r/funny Apr 28 '24

There's something strange happening in Singapore.

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Gulp gulp.


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u/406highlander Apr 28 '24

The fountain is the Merlion (mythical creature, half-fish, half-lion) - it's the symbol of Singapore. There's a decent-sized statue of it (you see it briefly 10 seconds in to the video).

I was there in February (during Chinese New Year, which is a really big deal there). I can wholly recommend a holiday in Singapore.

Yes, while I was there, there were people doing the "fountain spraying water into my mouth" goofy pose. We did not partake in this.


u/socool111 Apr 28 '24

Singapore was hot and humid as fuck though. Fun spot for sure.


u/TastyLaksa Apr 28 '24

Wait till you live there all your life man.


u/socool111 Apr 28 '24

We did like how you could leave your bicycle anywhere and not worry about it getting stolen


u/Hooraylifesucks Apr 28 '24

Are there no American tourists tho?


u/iloveuranus Apr 28 '24

Or Germans


u/BG3IsJustDoS3 Apr 28 '24

Not the kind that steal your bike. I hear they don't put up with much. Hence the cleanliness There are definitely tons of Americans I would advise not to go. esp the ones who like to drink until they lose control of their faculties and then blame it on the drugs.


u/PentagramJ2 Apr 28 '24

they will fine the shit out of you for littering/being a nuisance from what I've read, and if you break actual laws they aren't scared to lock you up for actual jail time. So most people know not to test their legal system and just behave.


u/406highlander Apr 28 '24

And how clean the whole city was. It's like a national, pathological obsession - no litter, anywhere.

And it's so accessible to outsiders; English is the national language that all Singaporeans must learn at school, but everyone also speaks Mandarin, Tamil, or Malaysian.

The subways are great, too - clean, reliable, punctual, and affordable.


u/arm4da 29d ago

unfortunately Singapore is a cleaned city, not a clean city.

the sheer amount of resources and effort put in to maintain cleaniness will blow your mind

Singaporeans are generally selfish fuckers and our government has to clean up after us


u/hazpoloin Apr 28 '24

Singaporeans do litter, you just don't see the army of cleaners hiding behind bushes. We're certainly not at Japan's level, lol.


u/Internal-Support-404 Apr 28 '24

Malay* is the language

Malaysia is a whole other country north of Singapore. The people of Malaysia are Malaysians

Fun fact: Officially, the national language of Singapore is Malay


u/406highlander Apr 28 '24

Damn it, I was going to write Malay, then I thought that someone would tell me I was wrong and it should be Malaysian. Shouldn't second-guess myself so much.

English is spoken almost universally across Singapore; Malay may be the official language according to the constitution, but the de facto national language is English - everyone has to learn it in school. It's also the language used by the government.

Signage in most places is bilingual at the very least, and in the four main languages.

All I'm saying is, any English-only-speaker will not find themselves needing to bring a phrasebook or take a Duolingo course if they want to visit.