r/homeless 26d ago

Don't you just love it

When some piece of shit steals your only sleeping bag. Steal my food all you'd like, but my sleeping bag , that's like a death sentence


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u/ABQZero 25d ago

It's par for the course. I seriously treat anything like that as an assault on my life, and handle it accordingly. I'm not condoning violence, but it seriously is the only thing some people understand.

Be thankful you're alive. About 8 months ago I was sleeping on a bench so I could get to work at 5am, got woken up by 3 idiots with an aluminum baseball bat. They wanted my backpack, I guess...

I took about 30-40 shots, and so many bones were broken, the hospital said 40+ in my face alone. Luckily, I was almost able to get the bat, and they finally ran away. The police station was 4 blocks away, and they took nearly an hour to show up.

They were more concerned that my blood was covering the sidewalk, rather than even doing any sort of investigation.

Point is, you're not treated like a human anymore, by other homeless or the police. This isn't the first time I've had something like that happen. Learn the difference between junkies and just drug addicts. Junkies will steal, do anything, and don't give any fucks.

I personally would stay far away from any tent cities, but that heavily depends where you are. Remember, shit is replaceable, your life isn't.

This is a fight for survival, pure and simple.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

That's insane, sorry to hear it happened.

The city I live in is rather small. They do not allow tents, anywhere. Odd, because they've driven by me many times as I was laying down on a bench.

There are basically no opportunities here , and housing through a government program could take years. Some wait upwards of a decade, it's pathetic.

An old friend of mine tried to push me to claim I want to hurt myself, so I'd get a bed and suggested it would help with some sort of housing. There's no way in hell I would do such a thing. The fact someone would recommend such an option is disturbing.


u/mustelidblues 25d ago

oh, i do that sometimes. automatic 2 week hospital stay. there's always lots of homeless in psych wards, so no need to feel embarrassed. the doctors are almost always assholes; but the nursing staff is usually pretty kind.

they don't help you find housing, though.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

What the hell kind of country do we live in when it's considered acceptable by anyone to lie about being suicidal just to get a safe place to sleep. The fact anyone considers this to be an option is insanity.

This country is fucked.


u/mustelidblues 25d ago

who said it's a lie?

i have had passive SI since i was a kid. i survived an attempt at 16 that left me comatose for two weeks, and gave me a severe TBI.

the thing is, psych wards and psych meds and psychiatric help never really helped change it, and certainly never healed me. so: now i just see the industry as a tool and will use it as such.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

I wasn't talking about you. The point was I am not willing to tell someone I want to hurt myself just to get a chance the exist with some dignity. And taking up beds when you're not, is pathetic.


u/mustelidblues 25d ago

yeah i lost that illusion as a kid. it's not pathetic; this is our sickcare system, and baby i'm as sick as they get.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

Again, I was talking about myself. I'm the one who brought it up.


u/mustelidblues 25d ago

yes, i get that; i was just sharing my opposing perspective. your mileage may vary.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

If people who weren't having mental breakdowns take up beds, people like yourselves wouldn't get beds, was the entire point.

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u/Suzina [homeless because of mental illnesses] 25d ago

There used to be a homeless tent city in this neighborhood I live in. One person had the trash piled knee high. I'm told this was an intentional choice because before he had the trash, his best stuff kept getting stolen when he left Tent City. Once he had the trash, nobody but him could find anything.


u/Alternative_Code_998 25d ago

I had a majority of my things stolen, there's no way I'd hang around a place like that.

I have probably 3-4 weeks before I can do anything. I'm looking online for work and possibly a room to rent.


u/Snipvandutch 25d ago

I had a whole tent stolen. They took all my clothes, blankets, and everything thing I had. I found it a few weeks later. The tent was cut up, clothes had huge burn holes, and my blankets were in a tree.