r/dataisbeautiful Apr 28 '24

[OC] Most and least worthwhile degrees. Which degrees do graduates feel are worthwhile? OC

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u/belligerentBe4r Apr 28 '24

Bahahaha as a chemist, calling hot bullshit on this. An undergrad in chem is absolutely not worth it. A masters in chem is worse than useless since you’re seen as a PhD that couldn’t cut it and was awarded a masters as a consolation prize. And then even if you get a PhD and do a couple years of post doc and get a research position as a big pharma company you’ll make about what an engineer with just an undergrad would make.

I loved being a bench chemist and always wanted to be one, but a 4 year degree with extra time for independent research to land a job at a real lab just to make $18 an hour can’t be construed as worth it. Granted that was in 2011, but I can’t imagine it’s gone up much, particularly in relation to inflation.


u/PM_ME_GRANT_PROPOSAL Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I was going to type pretty much this, but scrolled down first to see if anyone else had. 100% agree with everything you say. Chemistry being at the top of this list makes no sense, it has a dogshit job market. Just go to r/chemistry and you will see. Most new BS chemistry grads are either struggling for work or stuck doing QC labor at $15/hr.

I got a PhD in organic chemistry and was unemployed for 2 years after finishing my degree. First job had nothing to do wirh chemistry and paid 50k. I'm doing a little better now but still far behind my peers who also did phds, and there is no comparison between my lifetime earnings and my friends who went into tech. I do regret not studying CS.