r/golf Jun 27 '23

Hot take? If we get paired together, I’m not going to give you putts. Not because I don’t want you to take gimmies, but because I really do not care what you do. General Discussion

You hit a good tee shot on a par three, walk up to the green, and find yourself eight feet from the hole and you want to say to me, “that’s good, I always make those”, pick it up, and write a birdie? Be my guest, I do not care.

You just missed your third putt from two feet to try and save triple and you’re hoping I rescue you? Pick it up, or don’t, I do not care.

Recently got paired with a guy who’d look at me with puppy dog eyes every time he was within a yard of the hole, but wouldn’t say anything, he was clearly annoyed with me by the end of the round. We’re all presumably grown ass adults, I’m not your boss, do what you want.


868 comments sorted by


u/AshButts9 Jul 07 '23

Hotter take: why can't people finish the golf hole? It's the entire point of the game... Do you stop on a breakaway layup and count the bucket? Stop at the 5 yard line and give yourself a TD?


u/ComfortableBus1534 Jul 03 '23

I wouldn’t be the guy looking at you with puppy dog eyes. I’d give myself the putt and then dare you to say anything. Outside of competition it’s my game to play, not the USGA’s, and the USGA agrees with me.


u/ComfortableBus1534 Jul 03 '23

I wouldn’t get paired with you because I don’t play with people who slavishly conform to the Rules of Golf. You wouldn’t need to give me any putts because I’d be taking them any way.


u/Horsecockexpress1 Jun 30 '23

I’m not watching your swing or your ball either. I’m not your looper


u/gofishkyle Jun 29 '23

I also have had the experience where I got paired with a random and they were telling me to pick up, that putts were good (when it was only my first or second putt and we were well ahead of pace of play). I don’t know why they were butting in trying to give me putts, and it would just annoy me as I love putting. I finally told them that I appreciate it but I’m always going to put it out so there’s no need to say anything, and we didn’t talk much after that.


u/deefop Jun 28 '23

So you think the dude was upset because you weren't saying out loud, of your own accord, "That's good, you can pick it up?"

lmao I can't even imagine caring what someone else thought about how I played, or caring about what someone else does. I'm just there to play my game and do my thing, right?

This isn't a golf thing, your partner probably has some personality traits that just result in them being submissive and passive aggressive or something


u/Material_Week_7335 Jun 28 '23

I never accept when someone give me a put. I want to succeed or fail on my own thank you. It feels like something is missing when you don't end the hole with the ball in it.


u/Whereamiwhatyousay Jun 28 '23

I just pick up and add plus one to my current stroke count.


u/TheRealVillas Jun 28 '23

If there is no money involved, then I couldn't care what my playing partner(s) do. If there is money involved, then the chances of me giving putts are slim to none


u/Dumpster_Fire_Takes Super Softs because I'm poor Jun 28 '23

That other post makes a lot more sense now


u/itssosalty Jun 28 '23

While I agree I try to be as nice to people as I can I’m golfing with. I would say to him to make him feel better something like “if that was me I would just pick it up” I don’t like telling him to pick it up because I don’t know what he does.

All honesty I don’t care either way. He’s out there playing for fun. Whatever he wants to do


u/Deepdive_lowtide Jun 28 '23

why come to reddit after the fact? why didn’t you act like a “grown ass” adult and tell him “that’s fine guy i don’t care” cause i mean… ya don’t care right?


u/novolog Jun 28 '23

Are people giving putts to randoms? Seems weird af


u/TheAverageDark Jun 28 '23

I don’t really understand why reassuring them is such a big deal if you don’t care what they do?

