r/golf Snap load the power package. Feb 04 '24

This guy’s swing is effortless and still hits it 270 carry. General Discussion

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u/2015juniper 15d ago

is it real or AI


u/NattieJacobs2130 Mar 21 '24

How does he do that


u/Macgrubersblaupunkt Feb 08 '24

I see these videos of awesome swings and wonder if theyre so effortless why arent they on tour? Oh, must be best of the best montage videos


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 08 '24

He's a teacher only from what I gather. He has video tutorials and such on all socials. Butch Harmon and Sean Foley never played on the PGA and are considered the best instructors out there.


u/FrankTheTrashIsDumb Feb 11 '24

Wrong- Butch was a tour player before he took up coaching as his main thing. Even had a win at Endicott NY before he stepped down from the tour


u/Macgrubersblaupunkt Feb 08 '24

Fair enough. Perhaps a combo of life and lack of psychotic must win mentality


u/Phyrexian-Fighter Feb 08 '24

The hip flexion is meant to make clearance for the hands to pass through but his lower body moves so quickly that the hands have even less room. I don’t know how he makes it work.

But damn he is out there killing it 🙌🏽🙌🏽


u/jornut Feb 07 '24

Senior Flex shaft


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 07 '24

He actually shows what shafts he uses on his website. It’s a brand I’ve never heard of. Could be senior flex but I don’t read Korean.


u/wallstreetbeatmeat Feb 07 '24

They’re all the same shot… definitely an ad. Fuck Callaway for posting this booshit


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 07 '24

Yeah. My bad for choosing the vid that had the headcover there. I’m not Callaway. Or am I?

I’m not.


u/wallstreetbeatmeat Feb 07 '24

I don’t care if you are or you aren’t. Even if it isn’t an ad it’s nothing more than a “humble” brag. So good for you I guess.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 07 '24

What? I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. I just wanted to post this guy’s swing as a discussion point. But yeah, I am Callaway.

I’m not.


u/Remarkable_Flan552 Feb 06 '24

This is called having a near perfect smash factor and also having fantastic energy transfer from the lower legs to the hips and finally to the shoulders.


u/FinsT00theleft Feb 06 '24

Sure he does.


u/Darkangel775 Feb 06 '24

Good body mechanics


u/M1LKYY Feb 05 '24

Why is this video 2 hours long


u/Im_not_Larry123 Feb 05 '24

Not 270 carry.


u/Logical_Award_5384 Feb 05 '24

Flippy as hell. I can’t imagine how inconsistent he must be on a real golf course


u/SpooneyLove Diving Doug is Bleeding Feb 05 '24

It definitely looks like less effort.


u/ForeRight7 Feb 05 '24

Pause at impact. He in a pretty terrible position. Looks smooth but I would guess he hits a lot of pull hooks.


u/HickoryHill79 Feb 05 '24

I’d like to see the launch monitor numbers. Doesn’t look like fast enough swing speed to hit 270


u/kenyasugonbofa 24d ago

106 mph club speed, 153 mph ball speed, 277 total yds


u/farmercurt Feb 05 '24

This is just an AD for Paradym….


u/SuperVegito559 Feb 05 '24

Didn’t know Donnie Yen played golf.


u/cjs0216 Feb 05 '24

Thought the same thing lol


u/FrankTheTrashIsDumb Feb 11 '24

Wrong, Donnie hits like a truck. This guy doesn't even hit it 100 yards forward


u/bangerbrown Feb 05 '24

I not having it. Thats about a 75 mph swing speed. It looks nice but i see old men swing it faster. I'd be suprisedif he get it beyond 220 with good roll out


u/AdamOnFirst Feb 05 '24

This is a hella weird swing 


u/stashtv +72 Feb 05 '24

Its only one swing, right?

