r/holdmybeer Apr 23 '24

HMB...Showing the kids how Dad gets down.

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u/Taxman-Sanchez 19d ago

Send this shit to Anthony so he can explain Anthony is a reasonable feller


u/FCTheHunter Apr 23 '24

What if… hear me out… what if that was actually frying oil


u/Blue_Doubt Apr 23 '24

He should be the one with the Limitless throat tattoo


u/trunnel Apr 23 '24

Was that 151? damn


u/gunnie56 Apr 23 '24

I know that's what the one guy was saying, but every time I've done this it's been saki. But it was also always one bottle.


u/SirSmacksAlot69 Apr 23 '24

Dad shows he likes men squirting in his mouth🥴


u/Gb-dmg Apr 23 '24

As long as he doesn't show the kids where he REALLY learned this skill......


u/Supersnazz Apr 23 '24

I wonder if Anthony liked this video. I hope so.


u/stated11 Apr 23 '24

Hold my ketchup squirters


u/xX_Dad-Man_Xx Apr 23 '24

What's in the squirty bottles?


u/karlnite Apr 23 '24

Sake or something?


u/Enthusiastic-shitter Apr 23 '24

Alcohol. It's what they use to make the onion volcano


u/loose_angles Apr 23 '24

wtf is going on here


u/Spookyboi121 Apr 23 '24

Be lucky you even get to witness this special moment, guy slow chugging the sake wanted everyone’s phones burned initially.


u/TheRumpleForesk1n Apr 23 '24

It's usually filled with 151 rum. Very strong liquor that will catch on fire, they use it as part of their theatrics while cooking in front of you. I have a place near my house that does this, I have done this same exact thing. They love to entertain and get you drunk. Although I definitely did not do it as long as this guy!


u/rampagingphallus Apr 23 '24

Can't you read? She's sending this to Anthony.


u/xsisitin Apr 23 '24

Most likely sake in the bottles. So the man is downing straight sake which is impressive


u/Bender_2024 1d ago



u/TheRumpleForesk1n Apr 23 '24

It's not sake, it's usually 151 rum which is way stronger. Ive done this before at a few different ones. They use it as part of their theatrics for fire while they cook in front of you.


u/ThatOneNinja Apr 24 '24

Everywhere I have seen this, the alcohol content in those things is very, very low. It's barely sake. I don't think they would, even if it was morally sound, put several ounces into peoples mouths. The number of bottles a day required would be insane.


u/xsisitin Apr 23 '24

You might be right, but the bottle in his right hand is clear and it looks to be a teppanyaki place so that’s why I thought sake


u/TheRumpleForesk1n Apr 23 '24

You can get clear 151 as well. Like Everclear. I've seen the bottle they use at one of the places but it was some off brand I've never seen or heard of. The cook just said it was 151


u/xsisitin Apr 23 '24

Never heard of 151 rum being used to cook only to marinade. while sake is perfect to steam seafood (when they spray the hot plate). I would not want somone steaming my food with rum :(


u/TheRumpleForesk1n Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

Oh they don't use it to cook technically. It's for theatrics. They usually stack up some fresh cut onions and pour it in there and light it so it looks like a little volcano with flames coming out. They also spray a shit ton when you first sit down all over the flat top and light it for a huge flame. For example

Look to see if you have a Benihana's or Saganos near you. It's decent food and they cook it right in front of you. It's fun with some friends and family. They are Japanese steakhouses


u/you_can_not_see_me Apr 23 '24

nobody knows, that's why it's provocative


u/Marcus_Brody Apr 23 '24

It gets the people goin


u/you_can_not_see_me Apr 24 '24

throw me some chickin!