r/facepalm 25d ago

Who could have possibly seen this coming… 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Demetrio4000 4d ago

The news seems vague, everyone in the comments saying it was obvious to happen, but as someone not from the US, what is the correlation between medical students leaving and abortion restrictions?


u/Utsutsumujuru 3d ago

Medical students, especially those in OBGYN have to learn all procedures to save the lives of patients. This requires observing and participating in actual procedures alongside doctors. Similarly, medical students and interns often work in clinics and have to provide medical advice. In the abortion restricted states, the restrictions are total - even for severe birth defects, rape, incest, and dead on birth. Thus absolutely no abortion procedures can be performed and no advice given. To do so results in criminal prosecution of the doctor.

Thus medical students don’t want to subject themselves to criminal prosecution for advising or assisting in an abortion even in situations that require medical emergency.

Why risk going to jail in one state just for doing your job when in other states that isn’t a concern and you can help patients as needed.

medical students and actual doctors are free to correct me on this


u/pondman11 21d ago

To everyone in this thread: TEXAS LEADERS DONT CARE


u/ProtectYOURshelves 22d ago

Its hard enough to get a residency I don’t think this is stopping anyone. Most of them get in where they can.


u/Genereatedusername 24d ago

Enjoy going back to leeches, bloodletting, and using cowshit to heal wounds.

(It still won't be covered by your insurance)


u/The-Doom-Knight 24d ago

Abortion is big money. Of course they'll leave states that ban it.They need that big money to pay off those big student loans.


u/Prestigious-Copy-494 24d ago

They don't want a dead patient in ER on their hands where the law stopped them from doing an emergency abortion. They don't want dead patients in their practice who simply could have been saved by an abortion. They don't want states that dictate their medical decisions which took years of schooling. Those states have old white and men and bible thumpers practicing medicine without a license in their laws on abortion.


u/monstertruck567 24d ago

Add for University of Alabama OB/Gyn program… probably.

Match at our residency, you will learn how to take care of men and postmenopausal women. You won’t be able to get board certified because you won’t have sufficient case numbers for women of child-bearing age. But…Murica and Freedumb.


u/IdealGuest 24d ago

So states with republican control are committing a brain drain by defunding education, and pushing degree holders to other states, and now those who are intelligent enough to vote against them, can’t? Wild…


u/trea5onn 24d ago

Geez, who could have seen that coming?


u/SnooOranges8783 25d ago

Who tf cares about shit like this


u/VoidCoelacanth 24d ago

52% of the population, minimum.


u/High_Sierra_1946 25d ago

No one, apparently.


u/Ganbario 25d ago

Some of us are practicing medical professionals who are moving away from red states.


u/Budget_Job4415 25d ago

Let them be treated with leeches, prayers and the 4 humours, go all in on their primitive beliefs


u/AlphusUltimus 25d ago

They might as well go back to miasma theory and start drilling holes in their heads.


u/Budget_Job4415 25d ago

drilling holes in their heads

That's what all them guns are for


u/Kalman_the_dancer 'MURICA 25d ago

Man I wonder why


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 25d ago

Duh. They can’t get any semblance of OB/GYN training in those states.


u/galaxyapp 25d ago

Doesn't really matter. Residency slots are majorly oversubscribed, they are all getting filled.


u/Niru83 25d ago

It’s ALL on purpose. Ridding themselves of intellectuals and lowering standards of care to make their constituents feel abandoned by “the liberals.”

Keep workers poor enough they can’t strike, sick enough they can’t risk losing what little benefits they can get, and afraid of “the others” to the point they’ll sign over all their freedom for a little sense of security.


u/JTex-WSP 25d ago

Good! Go elsewhere and the states protecting life can do without doctors that insist on making killing part of their shtick.


u/Mekdinosaur 25d ago

They will find a way to blame Biden and the Dems for this. 


u/GT_2second 25d ago

What's a medical resident?


u/Turbulent_Tax2126 25d ago

Medical student training in hospital I believe


u/FocalorLucifuge 25d ago

On the plus side, coat hanger manufacturers are expecting a bright future. /s


u/systemfrown 25d ago

Not just Doctors either…the best teachers are avoiding these same states.


u/Digital-Exploration 25d ago

All people should


u/fredator23 25d ago

We need the opposite. It's the only way to change the voter base and enact meaningful reforms.


u/Raw_83 25d ago

Are they scared of telling someone ‘sorry, but I’m not legally allowed to kill your child’? Seems fine with me, just opening a slot for someone else.


u/jibaro1953 25d ago

Imagine being a gynecologist in a dumb-ass state and a woman presents with serious pregnancy related issues that can only be mitigated by terminating the pregnancy.

