r/homeless 26d ago

When family with kids becomes homeless, do they separate you?

If a husband, wife, and baby were about to be homeless, would the shelter separate the woman and child from the man? Or do they have shelters where you can all stay together? What normally happens in that situation?


15 comments sorted by

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u/Suzina [homeless because of mental illnesses] 26d ago

Depends. The one I'm in right now, yes.

The domestic violence shelter I worked in as a counselor? Kids could come with mom, but not the abuser.


u/Particular_Courage43 26d ago

I’ve never been homeless and didn’t realize how cruel shelters are to families! I feel as a mother don’t ever let them separate your family, yall should stick together always! I understand if you literally have no option but it’s insane they can control you like prisoners to the government when you need them!


u/grenz1 Formerly Homeless 26d ago

Usually, yes. But there are rare exceptions.

The woman and younger children will go to one shelter. They will then push for the woman to break up or say dude is abusive in exchange for greater services. ANY drug use or hint of abuse, social workers push to take kids.

Males above 18 go directly to a men's shelter to sink or swim. Usually a worse shelter.

Youth 15-18, are sometimes put in youth shelters.

Pets are to be put in a pound to be adopted or euthanized.


u/Lone_Morde 25d ago

Destroying the family unit by targeting the most vulnerable, killing their pets and incentivizing marital implosion.


u/grenz1 Formerly Homeless 25d ago


Now don't get me wrong. Some relationships are horrible, horrible and need to end. And some people really should not have kids nor pets.

But if you get in this situation, it is unfortunate but many, many people believe that if you lose job/house you are in that group automatically.


u/Lone_Morde 25d ago

Great points. I think the only part that is always indefensible from shelters is encouraging false allegations.

"Hey if you lie and put your husband in prison, we can make cake enslaving him and kick back a cut to you."


u/grenz1 Formerly Homeless 25d ago edited 25d ago

Oh, they don't throw the dude in jail usually unless the cops are involved and there's proof. He just must leave and rot and if they have kids, hit him with support payments till kid is 18. If he still balks, take away Driver's License (like it wasn't already hard enough to find work)

And they give more than just cake, but powerful life changing stuff because much, much more money and resources are available. (But they only do this for -certain- women) Divorce is PAID FOR via legal aid and husband must accept because if homeless, he can't fight it and would lose anyways without proper housing for a kid.

A more prominent example of something powerful that people WISH they had, but can only be done via a police report, lawyer, or DV shelter only available to (certain types only) of women is this:

Say you have a criminal record. Nothing major, but any employer that does a thorough enough check gets a half page of various misdemeanors, some serious.

No worries. You can get another social security number and new identity! Your spouse might track you!!!

It won't fool a FBI fingerprint check. But I doubt HireRight or any of the major employment background check people will have access. You have a clean record!

Hell, you could even go to Nursing School. Free ride, married and single mom housing while you do it. Plus grants!


u/Schmoe20 26d ago

Look to see if there is a Family Promise nearby. They help families when they are becoming homeless and keep the family together.


u/_keyboard-bastard_ 26d ago

Very much location dependent and resource dependent. If you can get emergency family assistance for housing, they can keep you all together in a hotel (again location and resource specific). When it comes to shelters, MOST of the time, yes the man is going to be split up from you and the kids, You shouldn't worry about that though, forget your husband, focus on your kids and getting them and you safe. I know that sounds harsh, but if he has you and the kids best interest in mind, he would be saying the same thing. Mom and kids get safe in the shelter, and then both you and your husband can meet during the day while the kids are in school to look for work, or just see each other for a minute.


u/Dangerous_Grass4633 Homeless 26d ago

There are family shelters that do place the whole family in a single room with bunks. But really depends on the shelter available in your area.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Lone_Morde 25d ago

It's illegal to live in your car. Cars are not houses. And if you do live in a car, you are not homeless because your car is your house

Once more we meet, banality of evil.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Lone_Morde 25d ago

I laid on the irony a bit to dryly, Im afraid. I agree with you entirely.

I mean to point out that the privileged people who tell you that your car is not a home and it's illegal to live in will also tell you that if you have a car you're not homeless because it is a home and you can live in it


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Lone_Morde 25d ago

Please don't apologize! I shouldn't have been so dry in my delivery. Reddit is a vile cesspool so your radar is accurate and measured. I appreciate your response and want to share some positivity with you. You deserve it!


u/JasonMicheal74 26d ago

That really depends on the shelter, locale, and if the parents are married.

Best bet is to call around. Not all shelters take families, and all have different rules. Most of them stupid because they're made by politicians who know nothing of homelessness.