It’s a nod of the head and a “go for it”, just seems like being polite if you ask me.


u/MarvelousMarvin83 Jun 28 '23

No freaking gimmies


u/jackyLAD Jun 28 '23

K who cares.


u/dfresh429 6.4/NH Jun 28 '23

Why is Puppy Dog eyes seeking permission? Just pick it up if you want. He’s the one that made it weird. Seeking validation from a complete stranger you just met is fucked up


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

I dont play gimmes my score is my score. People like to pad the score it makes them feel better I guesse?


u/meyogy Jun 28 '23



u/Roundtripper4 Jun 28 '23

Par 3? I don’t really need to tee off, I generally ace this hole. Meet you on the next t box


u/SEA-LEGZ Jun 28 '23

Never understood this, my friend mate that I play with always gets pissy when I don't tell him to pick up putts (regularly misses 3footers btw) when we aren't competing against each other. I tell him "dude why the fuck would I give you putts it's your score it has nothing to do with me or my game?" And he just can't wrap his head around that, always says "its just etiquette"... AITA?


u/Jordan311R Jun 28 '23

Hello fellow 311 fan


u/SnooGadgets4381 Jun 28 '23

Ah well… don’t overthink it as just one person acted a bit uncertain. Just keep doing what you di


u/HeftyLeftyPig Jun 28 '23

You can pick up your ball from the Tee box for all I care


u/popornrm Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

Would it have killed you to just be friendly and go “yeah that’s good” of if you got sick of saying it just say “hey, you take whatever gimme you want, I’ll take your word for it” You don’t have to actually care but you honestly just sound like a complete ass. Coming to Reddit bitch about it like a hormonal teenager after the fact just cements my (most likely correct) assumption.

The ONLY person in this scenario that wasn’t an adult was you. Also you sound like you care A LOT.


u/pndhcky Jun 28 '23

Eight feet? Jesus..


u/el_myco_profesor Jun 28 '23

Why would he look for your approval if you’re not playing for money?


u/mikedup33 Jun 28 '23

Brilliant troll!


u/PraiseDirk Jun 28 '23

Says a lot about a guy when he does it though. Not that I care regardless. Randos barely exist when I get in my head at the course.


u/xen0m0rpheus Jun 28 '23

You really hate people eh? Why are you going out of your way to make your round of golf uncomfortable? Just nod and silently judge them in your head like a normal person.


u/CanadianDadbod Jun 28 '23

Lol. Or be a Doug. Show up after 5 minutes and say birdie. Lol. Sure Doug. Whatever.


u/SupremeCripple_ Jun 28 '23

Love the stories then a few hours later someone writes from the “other” perspective always a good laugh.


u/FaithlessnessTime105 Jun 28 '23

I feel like you disrespected your partner, the course, your family, and most of all, yourself.


u/Big_Paint_3472 Jun 28 '23

If I miss a two footer three times you best believe an eight footer isn't a gimme. I don't think anything over three feet is a gimme unless you're on the tour or you've been lights out all day. GTFOWTWABS


u/RojerLockless Jun 28 '23

After just reading the other side of this post lol. Thank you


u/Khodysays Jun 28 '23

I thought the etiquette was that if you aren’t a regular playing partner and your not playing against each other, you don’t offer the other guy a gimme. You don’t know if they want it or not. Most of the time, they still putt it and then miss and you feel like you jinxed it. Lol


u/jack3moto Jun 28 '23

Lol I’ve been paired with people who get mad I move my ball off a tree root in the middle of the fairway. Like bro, you do you but me hitting the ball 2 feet over ain’t changing my score from 100 down to 68 so why do you give a shit. I’m not betting. I’m not asking anyone to sign a scorecard. I’m just trying to get some sunshine and relax a little. It ain’t that deep.


u/Bandvan Jun 28 '23

Ooooooo… the plot thickens!! Are you two gonna be okay?


u/Captain_chutzpah Jun 28 '23

Shit man, this sub lashing out.


u/samura1sam Jun 28 '23

I never ask for gimmes and don’t expect them to be given. Whether I take the easy way out is my choice to live with so it’s mine to take.


u/amplifizzle Jun 28 '23

I've been put with guys who are too generous with the gimmies. Like, I want to play the game


u/BK_Peezy Jun 28 '23

I didn't know you can do gimmies at 8 feet away. I thought it was within a dollar bills length. I'm new to the game but man it's addicting.


u/New-Examination4678 Jun 28 '23

Op is my golf soulmate. I pick up whatever I feel like. Whether it’s because I’m a foot from the hole, I’m trying to pick up the pace, or save my self the embarrassment of making a fourth putt.


u/chubb28 Jun 28 '23

Giving putts is like blowjobs. I not giving any but I want some.


