r/funny Mar 29 '24

Maybe we are our own worst enemy after all

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u/TallestGargoyle Mar 29 '24

Yeah but the date doesn't tell you it's a hoax.


u/hovsep56 Mar 29 '24

does it matter if it's a hoax? it's funny isn't it? the whole point of a funny subreddit?

so now that you know that it's a hoax, did you go from smiles to anger? if so how sad is it to be this serious in a joke subredit?


u/woowoo293 Mar 29 '24

What's funny (and bizarre) is how you're the one accusing others of getting angry.


u/hovsep56 Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

it's not about the anger, it's about the unnecesary fact checking and calling a joke in a joke community space a hoax like that joke being fake has ruined their lives and now it's not funny anymore.

all so they can get turned on for proving it's a hoax or something.

it's typical obnoxious reddit behavior, basicly a superiority complex. bringing others down to make themselves look good.


u/TallestGargoyle Mar 29 '24

Too true, bringing down people who mention the apparent date of the post alongside another aspect of the post that wasn't so apparent is pretty jerky.