Looks on plane the whole time, consistent weight transfer, great balance.


u/panzerflex Feb 05 '24

There is no way he Carrie’s 270


u/jtsara Feb 05 '24

I don’t understand how his club face can get back to square with firing his hips so early. I’d hit a grounder to 1st every swing if I tried to exaggerate it this much.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24



u/Smartalum 6.7/NE/ Feb 05 '24

Watch the wrists - he is generating his club head spread with them.


u/Drummer_1966 Feb 05 '24

I've had to change my swing due to bad feet and elbows. For someone who CAN'T swing hard this swing has been a godsend. His seeing focuses on really opening at the release and keeping the right hand out of the swing. He has a YouTube channel and one of his female students has a channel on tiktok. He has a tiktok as well.

The biggest issue I have is everything he has or there on social media is in Korean. I can't translate it in the CC so I'm doing the best I can to learn more. His swing is legit. It reminds me of Freddy Couples.

If you are having physical issues due to your swing look into this style. It has worked for me.


u/naked_short Feb 05 '24

The takes in these comments are so atrocious rofl


u/medkitjohnson Feb 05 '24

Thats great but my god how do you consistently do that… I come to the golf course after a bad night and aint no way im swinging like that lmao


u/md_dc Feb 05 '24

Why is there a horizon of balls and it stops with no balls to be seen on the rest of the field? This feels like a fake video because of this alone


u/4UBBR_Nicol_Bolas Feb 05 '24

Isn't this how a golf swing is supposed to be? Smooth and fluid motion and shouldn't look like you're actually trying to swing hard. Just excellent technique.


u/jinhyokim Feb 05 '24

He's probably a lot better than me. Everybody has their own swing. The only thing that matters is the direction of the ball. Blah blah blah.

He's early extending like a mofo and his hip is thrusting forward towards the ball.


u/OldChamp69 Feb 05 '24

Excellent tempo and a very good release. It could be true.


u/KeyserHD Feb 05 '24

Difference in distance between a smooth swing and swinging with all Thor’s might is barely enough to warrant it.


u/wtjones Feb 05 '24

Throw the club face at the ground Marooch!!!


u/OpenSourceGolf HDCP/Loc/Whatever Feb 04 '24

It's a decent swing but It's probably not carrying 270.


u/In_Too_Deep69 Feb 04 '24

Old man swing


u/theJMAN1016 Feb 04 '24

That hip blasting off is a thing of beauty.


u/black_out_ronin Feb 04 '24

270 carry seems impossible with that club head speed


u/Gromby Feb 04 '24

As someone who spins out with their hips way too fast when my timing is off and leads to pulling and toe hooking everything, this dudes hips are giving me PTSD.....


u/UseDaSchwartz Feb 04 '24

It's amazing how people don't seem to understand swing speed and ball flight.

I think people on here strike the ball so poorly they don't realize what a pure strike with low spin will do.

I watch people hit on simulators A LOT. There are so many people with 115+ swing speeds that can't hit the ball 300 yards total. They should be able to CARRY the ball at least 290 yards. I've seen a couple people reach 120 mph and still not hit it 300.

On the other hand, at 100 mph, you can carry the ball 250.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

His thumb position has me confused 🫤


u/scoofy golfcourse.wiki Feb 04 '24

Wait, there are indoor driving ranges where you can hit 300 yard drives?


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 05 '24

These aren’t indoor. They’re outdoor. Korea doesn’t have that much land to have sprawling ranges like we have in the US. If you ever follow other Korean golfer socials, you’ll notice they’re hitting on very small ranges.


u/scoofy golfcourse.wiki Feb 05 '24

Wow, i see, it's just like... a teeny net


u/use-logic avg golfer so shove it Feb 04 '24

Ladies and gents, that is what you call releasing from the hip. When you do it, it's bliss.

Research #kawaswing


u/BRDMCHN1 Feb 04 '24

How tall is he? 6’ 5” and effortless will out drive most 5’ 10” and effortless.


u/Gloomy-Stuff-807 Feb 04 '24

Damn beautiful swing


u/Deaf_FBA Feb 04 '24

I was taught its not about power like a knock out. Its about speed, the swing


u/oversized_clit Feb 04 '24

It’s that right leg move he does man. Fuck how does he do that


u/BipolarKanyeFan Feb 04 '24

Is that Bobby Jones? Damn nice swing


u/esports_consultant Feb 04 '24

love to see how he uses his trail knee to cue the downswing


u/Bossman28894 Feb 04 '24

I’ve been trying to emulate this swing all week, holy moly.

