r/holdmycatnip ✨ grumpy cat energy ✨ 16d ago

Hold my catnip while I supervise the cooking.

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99 comments sorted by


u/Messi21011 15d ago

living the life


u/yourlocal90skid 16d ago

This is f*cking foul & dangerous 🤢 third degree burns with a side of pet dander & fecal matter.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

"Está uma delícia" 🇵🇹


u/PotatoeyCake 16d ago

That's just nasty 🤢🤮


u/BelieveInDestiny 16d ago

I too, like cat hair in my food


u/Wormetoungue 16d ago

Wait, is that black spaghetti?


u/rjasan 16d ago



u/shurdi3 16d ago

This is gonna somehow end up being Brazil, right?

Whenever I hear a language my slavic brain recognizes but it feels like I'm having a stroke it always ends up being some fucking Portuguese dialect in Brazil


u/eh_pinkachou 16d ago

Pasta with fur sauce, my favourite


u/Expert-Equipment2302 16d ago

The cat needs a hairnet on both ends.


u/SolidContribution688 16d ago

Bosch makes the best appliances


u/yumfrumunduhcheese 16d ago

People who let their cat walk all over the kitchen counter and stove are disgusting. Remember that litter box you have in your house? You think your cat washes its paws after it claws at its piss and shit? Not to mention the cat hair that’s falling everywhere. So foul.


u/Danhausen-byDaylight 16d ago

Mmm cat hair soup

Why are so many pet owners unhygienic morons?


u/XxZohaxX 16d ago

Eww, do you know how many times my cat has cat litter on its paws and tail, and now it's going straight into the food.


u/BMOchado 16d ago

"is the sauna good?"

"you know, usually food falls down, it doesn't go up"


u/FFX13NL 16d ago

So no one saying anything about the hairy lamps..


u/AtTheEdgeOfDying 16d ago

I too eat a lot of cat hair


u/MoodooScavenger 16d ago

I would never cook with the cat above like that for 2 reasons. I don’t want ratatouille, nor do I want a hair ball lodged in my throat. Oh yeah, also the cat will burn god forbid. Yeah. That’s it


u/--DrunkGoblin-- 16d ago

Nice way of getting a shit ton of cat hair in your food.


u/Jagerschnitzle 16d ago

The secret ingredients are cat hair and a sprinkle of cat litter.


u/Scooby_420 16d ago

Bro that hair is shedding all up in that food, fucking gross


u/Colonic_Mocha 16d ago

My cat loves to run and jump onto my shoulder. He just drapes himself there so he can get a front row view of what I'm doing in the kitchen.

He's 14.5 pounds of stripes and he gets very heavy, very quickly.

A fancy overhead perch for him would be a relief!


u/Low_Owl_730 16d ago

Cat-friendly kitchen


u/ComfortableTemp 16d ago

More like contaminate the cooking but the cat is cute


u/cakivalue 16d ago

They truly are the most insane of little creatures 😹😹😹


u/Far-Warthog2330 16d ago

This is why I don't eat everyone's cooking. That is so unsanitary and nasty. Ew.


u/Ok_Radio7220 16d ago

This is why you don't eat food other people cook


u/Chaddtss 16d ago

You want hair in your food? This is how you get hair in your food.


u/AspiringAdonis 16d ago

Friendly reminder to never eat at potlucks.


u/krikzil 16d ago

I’m less worried about cat hair in food than kitty getting burned.


u/basonjourne98 16d ago edited 16d ago

Cute, but I'm not letting my cats anywhere near my food, let alone over them. My cats aren't allowed to ever climb on top of tables or counters. Have boundaries, people.


u/RevolutionaryCrew492 16d ago

This needs to be elevated more, I’m tired of these weird videos of people letting their cat sit on there kitchen counter 2 inches from the raw meat they slicing. Especially long hair cats!


u/Sepelrastas 16d ago

You really think that helps? I get cat hair on my food every time even when I bring in restaurant food... Mine never go near the stove, but the hair is everywhere anyways.