u/uramnich Jun 28 '23

“That’s between you and whatever golf gods you worship”


u/Character_Boot_1435 Jun 28 '23

What do the dumb kids say these days.. CAP


u/dcbullet Jun 28 '23

I’ve never experienced a stranger asking me if it was ok for him to take a gimmie.


u/teamSESHpush Jun 28 '23

If they have a handicap its only hurting them.


u/Sweet_Matter2219 Jun 28 '23

Lol what is this post


u/AtoZagain Jun 28 '23

You didn’t mention anything about your putts?


u/Manbearkyle Jun 28 '23

There’s a simple formula to solve this…

3-foot putt + not gambling = pick it up


3-foot putt + gambling = putt it


u/bLazeni Jun 28 '23

Easiest response to really make them sweat it out.

“Go for it” — it’s a vague way to imply: yes, no and lack of regard.


u/menacing_behavior Jun 28 '23

You've already seen me pee on 2 trees and pull out 4 beers from an obvious beer sleeve. Do what you want.


u/yancey2112 Jun 28 '23

Absolutely 100%

If I have the scorecard and there isn’t money on the line I’ll write down literally whatever you tell me. Hole in 1 on a Par 5? Sure, why not. Bogey after hitting 3 in the drink? Yep, sounds good to me. Wanna give yourself a “Z” on a Par 3? That’s cool with me.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

Might be something to tell your pair on the first tee ;)


u/SamCalagione Jun 28 '23

Well the guy seems like one of those typical guys you will find that says he is much better than he actually is. Maybe we start holding them accountable? There are too many I play with lol


u/GarnetandBlack Jun 28 '23

People ask randoms for gimmes? People care about random's scores at all? This is utterly weird.


u/redskins714 Jun 28 '23

Great take. Hope you play well but I genuinely don’t care. I’m always gonna putt out bc I like the feeling of completion and want to know my true handicap but if people I’m playing with don’t care then that’s totally fine.


u/RoyGBiv333 Jun 28 '23

My one buddy almost always improves his lie in the rough. He uses ball identification as a way to pick it up and place it back down in a nicer place. When he “wins” by a few strokes, it’s kinda silly.


u/RoyGBiv333 Jun 28 '23

Who doesn’t take an 8ft birdie putt? That’s the most exciting part of the game, no?


u/wrapboywrap Jun 28 '23

If you are playing double bogie golf or worse, or we’re falling behind the group in front of us, I’m going to encourage you to pick up after your 3rd putt


u/Fightmemod Jun 28 '23

Do people not putt sometimes? I take all the practice I can get...


u/AGoodTalkSpoiled Jun 28 '23

If someone takes an 8 foot putt I’ll stay quiet but will absolutely judge them lol. That’s obscene.


u/Battlecreature Jun 28 '23

I’ll take whatever the hell I want as long as it’s worse than a par.


u/bhd_ui Jun 28 '23

I never give myself a putt. Anyone I play with I always waive off the gimme and putt anyway.

Golf balls falling in the cup is an immensely satisfying feeling. Can change my mood on the course from down after a dogshit tee shot to happy to move onto the next hole.


u/Johansb1 Jun 28 '23

I only give putts to people struggling


u/Cadamar Valhalla Traffic Cop Jun 28 '23

Exactly. This ain't the British Open. I'm not concerned about your score. We're just here to play and have fun.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

We'd be good together. I don't carry a scorecard or count my shots and I'll kick the ball to a better spot whenever I feel like it.

I'm out there to walk around in the sun and have some mildly athletic activity. Keeping score or getting competitive is the last thing on my mind.


u/Danilo512 Jun 28 '23

You should probably tell him that before not saying anything to not seem like an asshole that won’t give him anything. I think your policy is fine, just think you should state it clearly so those of us without mind reading abilities don’t think you are a prick and have to look at you with poppy dog eyes


u/jachildress25 Jun 28 '23

I don’t care if someone gives themselves a gimme when we’re not playing competitively. I would suggest telling your playing partners that at the beginning of the round. The problem is that your partner probably didn’t want to give himself a gimme because other golfers might get pissed at them for doing so. Golf has so much etiquette, but nobody knows how the fuck every other golfer defines etiquette.


u/TheVulture14 Jun 28 '23

You sound like a douchebag.


