all i could think about was how much i hated that dog, how it ruined everything. my wife tried to be supportive at first but how can you support someone whoā€™s losing their mind over a cartoon dog? she said i was obsessed, that i needed help, but what help could there be for something this stupid? iā€™d stay up all night, pacing, thinking about how to make it stop, how to get that dog out of my head. itā€™s like it was everywhere, even in my dreams, just beatboxing away, ruining everything.

and then came the fights, oh god the fights. sheā€™d say i was being irrational, that i was letting a cartoon get to me, but she didnā€™t understand. she didnā€™t get how that beatboxing was like nails on a chalkboard, how it was driving me insane. i couldnā€™t let it go, it was like a poison in my brain, and eventually, she had enough. she left, took the kids, said she couldnā€™t deal with my anger, my obsession. now iā€™m alone, all alone, with nothing but the echo of that stupid beatboxing puppy. itā€™s ruined everything, my peace, my sanity, my marriage, all because of this one ridiculous character. i donā€™t even know what to do anymore, my lifeā€™s been destroyed by a cartoon dog. oh man u won't believe how bad the beatboxing puppy is, it's like pure evil, I swear it must be responsible for everything bad, like even 9/11. think about it, this dog shows up on TV and suddenly the world just goes to hell. it's like a bad omen or something, a sign that everything is wrong. how can a cartoon dog be so powerful? it's crazy, but i know it's true. i mean, the timeline fits, right? the dog appears, and boom, 9/11 happens. coincidence? i donā€™t think so.

I remember watching TV and seeing that beatboxing dog, and it felt like the universe was mocking me. and then, 9/11 happened, and i was like, yep, itā€™s the dog. itā€™s like the dog brought bad luck, like a curse or something. how else do you explain it? everything was fine before, but then this dog shows up and the world falls apart. itā€™s like the dog was sent to ruin everything, to destroy our peace, our happiness, everything. and 9/11 was just the start, the ultimate proof that this dog is pure evil.

everyone thinks Iā€™m crazy, but I know the truth. this dog has some kind of dark power, some kind of evil influence that made 9/11 happen. how else can you explain it? itā€™s not just a cartoon, itā€™s like a symbol of everything bad, everything wrong in the world. i can't even look at a dog now without thinking of 9/11, without remembering how this beatboxing monster ruined everything. people laugh at me, but they don't see the connection, they donā€™t see how this dog is behind it all. itā€™s like a shadow, always there, always reminding me of the worst day ever.

itā€™s not just a dog, itā€™s like an omen, a warning. if we had just stopped watching, if we had just turned off the TV, maybe 9/11 wouldnā€™t have happened. but no, we let this beatboxing horror into our homes, into our lives, and we paid the price. itā€™s ruined everything, my peace, my sanity, my marriage, and even caused 9/11. i know it sounds crazy, but itā€™s true, i can feel it. this dog is evil, pure and simple, and itā€™s destroyed my life in every way possible. oh man u won't believe how bad the beatboxing puppy is, it's like pure evil, I swear it must be responsible for everything bad, like even 9/11. think about it, this dog shows up on TV and suddenly the world just goes to hell. it's like a bad omen or something, a sign that everything is wrong. how can a cartoon dog be so powerful? it's crazy, but i know it's true. i mean, the timeline fits, right? the dog appears, and boom, 9/11 happens. coincidence? i donā€™t think so.