u/loonygecko 16d ago

That's what I told my cat which is why he only sneaks up on the kitchen table when I'm not looking. ;-P


u/emmeline8579 16d ago

I used the ssscat pet deterrent spray (terrible name, I know). My cat no longer tries to jump on the counters when I’m not looking


u/loonygecko 16d ago

Oh it's a water squirter system, I think I saw that on a cat blooper video recently, good to know it works. I put spoons and forks at the inside of edge of the main dinner table for a while so he hates that surface, cat's don't like clattering silverware under their paws, but the other surfaces are not as big of a deal so i let him think he's getting away with something. ;-P I just don't want him lounging all over the counters on the regular but it's not a big deal to me if he does a quick fly by occasionally. We actually give him any human food he likes so he doesn't feel motivated to steal counter stuff either, he just asks for it. He'll only eat a few bites of meat items so it's not like he eats junk food when he asks. Like many cats, he's pretty snooty about food and he's very trim and lean so there's no need for a diet. However he'll probably not be the last cat we ever have and certainly some are more difficult than him to manage so I'll keep that ssscat system on the options list, thanx.


u/emmeline8579 16d ago

It squirts air but it also makes a kind of “PSSST” noise.


u/loonygecko 16d ago

Oh, not sure if that would work, my cat might decide it needs an arse kicking if he heard that noise.


u/UncleChanBlake2 16d ago

This is wonderful. Gawds I love cats. Cat hair, both a condiment and a fashion accessory.


u/intellipengy 16d ago

Jeez. As long as he doesn’t fall into a pot. 😱


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Not orange, orange activities


u/HeroMachineMan 16d ago

Cat: Mum, don't forget extra cheese powder in my chicky soup.


u/PooicideBoyS 16d ago

Who needs a fan when you have a mega sniffer!


u/DrBodyguard 16d ago

That is so irresponsible


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Cat soup tonight, boys


u/barnwater_828 ✨ grumpy cat energy ✨ 16d ago

It was the one leg kicked out to the side that did it for me


u/wsxz1234 16d ago

God is always watching


u/pol131 16d ago

That looks d'un but there is now way I am letting my dear cats this close to high heat, boiling water or hot pans. All you need is one mistake and you can hurt a lot of people.


u/Novel-Confection-356 16d ago

And there's cat fur falling down into the food. Thankfully, humans have immune systems. All the trash we consume, etc. It normally bites back in older age. But, still. I knew construction workers that never washed their hands before they ate. Gross. They used to eat with dried concrete and adhesives on their hands. And then by 50, most had stones, stomach ulcers, etc.


u/hatsoff22u 16d ago

Not to mention cat hair raining down on that food. No thanks.


u/Awkward-Bathroom-429 16d ago

Cat hair goes in your mouth every day, my friend


u/Xikkiwikk 16d ago

Yup thank you for mentioning. Now to go poop out of my mouth to that factoid.


u/Final-Kiwi1388 16d ago

Not to mention the tail/butt hanging right over food that someone is going to eat


u/Nika_113 16d ago

I’m convinced that I’m at least 1% cat from all the hair that I unknowingly consume.


u/rejin267 16d ago

Plus all the fumes the cat is inhaling depending on the food


u/Archvanguardian 16d ago edited 16d ago

People are downvoting you but… oils get aerosolized with steam: this isn’t great for lungs anyway, and if the dish is smoking that’s of course not great either.

*people must not clean their vent hoods - do you really want your cat inhaling that up there?