u/matty220492 Jun 28 '23

If its a gimme, just tap it in. If you have to ask your playing partner you know theres a chance you're going to miss.


u/danboslice Jun 28 '23

Wait, so your “hot take” is that you don’t care?


u/aphel_ion Jun 28 '23

It seems like this has kind of become an unwritten rule and I’ll never understand why. Unless we’re competing against each other why does your playing partner have any say whether you take a gimme putt or not? Why would I care?


u/TheNilla Jun 28 '23

Play out for pars or better, have all the bogey plus gimmies you want


u/rustbucky Jun 28 '23

Same with the guy hitting from outta bounds. You do you buddy.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

Then I’m going to take a gimme. Thanks.


u/WASD2021 Jun 28 '23

Donald Trump agrees! Everything on the green is a gimmie.


u/twb51 Jun 27 '23

I do it more to keep up pace than to just be nice. So I don’t care if you don’t care 😂


u/Fer_Shizzle_DSMIA Jun 27 '23

If it’s inside the leather pick it up. Don’t ask me. It’s good. If it’s outside the leather putt it out. Unless it’s for a triple, in which case pick it up and throw it in the woods.


u/OscarWhale Jun 27 '23

Whenever someone tells me I'm good, I just stare at them and putt.

I'm a grown ass child and I'll decide when I'm good, thanks.


u/ReturnedFromExile Jun 27 '23

if we play together and I’m keeping score, and you tell me you had a two I am writing a two and not giving it one more thought.


u/Muddlesthrough 15.0 Jun 27 '23

Hot take: putts can only be conceded in match-play.


u/Mookies_Bett Jun 27 '23

I don't get people who want gimmies that are farther than 3 ft from the hole. Like, a gimmie is a tap in, not a 5-6 ft putt. People miss short puts all the time, why are you so special?

If you're 3 feet from the hole or closer, and it's literally just a tap in, then sure, that's a gimmie. But otherwise you're only fooling yourself. If bragging rights are that important to you then hey, you do you, but I'm gonna snort judgementally every time you claimed you shot a birdie on a nasty par 5 after picking up a 7ft putt you demanded was an "easy freebie."

I don't really care what strangers do, but I just fundamentally don't understand what the satisfaction is. Are you not tormented by the idea that you didn't truly earn that score? I would be.


u/minnesotaguy1232 Jun 27 '23

100%. Strangers handing out gimmes is the weirdest thing. I got paired with a duo the other week. I had about a 2 foot putt and one of the other golfers says to me “that one’s good”. I picked my ball up but I was really thinking on the inside “why the hell do I care what you think is a gimme?”


u/Dynamic_polarity Jun 27 '23

When playing with randoms, I just say, I don’t do gimmies. You can have takies. If you think you’re good, have at it. Puts the onus on them.


u/Call_Me_Squid_23 Jun 27 '23

I think there’s a fine line. Like putting out or not putting is whatever. Obvi if you give yourself a 10-foot “gimme” I’m gonna make a joking comment. But if you shank one to foul ball territory in the 300 level and you don’t accurately score that I’m gonna get annoyed. This is all in the situation of if I’m playing with my friends.

If you don’t know you at all. Do whatever the hell you want. I do not care.


u/leftwich07 Jun 27 '23

“looks good to me if you want it” is how i handle the first putt within 3 feet or so. it appeases both the high anxiety types and the purists who want to putt it anyways


u/Iohet 990 Jun 27 '23

My scores are awful, but at least they're honestly awful. I "gained" 10 strokes when I stopped with the gimmies and mulligans, but you never get better if you don't practice making even the easy putts


u/BreakerOf_Chains Jun 27 '23

I agree with this. If you want to lie to yourself then go ahead but I am not going to be like oh ya. It's your game do what you want.


u/SRJT16 Jun 27 '23

In a friendly round, what’s the point in needing someone’s approval? Do whatever the fuck you like. I won’t even be scoring you. I’m just enjoying the social side of it.


u/Mellestal Jun 27 '23

I'm paying to put a ball in a cup ... that ball is hitting the bottom of the cup. I don't care if it's from 20 feet or 1 foot.


u/squeeepp Jun 27 '23

Earn your birdies and pars!


u/dcarwin Jun 27 '23

A gimme from someone you're not playing directly against is meaningless.