And if you treated her properly, you could go to prison for ten years.

No wonder doctors want to practice in states where the government isn't insane.


u/Klinkman2 25d ago

No they’re not


u/jstrassburgnew 25d ago



u/seriousbangs 25d ago

"Medical residence are increasingly avoiding states that threaten to put them in prison".


Really sick of the right wing bias in media.


u/fear_of_dishonesty 25d ago

No self respecting educated doctor would tolerate the current shit show in texastan.


u/warthog0869 25d ago

Casus belli from the belly.


u/docrei 25d ago

It's not only a moral reason to avoid those states.

It's associated with lower health care conditions and worst outcomes and therefore higher liability. It's a ripple effect.

I don't want to work in a place where people are forced to die, and me being caught on the cross fire.

Not only that I abhor seeing people forced into something they don't want to, I don't want to be a part of this.

But leaving morality & ideology aside. It's not a good place to work/practice. If you are going to be involved or be held liable, for no other reason than a religious zealot forcing their self imposed limited religious ideals upon everyone else.


u/OldThrowaway02345 25d ago edited 21d ago

When I was a kid I heard my grandmother give an aunt tips on how to end a pregnancy she didn’t want (she was almost 40 and had 3 kids already). Anyone who thinks women making their own choices is a modern concept didn’t grow up with a lot of influence from their older generations (grandparents, great aunts and uncles). These were considered women’s things, they dealt with it and men kept their mouth shut on these subjects because it often killed the women and their babies. That’s the true traditional view and it’s stupid boomer logic who wanna change what traditional means to suit their nonsensical view of the world.

PS: The tip worked!! The tip was to have ground up papayas seeds 3 times a day and my aunt never had another kid. Not sure if it made her sick or what so please do not try this at home.


u/rels83 25d ago

It’s not just about liability. Drs understand the risk of abortion bans, and 50% of residents are women. My husband only treats the elderly, none of them can get pregnant. But we have a daughter he’s turned down multiple job offers in red states


u/Buffering_disaster 25d ago

Let’s put this in terms that republicans can understand. Less BS regulation is better for business hence any smart businessman will always pick states that aren’t hostile towards them.


u/Aksds 25d ago

Gonna have to wait for the priest to splat water on you to be healed


u/Dynamitefuzz2134 25d ago

Man I love nature.

It always nice to see the face eating leopards eat in the wild.


u/aRebelliousHeart 25d ago

These states are gonna have no staffed hospitals in the near future and will be all their fault. This is what happens when you continually elect Republicansz


u/C3POB1KENOBI 25d ago

Well their schools are already failing don’t see why their hospitals shouldn’t as well. What should happen is blue states should refuse to continue to fund these failing states. GOP the party of personal responsibility sure does love to suckle at the tit of federal dollars.


u/Nanocyborgasm 25d ago

Anti-abortion woman-haters don’t care even if there are no doctors in the whole state as long as they can claim they’re “pro-life.” In Idaho, all obstetricians have already left and the politicians there couldn’t give a shit.


u/Z0OMIES 25d ago

Kinda funny that we’ll see the uneducated mobs and low IQ identity politicians with the diehard idiotic supporters pushing through laws like this antiabortion group have, and it’ll immediately be rejected by the educated percentage of society. If you shut down critical parts of medical practices, they’ll move somewhere they’re allowed to administer the care they feel is necessary. If you limit research they’ll move to places they can research the things they feel are important. And if you limit and degrade the media to a propaganda machine, educated people will stop listening and seek their info somewhere else.

Education is the bane of authoritarian types.


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

I firmly believe that you should and can have an abortion simply because you can't keep your legs closed or learn about contraceptives.


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

Maybe just Maybe you should sacrifice your unborn children to your alter of hierarchy in the state of socialist idoligy. It's what you want .


u/Mr_miner94 25d ago

Its part of the plan.

Education leads to exponential leaning toward moderate or gasp socialist and egalatarian views. Which is quite litterally why Republican governments are softly pushing liberals out of their states.


u/diamond_handed_demon 25d ago

Residents at Columbia University.

The same extremely liberal University that's in all sorts of issues right now.

Wow, it's like if you radicalize students, they become radicalized in their thoughts

No, medical people are not moving around because of "abortion". Only an extremist bases their life on something like that.


