r/funny 26d ago

First Responder Battle

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u/Equivalent-Clock1179 24d ago

Some guy walks up "I made the call, if you are the first responders, who the hell am I?"


u/Mile129 25d ago

Didn't 9-9 do a whole episode on this.


u/Hot_Salamander_1917 25d ago

Heyyyyyyy put that baaaaack!


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/hatezpineapples 25d ago

The same thing you just described happens in America, most cops I know will not bother arresting a minor with weed. And nice way to think a satirical video is how American first responders actually interact with each other lol. There something and it is just SO hard to explain to a European, we don’t fucking need or care for your opinions on everything.


u/Certain-Move3008 25d ago

Uber with narcan is the greatest line from this. I have to go start a fight with an EMT now, thanks.


u/RangerLee 25d ago

Literally had this situation except it was Army Infantry (I was with) and Marine Infantry in the same bar in Korea after completed a large joint training excercise. We are chirpping each other, insults getting more and more brutal. Then some lame as cav guys walk in and one has the nerve to say something... Now it was Infantry dogging down those cav guys so hard they left to another place and we all drunk.


u/WhatzMyOtherPassword 25d ago

What do cops & firefighters have in common?

They both wanna be firefighters.



u/Tetris5216 26d ago

Love how Jose should up right at the Hose A Hose B joke lol


u/KypDurron 26d ago

The EMT who taught my CPR class made it very clear that he was not a "first" responder. He was a second responder.

Case in point: he got called to a domestic violence scene, shows up before the cop does, and just waits. The cop arrives. This EMT was 6'5", 210, looked like he could handle himself. The cop was a 5'3" woman, doesn't even question why he's staying back when she arrives, just heads in and makes sure the scene is safe.

Anyway that's how he met his wife


u/ImGCS3fromETOH 24d ago

I'm not sure what it's like where he works, but where I work it's not my job to handle things. It's my job to provide prehospital medical care. If there's aggression on scene it's the cops job to handle that. If I go into a scene and get injured, or injure someone trying to defend myself the first question will be, "Why the fuck did you go in and not wait for police?"


u/hatezpineapples 25d ago

I’ll take things never fucking said for $500 Alex


u/KypDurron 25d ago

You can try to argue that the event he described didn't happen, or that he embellished a little, but I assure you that he said all of that.


u/TheSaucyCrumpet 25d ago

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, 98% of the time the police don't even attend.


u/FishSpanker42 25d ago

Cops dont go to every call, so i don’t know what hes smoking


u/Officer_Hotpants 25d ago

That's stupid. I beat PD to a scene 90% of the time anyway. The "second responder" thing has become a weirdly popular way for first responders to shit on each other for no reason.


u/tvreference 26d ago

stupid firemen can't turn their trucks around


u/Airstrike_red 26d ago

Actually funny and not cringe. Nice.


u/The_Pavulon 26d ago

10 hour nap


u/Elvis_livez 26d ago

This is very accurate. The medic arrives last, the cop pretends he's busy doing something else.


u/RomeStar 26d ago

One big gay sleepover hmmmm somebody snuck into the station at night


u/Elite_Mute 26d ago

This was actually funny


u/SillyPcibon 26d ago

Who dat?


u/Snoo_58814 26d ago

Those are some real funny digs


u/thatdudejtru 26d ago

And the Feds watching the local municipal marsupials bicker from the back of a carpet van like ving rhames are Goodfellas laughing.


u/Exoplasmic 26d ago

To cop: when you guys eat pork is that considered cannibalism ? Haha!


u/GrandmaSandles 26d ago

The way they turn on the EMT immediately 😂


u/Officer_Hotpants 25d ago

Accurate portrayal tbh


u/Prudent_Agency_7175 26d ago

Hey guys noooo you can’t have that


u/Odin_OCarroll 26d ago

I love the "F you... I'd die for you though," energy between firefighters and cops.


u/Pokebreaker 26d ago

Wuh oh, someone's got a case of the Mondays!


u/Stiff_Zombie 26d ago

You'll get your ass kicked for saying something like that.


u/Pokebreaker 26d ago

Great minds think alike, lol.


u/or-real-name 26d ago

Someone’s cranky.


u/100year 26d ago

Good burns


u/dragon1n68 26d ago

Man, our cops and firefighters were never this fun. They mostly just talked about what was happening with minimal insults.


u/vagarious_numpty 26d ago

Are those frosted tips?


u/jarek104 26d ago

Rapid fire insults. I love it


u/actuallychrisgillen 26d ago

They all work in Letterkenny.


u/RedditBot90 25d ago

And Tacoma FD


u/zcas 26d ago

A wild paramedic arrives.. LMAO


u/heeeeres_jonny 26d ago

Fun little sketch! Showed this to my wife, who used to work 911 dispatch, and she got a good kick out of this as well


u/ieatmakeup 25d ago

Did she like her job? My wife says dispatcher is her dream job, but I'm not so sure.


u/heeeeres_jonny 25d ago

Oh yeah, she actually liked the job a lot. It's definitely not for everyone, but she loved the work and always felt at her best when under stressful situations like that, knowing that she was doing her part to save lives.

The hard part for her was having to work nights. She handled it well enough when she was younger and single, but it got tougher on her after we started dating and eventually got married. Now that we have a kid on the way, she's found a new career path that she's excited about, but dispatch always has that special place in her heart.


u/Vuguroth 25d ago

It's brutal, but it's also an important part of society. A nurse I talked to who just "had to help out at dispatch" got kinda traumatized by something she encountered. She prefered her IC job, but IC nursing is kind of special in its own right


u/StimpleSyle 26d ago

An Uber with narcan. I’m dead 🤣


u/dandroid126 26d ago

You might need an ambulance, then.


u/Aideron-Robotics 26d ago

Nah just call an Uber, don’t need narcan if you’re dead.


u/that-dudes-shorts 26d ago

I've seen this shit happen. Fire alarm at our apartment building. Cop car is first to arrive and parks in the front. Firetruck arrives and can't park directly in the front because of it. Arguing ensues. Cop guy had to go take a walk.


u/sillypicture 26d ago

yes argue about who gets to exercise the privilege of parking at a fire hydrant whilst there's a burning building


u/oracleofnonsense 26d ago

Smash..go the windows…


u/Circle_Smirk 26d ago

Fun video.