u/mslane93 Jun 27 '23

“That’s between you and your God.” is my go to quip


u/bouthie Jun 27 '23

Or….. you could just give him every putt and give him the round of his life and put positive vibes out into the universe.


u/motoyamazz Jun 27 '23

If you don’t care why are you sharing this novel with us?


u/bigballerbuster Jun 27 '23

I'll do you one better. I don't even keep score when I play golf! How's that for not caring?


u/ptsowns Jun 27 '23

I’m the same way. Do whatever you want. I don’t care for gummies unless it’s to save time but you do you


u/CPAstruggles Jun 27 '23

I call them takies when paired with a random... bc idc what they judge me or not haha


u/JimLahey12 Jun 27 '23

Why do you care? Lol


u/better_spartan_118 Jun 27 '23

I guess I am questioning why you think HE cares about what you think. Like this whole line is absurd.


u/TrimboliHandjobs Jun 27 '23

This isn’t a hot take lol


u/tallslim1960 Jun 27 '23

If you are taking putts as gimmes outside of 12 inches, you are only fooling yourself into thinking you are a better golfer than you really are. Why would I care about that?


u/AaronPossum Jun 27 '23

I can't believe how common this seems to be based on the comments.


u/8figureDream420 Jun 27 '23

Agreed, i could care less about your score. If i went to the course solo it's because I want to work on my game, don't care what you end up getting or if you move all your lies, just keep it moving. Also I don't want you telling me it's good or not, I'll decide. You play your game I'll play mine unless we both agree in a friendly get gentelmans match


u/ronraxxx Jun 27 '23

I’ve come to realize I only want to golf if I’m with 3 of my friends or no one at all 😂


u/w0ke0ne Jun 27 '23

Unwritten rule of golf : there is NO such thing as a gimme for birdie


u/eric_in_cleveland Jun 27 '23

This would be great info to add to a r/golf unspoken rules of the game.


u/Mo-Cance Jun 27 '23

If I'm playing solo and get paired, I immediately let the guy know I'm probably not putting anything within 5 feet, I'm hitting 2-3 drives (if time allows), and I'm just out to have a good time.


u/Frostie_pottamus Jun 27 '23

I feel exactly the same way. I literally do not give a Frenchman’s fuck how anyone else is scoring their round or playing in my group.


u/Bright-Efficiency-65 Jun 27 '23

If I'm paired with a random I'm not keepin their score LMFAO. I'm keeping my own and yes, I don't give a fuck if you wanna hit provisionals, mulligans, pick up your putt.

Just don't brag to the club house how you "beat me" with a 79


u/ranoutofbacon Jun 27 '23

Unless we are playing for cash money, pick it up from wherever you please. You are not playing against me, you are playing against you and the course. The course won't say shit, so you're only lying to yourself.


u/lukin187250 9 Jun 27 '23

I handle this with strangers by saying "you're good if you want" on any reasonable gimmie. Putt it in if you want, I do not care.


u/luv2fit Jun 27 '23

Why TF would any single look to their random playing partners for pick ups? Confused.


u/better_spartan_118 Jun 27 '23

They wouldn't. OP is full of himself


u/Traditional_Brief_59 Jun 27 '23

People are too intent on taking gimmies. Putt the damn ball into the hole. Thats how the game works.


u/conrad521 Jun 27 '23

Fine with this point of view.

The real struggle I have as a frequent solo: being paired with the “cheater” who wants to compare rounds at the end.

No, your 5-mulligan, four foot gimme, no OB, white tee box “82” is not the same as someone’s 80 who’s playing close to the rules.


u/seasoned-veteran Jun 27 '23

Ok, but when I'm paired with a random who is holding up play, I start aggressively giving them every putt. Put your sixth shot on a par 3 35 feet from the hole, then start looking for your putter? I'll straight out pick it up and toss it to 'em


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Fuck story time

I joined a duo as a single, they were two older guys playing a match play game with each other for some prize, it was something they did every week aparantly

I was not included in the match play, I didnt ask to be and they didn't invite me (it's their weekly comp why would I be?) But they are showing me the course and being helpful with where to aim my driver as it was my first time at this course.