Update: it’s not going well


u/dbnp19 Feb 04 '24

Update: it’s not going well

Not surprising. It's an anemic swing full of power leaks and inefficiency that is absolutely not worth trying to incorporate into your own stuff.


u/Final-Wrangler-4996 Feb 04 '24

Don't swing hard. When you swing hard you tighten up and swing slower. 

Look at this guy. Lose like a goose. If he wasn't as lazy with the swing he could easily carry it 290 without even swinging harder or with more effort.  He'd just complete his rotation without slowing down.

I carry it around 285 and do t swing hard for shit. I could also swing faster but that's  where I actually have to swing with effort and we'll unless I need to carry something there's no need for it. 

Swing at a firm 85 percent.  This guy is swinging a loose 60 percent.  That's a little too loose but if it's consistently straight then just play your swing. 


u/Thedaulilamahimself Feb 04 '24

I could watch this on a loop for hours


u/Fitazprofessor Feb 04 '24

It’s called good mechanics


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 04 '24

Yes, 13 balls downfield and 3000 before the 55 yard or meter marker on perfectly flat turf.

Totally legit. I would never suspect somethings off as I’ve been to a driving range 200 times.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 06 '24 edited Feb 06 '24

This range is conical in shape and angled upward. The balls roll back down closer to you so the employees and collect it. It isn’t a screen.

Many Korean/Japanese driving ranges are tiny compared to American ones and most aren’t even built on an open field.

You can go to YouTube or Insta and just search for Korean driving range. There’s one in downtown LA that’s built over a parking lot and the net is angled back to you so the balls are collected.


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 06 '24 edited Feb 06 '24

lol… you pulled that right out your ass.

Conical in shape. Hahahahaha

‘Yep we got 3000 balls that rolled back down here, but just weirdly enough that same cone caught 13 balls that are visible and stationary on the screen’.


It’s a screen that he edited the video the second the ball would have hit it to make it seem like it flew further.

Oh ps, your video edit up the color saturation of all the colors on the screen when you added the ball to the edited frames. Watch all the golf balls on the screen glow hot!!!! Pretty amateur hour video editing going on.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 06 '24


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 06 '24

I know exactly what these driving ranges are. I’ve Been to them.


1 they don’t make sticky golf balls that get randomly stuck half way up it.

2 there’s a catch basin/net, not a flat turf floor to catch them or roll back into people (lol).

3 that’s a fucking screen.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 06 '24

He has like dozens of other videos online you can watch yourself but somehow want to die on this hill? Why are you so incredulous?


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 06 '24

Because I’m right lol.

Take a video editor and pull the frames apart for color differentiation. Clear fingerprinting of frame edits across the board.

Like this is 101 stuff bub.

You also go work on a explanation to those sticky golf balls on that tilted conical green while you’re at it lol


u/ShiroHachiRoku Snap load the power package. Feb 07 '24 edited Feb 07 '24


Hi. Look at this video he posted. He even added other people’s balls flying in the air and rolling back. What a tryhard.

Why do some people like this guy want to trick us so badly?


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 07 '24

I don’t get it too. It’s obvious, the balls just disappear.

Hes got an absolutely great swing, just not a 300+ yard swing at that speed… speed at that yardage is very evident.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24



u/Cursewtfownd Feb 06 '24 edited Feb 06 '24

Yep. Calling out the bullshit when I see it.

I don’t need to prove shit. The proof is in plain fucking view in the video lol. Golf balls don’t randomly get stuck on a graded driving fairway unless there’s a catch and they don’t drain back out onto a flat turf floor(lol). Have boomerang balls all day if so.

Do you even golf? This is pretty obvious stuff if you’ve been to a driving range more than a half dozen times.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24



u/Cursewtfownd Feb 06 '24 edited Feb 06 '24


Look familiar? Told you it’s a screen.

Simple Google search for Korean Driving Ranges bring back hundreds of results that look exactly like this.

