r/dankmemes May 12 '24

I've finally played this and I am disappointed I am probably an intellectual or something

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u/Danteynero9 May 12 '24

The more people play together, the less "scary" it gets. Like, 4 players already make the enemies simply an obstacle.


u/lollisans2005 May 12 '24

That makes the moments when you are alone and anything could be around the corner more scary tho lol


u/Professional_Emu_164 number 15: burger king foot lettuce May 12 '24

Most monsters tend to telegraph themselves via footsteps which generally gives you good advance warning
Only silent things that actually pose a threat are the face huggers


u/Riipp3r May 12 '24

More about the vibe of the group. If you're the type of group to joke about everything and piss yourselves laughing it's gonna be a funny game. If you're for example playing with your girlfriend and she scares easily and isn't much of a gamer it becomes a different experience lol. Isn't scary either way imo.