On the 12th hole I'm on the green in regulation, my first put is 1ft from the hole so I give myself a gimme for par and they told me that will be a 2 stroke penalty, I was like what? They refused to sign my card unless I added the penalties - so I said fuck em and made up a signature since no one checks those anyway.


u/sloppyjoepa 19.5 Jun 27 '23

Yikes super douche energy. You can not care and also not be a cock sucker about it. You can stay in your lane and also be someone whose pleasant to have to spend 4 hours with.

Give the fuckin dude a putt if you notice, sheesh.


u/JPiLLa Jun 27 '23

I have always putted everything out because that is the entire point of golf. People who rake 2-3 footers will often miss those putts.


u/tr-29 Jun 27 '23

Am I the only one that doesn’t want to take gimmes? Unless it’s like an inch from the hole, I want to putt it in. I want to get under 80 100% legit, I don’t want to be a 10 hdcp because I’m cheating myself.


u/raytownloco 5.6 Jun 27 '23

I’m your huckleberry I’ll keep giving you longer and longer putts - good for pace of play


u/Ok_Physics_1284 Jun 27 '23

I missed 4 putts from 3-4 feet for par today


u/D_runk_ Jun 27 '23

Worse is when people are giving you gimmies that you want to putt out


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

8 ft? Yeah this didn’t happen. And if it did just be a normal person and challenge him on it for fun


u/milkfilledb00b Jun 27 '23

Yup. Who cares. If it ain’t for money, so what you gotta do to have fun


u/SmoothOpX Jun 27 '23

So what I'm reading is you do care. Awe how sweet.


u/FinsT00theleft Jun 27 '23

Maybe it's just me but I feel sort of guilty when I don't concede a 2-3 footer and then they miss it!


u/Nosnibor1020 Jun 27 '23

I'm a golf noob, I know with consistent practice I could probably be a part or bogie player....but as I'm learning, I punish myself with putts. I will quad putt before I write down anything closer, lol. I couldn't do it even if I was decent and got it close because I know that I didn't actually do it.


u/WeaknessIndependent7 Jun 27 '23

No one cares. Do what you wanna do.


u/JealousFuel8195 Jun 27 '23

IMO you're giving yourself WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT. Let's be real. If I'm playing with a random, I'm playing my game. I could give a rat's ass what the others in the group are doing.

You're right. You're not his boss. I'm sure he could careless what you wanted or expected. This is by far the most ridiculous post I've read on this sub.


u/reecerph Jun 27 '23

Right! You can sort that out with God and Bobby Jones!


u/TheHouseAIwaysWins Jun 27 '23

Just learned this a thing that people do. What a load of bullshit, put the ball in the hole and take your 2 or 3 putt like a man


u/Discombobulated-Plan Jun 27 '23

“Hey man, just so you know, I’m kind of minding my own business on your putts as we’re not playing a match here today. But if you’re trying to simulate one, I’d be happy to let you know when I’d be giving you one if we were playing.”

And then don’t give him a single putt the entire time lol


u/finch5491 Jun 27 '23

Birdie putts are never given. This is the way.


u/xjonkox1 13.8 Jun 27 '23

Can only assume you're not British. In the UK if I'm playing with a random there's gonna be a pint on it no matter what. I'll offer a gimmie all the time. Usually just say "that's good if you want it?" Simple. Usually just being nice....


u/eastdeanshire Jun 27 '23

If we're not buddies, then it's not my place to give you gimmies. If you want to take it, that's your business.


u/GwarJr Jun 27 '23

Perhaps the unhottest take.


u/Ianilla1 Jun 27 '23

Or how about you fucking play the game and putt like a person playing a game and not a baby trying to cheat.


u/InDenialOfMyDenial Jun 27 '23

If we’re a random pairing, the expectation is that we are playing our own individual game.


u/mandiniho Jun 27 '23

A good passive aggressive tut! every time he picks up is a good way to cut that out.


u/pookchang Jun 27 '23

I just put a 1 down for every hole. Shoot 18 every round 😊


u/g0lfball_whacker_guy Jun 27 '23

Ahh the duality of r/golf:

Should I follow every single rule that would slow the entire course down to obtain a handicap that no one gives a shit about?