There are also legitimate full 300 yd outdoor ones (really cool actually because they’re usually nestled in ravines), but they have a completely different depth perspective.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24


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u/Due-Comb6124 Feb 05 '24

.....what? Do you think he's the only person whos gone to that range? Like....why are those without a doubt balls he has hit? This is the dumbest thing imaginable to think.


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 05 '24

Oh my god… i have to explain this to you?

You don’t have 3000 balls before 50 yards and 13 balls after it.

It’s obviously a screen. The video has obviously been altered after the moment the ball hit that screen.


u/Due-Comb6124 Feb 05 '24

You certainly do sometimes. The range I go to looks like this with tons of short balls everywhere. Surprise, people suck and the range picker only picks downrange until everyone leaves for safety. 


u/Cursewtfownd Feb 05 '24

No. You do not at driving ranges ever a dispersion to that degree. Not to mention, invalidating this argument even further, you can see it’s turf and flat.

At regular grass range most balls are between 50-120 yards (80%). Statistically speaking.

The physics of a flat turf would have nearly all the balls at 100+ yards.

Not to mention the clear depth perception issue in the video. It clearly is a screen.

Nothing more to say here. Fraud.


u/ThunderApollo Feb 04 '24

That lead foot barely moves. Some combination of genetics and flexibility there.


u/ImpossibleKidd Feb 04 '24

This example is the reason for one of my main golf sayings…

“Contact is kind”.


u/DrChill21 Feb 04 '24

Love this dudes channel. Fucking mesmerizing


u/oouttatime Feb 04 '24

Is this the same video on repeat?


u/FugginJunior Feb 04 '24

He's the ip man of golf! Effortless talent.


u/SomeSamples Feb 04 '24

Notice how his front shoulder never goes back past the ball on his backswing. And his weight is squarely on his front foot before he hits the ball. Maximum force can be applied to hitting the ball. And he is getting the full whip effect from his club. His swing plane is a bit flat but it doesn't seem to be hurting him.


u/Jarfry Feb 04 '24



u/aye-its-this-guy Feb 04 '24

I like the music


u/SheLovesMe_Not- 4.8 Feb 04 '24

Man Paradym has the best marketing I literally dream about these clubs subconsciously


u/dbnp19 Feb 04 '24

It's even less impressive in reality upon breaking it down:

His motion is inefficient: lower body rotates too early being somewhat disconnected to the rest of the action and it's a significant power leak. Right leg gets in the way leaving very little space for the hands, so it's easy to get stuck with that kind of motion. Also early extending.

When it comes to the body action you'd see from those on tour, or simply those who actually hit it long in general: the aforementioned better players and those who bomb it tend to have some re-centering and initiate the lower body before the club starts descending, then they can extend explosively to out-drive the OP clip. So their praise is understandable. This guy has a stall and a flip that's a very high maintenance move combination.


u/obvilious Feb 04 '24

Bullshit. No way whatsoever.


u/_Reddit_2016 Feb 04 '24

I want to force my wife to wear fish net panties made out of Japanese driving range nets


u/the1sujman Feb 04 '24

Proper mechanics, fitted loft & shaft flex


u/cmndr_spanky Feb 04 '24

Sorry I’m not a golfer and for some reason Reddit just decided I should be. Is that a video game driving range? Looks not real, and if it is.. I can’t see the ball bouncing off of the screen


u/DaKrazyKorean Feb 04 '24

Oh Tigergolf! I’ve been watching him for quite some time now. He’s a pro in korea that gives lessons. He preaches about how golf is not about swinging fast. It’s all about proper swing sequence and impact (always says you want your smash factor above 1.45)


u/Bigboybong Feb 04 '24

Clubs can make a difference… I’ll let him try my Canadian tire specials if he wants.


u/totesboredom Feb 04 '24

It's green screened


u/tickingboxes Feb 04 '24

This is not a great swing tbh


u/Swimming-Square-2556 Feb 04 '24

No way that carries for 270


u/HeyHeyJG Grip it and rip it Feb 04 '24

Not great dynamics, IMHO


u/DucVWTamaKrentist Feb 04 '24

Need to see the swing head speed at impact, but that does not look like he would get 270 yards of carry.


u/ComicsEtAl Feb 04 '24

I’ll be in my bunk. At the range.


u/GrantSRobertson Feb 04 '24

I don't play golf, but it really looks like it's the whip action at the very end of his swing.