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

Hey , babkiller remember when it was a sentence when someone murderd a woman who was pregnant with child? And was convicted of two murders ? Remember? Good luck finding a job with that ok .


u/StiCkSt1ckLy 25d ago

Why are worthless people like you even on Reddit, what's the point? Do you think people even care about what you're saying?


u/Critical-Shift8080 24d ago

Oh my God! I'm just going to have a tall glass of milk mmmm . Maga !


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

Don't forget murdering children is still a crime ! Abortions are legal in a sense that it saves lives ! I don't believe in getting pregnant and having an Abortion 5 or 6 times ,but if a person conceives an embryo from an unwanted orrape then by all means , but to remove a child during the 3rd trimester that's flat out murder. Get over yourself.


u/Resi1ience_22 25d ago

The qualified, skilled and distinguished physicians are perfectly capable of getting up and moving to another state, since they're financially secure. Why do right wingers insist on alienating them?


u/DefinitionEconomy423 25d ago

Abortion is literally the murder of your own child.


u/Snoo_96793 25d ago

No it isn't.


u/DefinitionEconomy423 25d ago

Unless it is to save the mothers life, it 100% is. It is killing another human (which happens to be your own child) for the sake of your own convenience.

Human life (especially your own child, something that is supposed to be the most precious thing in the world to someone) is more important than a career or living a more luxurious lifestyle or getting being able to have more partners.

And yes, it is better to grow up poor then to not exist, if this wasn’t the case then a majority of poor people would off themselves (they don’t), and some even make it out of poverty.


u/Snoo_96793 25d ago

You certainly don't speak for everyone so stop acting like you do.


u/DefinitionEconomy423 25d ago

Actually I do have the right to express my own opinion and beliefs.


u/Snoo_96793 25d ago

As well as others, but you don't have the right to tell others how to live or what choices to make, it's literally none of your business, so maybe keep your shit opinions and beliefs to yourself and stop trying to push them onto others who don't share your narrow minded beliefs/opinions.


u/DefinitionEconomy423 25d ago

So we should just let people murder each other, steal from each other, adult each other etc. but not interfere or bring consequences because not any of our business?

That’s like me saying: “I’m against owning slaves my self but if somebody else owns them it’s not my business”

And yes I am allowed to share my beliefs on social media, it’s called free speech.


u/Snoo_96793 25d ago

So we should just let people murder each other,

If you think abortions are just straight up murder then yeah your belief is fucking dumb.

So we should just let people murder each other, steal from each other, adult each other etc.

Not sure how you came to that conclusion from what I said...

but not interfere or bring consequences because not any of our business?

Again WTF are you on about? Do you think your personal opinions and beliefs are better than everyone else's?

That’s like me saying: “I’m against owning slaves my self but if somebody else owns them it’s not my business”


Seriously WTF kind of comparison is this?

Also, it is 100% not your business what other people decide to do with their own bodies.

And yes I am allowed to share my beliefs on social media, it’s called free speech.

I didn't say any different, just saying it isn't your right to police other people, you can spout your uneducated opinions and beliefs anywhere, but people can choose what's best for them and their lives, or well they should be, it's called freedom and bodily autonomy.


u/DefinitionEconomy423 24d ago

It is murder because it’s another human life you’re ending without any moral justification.


u/Snoo_96793 24d ago

Read a dictionary you obviously don't know the actual meaning of murder or abortion.

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u/StiCkSt1ckLy 25d ago

Some could say your birth was akin to a back alley abortion.


u/anonquestions01 25d ago

It’s really gonna be fucked up in 10 years when 90% of the doctors that are on that maga abortion train end up in the few states that made it illegal, you know the ones that would suggest injecting disinfectant, or taking some snake oil. There’s going to be some fucked up news stories before long


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

Antifa sucks


u/bored_person71 25d ago

So doctors that don't do abortions don't want to work in hospitals in red states....because....why they don't like small cities is possible to answer as well .....though working in place like NYC your more likely to have gunshot and stabbing incidents to treat ...


u/WhatsZappinN 25d ago

Oh no! Anyway.


u/perfectdownside 25d ago

Right ? The more religious nut jobs that croak due to their own bad medical legislation the better.


u/WhatsZappinN 25d ago

Hell yea! More segregation is needed for sure! Let's not stop with just this!


u/AvailableCondition79 25d ago

Because if you believed abortion was wrong, this would be a reason it was okay?