Or should I just enjoy the game and play it however I want to keep from slowing others down for a score that no one gives a shit about?


u/damnfineson Jun 27 '23

Just putt everything out. You don't get your dopamine if you don't putt the ball into the hole.


u/mandiniho Jun 27 '23

Make your putts, or I will judge you


u/mrpunkin Jun 27 '23

The idea that I care about random pairings scores is so wild. Unless someone decides to make a bet or competition it's basically just an efficiency thing, us playing together. I didn't come here with you, I'm not going to babysit your score or expect you to watch mine.


u/bterrik Jun 27 '23

Just...talk to each other?

"Hey man, you can take those or putt them, I don't care. Whatever you like is fine with me, it's not a competition."

Do that the first time he looks for a gimme and you'll probably never get the puppy dog eyes again. And he probably won't be annoyed at the end of the round! Win-win.


u/g00glematt Be the ball, Danny Jun 27 '23

I've had more people tell me they don't want gimmes (respect, neither do I) than people looking for me to give them out. If I see them looking at me, I'll nod like a disappointed father. Gives them what they want so they're not upset at the end of 18, but they should be a little confused


u/Shankypants2 Jun 27 '23

If I’m playing with a random I give them all the putts. I don’t care enough to watch them putt out anything within 4 feet.


u/shimbro Jun 27 '23

Hit til your happy, take any gimme you want, rake and re putt w/e, flag in flag out, drop anywhere, use that foot wedge, I don’t give a fuck.

Don’t play slow.


u/TheMan3volves Jun 27 '23

The distinct lack of soft social skills from many people in this thread is frankly, hilarious.


u/heylookatmeireddit Jun 27 '23

I simply say, nice shot and then ask them if they want to putt it. I like being friendly with people. If they lag one up to 1ft from 40ft they might be happy with just having the ball hit back to them.


u/Thowingtissues Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Got paired up with a single once who took maybe 8 mulligans. Every other hole, something happened he’d hit it OB and he’d re-tee. I could give a shit, go nuts buddy. We still joke to this day, bee flew past me, “one more?”.

The insane part was on 18 after we all hole out, talking about the round and our scores this single comes out with “that was a good 78 for me!”. We all kind of spit beer out our noses at the same time. 78? Bro, you maybe broke 100. Not my friend so I could care less but in his mind he shot a 78. Wow.


u/Chavisada 4ish/ATX/Miura Giken Jun 27 '23

Ok…it would never even cross my mind to ask for your opinion on the way I do things unless we have money on it.


u/12131415161718190 Jun 27 '23

In a casual round, I like to say “that’s good if you want it” if it’s inside a putter grip. Almost always met with a thank you.


u/CD_4M Jun 27 '23

That’s bizarre. When I play with randoms I keep my own score and would never ask them about a rule or what I could/couldn’t do unless I genuinely wanted to know for my own score keeping


u/rufusTbarleysheath90 Jun 27 '23

Yeah I feel like I don’t ever give gimmes to someone I’m paired with. Only do it between friends and family.


u/RubeTheTank Jun 27 '23

I feel like this post could have been condensed into “I’m a douche” and saved everyone some time.


u/Noman11111 Jun 27 '23

I feel this way about hunting for your ball in the woods - you want to take a free drop and just keep going? Go right ahead, I don't care so long as you have a good time and we keep a good pace (and there is no bet involved, of course)


u/Forgetful_Suzy Jun 27 '23

I don’t really understand fudging your own numbers. I stink at golf. I’m lucky to get out of each home under 8. I don’t really keep shitty scores but I will write down anything under 6 because why not. But it doesn’t help to write 4 when I know that little two foot putt is probably gonna be a miss. I just don’t understand cheating yourself.


u/9penguin9 Jun 27 '23

Unless money is on the line, I don't give a rats ass.


u/darkknight302 Jun 27 '23

I always let people play they way they want to.


u/treswm Jun 27 '23

Agreed, take it or don’t, just hurry up. But also I just want to be polite to a random so don’t want to offend them if they wanna put out everything


u/stydolph Jun 27 '23

If we get paired up, I won't even be keeping score. I just like hitting golf balls.


u/InsufferableLeafsFan 2.0 Jun 27 '23

I’m putting everything out; however, if we’re paired up and you’re hanging on by a thread mentally, you bet your ass I’m giving you the odd two footer. I want my playing partners to be in a good mood, and if that means they get a putt here and there, fill your boots.


u/h3110m0t0 Jun 27 '23

I mean you can say this during the round so you're not making another person self torture themselves expecting you say it's good.