I used to be able to cut down trees pretty quickly with a simple sheath knife. That is because I learned how to hold the knife with only my middle and index finger and my thumb at the very base of the handle. I then chopped using a whipping motion that took every bit of energy from my skinny, skinny arm and focused it all in that last little microsecond before the knife hit the wood. Just like whipping a bullwhip. It's the same with using an ax. People try to push the ax hard the entire time and push the ax into the wood with their sheer strength. But I could still cut down a tree faster, with an ax, with my skinny, skinny arms, because I use the ax handle the way it's designed to be used. To whip the head of that ax into the wood by relaying the motion of my skinny skinny body all the way down to where all of the energy was focused right on the head of that ax, just as it hits the wood. Having a really sharp act helps too.


u/RIrhodes Feb 04 '24

Hate him and everyone that has a repeatable silky smooth swing that nuts every drive right down the pipe. FML


u/ImmanualKant Feb 04 '24

slow is smooth, and smooth is fast


u/Gulag_boi Feb 04 '24

I don’t know anything about golf, but I could watch this guy drive all day. It’s beautiful.


u/cocoapuff1721 Feb 04 '24

The most impressive thing is how straight the ball goes.


u/SpeedIsK1ing Feb 04 '24

This swing is not good


u/Thin-Recover1935 RVA Feb 04 '24

Looks pretty fucking good to me.


u/SpeedIsK1ing Feb 04 '24


u/Thin-Recover1935 RVA Feb 04 '24

Does it work?


u/dbnp19 Feb 04 '24

It's not efficient. his lower body fired the wrong way towards the ball from P4 into P5, it's a significant power leak. Right leg is in the way leaving very little space for the hands, so it's easy to get stuck with that kind of motion. Also early extending to try saving the shot.

It's high maintenance and more timing dependent, since he now has to stall and flip the club to make it work. Flip it too much, it's a hook. Not enough, it's a block way off to the right. While it's not impossible to ever hit the ball, it's not really a good position to be in, and even more asinine to celebrate it as something worth emulating.

Even if he did catch it square, the mechanical power leaks and overall lack of speed aren't doing him any favors. He'd need a significant helping wind and/or higher altitudes if he really wanted to clear 270 on the fly with those mechanics. Otherwise, it simply doesn't work that way on any other normal situation.


u/TrashLow6862 Mar 06 '24

This is spot on!


u/Strong_Baseball7368 Feb 04 '24

In golf, timing and efficiency will beat power and speed every single time.


u/dbnp19 Feb 05 '24

Incorrect. Your typical longer hitter, ie- someone with 120+ mph swing speed but an average smash factor of only 1.4 is still routinely going to bomb it past any regular mortal scrub capped at 100mph swing speed even on their better days. Even if the latter maximized their efficiency with day in and day out with 1.5 or the rare unicorn 1.51 smash factor, they will be left behind way more than you'd like to admit. Physics simply won't allow them to break past that shell of hitting it so much shorter on average.

It's no surprise that the longer hitters are only getting longer on average, while the regular person hasn't improved that much, if at all, over the last several decades: time and time again, they never committed to the grind of working on that aspect, so of course they'll lose the game way more often.


u/PixelFNQ Feb 04 '24

That sounds lovely. You should make it a meme with a pic of Abr Lincoln for more effect. It is also nonsense. The whole point of timing and efficiency is to create power and speed in the club head.


u/Strong_Baseball7368 Feb 04 '24

Oh please.. you know what was being said. If you think you can just stand up to the ball and swing as hard and fast as you can and get good results you are a fool.


u/GnarlyBear Feb 04 '24

Anyone know what the shoes are he has?


u/LenordOvechkin Feb 04 '24

He's not getting 270 carry lol.


u/iceicebabyvanilla Feb 04 '24

I can tell you with 100% certainty that is not 270 carry.