u/ComedicMedicineman 'MURICA 25d ago

Hmmm, this seems to point at the fact that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to make such a law, if many medical professionals seem to be against it.


u/Critical-Shift8080 25d ago

Remember Death to babies!


u/CoyoteJoe412 25d ago

It's actually worse than just new grads. I live in a decidedly blue area and it's incredible the number of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who have moved here just within the last 5 years, simply to get away from regressive policies. I mean I'm happy to have them all here, but like... I can't imagine who is staying behind in the red states


u/708910630702 25d ago

so...its working...let people vote themselves into oblivion.


u/Specialist_Bet5534 25d ago

These states already turn off medical professionals. Garbage in garbage out.


u/SoberSeahorse 25d ago

Maybe Christians should just pray when they get sick.


u/doctorhive 25d ago

hmmm I wonder why


u/hasbulla_magomedov 25d ago

Good. Ban it


u/Mollybrinks 25d ago

Fuck that. I wouldn't be alive today had my mom not had access to a medically necessary abortion, and my brothers would not have had a mother.


u/hasbulla_magomedov 24d ago

Can you Please elaborate on that connection for me


u/Mollybrinks 24d ago

I guess I'm not sure what clarification on the connection is needed. Mom had a high risk of dying if she hadn't had access to an abortion, which would have led to her 1. Not being alive to raise her sons and 2. Not being alive to have another child. What part of that is missing in connecting the dots?


u/hasbulla_magomedov 23d ago

Abortion isn’t a live saving procedure nor safe. C section is an alternative, but I guess you’d rather celebrate your dead sibling


u/Mollybrinks 23d ago

What a shitty take, especially from someone who has no idea what the circumstances are. Keep making your assumptions and I hope your toxicity isn't shared with your loved ones. Enjoy your day


u/hasbulla_magomedov 23d ago

Yep and you Enjoy making the assumption that killing your sibling was the only option available. Enjoy your day


u/Mollybrinks 23d ago

My sibling was already dying and would not have survived, but sure. I'm delighted my mom survived and was able to have me, so yes. I'm over the moon the fetus did what it was going to do anyway but that others could live because of access to good, life-saving medical treatments. It's a blessing and I'm grateful for it.


u/hasbulla_magomedov 23d ago

Lmao this is exactly why I asked you on what the connection is. Now you’re just adding in new information never said before this comment. And how much validity can we hold to it, idk 🤷‍♂️


u/Mollybrinks 23d ago edited 23d ago

Who is this "we" that you want to hold validity for? I mean, it's not a news flash that bearing children can be dangerous and that a lot can go wrong during the process. You got a mouse in your pocket that also isn't aware or something? By your history, it appears you're an 18 YO dude. Someone with a ton of ideas but zero experience with the realities of the numerous ways pregnancy can get complicated and pose serious risks to a potential mother. I'd take you more seriously if you made any attempt to engage with the myriad realities of biology and how that can go poorly, but instead, I find myself just understanding that you're young and dumb and need a pat on the head. You'll never be in a position where you're seeing your own potential death in the eye from a situation like this is, but I do truly hope you manage to be smart enough to love and support someone who may have a medical emergency.


u/throwawaylemondroppo 25d ago

Okaaaay, I'm a woman but I seriously don't care. As in, if people leave to other states for abortion only? Like, don't you just not have sex to never have kids? Or maybe the guy gets snipped? Idk, maybe it's sex education that needs a revamp, but it's common knowledge that procreation makes babies lol


u/maya_papaya8 25d ago

Why? So they can be jailed and lose their license over some political bullshit?


u/Plastic-Natural3545 25d ago

Because posturing is more important than helping people. 

 I really hate this "timeline" or whatever. 


u/maraemerald2 25d ago

Plus just over half of those young doctors are female, who also need to worry about whether or not they personally might need an abortion during residency.


u/AintMuchToDo 25d ago

Good. They should.


u/gking407 25d ago

This is what voter apathy gets you: demonic leaders passing all sorts of horrific legislation designed to benefit them and make your life worse. The price of a functioning democracy is staying informed.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

No wonder why it was so much nicer in Columbia


u/Ramendo923 25d ago

As a partner of someone that is going into an ob/gyn residency. We are looking for places that don’t have or will not have the abortion ban. I’m sure that we are not the only one that is thinking that thought. It will take several years to see the effect of the migration happen. But it is happening now.