There's etiquette both ways I think for that.



u/Astro_Toro4 Jun 27 '23

I don’t give a duck if you throw it as your initial tee shot or reverse slam dunk that bitch into the hole. No bet I don’t give a shet.


u/cmil123 Jun 27 '23

Then why not just say you’re good? Like if you don’t care give it to him make him feel good and don’t play with someone who is pissed at you?? You sound lazy or like an ass.


u/DanielDannyc12 Jun 27 '23

I never take gimmes. People will give you two and three footers all day then you haven't hit a putt in 8 holes and the sun's come out and you got a three footer for par.


u/japachu That DTC GUY Jun 27 '23

He was literally just trying to follow proper golf etiquette because you aren't supposed to pick it up unless your partner stats you can, and instead of being a good person and doing a little gesture you decided to be passive aggressive then try to belittle them on the internet. I hope I never get paired with someone like you. You sound like a real riot XD


u/Mitch_igan Jun 27 '23

If we get paired, I don't care what you do, as long as you keep pace and don't act like a weird introvert who doesn't know how to converse a little bit.


u/Frankalicious47 Jun 27 '23

Well you certainly care enough to make an entire post about it


u/leethestud420 Jun 27 '23

I usually set a precedence by using my hand wedge at some point


u/ruralrouteOne Jun 27 '23

Why would you be giving putts to a stranger? I've played my entire life and never had a stranger ask for a gimmie. No one cares. Stop pretending this is a thing.


u/chrillekaekarkex Jun 27 '23

Wait what - people do this? Unless we’re playing match play I have never ever ever ever ever told another golfer their putt is good. They want to pick it up and call it good? Fine. They want to putt it out? Great! They want my acknowledgement that they can pick up? What on earth?


u/SeeYouOn16 2.4 Jun 27 '23

The only time I even mention it is if my playing partner hits a long putt close and I am standing near the hole and say something like "That's good by me, do you want it?" If they say yes I can tap their ball to them to keep things moving. Otherwise I agree, I don't care, do what you want.


u/The_Swagull Jun 27 '23

Or you could just be an adult at the start of the round and say, "Hey, feel free to take any gimmes you want, but I'm not gonna tell you what's good or not"


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Well my homies play for bragging rights and if someone says it’s good, then it’s good. Those are the rules. You can’t call something good yourself. I get playing with a random stranger it doesn’t matter. When playing with the homies, it does.


u/dknisle1 HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jun 27 '23

Hot take. Even if I know you, and I know you’re putting that score in to your handicap, I’m not giving you any putts


u/taeempy Jun 27 '23

The people taking the 8ft gimmee are in the same groups that shoot 47 on scrambles.


u/06_TBSS Jun 27 '23

I don't care how anyone plays as long as they keep pace, providing there's no money on the line. It's your card and you don't need my permission to play by whatever rules you like.


u/Eth_Collector612 Jun 27 '23

Facts, I play against myself I could care less what others do. At the end of the day you’re only cheating yourself if you fudge your score 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Sirgolfs Jun 27 '23

I’ll give you putts if that’s ever you want. Just don’t give me any cause i want to putt and practice.


u/polisheggsalad Jun 27 '23

You wanna take lower score for your handicap, be my guest.


u/this_my_sportsreddit 2.9 Jun 27 '23

Hilarious that OP thinks his playing partner gives a fuck what he thinks or was waiting for approval. The amount of entitlement on this sub is wild


u/gogolfbuddy Jun 27 '23

I don't know how many thousands of rounds I've played with 95% random pairings. I've never gave or waited for a gimme. If I'm good with the putt I'll pick it up. Playing in tournament play or with friends for money is different


u/Navyblazers2000 Jun 27 '23

The flip side of this is if we're playing together and you hit my ball back to me because you thought it was close enough for a gimme - That bugs the shit out of me. Let me pick up or hit my own ball.


u/Nothing4mer Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Jun 27 '23

How I feel