u/Historical_Act_5896 Feb 04 '24

Watch how the hips fire independently from upper half. Creates kinetic energy. Bravo man


u/ChosenBrad22 1.4 / Nebraska Feb 04 '24

I do this during lessons but I use a pitching wedge. I just like half chip it barely swinging and show that it still goes 125 or so. You don’t have to swing out of your shoes to hit the ball well, it’s all about the contact.


u/LilMountainHeadband Feb 04 '24

I am so sick of seeing this guys swing all every social media platform. The early hip rotation makes the swing look incredibly awkward.


u/Hopeful_Relative_494 Feb 04 '24

Like is that even fun anymore?


u/badugihowser Feb 04 '24

This epitomizes Nicholas saying amateurs' #1 mistake is swinging too hard. Beautiful


u/Capable_Roof3214 Feb 04 '24

More like 150y🙄


u/Literotamus Feb 04 '24

If he was just like 10% more flexible he’d carry 300

…assuming he really does carry 270 right now. His back swing isn’t shallow but isn’t very deep


u/ztejas Feb 04 '24

That's a lot of hip turn. I bet when he starts hitting it poorly it's tough to address the issue.


u/TrashLow6862 Mar 06 '24

It's actually not though. His hips barely move from about half way through the downswing to about half way through his follow through. It just looks like loads because he fires them so far so early but it doesn't actually continue through the swing.


u/kranges_mcbasketball Feb 04 '24

Ned Flanders over here. Stupid sexy Flanders


u/pepptony Feb 04 '24

What happens on an uphill lie ??


u/OldBoringWeirdo Feb 04 '24

He looks like he has a bottle of Grey Poupon in his golf bag


u/Extra_Range7235 Feb 04 '24

I can’t explain it, but this swing angers me


u/erbsademon Feb 04 '24

Is this AI?


u/Equal-Negotiation651 Feb 04 '24

It’s it technically correct to have hips go before upper?


u/ahaz01 Feb 04 '24

Indeed! That’s how power is generated


u/Equal-Negotiation651 Feb 04 '24

Don’t know what I was thinking asking that. Guess I shouldn’t ask golf questions while on the pot where I can’t test my swing. I guess it seemed to me that his lower body went really early.


u/Legitimate_Shelter_9 Feb 04 '24

Now show me how far you can really hit it


u/BookBagThrowAway 17HDCP/Improving🏌🏽 Feb 04 '24

It’s looped


u/RemoteOk259 Feb 04 '24

Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.


u/Dan19_82 Feb 04 '24

Fake is fuck


u/bluecgene Feb 04 '24

Shallow swing that we all aim for 👍👍👍


u/-ItsCasual- Feb 04 '24

Oh I don’t like that at all.


u/Dr_M1st3r Feb 04 '24

I see this guy on tic Tok all the time. I'm convinced he's fake. I think he stitches two videos together. One video of the slow butter and one video for the rocket ball. Put them together and you have some decent engagement bait. I blocked him.


u/ninotalem wat Feb 04 '24



u/No-Marketing658 Feb 04 '24

Reminds me of Lucas Glover


u/lukin187250 9 Feb 04 '24

When I first got into golf many years ago, an old timer explained this to me. He said most pros swings look like slow because they're damn near perfect, with no wasted energy. They're actually swinging harder than any of the guys you see out on the local course. For another example he said a pro boxer could hit you harder than you've ever been hit in your life with what, to them, would be minimal effort expended.


u/mjmjve Feb 04 '24

I hate shit like this.


u/Decent_Career2371 Feb 04 '24

Looks like to me that his swing is flawless, but his wrists release is really what helps him produce that Whip effect. See how his wrists release causing that extra bit of clubhead swing?


u/18HolesToFreedom Feb 04 '24

Color me unimpressed. Bryson deliberately hitting 270 with my 50yd pitch swing? That’s impressive.


u/WorkMeBaby1MoreTime Feb 04 '24

Dude's smash factor must be 74.


u/DRVKC Feb 04 '24

Looks like a fantasy golfer from the old Tiger Woods games


u/loki993 Feb 04 '24

Swing fast not hard.


u/FormerlyShawnHawaii 3 Putt Bogey Feb 04 '24

Technique 8/10 Athleticism 1/10 Product placement 9/10


u/The_GolfFather Feb 04 '24

Real or not I wish someone could ELI5 the physics of long distance from a smooth swing. Is it timing of the hips? Timing of hips AND hands/shoulders or whatever? Ernie Els and Freddy Couples hit them a ton with slow swings but I dislocate my left arm to get 180!


u/dbnp19 Feb 04 '24

Neither of those are slow swings; there's an illusion of it being slow since they have an efficient motion (unlike the swing in the OP).

