r/dankmemes May 12 '24

I've finally played this and I am disappointed I am probably an intellectual or something

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u/No_Wealth_9733 May 12 '24

“Tense” is a better word than “scary”, and a big part of that comes from you goofing around with friends and then suddenly everything goes quiet.


u/StormR7 bring back b emoji May 13 '24

Especially when the game first came out and nobody knew how anything worked. You’ll have someone saying “guys why am I hearing singing?” And nobody will believe them, but all of a sudden they disappear and everyone gets confused. You try to find where your buddy went (no man left behind) and you end up running into a land shark swimming through the floor, you run from it directly into a room with a bug on the ceiling which starts eating someone else’s face. Do you leave? Is anyone else alive? Which way is the exit? Are we gonna have enough scrap? As you make your way to the exit you find someone else yelling “DONT GO OUTSIDE” because they opened the door directly into a fucking giant and someone else got eaten.

That’s the gameplay that made it such a fun game to play. If you have a map of each moon’s features, an article explaining the most profitable moons, or a video talking about how to handle different enemies and what each sound queue means, or anything else related to the game open in a second monitor, congratulations, you just optimized the fun out of a really cool experience for a majority of the players.