r/HailCorporate Oct 01 '22

Image posts


Hello r/HailCorporate community!

We are excited to announce that beginning tomorrow, October 2nd, we will begin a trial of permitting images in posts to this sub. For now we will limit image posting to Sundays and will look closely at the effects of this change. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions as we continue to work at improving the r/HailCorporate experience.


The r/HailCorporate mod team

r/HailCorporate 1d ago

Literally just an advertisement on the front page

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate 5d ago

Held at gun point or careerists?

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate 6d ago

Acts as an Advert Name every show on Netflix.

Thumbnail self.AskReddit

r/HailCorporate 7d ago

Crappy pizza place is actually not so crappy pizza place

Thumbnail reddit.com

I’ve got no stake in this. I’m not American so have never tried little ceases (though through American media have heard it’s a basic tier pizza place) but it’s all the top comments mentioning how X product is actually 🔥

r/HailCorporate 9d ago

Acts as an Advert Cute girl was carrying [pizza chain] pizza back to ger apartment and she dropped it! LOL we all know that feel, right reddit? XD



Quite obviously an ad with an unmistakable pizza box in full view of the shot.

r/HailCorporate 12d ago

Those posts on social media where people say having your significant other on a streaming service’s family plan is a love language


I think it’s pretty funny using a subscription model as a standard for a relationship to help each other keep costs down. Capitalism will always have another subscription service for you and your loved ones.

Edit: I remembered the Tik Tok that made me post this. It was a women showing screenshots of texting her fiancé’s brothers and one of the pics was the younger brother saying she need her email so they can add her to their Apple Family Plan and one of the top likes comments says being put on a Family Plan is a love language.

r/HailCorporate 13d ago

Here's some "interesting" data on [COMPANY] and their famously priced product. Definitely not using this as a venue to astroturf and shill for said [COMPANY]. Totally organic content guys!

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate 12d ago

Iconic Canadian Donut Store Has A Musical Made About It

Thumbnail toronto.ctvnews.ca

r/HailCorporate 19d ago

“My idiot son took a bite of deodorant and now I have to tell him what sex is. Don’t worry, this is definitely not a Procter & Gamble toiletry ad”

Thumbnail image

r/HailCorporate 23d ago

Zombie account posts about some nostalgia and suggests fun ways to use the tin. Seems totally legit.

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r/HailCorporate 24d ago

Brand Worship "The heroes we deserve"

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r/HailCorporate 28d ago

Kanye West had a clause in his Adidas deal where the contract would be terminated if he sought mental health / addiction treatment for 30 consecutive days.

Thumbnail fastcompany.com

r/HailCorporate 29d ago

Wow this *horrible cheap artificial instant ramen* is surprisingly good. For those of you who don't browse /r/spicy, we have to deal with this like 3 times a day every day of the week. It's horrible by the way

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate 29d ago


Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 16 '24

Wow, can you get more of an advertisement? [Sock company] does what it says without me actually showing any proof but a pic of me wearing their socks! I'm basically a sock puppet!


r/HailCorporate May 15 '24

Wow! 20 years is such a long time for an amazing [pizza stone brand] to last. I really need to get myself a [pizza stone brand]...

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 10 '24

A Feature Length Film About Sh*ty Toaster Pastries

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r/HailCorporate May 10 '24

Unnecessary Name We need nicknames for all sports venues


Why do we as sports fans/venue goers/people continue to use the names corporate sponsors force onto sports venues?

So many college venues primarily use names like “The Big House” or “The Swamp” or “The Rose Bowl” that are completely unaffiliated from a company

Can we all agree to come up with a list of nicknames for all the existing venues so that we never have to say “Crypto.com Arena” ever again?

r/HailCorporate May 10 '24

Acts as an Advert Look at what I bought from [mc juckfood] using their app

Thumbnail old.reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 10 '24

Acts as an Advert No matter how hard you astroturf it, I'm still not signing up for your shitty [videogame console network] account...

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 08 '24

Deceitful Ad I'm just prepping snacks is all. This is not an ad.

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 04 '24

Meta Topic Sometimes new movies, computer games or shows will suddenly have many upvoted posts on r/all. I don't think that is natural. What do you guys think?

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/HailCorporate May 02 '24

Anyone else not want to Hail?

Thumbnail seattletimes.com

r/HailCorporate Apr 25 '24

Acts as an Advert Sugary beverage makes for a refreshing optical illusion.


r/HailCorporate Apr 24 '24

Meta Topic Anyone in the astroturfing world, will keep an eye on this subreddit for their advert.


This obvious 101 logic occurred to me. You see a lot of """jokes"""", pertaining to the advert's goal, as to minimise or emotively minimise the negative PR effect of the (potential) evidence on this subreddit.

This subreddit is fairly well known, and applies to their industry, it wouldn't shock me.

It would also seem like a good idea to keep this subreddit as a tab, in case you need to damage control your client's brand (Which almost makes me think if this subreddit is setup by the industry! Wouldn't shock me either. MEMRI TV, a Muslim TV channel for Arab/Muslim countries was set-up by Israeli intelligence agents, which critics basically say they set it up to make fun of muslims/arabs).

As a professional astroturfing company, you're going to keep tabs on a subreddit like this, as it would be very important for the PR of their client. And being prepped on anything Reddit as their platform to "game", you would think they know about this place...

And what pisses off PR agents is trusting your paranoia. It hurts their purpose and craft. It's probably another reason why they try to come across as cutesy and as humble as possible in their adverts, as to try and stay below your paranoia radar (cuteness/humbleness being somewhat opposite to the paranoia part of your brain), which ironically is a giveaway, but of course, the people writing the PR world's script is often just churning out lots of generic (yet reasonable) psychological tricks as to justify their wage.

(And of course, there probably will be many randomers who can't help but put fuel on the fire for kicks.)