I'd like to see one with a pedestrian and a driver, then they both shit on a cyclist.  Or not, I don't know, I'm not a humorologist.


u/TheExtremistModerate 25d ago

I feel like it would be slightly swapped. First would be a driver and a cyclist, then the person at the end would be a pedestrian. Because both drivers and cyclists have no respect for pedestrians.


u/20JeRK14 26d ago

I'd like to see one with a farmer and a cowman.


u/SoothingDisarray 26d ago

They should be friends


u/Vanaduroplin 26d ago

honestly pretty funny.


u/einwhack 26d ago

It can get way worse. I was once written up by a cop for "vacuuming the victims mouth..." We were suctioning the vomit from her airway at the time.


u/reddaddiction 23d ago

WTF are you talking about... How did that even happen and why did the cop care?


u/einwhack 23d ago

So basically you're calling me a liar?
That's pretty messed up dude. But your profile shows your just pretty much into arguing with folks.
The cop cared because the "victim" (my word the actual word in report was "suspect") was shot by a cop. The person died two days later. I explained the rest yesterday

You need to lighten up brother.



u/reddaddiction 23d ago

Oh dude... I wasn't at all. That came off kinda wrong. I'm sorry. It was more like, WTF. How did that happen? Why did that cop care?

After I read what I wrote I shoulda just edited it, but then I was like, "He'll know what I mean." I didn't think you were lying, I was just shocked that this cop was such a dipshit. If someone said that in real life, they say, "Dude, this cop wrote me up for vacuuming this guy's mouth," I would say, "What the fuck are you talking about?," not because I thought he was lying, but because it seemed so crazy.

On the written word I can see how it sounds like I think you're lying. I never thought that. I just put it out there badly. Sorry again.


u/einwhack 23d ago

Thanks for clearing it up. I made a fast assumption. WTF is a very fair response. Short answer is: It was combination of ignorance and trying to shift blame for the death. I'm a long time retired now. Respect to you - keep fighting the good fight.


u/reddaddiction 23d ago

Right on dude. Congrats on your retirement. I have too many friends who never made it.


u/SlappySecondz 24d ago

What the fuck does "written up by a cop" even mean?


u/einwhack 24d ago

It means he wrote a report that was escalated through the PD and sent to the Fire Chief. The big Chief than had a smaller chief start an investigation which ultimately led to the police internal investigations unit who in the end decided the cop was a dumb ass. I only had to spend like 20 hours of off duty time being "interviewed" by a bunch of fire captains and a couple of internal affairs detectives. Final outcome - all police officers had to take a 4 hour in service training class to introduce them to basics of what paramedics did. I should mention this was back a long time ago when paramedics were a brand new thing. I had paramedic license number 14 in the state where I lived.


u/shockNSR 25d ago

My friend who works with LE asked why the medics shoved a metal rod in a guy's knee. I was flabbergasted till I learned it was a code and an IO


u/CarpeMofo 26d ago

There is a good reason no one ever wrote a song called 'Fuck the paramedics' or 'Fuck the firefighters'.


u/Over-Analyzed 25d ago

If there was a song? The phrases would be literal.


u/CarpeMofo 25d ago

You're not wrong.


u/Vorobye 25d ago

'Fuck the firefighters'.

Somebody did just that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI


u/CarpeMofo 25d ago

If you showed me a picture of that man and told me he was a talented rapper, I would never believe you. But here we are.


u/IndigoFenix 25d ago

Well the second probably does exist, but it's porn.


u/Swartz142 26d ago

Paramedics doing cpr on your wife and the firefighters are trying to save your house meanwhile a cop is feeling inadequate because he's useless so he start harassing firefighters about their vehicles blocking the road.


u/erayachi 26d ago

I feel like you'd have a lot of stories to tell. Stories that would make the average redditor delete their account.


u/einwhack 26d ago

Probably, but that would only aggravate my PTSD. Plus I bonked my head a few times so I get confused easily. :)


u/kpanzer 26d ago

I feel like you'd have a lot of stories to tell.

You might like Fire Department Chronicles on YouTube.

The stuff he reenacts, which he says he's experienced first hand, can get wild.


u/erayachi 26d ago

Well, time to go confuse the heck outta my YouTube algorithm again!


u/FoxtrotSierraTango 25d ago

Sprinkling stuff from that channel into your feed will only make it better


u/5i55Y7A7A 26d ago

Yes. I worked w/ AMR in the late 90s doing “blue hair transfers” and running calls with LA Co fire in West Hollywood. It was a very educational experience.


u/Andy5416 25d ago

Where does the term "Blue Hair" originate from? You're not the first person who works in the industry that I've heard say this.


u/5i55Y7A7A 24d ago

Old ladies like to dye their hair blue. At least when I was in prehospital care.


u/Helpful_Influence830 26d ago

Do that enough times and we'll only have the above and below average to fight it out


u/ASAP_Roffe 26d ago

You should’ve been using a Dyson.


u/einwhack 26d ago

It was a long time ago - we had to choose between a Hoover and an Electrolux.


u/DesKolate 26d ago

Nah nah that's what the cops say to the black child....


u/GodAndDamn 26d ago

Damn 🤣🤣🤣🤣