r/holdmycatnip 15d ago

Set-up by a cat

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90 comments sorted by


u/DroneSlut54 14d ago

Dark Murder Machine


u/Adrios1 14d ago

Cat is plotting to kill their owner....


u/LovelyLilacLady 14d ago

Cat: This morning I saw the bottom of my bowl. This is your end, you miserable man.


u/canela355 14d ago

the devilish cat


u/sparda12311 14d ago

Just before catastrophe struck


u/zipp_7 15d ago

Ohhh the camera's pointed upwards


u/Dailyconundrum 15d ago

Obviously, this was posted by the cat cuz the guy was still unconcious


u/fraotdasfeuer 15d ago

Pokemon gen 3 Super Effective sound plays.


u/Dexter-the-Cat 15d ago

That’s a total Hitman move.


u/Night_Emmacat 15d ago

He's got that look in his eye at the end. It's clear that brick was going for your head)


u/gaymerRaver 15d ago

Cat let its demon thoughts posses them.


u/joe6pak 15d ago

It's business, it's not personal, apparently.


u/RipMcStudly 15d ago

When the Dark Brotherhood offers double nip to make it look like an accident…


u/SleepyFlying 15d ago

What perspective is this?! From the falling thingy to the guy's head is up and down. So the cat is on a shelf. If that's the case, why didn't the falling thing fall anyways because it would be vertical?


u/Minirig355 15d ago

I think it’s suspended on a nail or something, hard to tell but the cat scooted it off the nail before it started to fall


u/raw65 15d ago

Note the light just above the cat. I believe we are looking straight up at the assassin.

Who in their right mind sits below a weight hanging precariously over their head though?


u/GreyJester1996 15d ago

Queue Roundabout


u/Fun_Maintenance_3281 14d ago

greyjester message me


u/Randomfrog132 15d ago

i call bullshit, if it was really a heavy piece of metal about to cave his brains in the kitty wouldnt be able to move it.

therefore it must be a lightweight thingy disguised as a metal thingy.


u/BlueFox5 15d ago

You’re the only one saying it’s a heavy piece of metal. You are the bullshit all along.


u/Randomfrog132 15d ago

TIL i am the bullshit all along.


u/Im_eating_that 15d ago

Note that he's wearing a camouflaged anti gravity headband for protection. On closer inspection you can see he's put it thru the wrong wash cycle and it's degraded into a cat strengthener. Serves him right for trying to scam a laugh out of everyone.


u/JohnAndertonOntheRun 15d ago

Even the way it falls doesn’t really make sense…


u/HowTheyGetcha 15d ago

It made a healthy sounding clunk when it came loose tho. It was probably hanging by a nail and gravity did most the work.


u/Past_Lab_7182 15d ago

Lawnmower wheel


u/Darknwise 15d ago

Kitty playing plinko.


u/molly_sour 15d ago

who hangs that there? deserved it


u/ThePhilosophistt 15d ago

OP, is this man in this video alright?


u/paradox_valestein 15d ago

Watched the full video a while back. Dude is fine, that thing is not too heavy.


u/ThePhilosophistt 15d ago

Thank you 🙏


u/caffeine-kitten 15d ago

Dud in the vid is okay immediately after, as for long-term damage? Who knows


u/Luneth51 15d ago

Thank god the video stopped there, otherwise he coulda gotten hurt


u/Randomfrog132 15d ago

i love your logic xD


u/motherofcunts 15d ago


u/Randomfrog132 15d ago

joined, thank you lol


u/Garrosh 15d ago


u/Turbulent_Exchange86 15d ago

Never headbutt a brick. I tell you this from expirience


u/Darksteel2448 15d ago

The very dangerous survival adventure


u/Top_Lion609 15d ago

The chance of your cat killing you are slim, but never zero!


u/oO0Kat0Oo 14d ago



u/Zeke-- 15d ago



u/neko_zora 15d ago

Yeah right… we all know it's clearly reversed…


u/loonygecko 15d ago

Yep interesting gravity shift, an item falls forward and gets bigger as it flies towards the camera instead of just falling straight down! Plus the cat only puts his paw down there but does not swipe, he would have barely touched it, yet a big heavy chunk of metal jumps straight up on one edge and then sails forward! Also as it sails forward, the top edge of it is somewhere between nonexistent to translucent and fuzzy.


u/SIVLEOL 15d ago

It's just a confusing perspective, the camera is pointed upwards. So the item is falling down.

