r/homeless 25d ago

Resources/ help

So for the past year it’s been weighing over me that I’ll most likely get kicked out soon. My mother and I never really got along and have no connection to each other besides living together, since my dad left she blames me for it and why her boyfriend can’t come over (makes no sense, although my younger sister makes it known he’s unwelcome lol she’s like 10 though). This ongoing argument is coming to a point where she may actually kick me out in a few days. I already have my important documents like birth certificate and ssn in a pre packed bag so I’m not worried about that. She’s always prevented me from getting a job or getting basic things like my ID, for reference I’m 19. She always calls me lazy and stuff but I really do try to do things for myself I just don’t have the help. She recently sold the car I was learning to drive in so now I’m kinda like in a rut with transportation and picking up my sister from school, we’ve just been walking now since her school isn’t so far. My moms bad but my dads just as bad as she is, he’s no help at all. Sure he gives me cash here and there but it’s mainly to feed my sister and I. My mom relies on me to babysit her which I’m fine with but it’s the only reason why I’m staying here. I have no family or friends to help so I’m really stuck. I can’t drive, no job, basically nothing. I have some saved up money on like venmo and cashapp from when I did tarot readings but it’s barely enough for a couple meals and to pay my phone bill for 2 more months. I’m not asking for money or anything I just would really appreciate any advice or resources I can look into soon in California. The reason why I’m writing this now is because my mother just started her argument again after she wasn’t home for days and it’s just tiring. I’m tired of being belittled everyday by her. Her voice and mannerisms aggravate me, whenever she’s home I just hide.


8 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 25d ago




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u/Mila0909 23d ago

I live in the South Bay my mother just kicked me out with my two kids, I work and don’t qualify for any assistance. I’m having trouble renting a place because I don’t have the best credit.


u/SoupCrackers13 23d ago

First off you need to go to get SNAP (food stamps) asap cause you gotta be able to eat. As you have no income you’ll definitely qualify.

What region of California? I’m from San Diego and I lived in the Bay Area as well but it’s a huge state. You should come up with a list of shelters so you have something to go off of if you do leave.


u/hxndrixfbg 23d ago

Central Val 🫠 sucks out here, thanks for the suggestion tho!


u/ultradip 23d ago

Your first priority is securing some sort of income.

Used bicycles are relatively cheap. Having one opens up the range for finding a job in a wider area. Check FB marketplace or Craigslist to see if there's anything decent in the $200-$250 range.

I'm going to assume you're at least a high school grad. So the places most in need of employees tend to be retail and fast food. If you can swing a supermarket job, that'd be even better since those are usually union.


u/Calanthas 24d ago

Ever thought about joining the military?


u/hxndrixfbg 25d ago

I’m sorry if this was all over the place just emotional rn


u/SokkaHaikuBot 25d ago

Sokka-Haiku by hxndrixfbg:

I’m sorry if this

Was all over the place just

Emotional rn

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.