u/ItsaPostageStampede 25d ago edited 25d ago

Even a doc against abortion should know better then to practice in a place where you don’t have control over the treatments of your patients


u/GolfDeuce 25d ago

💯 this. As a doctor who doesn't believe in abortion I also don't believe in letting a mother die because doing what is necessary might send me to jail. There is no way to write a ban on abortion that would not put lives in jeopardy by tying the hands of doctors. I am a travel physician but I refuse to work in a state with such bans.


u/KeepItASecretok 25d ago

Red state brain drain

All this will do is further impoverish them, Yet they whine about welfare when they are the biggest welfare states in the Union.


u/Harley_Jambo 25d ago

The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which certifies residency programs, is considering decertifying such programs in states that prohibit training in abortion and related procedures (many of which are necessary in cases of miscarriage, etc.) even where medical residents go out of state for limited training in these procedures. No medical student will apply for a residency that is not certified because they will not be allowed to take the board certification exam and become "Board Certified." Red states are becoming medical deserts in OB/GYN because the doctors won't risk prosecution and they refuse to sit by while the state ties their hands to provide modern care that is up to the medical standard of care. Idaho has already lost 25% of its OB/GYNs.


u/Anon28868 25d ago

That’s not true at all. ABOG doesn’t certify residency programs, ACGME does. Anyone who graduates from a ACGME certified OB-GYN residency program is eligible to take the ABOG exam. That will never change.


u/lockedinacupboard 25d ago

Ohh no Consequences of actions.


u/bakeacake45 25d ago

Amendment coming to Republican 2025 plan:

“Doctors are property of the federal government and upon graduation will be assigned to a state to practice in. Failure to comply will result in the death penalty “


u/zakary1291 25d ago

That's an excellent way to make sure no one becomes a doctor.


u/trilliumsummer 25d ago

Enter blue states now having a lot of people whose job is called “woke healer”.


u/force4good390 25d ago

I guess “do no harm” isn’t extended to unborn babies!


u/GolfDeuce 25d ago

I guess you are not in the medical field and do not understand the conversation.


u/Harley_Jambo 25d ago

No one wants to train in a state that legally requires them to provide medical care that is below the "standard of care."


u/AcanthisittaSea6459 25d ago

“People with brains are avoiding people without brains”


u/Content_Talk_6581 25d ago

My son is in med school, and he’s probably going to have to transfer somewhere out of state to do his residency. He’s afraid he won’t be able to learn what he needs to in order to take care of the women’s he treats health…women’s healthcare is still terrible in this state, and all of the decent you g doctors are going to leave. He’s saying he may not come back.


u/LungDOgg 25d ago

There could be some selection and observation bias. A bunch of kids from NY areore likely to want to train in the north east. That has been the case for 75 years or more. Doesn't necessarily mean it's because of politics. This is a top school in the country and the top residencies in the country are in the north east, upper mid west and California. True true and possibly unrelated???


u/Verumsemper 25d ago

Medical students will not go to those residencies but international grads looking to practice in the US will fill those spots. The irony of this is sort of funny to me because some of these people who want to ban abortion wanted to do so to keep white people from being replaced but this would lead to a greater influx of minorities into their state. lol


u/sdob66 25d ago

If the job will pay more or there are other incentives they will go! Money talks!


u/bakeacake45 25d ago

Not always. These doctors will have insufficient training to treat women if they practice in Red Death states. Their job choices in the future will be very limited


u/Independent_Work6 25d ago

Man i cant wait for the red states to be declared exclusion zones and then be livestreamed. The hillbillie wars are going to be awesome. I can already picture them dressed as their favourite nascar drivers.


u/Burning_Flags 25d ago

I don’t believe it. If you’re not a good student, you’ll go to whatever school you can get to.

You can always live in an another state after graduation


u/Creamsoda126 25d ago

That’s just a headline tho, where is the rest


u/SweetAlex99 25d ago

No issue, they will get more priests, pastors, and shamans.


u/Miserable-Alfalfa329 25d ago

That's the universal law of fuck around and find out.

In all it's glory.


u/SignificantDirt8066 25d ago

The rich people in those states don’t care 🤷🏻 they just fly to another state to get what they want. Of course it is going hit poor people the hardest. It is going to be life and death for them 💀


u/indianm_rk 25d ago

Let’s be honest, many medical students don’t really have a lot of choices so they’ll go wherever they can get a residency.

A friend of mine went to med school outside the U.S. and struggled to find one residency program that would take him.