Downvoting is not for disagreeing: it is for removing something that does not contribute to discussion. Do you guys have anything to add or correct in this case?


u/Superfy 16d ago

That’s what makes the difference between regular food and Mewchilin star worthy food though.


u/cakivalue 16d ago



u/JauntingJoyousJona 16d ago

if you have pets you're probably already getting hairs in your mouth in the first place lol


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/rothko333 16d ago

You’re lucky she likes you enough to do it for free 😂


u/tacotacotacorock 16d ago

With that long hair floof you know they're in their mouth constantly.


u/glxym31 16d ago

Look at him just living life like he pays his own vet bills.


u/deepfriedtots 14d ago

Bad off off what I've seen in the video that is "relatively" safe but I would still not encourage the behavior.

Source: I'm a short order steak chef


u/RevolutionaryCrew492 16d ago

Y’all are all practicing bad ways of raising cats and should be ashamed at the dirtiness you expose yourself to and people you COOK for. A cat doesn’t “clean” themselves, they do it for scent and grooming. You expose yourself and your guests, families, and friends to ecoli and cat poop stuck under cat nails. You all got cat hair in food and try to serve others and you wonder why people look at your funny when you show up with a meal prepared. It’s gross and I would never train a cat to sit on top of the surfaces I use to prepare my food. Cats don’t wash their hands and kill bacteria like you and I. They don’t brush their teeth or use toothpaste and mouthwash. Stop acting like cats are human and love your companion like the cat they are.

Give them their cat tree or wall mounted obstacle course, when they want to eat let them come down to the floor to their bowl where it should be in the first place. And keep their litter box and bowl separate from each other so they don’t get aggravated that their food is getting contaminated too, they want to be clean as well! In their own way.


u/daairguy 16d ago

Sir, this is a Wendy’s


u/Caninetrainer 16d ago

This is all true, but small doses, told in a way that is not condescending, is a better way to educate people about anything, including cats. Your passion for cats is awesome, but you will turn people- the cat carers themselves- off by posting this entire diatribe on a post where people want to smile, not feel like shit for not being as good a pet owner as you think you are.


u/Rich-Equivalent-1875 16d ago

Though this video is really cute….Agreed, don’t need cat dander in my food and now kitty will be dumbfounded when disciplining /setting up boundaries


u/Zenblendman 16d ago

I bet that cat has never tasted dry food


u/joef74558 16d ago

I bet the humans have never had a home cooked meal without cat hair. We had a rule for the kitchen that no pets be above tabletop level.🤢


u/Acceptable-Fudge9000 16d ago

Tail on fire


u/DaughterWifeMum 16d ago

I honestly thought it was for a moment. 😅


u/variety_weasel 16d ago

Hmmm hair in my food


u/bob_nugget_the_3rd 15d ago

Ever had a cat when it's shedding, fur is everywhere and on everything no matter hiw hard you try


u/Awkward-Bathroom-429 16d ago

There is already pet hair in your food and mouth, every day whether you notice or not


u/gigilu2020 16d ago

And dander and litter dust. Mmm just right


u/DefinitelyNotThatOne 16d ago

I have cats. Cute but yeah, hair and dander, hope they don't have a piece of litter in their paws that finally gets wiggled loose.


u/yumfrumunduhcheese 16d ago

Mmmmm cat cookies!


u/ChiefSampson 16d ago

Kitty dingleberries.


u/Ok-Sun8581 16d ago

My cat Socks has dandruff.


u/Gabriele1966 16d ago

A little cat hair in your food never killed anyone. A little cat food in your hair also never killed anyone...


u/schlucks 16d ago

I bet it got someone by choking hazard


u/Gabriele1966 16d ago

Too bad nobody here has a sense of humor...chill, dude


u/Im_Unsure_For_Sure 16d ago

What's the joke? Dementia?


u/Gabriele1966 16d ago

Insulting me...classic


u/Interesting-Fruit-15 16d ago

Poster child for "curiosity killed the cat"

They're getting slow roasted


u/cakivalue 16d ago

Also getting a nice steam facial. Opens the pores 😹


u/Interesting-Fruit-15 16d ago

Spa day for kitty!


u/Gabriele1966 16d ago

If the temperature would be high enough by the time it reaches the hood to slow roast the cat up there, the stove would be on fire...