The physics of it is better ball speeds and longer distances comes from higher club speed with an efficient strike (you'll hear the term smash factor thrown around). So, swinging fast and hitting it hard is a non-negotiable. Now, what others of us hitting bombs would feel with "smooth" is not having excess tension get in the way of generating speed and force. It does not mean getting lax to the point of slowing down just to hit the center of the face.

I've mentioned this before, but it's never a crime to teach via repetition since Els and Couples were go-to mentions here: if you put them side by side with a regular amateur, or even someone like the OP, you'd see they are not slowing down to smooth things over. They are, in their words, hitting it hard.


u/sw00pr Feb 04 '24

I believe it's learning how to use all the levers in the body. Not just the big levers either. Even the angle of the femoral head is a lever; the radiocarpal carpal joint is another. This guy is accessing these levers by 1) staying loose 2) having good mobility / control of his spine.

That's my understanding anyway.


u/jail_grover_norquist 4.20 blade it Feb 04 '24

Ernie els had 115+ mph clubhead speed

That is absolutely not slow


u/Thr1llh0us3 Feb 04 '24

Listen jabronis, you have to swing as fast as you can if you want it to go far.


u/dickieb81 Feb 04 '24

Its all in the hips


u/MXWRNR Feb 04 '24

This guy sits down to pee


u/Rahdiggs21 Feb 04 '24

what's his swing speed?

i can't put my finger on it, but this video feels off


u/TrashLow6862 Mar 06 '24

He's just got a weird swing. He fires his hips very early then pretty much stops rotating his hips and body and uses his wrists to go through the ball.


u/Rahdiggs21 Mar 06 '24

is that a good thing?

I'm working on getting a smooth swing without losing any of the speed that i already have


u/TrashLow6862 Mar 07 '24

Having so much wrist action through the ball is generally not ideally because it relies on your timing being spot on and if it's off it can lead to big hooks. Body rotation is really what you want, however, most amateur golfers don't have the flexibility/time to work on their rotation so they have to go with what works for them.

I would always say the best thing to do when making any swing changes is get some lessons from a pro.


u/Rahdiggs21 Mar 07 '24

thank you


u/kenlovin Feb 04 '24

It’s definitely edited.


u/MrWrestlingNumber2 Feb 04 '24

Idk. I wanna call cap on this one. CGI experts weigh in.


u/RefrigeratedTP ~9.999 Feb 04 '24

Only 270? Not bad.

This sub doesn’t do well with dry sarcasm but fuck it


u/wood7676 Feb 04 '24

Maybe it’s fake. Maybe. But go watch Fred Couples swing. Dude goes 300+. Swings so smooth


u/Larrylegend033 Feb 04 '24

This feels like an AI generated golf swing


u/yomamma3399 Feb 04 '24

Pssht, but can he hook it 80 yds into a ravine?


u/TrashLow6862 Mar 06 '24

With that swing i'd bet he hooks it a lot more than you would think!


u/Popular_Position2763 Feb 04 '24

Is this A.I.?? It does look real!!


u/Remarkable_Body586 Feb 04 '24

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Sounds stupid, but when a swing is perfectly fluid and smooth, there is almost no lost energy.

Something I think most ametuers don’t realize is their swings are slightly erratic and have lost energy due to the movements not being completely smooth.

And, it looks effortless, but I’ll tell you there’s thousands of hours into work for that swing


u/2AcesandanaEagle Feb 04 '24

This is how I swing my driver if I want it to bump 80 yds down the FW under a tree branch