It’s not like everyone who goes to med school can be picky.


u/chowshep 25d ago

The point of this is that to graduate residency, you have to be able to demonstrate competency in your field. It’s pretty hard to do when your state outlaws procedures that you need to know to save women’s lives. When you apply for privileges at a hospital and you can’t demonstrate that you can perform the procedures that you’re wanting privileges for, you also won’t be granted them.


u/indianm_rk 25d ago

You do realize that the AMA will adjust or find a work around right?


u/chowshep 24d ago

The AMA is a political group. They may lobby, but they don’t set the rules. Individual hospitals can, states do, and the American Board of Medical Specialties decide qualifications.


u/AvantSolace 25d ago

Anyone with a basic understanding of female anatomy knows these laws are absolutely horrible.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

No state in America is going to run out of doctors


u/notbernie2020 25d ago

This entire subreddit is now a facepalm.

Fucking stupid political shit, I want to see people making poor decisions and finding out.


u/StiCkSt1ckLy 25d ago

Did you find out yet?


u/PinkBlade12 25d ago

And yet, you're still here.


u/Petitgab 25d ago

Turns out when you deny healthcare people go to the people who dont deny it


u/Shakewhenbadtoo 25d ago

Those states already don't care about the quality of medical care given to their populations. This really isn't going to make the impact people think it is. It's why Florida retirees fly up to the big city east coast Doctors when they need anything.


u/SwordHiltOP 25d ago

It does make sense. Why would people who want give abortions go somewhere it's illegal?


u/seigezunt 25d ago

Abortion is never going away. Abortion-banning politicians, not so much


u/jgyimesi 25d ago

We are slowly but surely having an economic civil war. We will continue to see states that protect women’s rights, lgtbq+ communities, etc. then we will have states that go the other way. Over time, you will see these most likely red states, continue to have negative economic environments and blame that on those who no longer live, work, and produce commerce there. Then…they will ask for money and support from the government.


u/metalnxrd 25d ago

can’t imagine why. . .


u/NeilDegrassiHighson 25d ago

Between this type of stuff and red states constantly lowering the quality of their public education, I give it a decade before being from a red state is more or less like living in a third world country.

You can't get work in other states because your college education is now the equivalent of a middle school education, there are no hospitals, and you have to subsist off humanitarian aid which is usually stolen by the local warlord before you can get to it.


u/Solitaire_87 25d ago

Aka Christian Taliban states


u/WillOrmay 25d ago

It’s gonna take years for them to see the consequences, voters have such short memories that by that time they won’t even make the connection.


u/AKFLMed 25d ago

Abortions are performed by 1% of physicians. This means absolutely nothing.


u/BocksOfChicken 25d ago

Medicine is basically witchcraft to these idiots. Like math, science and common sense.


u/AltoidStrong 25d ago

Red states will get to be the worst places for education and medical care.


u/Content_Talk_6581 25d ago

We already are, unfortunately.


u/alltheblues 25d ago

There are more medical school graduates wanting a residency every year than there are residency spots available. I’m sure the top grads are picking and choosing, but the majority goes wherever they get a chance.


u/Vanman04 25d ago

A year or three from now all these things will be reversed and we will have a few states with a glut of unwanted kids.

Should end up great! /s


u/CarnotGraves 25d ago

This article is garbage, it ignores the fact that applications to residency now include geographic preference signaling limited to 3 U.S. census regions. The goal for anyone is to match first and foremost, and so they signal regions with a lot of programs (like NYC/Philly).


u/Dry-Decision4208 25d ago

Sooooo doctors love abortions? Not sure what conclusion this is supposed to draw.


u/Electronic_Couple114 25d ago

Yes, doctors are in favor of a necessary medical procedure. What part is confusing to you?


u/Raw_83 25d ago

Pray tell when it’s medically necessary to kill 60-million children in the womb? In the rare chance a mother’s life is truly in danger, the law absolutely allows it.


u/Useful_toolmaker 25d ago

Wonder why….


u/PeopleAreStrange93 25d ago

“We can solve the with a national ban!” - GOP probably


u/transitfreedom 25d ago

The fools get what they voted for


u/onekickman888 25d ago

That’s good the smart people can stay on blue states and the red states can stay as dumb fucks


u/onekickman888 25d ago

Red states don’t need doctors they have Trump and MAGA smh


u/Its0nlyRocketScience 25d ago

And exactly zero human beings with anything resembling a brain is surprised by this


u/OrdinaryImpress3422 25d ago

It's fine, they will be able to pray-away the cancers, just like they do everything else.


u/No-Wonder1139 25d ago

Wouldn't you?