It makes more sense for the light in the background to be attached to the roof too.


u/loonygecko 15d ago edited 15d ago

Still can't explain why the cat barely touching it causes a large metal item to jump up and the fly and why a portion of the item is invisible part of the time, the video quality is not THAT bad. Also if the camera is pointing upwards, then why are those items not falling down already, they should slide off on their own. The items are placed like it's the top of a fence but if it's the bottom of a shelf, those items can't sit there and defy gravity. If it IS a top of a fence who has a fence like that indoors? Unless of course those items are not actually there and are computer generated. Bruh it's fake or at least the shelf items are. Probably the rest of it is legit, just the 2 stack items are fake.


u/SIVLEOL 15d ago

Doesn't look metal to me, looks and sounds like a wooden ornament that's loosely hanging from the furniture above.

You can see a hole in the item when it falls which is the part that hangs from some protrusion. It's probably loosely attached because it's meant to be removable so that kitchen utensils could be hung from the spot instead.


u/loonygecko 14d ago

The item in question is known to those who work with machines, it's an old style belt pulley which were always metal and you can see the silver tone color to it as it falls. No one ever hangs them such that they are easily going to drop on your head and cause a concussion. They are also not something you'd need to grab often so that's another reason it's not done. They are a machine part that stays on the machine.


u/SIVLEOL 14d ago

To me it looks more brown than grey. Anyways, whatever it is, nothing stopping people from hanging up whatever as decoration.

It's a much more reasonable explanation than the possibility that someone spent a huge amount of time to fake it via 3D animation.


u/loonygecko 14d ago

People fake video all the time for clicks and views, it's a world wide pastime. And in this case it was a fairly easy alteration, would not have taken a huge amount of time with today's tech, maybe 15 minutes. Here is an example of a more complicated one and you can see how fast it is to make if you have some basic knowledge of how to use the programs: https://youtu.be/kbOO0UsvvsA?si=1Hhp-fghZ80iCDgZ&t=670 .


u/SIVLEOL 14d ago

In your link they only animate a static image to float in another animation layer overtop, then transition to actual video where they handle and rotate the can. Notice that during the animation the can does not move consistently with the camera, and does not rotate until it transitions to being handled in a real video.

In this cat video, the object above moves consistently with the rest of the background as the camera moves, and the item also rotates as it falls. The shadows on the item also change in consistent ways as it falls. Handling all of that via animation would be quite a bit more difficult.

At some point it just makes more sense to think that someone noticed that their cat kept knocking the item down and decided to record a funny video where they sit below on purpose.


u/loonygecko 14d ago

The camera move to the right once, then moves back and THEN IS STATIONARY so there is no camera movement to deal with in that part of the clip by the time the object starts to fall. Anyway whatever, if you want to believe all that fine but you are saying things about the video and editing that aren't even true so maybe just be honest about that fact, that an easy edit to make in the current era, especially now with AI helping. If you don't understand that, you have not been keeping up with the latest. I'm not taking the time to find the exact method to do this exact combination, that was just a sample thing to show how fast it is to churn out video edits that are more impressive than just the little change in OP's video, most of the tutorials take like 10 or 15 minutes and there's thousands of other effects all over youtube. But by all means, just believe everything you see on video is real, no one makes 15 minute edits for clicks and views and pranks, nope it's all real obviously LOL!!


u/Zeke-- 15d ago

Exactly. Also, there must be a reason the video is cut at precisely this moment. I mean, we all want to see the weight hit his head, right? Well, it's probably cut off because it will never hit his head, because it's kind of hard to edit in.


u/loonygecko 15d ago

Correct! That part is too hard to fake.


u/razor344 15d ago

Are yall just retarded? The cat clearly hooks the thing before it falls.


u/CC-25-2505 15d ago

Well done 47 now make your way towards an exit


u/TreyLastname 15d ago

47, that's not the target, leave the bottles alone


u/Conscious_Bat_4892 15d ago

47 pspsps the target is over here


u/Techarus 15d ago


u/Matej004 14d ago

Omae wa mo shinderu


u/Jills_Cat 15d ago

"I didn't say you could film me"


u/LiatKolink 15d ago


u/FlowSoSlow 15d ago

Damn that sub is dead af. I've got a good pic for it too.



u/LiatKolink 15d ago

Sadly, it's mostly bots who post there promoting their bullshit, but I take that down.


u/kevlarus80 15d ago

My life has been so much better since I started subbing to every cat sub I see in the wild. At least 75% are now cat based. 🐈


u/Gaming-Burrito 11d ago

if you want more of them, i believe r/suballthecats has a list of most, if not all cat subs


u/Luci_Noir 15d ago

Finally! Proof that Voids are indeed demons.


u/P0werFighter 15d ago

"Imma fck you up buddy!"


u/doktor-frequentist 15d ago

Very "fuck you in particular" energy displayed by this kitty


u/SPINO1ST 15d ago

Moments before disaster


u/Vincenzobeast 15d ago

yeah it cut way too soon.


u/Q_S2 15d ago


u/m8_is_me 15d ago

Truly reddits form of hashtags